440 Davis Court #1602
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DIARY: August 9, 1996 03:18 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Complete review Landauer's paper on Plato's Problem.

2...Meaning Space - Knowledge Space, History, Stories
3..."Words" as points in "meaning space"
......Chunks of Memory and Context Window Size
......Limited Span of Attention Based on "Chunks" of Memory
...........Organic Subject Structuring Process
...........Subject Hierarchies Comprise an Organizing "Space"
4...New Experience, Information Impacts Everything - Grows into Wisdom
5...Power of the Microcosm
6...Degree of Coherence Explains "Meaning" and "Comprehension"

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Meaning Space, Memory, Knowledge
Space, Identifying Management Details
Chunks of Memory, SDS Explanation
Knowledge Space, Experience, History is Critical
Learning (builds experience)
Story - Information in context that creates
Experience Improves Induction
Microcosm Human Mind Managed by SDS,
Subject Indexing, Organic Subject Structure SDS Subject Index
Chronology Experience Causation Case
Organic Subject Structure Context Management Discover Correlations Im

2613 -    ..
2614 - Summary/Objective
2615 -
261501 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
261502 -
261503 - Did more work on "meaning" and "shared meaning" at ref SDS 5 2882.
261504 -
261505 -
261506 -  ..
261507 - Meaning Space - Knowledge Space, History, Stories
261508 -
261509 - Follow up ref SDS 5 2882.
261510 -
261511 - Formulation of "meaning" is reviwed below. ref SDS 0 5555
261512 -
261513 -    On 960620 I defined "knowledge space" as analogous to "diminsional
261514 -    space" at ref SDS 14 3516, and related it to writing legal briefs
261515 -    that tell a "story" which becomes "history" that is stored for
261516 -    future use per analysis on 960620. ref SDS 14 1485
261517 -
261518 -    Thus, "meaning" requires a "story" in knowledge space, per review
261519 -    of Jeromy Campbell's book on 900303. ref SDS 1 3016
261520 -
261521 -         [On 990304 received paper from 1955 that posed idea of
261522 -         "chunks" of memory. ref SDS 19 6177]
261523 - ..
261524 - The authors use "meaning hyperspace" to explain ambiguity that
261525 - occurs in communication. ref OF 1 8452  The authors seem to suggest
261526 - that context of related words enables the mind to discard unrelated
261527 - potential meanings of individual words, so that an overall body of
261528 - text has a particular meaning.
261529 -
261530 -    This seems to explain the advantage of taking copious notes to
261531 -    avoid the problem of "meaning drift" reviewed in the record on
261532 -    960518. ref SDS 10 3734
261533 -
261534 -        [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" says
261535 -        that ambiguity in personal mental maps can be resolved by
261536 -        writing, per ref SDS 18 3668  He takes copious notes and asks
261537 -        questions to clarify meaning. ref SDS 18 3101]
261538 -
261539 -
261540 -  ..
261541 - "Words" as points in "meaning space"
261542 -
261543 -     We have seen how LSA can lead to agreement on the usage of a word
261544 -     in the absence of any external referent, and how it can make a
261545 -     word highly similar to a context even if it never occurs in that
261546 -     context. ref OF 1 8599
261547 -
261548 -           What does "external referent" mean, an example?
261549 -
261550 -              [On 960812 submitted review of Tom's work and he has has
261551 -              not been able to respond, ref SDS 15 0000.]
261552 -
261553 -     It does both by resolving the mutual entailments of a multitude of
261554 -     other word-word, word-context, and context-context similarities,
261555 -     in the end defining the word as a point in meaning space much the
261556 -     same for different speakers, and, perforce, is related to other
261557 -     words and other contextual experiences in much the same way for
261558 -     all.
261559 -            ..
261560 -         On 900303 "subconscous" may be "meaning space."
261561 -         ref SDS 1 0405
261562 -
261563 -     If many times when a mother has [a] dull pain in her knee, she
261564 -     says "nache," the child may find himself thinking "nache" when
261565 -     having the same experience, even though the mother has never
261566 -     overtly explained herself and never said "nache" when the child's
261567 -     knee hurt. But the verbal and situational contexts of knee pains
261568 -     jointly point to the same place in the child's LSA space as in
261569 -     hers, and so will her novel name for the child' s similar private
261570 -     experiences.
261571 -
261572 - See discussion of "growing knowledge, ref SDS 10 4939, which seems to
261573 - be an explanation of how "meaning space" functions in the brain, see
261574 - ref OF 1 8500.  Discussion of vector analysis of "context" seems to
261575 - reflect process of knowledge growth. ref SDS 10 8811
261576 - ..
261577 - Author's discuss in the summary a "high-dimensional space,"
261578 - ref OF 1 0482, which I think relates to the matrix they developed to
261579 - compute the vectors as their model of "meaning space."
261580 -
261581 -
261582 -       ..
261583 -      Chunks of Memory and Context Window Size
261584 -      Limited Span of Attention Based on "Chunks" of Memory
261585 -
261586 -      Follow up ref SDS 7 8840.
261587 -
261588 -      "Chunks" of memory is discussed at ref OF 1 3847, and on vector
261589 -      analysis of "context" ref OF 1 4838.  It seems to be part of the
261590 -      human process that "catagorizes" information into different
261591 -      subjects, reviewed on 960324. ref SDS 7 8840
261592 -
261593 -      On 960518 alphabet used to create chunks that are connected to
261594 -      comprise "context" that derives meaning based on dimension-
261595 -      matching induction. ref SDS 10 3374
261596 -
261597 -      Memory "chunks" relates to the amount of stuff the mind can
261598 -      absorb to dimension match, per ref SDS 10 8787.
261599 -
261600 -              [Context window size may relate to management concept of
261601 -              "limited span of attention" reviewed on 970829 in the
261602 -              record at ref SDS 16 4476]
261603 -
261604 -              [On 990304 received paper from 1955 that posed idea of
261605 -              "chunks" of memory. ref SDS 19 6177]
261606 -
261607 -            ..
261608 -           Organic Subject Structuring Process
261609 -           Subject Hierarchies Comprise an Organizing "Space"
261610 -
261611 -           These "chunks" of memory seem analogous to the role of an
261612 -           SDS record, to assemble "chunks" of stuff related to various
261613 -           "subjects" organized by a hierarchial structure of business
261614 -           objectives, per analysis at ref SDS 7 8840.
261615 -
261616 -           The "hierarchical associative construction process in which
261617 -           larger concepts are built of smaller concepts, which are
261618 -           built of smaller concepts..." discussed at ref OF 1 line
261619 -           1833, seems similar to the SDS Subject Index, which I have
261620 -           described as an "organic subject structure" in the paper on
261621 -           POIMS. ref OF 3 1110
261622 -
261623 -           "Subjects" was discussed on 960322. ref SDS 6 7749
261624 -
261625 -  ..
261626 - New Experience, Information Impacts Everything - Grows into Wisdom
261627 -
261628 - "Experience" is a vector analysis of "context" and "elements" which
261629 - seems to mean words, sentences and paragraphs, ref SDS 7 7447, and
261630 - implies that human experience, human stories, his-story, history, is
261631 - "stored" in "meaning space" ref OF 1 4838. per above, ref SDS 0 7860
261632 -
261633 - The SDS Subject Index relates "experience" to wisdom and vision,
261634 - showing the lineage expressed in Landauer's paper because every piece
261635 - of new experience influences what is already there, ref OF 1 1834,
261636 - which is also related to the idea of "meaning drift" reviewed on
261637 - 960518. ref SDS 10 4488
261638 -
261639 -     [On 001219 steps using SDS new way of working. ref SDS 20 QT6F
261640 -
261641 - The notion of building organic structures or "chunks" of associated
261642 - experience, ref SDS 0 0085, seems to support the concept of "thinking"
261643 - or "intelligence" in the NWO paper. ref OF 4 5846
261644 -
261645 -  ..
261646 - Power of the Microcosm
261647 -
261648 - LSA's dimension matching is offered as a method by which the mind
261649 - associates chunks of memory into hierarchial structures of complex
261650 - concepts and meaning, ref OF 1 3847, reviewed above. ref SDS 0 0085
261651 -
261652 - This seems to support the notion of a mental "microcosm" which SDS can
261653 - support under a concept for the Power of the Microcosm, discussed with
261654 - Intel. ref SDS 2 5412
261655 -
261656 -
261657 -
261658 -
261659 -
2617 -

Text Comprehension
Meaning Induced by LSA
Construction Integration (CI)

2806 -
280601 -  ..
280602 -
280603 - Construction Integration (CI) is a method to analyse meaning of text
280604 - passages. ref OF 1 8452
280605 -
280606 -
280607 -  ..
280608 - Degree of Coherence Explains "Meaning" and "Comprehension"
280609 -
280610 - Authors use "degree of coherence" to extend the concept of word
280611 - "meaning" at ref SDS 5 2882.
280612 -
280613 - This seems to relate to interpreting word patterns, ref OF 1 0630, in
280614 - sentences and paragraphs based on the number of propositions:
280615 -
280616 -    In less coherent passages, more new concepts were introduced
280617 -    without precedent in the propositions of preceding sentences. The
280618 -    degree of coherence was assessed by the number of overlapping
280619 -    concepts in propositions of successive sentences. Empirical
280620 -    comprehension tests with college student readers established that
280621 -    the relative comprehensibility of the four passages was correctly
280622 -    ordered by their propositionally estimated coherence.
280623 - ..
280624 - "Meaning" seems to derive from the positioning of words in
280625 - relation to familiar patterns. ref OF 1 3264
280626 -
280627 - Meaning drift identified on 960518, ref SDS 10 3734, likely occurs
280628 - because of slight changes in the position of words over time on
280629 - particular subjects that go unnoticed due to limited span of
280630 - attention.
280631 -
280632 -     [On 990304 an early paper on "thinking" says the mind "recodes" to
280633 -     enhance memory by retelling information in our own words.  This
280634 -     has the risk of changing word patterns that lead to meaning drift.
280635 -     ref SDS 19 2838]
280636 -
280637 - This makes a "metric" system for communication that looks for and
280638 - maintains alignment of meaing by maintaining consistent word patterns,
280639 - a useful tool to avoid meaning drift.
280640 -
280641 -
280642 -
280643 -
280644 -