440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 28, 1992 05:10:08 PM T ay Rod;
Rod Welch
Meeting with DNRC Director on POIMS article.
2...Crows Nest Enables Intelligence Like SDS that Sees Far Ahead
3...Making Waves to Sound Alert Without Causing Mutiney
4...Feel Good Management Gets Mad about Warnings from Crows Nest
5...Navigating Conflict between Current and New Realities
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0201 - Dep Natrl Rscrs & Consvn
020101 - Ms. Karen Barclay; Director
SDS Theory/POIMS, DNRC use of SDS
Broadwater project management evaluation
Communication Engineer, "Crow's Nest" Analogy
Feel Good Management - Social Constraints
Leadership Vision Avoids Danger Beyond Horizon
Psycyologically Burdenson Metrics Accountability
Leadership Overcomes Resistance to New Methods to Avoid Future Danger
Leadership Vision Change Course Avoid Danger Beyond Horizon
Crows Nest SDS for Com Metrics Like Lookout Who Sees Danger Beyond th
Waves SDS Notifies Future Dangers Avoid Making Crew Seasick Mutiny
Risk Management Proactive Prevent Problems Using SDS for Intelligence
2513 -
2513 - ..
2514 - Summary/Objective
2515 -
251501 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000.
251502 -
251503 - Stopped by the Director's office to follow up on the letter submitted
251504 - to the Director on 911214. ref DIP 3 0000.
251506 - ..
251507 - We discussed Karen's review of POIMS technology in connection with
251508 - Wayne's general consideration of ideas to improve DNRC management per
251509 - ref SDS 2 - 4. I explained that implementation would entail getting a
251510 - PC for Wayne and Walt and that it should include Sarah because she
251511 - functions as a project coordinator. Success will require leadership;
251512 - merely providing the tools will not suffice; we have to show the way
251513 - through the fog of uncertainty endemic to mean- ingful change.
251515 - ..
251516 - Karen feels that after her wedding, when she returns to the office in
251517 - March, would be a good time for a serious meeting on this.
251518 -
251519 -
251521 - ..
251522 - Crows Nest Enables Intelligence Like SDS that Sees Far Ahead
251523 - Making Waves to Sound Alert Without Causing Mutiney
251524 - Feel Good Management Gets Mad about Warnings from Crows Nest
251525 - Navigating Conflict between Current and New Realities
251526 -
251527 - We discussed the Broadwater project. I mentioned Wayne's analogy on
251528 - 920110 of using SDS to make waves that keep people alert, without
251529 - getting everyone seasick, ref SDS 10 4839.
251531 - ..
251532 - SDS is like a "Lookout" in the Crow's Nest calling out a course to
251533 - avoid rough seas ahead. The crew on deck below, are tired having been
251534 - at sea for months, and so do not want to change course because it will
251535 - take longer to reach port, where wine, women and song await. They
251536 - want to cut down the mast to avoid changing course, because they do
251537 - not want to hear what they cannot see, under the common rule "seeing
251538 - is believing," so anything else is unnecessary overkill. Cultural
251539 - fear that lacks faith in using intelligence to understand looming
251540 - problems, causes the Captain to steer between reality and belief,
251541 - hoping the crew will believe in the broader view in time to avoid the
251542 - full fury of the sea that lies ahead.
251544 - ..
251545 - This kind of scenario is often called "making waves" because from the
251546 - perspective of those on deck the sea is calm, and so sounding an alert
251547 - of danger in the absence of visible threats is uncomfortable and
251548 - disruptive leading to crys from the crew to "kill the messenger."
251550 - ..
251551 - SDS is like the "mast" on the ship that enables a lookout to see ahead
251552 - by creating alignment between the past and the present that reveals a
251553 - pattern showing future consequences, under the rule that past is
251554 - prologue. see POIMS, ref OF 1 1112
251555 -
251556 - [On 921205 Covey says leadership must instill "faith" that helps
251557 - people adopt a course to meet future dangers that people cannot
251558 - see. ref SDS 12 5573
251560 - ..
251561 - [On 940611 ship lost at sea because engineering management failed
251562 - relying on conversation. ref SDS 13 8473
251564 - ..
251565 - [On 941020 results of feel good management were disappointing.
251566 - ref SDS 14 6007
251568 - ..
251569 - [On 961017 people get mad anyway when small problems are ignored
251570 - under feel good management, and then disaster strikes. ref SDS 15
251571 - 5832
251573 - ..
251574 - [On 970703 explained leadership. ref SDS 16 9603
251576 - ..
251577 - [On 980307 Grove cites new realities in his book. ref SDS 17 1209
251579 - ..
251580 - [On 990625 CEOs need leadership that does not hurt their feelings
251581 - (psyche) in order to use good management practice. ref SDS 18 4914
251583 - ..
251584 - [On 990802 leadership push, pull, prod, wait, try again.
251585 - ref SDS 19 2500
251587 - ..
251588 - [On 991014 leadership has a moral obligation to help people
251589 - succeed and avoid danger. ref SDS 20 6156
251591 - ..
251592 - [On 991108 legend of Prometheus develops dilemma of ages "truth or
251593 - consequences." ref SDS 21 5810
251595 - ..
251596 - [On 010725 Wayne develops analogy of future train wreck because
251597 - people do not believe SDS that shows bolts on the wheels are out
251598 - of spec, because the wobble is too slight to see. ref SDS 22 02EW
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"