440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 2, 1999 01:59 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Received letter from Syed on communication practices.

2...Doctor Objects to Clicking on Links for Web Mail
3...Patient "Charts" Need to Manage Information from Patient
4...Message Center is Voice Mail with Record of Call Posted to Chart
5...Welch Method Improves Communications, Pretty Neat
6...Leadership Push, Pull, Prod, Wait, Try Again, Avoid Alienation
7...Knee Treatment Review Still Pending, Sylvia, Jeanne Following Up

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0201 - Kaiser Permanente - Shadelands       925 906 2200
020101 - Walnut Creek, CA
020102 - Dr. Syed E. Naqvi, M.D.; Physician
020103 - Primary Care =925 206 2040

Medical, Kaiser
Exam 990625 Knee, Physical, Prostrate Cancer
Exam 990628 Physical, Prostrate Cancer
Policy Procedures on Communication
Sel -evident Benefits iser Com Metrics Pretty Neat
Sel -evident Cost Savings ick Links Objectionable, Takes Time
Leadership Overcomes Resistance to Comm Metrics
Leadership Overcomes Resistance to New Methods to Avoid Future Danger
Bumbling Sunhine Profits Buy-off ice Mail
Message Centers Error Pronem, Awkward

2113 -
2113 -    ..
2114 - Summary/Objective
2115 -
211501 - Follow up ref SDS 54 0000, ref SDS 52 0000.
211502 -
211503 - Syed advised he wants patients to use the Message Center so the chart
211504 - can be updated.  Jeanne Bradley noticed that Syed has not addressed
211505 - pending issues.  She feels the Welch communication method works well
211506 - and that Kaiser's patient medical chart can be posted with notice of a
211507 - letter, as well as for a phone call.  Sylvia seems to be still
211508 - following up on my knee situation.  Jeanne will call Syed to ask him
211509 - about following up, as well.
211510 -
211511 -     [On 990808 Syed followed up. ref SDS 56 6781]
211512 -
211513 -     [On 991130 Jeanne submitted corrections. ref SDS 68 0899]
211514 -
211515 -
211516 -  ..
2116 -
2117 -
2118 - Progress
2119 -
211901 -  ..
211902 - Doctor Objects to Clicking on Links for Web Mail
211903 - Patient "Charts" Need to Manage Information from Patient
211904 -
211905 - Received ref DRT 1 from Doctor Syed Naqvi responding to my letter at
211906 - ref DIP 6 sent on 990731, ref SDS 54 0001, asking about progress on
211907 - Kaiser's review of knee treatments based on the letter, ref DIP 5, to
211908 - Sylvia on 990722. ref SDS 52 0001
211909 -
211910 - This letter is about communication processes, rather than patient
211911 - care, here knee treatment review.
211912 -
211913 - Syed wants email sent to him directly. ref DRT 1 4550
211914 -
211915 -     This may mean he cannot access links, the problem Sylvia had that
211916 -     we were trying to resolve with Erick on 990706. ref SDS 45 3135
211917 -     ..
211918 -     Or, it may mean he objects to clicking on links, as Morris
211919 -     expressed on 990712. ref SDS 47 5837
211920 -
211921 -     Below medical administration cites advantages of Welch Methods.
211922 -     using web mail. ref SDS 0 0406
211923 -
211924 -     [On 990813 Syed prefers conventional email and printed mail,
211925 -     rather than receive medical intelligence delivered via Internet.
211926 -     ref SDS 57 1254]
211927 -
211928 -     [On 990910 Doctor Craig Boulris objects to web mail without ever
211929 -     having seen it. ref SDS 61 9130]
211930 -
211931 - ..
211932 - Syed prefers to get information through Kaiser's message center
211933 - so communications become part of chart entries.   He says that Kaiser
211934 - is NOT set up to include electronic mesagges in patient charts and
211935 - that can create alot of problems. ref DRT 1 2058
211936 -
211937 - This reflects Doctor Sylvia Connolly's preference on 990625.
211938 - ref SDS 41 1846
211939 -
211940 -     [Below, correspondence from patient can be posted to patient
211941 -     charts. ref SDS 0 4620]
211942 -
211943 -     [On 991021 Doctor Ross Armstrong, Kaiser's Chief of Internal
211944 -     Medicine, reported that it is unusual for doctors to use email.
211945 -     ref SDS 67 6808]
211946 - ..
211947 - Our objective is to implement Kaiser's Healthwise Handbook
211948 - guidelines for doctor/patient care, reviewed on 990625. ref SDS 41
211949 - 0806
211950 -
211951 -     [On 990808 Syed had reviewed medical history. ref SDS 56 6781]
211952 -
211953 - Communication needs to be clear, concise and complete.
211954 -
211955 -     [On 990813 Syed prefers conventional mail. ref SDS 57 1254]
211956 -
211957 -     [On 990829 no record communication on transmitting medical history
211958 -     to Doctor Craig Boulris. ref SDS 58 7387
211959 -
211960 -     [On 990907 no record communication on transmitting medical history
211961 -     to Doctor Craig Boulris. ref SDS 59 1080]
211962 -
211963 -     [On 990910 communication failed on meeting with Doctor Craig
211964 -     Boulris. ref SDS 61 3038]
211965 -
211966 -
211967 -
211968 -  ..
211969 - Message Center is Voice Mail with Record of Call Posted to Chart
211970 -
2120 -
2121 -
2122 - 1436 called Jeanne
2123 -
212301 - Asked about what Syed might mean by "...getting information through
212302 - the message center," per above. ref SDS 0 4293
212303 -
212304 - Jeanne said the Message Center is also called the "Call Center."
212305 -
212306 - It works as follows...
212307 -
212308 -     People call a Kaiser Clinic, like Park Shadelands, and are
212309 -     connected to the Call Center.
212310 -     ..
212311 -     They talk to a representative, who jots down what seems to
212312 -     be important, and a record of the call is entered in the patient
212313 -     medical chart.
212314 -
212315 - Jeanne said these messages typically comprise a note to the doctor to
212316 - call the patient, and can include details on particular symptoms
212317 - which can be entered in Kaiser's computer data base system.
212318 - ..
212319 - Transcribing verbal expressions accurately is very difficult and
212320 - time consuming for everyone, the doctor, the voice mail clerk, and the
212321 - customer, the patient.  This presents liability issues which restrain
212322 - transcription, and invite duplication that wastes time.
212323 -
212324 - Even if voice mail could be accurately transcribed, there is no
212325 - alignment, nor links to relevant medical history.
212326 -
212327 -     [On 990924 Mark Mangrai advised that Patient Assistance suggests
212328 -     greater reliance on phone messages. ref SDS 65 2479]
212329 -
212330 -
212331 -  ..
212332 - Welch Method Improves Communications, Pretty Neat
212333 - Leadership Push, Pull, Prod, Wait, Try Again, Avoid Alienation
212334 -
212335 - While we talked, Jeanne said she opened the letter on the Internet
212336 - that I sent to Doctor Syed Naqvi. ref DIP 6 5841
212337 -
212338 - She read through and clicked on the link to Synvisc treatment for
212339 - knee arthritis.
212340 -
212341 - Jeanne said this information should be reviewed by Doctor Naqvi, as
212342 - the primary care physician.
212343 - ..
212344 - She said the letters I am sending are pretty neat, because
212345 - backup information is readily available by clicking on links.  Jeanne
212346 - said this saves a lot of time, storage space, and frustration dealing
212347 - with documents that get mixed up and misplaced, which is a big problem
212348 - in the business community due to information overload.
212349 -
212350 - Jeanne's appreciation of Com Metrics reflects comments on 981104,
212351 - ref SDS 32 4320, and supports idea on 990726 to use experience for
212352 - explaining Communication Metrics. ref SDS 53 7120
212353 -
212354 -     [On 990910 mistakes during medical exam. ref SDS 61 3038]
212355 -
212356 -     [On 990912 article published on High Cost of Medical Mistakes.
212357 -     ref SDS 62 0001]
212358 -
212359 -     [On 991130 received correction from Jeanne. ref SDS 68 5112]
212360 -
212361 -     [On 000116 Jeanne clarified that links are overwhelming.
212362 -     ref SDS 69 3128]
212363 - ..
212364 - On 940728 Doctor Kory Zipperstein in Kaiser's San Francisco
212365 - Dermatology Department commented on the benefit of Com Metrics for
212366 - improving medical practice. ref SDS 13 0001
212367 -
212368 -     [On 990907 Dave Vannier at Intel says web mail supports claims for
212369 -     Com Metrics of improved productivity. ref SDS 60 0149]
212370 -
212371 -     [On 990928 Mark Mangrai, Kaiser Patient Assistant, discovered that
212372 -     Com Metrics on the Internet is pretty neat. ref SDS 66 2501]
212373 - ..
212374 - Today, we considered a process for entering in the patient chart
212375 - a record of receiving information via email, that would be comparable
212376 - to the Call Center record Kaiser is now capturing.
212377 -
212378 - Jeanne feels this should work and it would improve the process.
212379 - ..
212380 - She said the Welch method is a very different from what they are
212381 - doing, but it is obviously helpful.  She was a bit frustrated by
212382 - resistance and the idea of reverting to the Call Center, proposed by
212383 - Syed, per above. ref SDS 0 4293
212384 -
212385 - I explained that we cannot push people too hard, too fast, without
212386 - risking alienation, reported on 920128. ref SDS 3 1199
212387 -
212388 - Critical ingredient is leadership, per 970703. ref SDS 24 9603
212389 -
212390 - Leadership gives people faith to experience new methods without fully
212391 - understanding how they work, as explained by Dr. Landauer on 960624.
212392 - ref SDS 20 1037
212393 -
212394 - We have to push, pull, prod, wait..., and try again to get people to
212395 - experience a better method, cited in POIMS, ref OF 3 8556, reviewed on
212396 - 990726. ref SDS 53 7120  Only experience working with a better method,
212397 - can overcome the desire to work in familiar ways on familar things, as
212398 - Andy Grove notes in his book "Only the Paranoid Survive," writing
212399 - about managing Intel, the giant computer company, reviewed on 980307.
212400 - ref SDS 29 2680
212401 -
212402 -  ..
212403 -     [On 990803 Palanza reviewed accountability. ref SDS 55 0306]
212404 -
212405 - Jeanne said I am a very smart man.... similar to USACE counsel saying
212406 - on 990303 that my memory is better than most. ref SDS 33 9499
212407 -
212408 - I demurred, noting I am not really very smart but, I have a lot of
212409 - "intelligence" backing me up. ref OF 3 0582  We are trying to help
212410 - other people use "intelligence," which at first seems funny and alien
212411 - to most people, as reported on 990713. ref SDS 49 1767
212412 -
212413 -     [On 990915 Jeanne supports Com Metrics. ref SDS 63 4988]
212414 -
212415 -     [On 990924 sent letter to reporter explaining cause and solution
212416 -     to avoid high cost of medical mistakes. ref SDS 64 0001]
212417 -
212418 -
212419 -
212420 -
2125 -

Examination Shows Problem on 990625
Exam 990625 Knee, Physical, Prostrate Cancer

2405 -
240501 -  ..
240502 - Knee Treatment Review Still Pending, Sylvia, Jeanne Following Up
240503 -
240504 - Jeanne noticed from Syed's letter that he does not report progress on
240505 - knee treatment review, ref DRT 1 4550, and does not indicate having
240506 - submitted information about Synvisc, which is one of the new knee
240507 - treatments to be considered by Kaiser's orthopedic review team, as set
240508 - out in my letter. ref DIP 6 5841
240509 -
240510 - She said she saw Doctor Connolly this morning.  Sylvia was upset
240511 - because the ortho people have not responded to her request for an
240512 - opinion on my situation.
240513 -
240514 -     [On 990808 Syed followed up. ref SDS 56 6781]
240515 -
240516 -     [On 990910 met with Craig Boulris in ortho dep. ref SDS 61 7388]
240517 -
240518 -     [On 990915 notified Sylvia that meeting with ortho occurred.
240519 -     ref SDS 63 0001]
240520 - ..
240521 - This sort of indicates that our communication efforts are
240522 - getting through in some manner, for a doctor to make this kind of
240523 - comment out of the blue to an admin manager.
240524 -
240525 - I explained my understanding that Syed is handling this now, per the
240526 - letter to Sylvia on 990722, ref DIP 5 0451, and to Syed on 990731...
240527 - ref DIP 6 5841
240528 -
240529 - Jeanne said that is right, but evidently Sylvia is also following up.
240530 -
240531 - Jeanne will call Syed and say that she noticed his letter does not
240532 - address the questions in my letter, and ask if he saw any of the
240533 - linked material?
240534 -
240535 - She will let me know the results.
240536 -
240537 -     [On 990808 Syed followed up. ref SDS 56 6781]
240538 -
240539 -
240540 -
240541 -
240542 -
2406 -
2407 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"