440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 11, 1998 08:40 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Submitted information to Robert on transmitting notes to Gensler.
2...Doc Log On-line, Has Current Documents Issued by KH
3...Submission of Meeting Notes to Gensler for Distribution to Others
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0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Robert Rudeen; Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
Notes for Meetings, KH
Project Management
Document Management
1407 - ..
1408 - Summary/Objective
1409 -
140901 - Follow up ref SDS 31 7378.
140902 -
140903 - Robert called this morning and advised that the structural meeting is
140904 - at 1330 this afternoon, instead of 1500, as earlier planned.
140905 -
140906 -
140907 - ..
140908 - Doc Log On-line, Has Current Documents Issued by KH
140909 -
140910 - We discussed briefly that the doc log, which Robert requested on
140911 - 981030 as a single source to find and open documents, ref SDS 26 2941,
140912 - is now available.
140913 -
140914 - There are still about 20 documents issued by Gensler the past few weks
140915 - that need to be posted, so we have a complete picture of the record.
140916 -
140917 -
140918 - ..
140919 - Submission of Meeting Notes to Gensler for Distribution to Others
140920 -
140921 - I mentioned that documents for consideration of submission to Gensler
140922 - based on our discussion on 981106, ref SDS 31 7378, are now available
140923 - on the Doc Log, which he requested on 981030. ref SDS 26 2941
140924 -
140925 - My feeling is that Kwan Henmi should make distrubution now. It will
140926 - likely bring a strong reaction from Gensler, as occurred on 981007,
140927 - ref SDS 6 6160, but that needs to be absorbed, so that a timely cycle
140928 - can go forward to maintain the project record.
140929 -
140930 - [On 981113 Robert discussed this again. ref SDS 34 8250]
140931 -
140932 - [On 981116 approved submission to Gensler. ref SDS 36 6422]
140933 -
140934 - Need to avoid multiple submissions to consultants and JV team that
140935 - causes confusion, per meeting with Ivan on 980930, citing conflicting
140936 - instructions and conduct by Gensler on meeting notes. ref SDS 2 8265,
140937 - ref SDS 2 3315; and on 981007. ref SDS 5 4446 and on the need for
140938 - the project to "speak with one voice." ref SDS 5 3885
140939 -
140940 - [On 981118 reviewed Gensler's conflicting instructions cause delay
140941 - and extra cost on coordination with consultants. ref SDS 37 8658]
140942 -
140943 - In any case, the PM has the responsibility to distribute the project
140944 - record in order to maintain clear lines of authority in communications
140945 - that support the design, as indicated in the review on 980930 of the
140946 - Agreement between the JV partners. ref SDS 3 3666
140947 -
140948 - KH has the responsibility to notify PM of understandings being
140949 - followed. Submission to Gensler satisfies this duty.
140950 - ..
140951 - Following documents need to be submitted to Gensler...
140952 -
140953 - 1. Electrical meeting on 981014, ref SDS 8 0000,
140954 - 2. Mechanical meeting on 981014, ref SDS 9 0000,
140955 - 3. Structural meeting on 981015, ref SDS 10 0000,
140956 - 4. Civil meeting on 981015, ref SDS 12 0000,
140957 - 5. Telecom meeting on 981021, ref SDS 13 0000,
140958 - 6. Mechanical meeting on 981021, ref SDS 14 0000,
140959 - 7. Structural meeting on 981022, ref SDS 15 0000,
140960 - ..
140961 - Ivan may have submitted the Electricla meeting notes on 981014
140962 - separately.
140963 -
140964 - On 981028 Ivan advised that he has held the notes on other meetings
140965 - pending review by Robert under his new role. ref SDS 23 8107
140966 -
140967 - We need to transmit these to Gensler, so that our duty of notice is
140968 - satisfied, and so that the duty is passed to Gensler. Moreover, we
140969 - want these documents in the record, so they can be used as a project
140970 - resource. Once we have transmitted them, regardless of what Gensler
140971 - does, the record becomes an instrument for guiding future decisions,
140972 - as set out in the language at the bottom of the form. ref DIP 3 2310
140973 -
140974 - Therefore, we should take the heat and submit the documents. Even if
140975 - Gensler sends them back, says they will not review them, that is not
140976 - important. The only recourse Gensler has is to submit opposing
140977 - information.
140978 - ..
140979 - Draft of proposed transmittal language is in the record on
140980 - 981106. ref SDS 31 7378
140981 -
140982 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0000 linked to this record and to the record on
140983 - 981106, to facilitate consideration by Robert of this matter. Sent
140984 - copy to Ivan, and to Denis and Bill for information.
140985 -
140986 - [On 981112 Robert did not get this letter because it bounced back
140987 - due to Internet problems, so had to re-submit. ref SDS 33 6426]
140988 -
140989 - [On 981112 Robert advised of objections by Gensler to receiving
140990 - meeting notes prepared by KH. ref SDS 33 2635]
140991 -
140992 - [On 981114 received response from Bill Long. ref SDS 35 0000]
140993 -
140994 - [On 981118 reviewed Gensler's conflicting instructions cause delay
140995 - and extra cost on coordination with consultants. ref SDS 37 8658]
140996 -
140997 -
140998 -
140999 -
1410 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"