440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 29, 1998 10:16 PM Sunday; Rod Welch

Received ideas from Morris on Unix to manage server via remote PC.

2...SDS Web Design Displaying Intelligence Discourages Spying

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0201 - Chips & Tech.                      408 434 0600
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Sr. Vice President =4283 Ext
0202 - JPS Net                            800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Joe NLN; Customer Support Rep; Technical Support =415 376 0121

Managing/Manipulating Data on Server
Deleting Files and Subdirectories
Cannot Delete Data on Server, Telnet???
Use Free Space on Server
Email Can't Handle HTML, Use Link to Web Mail
Webmail Reduces Errors
Attach to Email SDS, Other HTML
Webmail, 980329

1810 -    ..
1811 - Summary/Objective
1812 -
181201 - Follow up ref SDS 12 3600.
181202 -
181203 - Decided to delete all the records on the Web site and put them back
181204 - absent the Oakland Harbor project, per telecon with Dave the other
181205 - day. ref SDS 17 5444.
181206 -
181207 -    [On 980401 it appears JPS deleted our data base. ref SDS 20 2999]
181208 -
181209 - Called Morris at home.  He and Jeff offered ideas about how to
181210 - accomplish a recurisive function to delete SDS records on the Web
181211 - server, per letter to Morris, ref DIP 2 2488, transmitting the record
181212 - on 980328 the matter at ref SDS 18 5534, following up. ref DIP 1 4053,
181213 - submitted on 980319, ref SDS 12 3478, confirming our telecon on
181214 - 980315. ref SDS 4 1634
181215 - ..
181216 - Morris could not figure out how to get on-line with our records
181217 - in order to review issues.  There were several problems.
181218 -
181219 -    1.  The letters I have sent to test the system beginning on 980316,
181220 -        use HTML in email. ref SDS 6 2040  This evidently worked for me
181221 -        because I was sending mail in Netscape's email program, and of
181222 -        course receiving it the same way, and so this is a compatible.
181223 -
181224 -    2.  Morris is using Internet Explorer and associated email support,
181225 -        rather than Netscape.  His email program is not reading the
181226 -        Netscape email with SDS records attached as HTML. He said
181227 -        everything is a jumble, and he cannot read it, similar to Max
181228 -        Wideman on 980323. ref SDS 16 0001
181229 -
181230 -          [On 980404 Bill DeHart can read HTML in his email program
181231 -          okay. ref SDS 22 4022]
181232 -
181233 -        Morris suggested putting just a link in the email composition,
181234 -        to the letter on the web, since all email programs can handle
181235 -        links, but they don't all support the same HTML standards for
181236 -        composition.
181237 -
181238 -        We can call this webmail.
181239 -
181240 -          [On 980403 used same solution for problem at USACE.
181241 -          ref SDS 21 3920]
181242 -
181243 -          [On 980404 seemed to work better for Max Wideman. ref SDS 23
181244 -          0001]
181245 -
181246 -          [On 990712 Morris objects to clicking on a link in email to
181247 -          get web mail. ref SDS 27 5837]
181248 -
181249 -          [On 990804 advantages of webmail. ref SDS 28 1280]
181250 -
181251 -          [On 991009 Morris suggests going back to email rather than
181252 -          web mail. ref SDS 29 4154]
181253 -
181254 -          [On 991010 webmail advances power of alphabet, previously
181255 -          enhanced by Gutenberg. ref SDS 30 7636]
181256 -
181257 - I gave Morris the address for the SDS record on 980313, ref SDS 1
181258 - 1865, that has background on trying to use telnet to mainatain our
181259 - records on the web.  He entered it manually in the browser location
181260 - window, and was able to access the record.
181261 -
181262 - He offered a lot of ideas on using telnet, but we were unable to find
181263 - the path to our records on the server from the location
181264 - per ref SDS 8 6119
181265 -
181266 - Morris was able to find our password for telnet, ref SDS 1 1865, which
181267 - is in the record where Joe explained the ideas about doing a recursive
181268 - delete. ref SDS 1 4352  He expressed concern that anyone can access
181269 - the records.
181270 - ..
181271 - Morris suggested that personal home phone numbers be removed
181272 - from the records.
181273 -
181274 - This is a good idea.  We do that with printed documents.
181275 -
181276 -    [On 980330 I investigated, seems like this matter is resolved.
181277 -    ref SDS 19 1524]
181278 -
181279 -
181280 -
181281 -
1813 -
1814 -
1815 - 2150 called JPS
1816 -
181601 - Asked for Joe.
181602 -
181603 - Joe is not in tonight, talked to Randy.
181604 -
181605 - Randy does not know how to use Telnet.
181606 -
181607 - Randy said he spoke to his boss about this objective.  Randy said his
181608 - boss suggests using mdel with ftp.  Randy does not say how to execute
181609 - medl. Randy said he does not want to ask his boss any more questions.
181610 -
181611 - Randy said Tim is his boss.
181612 -
181613 - I asked to speak to Tim. - shift supervisor
181614 -
181615 - Tim says there is an ftp command that allows us to do a recursive
181616 - delete.
181617 -
181618 - Tim tried this and it did not work.
181619 -
181620 - He asked me to hold on while he investigates.
181621 - ..
181622 - Tim came back on line and advised they cannot delete the stuff.
181623 - He has to contact a network administrator and they will telnet to the
181624 - site and do the delete.
181625 -
181626 - Tim said the network administrators monitor the system 24 hours a
181627 - day, but are not available on-site 24 hours a day to provide support.
181628 -
181629 - He will have someone call me tomorrow after 0900.
181630 -
181631 -    [On 980401 it appears JPS deleted our data base. ref SDS 20 2999]
181632 -
181633 -
181634 -
1817 -

Privacy, Blocking Access
Security Privacy Directories Discourage Spying
Links Overwhelming
Directories Discourage Spying
Security Privacy HTML Restricted Links

2509 -
250901 -  ..
250902 - SDS Web Design Displaying Intelligence Discourages Spying
250903 -
250904 - Morris advised that based on his experience at Chips and now at
250905 - Intel, the number of directories in the Welch system is discouraging
250906 - to people who might be doing unwelcome investigating, e.g., hackers,
250907 - industrial "spys."
250908 -
250909 -    [On 980824 SDS link design discourages invasion of privacy.
250910 -    ref SDS 24 4920]
250911 -
250912 -    [On 981107 USACE asked about security. ref SDS 25 4494]
250913 -
250914 -    [On 990219 people overwhelmed by links in SDS, discourages spying,
250915 -    invasion of privacy. ref SDS 26 7329]
250916 -
250917 -    [On 000310 inquiry about confidentiality. ref SDS 31 3100
250918 -
250919 -
250920 -
250921 -
250922 -
250923 -
250924 -
250925 -
250926 -
250927 -
250928 -
250929 -
250930 -
250931 -
250932 -
250933 -
250934 -
250935 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"