440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 13, 1998 08:14 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Mike at JPS on Web access, domain registration delay.
2...Password Changed to 6 Characters for Data Transfer
3...Domain Name Register Status
4...Alternate Internet Access Using IP Address
5...Internet Access Using IP Address
6...JPS Will Develop Welch Account Information to Register Domain Name
7...Using IP Address for Web Page Linking Rather Than Domain Name
8...JPS Reports FTP Account Has Not Been Established for Welch
9...Error Reported on FTP Account Solved, Access to Server Available
10...Transferring Data to Server using FTP
11...Transfer Mode
12...Data Transferred Incorrectly
13...Global File and Directory Deletion Not Available on Ws_ftp
14...W95 FTP Program using Unix Commands at DOS
15...Managing Files on Server with Unix, Telnet
16...Received Domain Name Tracking Number from JPS
Click here to comment!
0201 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Liem NLN; Customer Support Rep
020102 - Technical Service =415 376 0121
0202 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Mike Creed; Account Rep =8805 ext.
020202 - Sales Department =800 711 5353
Domain, Login,
FTP Account
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 3 1913.
060702 -
060703 - Received a new password used only for transferring data to the web
060704 - site. ref SDS 0 1865
060705 -
060706 - I asked about progress getting our domain name registered. Mike asked
060707 - me to contact Internic on this, however, he found out that JPS has
060708 - lost its file on the Welch account, and so does not have the tracking
060709 - number needed to check with Internic on domain registration. Mike will
060710 - correct these problems and let me know the tracking number later
060711 - today.
060712 -
060713 - Received an IP address to begin uploading data. ref SDS 0 1644 Sounds
060714 - like we can use this in place of the domain name for linking web
060715 - pages. ref SDS 0 0991
060716 -
060717 -
060718 -
060719 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Discussion
0611 -
061101 - ..
061102 - Password Changed to 6 Characters for Data Transfer
061103 -
061104 - Mike said that JPS has changed its policy and now requires a minimum
061105 - of 6 char for the password. He said this provides added security for
061106 - customers.
061107 -
061108 - We set our password on 980309, to be poims at ref SDS 3 1913.
061109 -
061110 - Mike suggests poimss, so I accepted that.
061111 -
061112 - Mike advised that this new password is only needed for transferring
061113 - data to our Web site using the ws_ftp or similar program.
061114 -
061115 - We still use poims to log onto the web site, per follow up telecon
061116 - with Mike below. ref SDS 0 5274
061117 -
061118 -
061119 -
061120 -
0612 -
SDS Data Base
Begin Upload Data
Domain, Login,
Password PFT Account
Linking Address for SDS Web Pages
1108 -
110801 - ..
110802 - Domain Name Register Status
110803 -
110804 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5445.
110805 -
110806 - Mike said Internic is late in regestering our domain name. He feels
110807 - access to our JPS Web site should be available now.
110808 -
110809 - I asked about the steps he plans to investigate the problem.
110810 - ..
110811 - Mike said this is not a JPS responsibility. JPS wants the
110812 - customer to follow up after JPS submits our domain name for
110813 - registration. Mike said he did this last Monday, so now Welch should
110814 - contact Internic on why they have not completed registration.
110815 -
110816 - I asked how would do this, since the record of contact is with JPS?
110817 -
110818 - Mike said he will have an assistant call us with information on how to
110819 - contact Internic to request expedited action.
110820 -
110821 - ...see below on following up. ref SDS 0 4148
110822 -
110823 -
110824 -
110825 - ..
110826 - Alternate Internet Access Using IP Address
110827 -
110828 - Mike said that in the interim until our domain registration is
110829 - established, we can use our Internet Provider (IP) address to load
110830 - data to the JPS server.
110831 -
110832 - The IP address is...
110833 -
110834 -
110835 -
110836 - place of the Internet domain name to log
110837 - on to our server and upload information.
110838 -
110839 - While talking to Mike I tried this procedure and got an error message.
110840 -
110841 - Mike suggested that I contact JPS technical support for assistance in
110842 - logging onto our server to upload data.
110843 -
110844 -
110845 -
1109 -
1110 -
1111 - 1008 called JPS Technical Support
1112 -
111201 - I sent an email to JPS Webadmin, because when we tried to log on
111202 - earlier and got an error message, there was a link to send email for
111203 - help to the Webadmin at:
111204 -
111205 -
111206 -
111207 - However, we have not received a response, so I am calling now.
111208 -
111209 - When I called I got a message that says we can get on-line help by
111210 - submitting email to:
111211 -
111212 -
111213 -
111214 - The JPS sales information says we are guarenteed a response to
111215 - email support questions within 15 minutes, or we get a month of
111216 - service free. ref SDS 5 2236
111217 -
111218 - Will try this.
111219 -
111220 -
111221 - ..
111222 - Internet Access Using IP Address
111223 -
111224 - When I logged on to send an email, I checked my email and it had a
111225 - message from JPS webadmin saying I can log on now.
111226 -
111227 - I tried it and was able to access the IP address, so that step is
111228 - completed.
111229 -
111230 - We get a directory showing no stuff because we have not loaded
111231 - anything yet.
111232 -
111233 -
111234 -
111235 -
1113 -
1114 -
1115 - 1007 called Mike
1116 -
111601 - ..
111602 - JPS Will Develop Welch Account Information to Register Domain Name
111603 -
111604 - I have not received the tracking number and other information on
111605 - contacting Internic which Mike said would be submitted to us, ref SDS
111606 - 0 3736.
111607 - ..
111608 - Mike checked with his colleague who was to provide that
111609 - information. ref SDS 0 3736
111610 - ..
111611 - After 15 minutes, Mike came back on line and said that the JPS
111612 - admin person has lost the file on the account. They have
111613 - to create a new one.
111614 - ..
111615 - Mike said he submitted for domain name registration
111616 - on 980309 when we placed the order for service, ref SDS 3 3246, and
111617 - therefore Internic should have notified JPS of an account "tracking
111618 - number" which is used to make inquiries about the status of
111619 - registering the domain name.
111620 - ..
111621 - Mike said JPS cannot find a tracking number for
111622 -
111623 - Mike will follow up to get our domain name registered.
111624 -
111625 - Mike will ensure that a JPS file is prepared for the
111626 - account.
111627 -
111628 - Mike will obtain a tracking number from Internic and notify me of that
111629 - number.
111630 -
111631 - Mike said he will contact me this afternoon on his progress toward
111632 - getting registered.
111633 -
111634 - [See receipt of information from Mike below. ref SDS 0 3631]
111635 -
111636 - ..
111637 - Questions
111638 -
111639 - Is the IP address an alternate to domain name for
111640 - specifiying addresses in web page links?
111641 -
111642 - Mike said he thinks this is the case.
111643 -
111644 - When I logged onto our server account, the new password "poimss"
111645 - failed, and the old one, poims, worked?
111646 - ..
111647 - Mike said poimss is only needed for uploading and
111648 - downloading data.
111649 -
111650 - We use poimss with the ws_ftp program.
111651 -
111652 -
111653 -
1117 -
1118 -
1119 - 1117 called JPS Technical Support
1120 -
112001 - ..
112002 - Using IP Address for Web Page Linking Rather Than Domain Name
112003 -
112004 - Talked to Ben.
112005 -
112006 - Ben confirmed that the IP address can be used in place of the domain
112007 - name.
112008 -
112009 - I asked him for assistance in uploading data to the JPS server.
112010 -
112011 -
112012 - ..
112013 - JPS Reports FTP Account Has Not Been Established for Welch
112014 -
112015 - Ben asked for our IP address.
112016 -
112017 - He tried to log onto our server address but said he found found our
112018 - FTP account has not been established.
112019 -
112020 - He asked me to hold on while he investigates.
112021 -
112022 - He came back and said there is a problem with our account so it has
112023 - to be re-assigned.
112024 -
112025 - Ben said the Network Administrator should have our FTP account ready
112026 - by Monday.
112027 -
112028 - I explained discussions with Mike that the account should have been
112029 - available yesterday or the day before, but JPS lost the Welch file and
112030 - cannot find the Internic domain name registration record nor the
112031 - tracking number. ref SDS 0 5545
112032 -
112033 - We reviewed the record where Mike indicated we have an IP address that
112034 - can be used now and over the weekend to upload data to test our system
112035 - of business intelligence. ref SDS 0 1644
112036 -
112037 - We also considered the record of having logged on successfully earlier
112038 - today. ref SDS 0 3119
112039 -
112040 - I asked if this indicates we should be able to transfer data.
112041 -
112042 - Ben seemed to indicate that the FTP account is different from having
112043 - an IP address.
112044 -
112045 - Ben said he understands the frustration of difficulties getting new
112046 - systems working smoothly.
112047 -
112048 - He said it only takes a few minutes to get an account up and running
112049 - since we have an IP address, provided the Network Administrator can
112050 - give the matter priority.
112051 -
112052 - Ben went off-line to check on this.
112053 -
112054 -
112055 - ..
112056 - Error Reported on FTP Account Solved, Access to Server Available
112057 -
112058 - Ben came back and said the Network Administrator agreed to re-set our
112059 - password ASAP, so the system should be up and running in about an hour
112060 - or so.
112061 -
112062 - I mentioned that Mike gave us a new password this morning for
112063 - transferring data. ref SDS 0 1865 Mike indicated the new password in
112064 - only needed for transferring data. ref SDS 0 5274 I asked if this
112065 - might solve the access problem?
112066 -
112067 - Ben said the record he has of our account does not show this change.
112068 -
112069 - He tried the new password and said it works.
112070 -
112071 - Ben said the Network Administrator does not have to fix anything, so
112072 - we can begin uploading data right now. We don't have to wait until
112073 - Monday or even another hour.
112074 -
112075 -
112076 -
112077 -
1121 -
Log in Screen
Transferring Data
FTP Software, Ws_ftp
Test Delivery, Access SDS HTML Files
Account with ISP
Testing File Transfer Methods
Transferred Files to Wrong Directory
2010 -
201001 - ..
201002 - Transferring Data to Server using FTP
201003 -
201004 - Ben advised that to transfer date we only need the ftp program. We do
201005 - not need the Web browser.
201006 -
201007 - Web browsers are used to view Web pages stored on the server.
201008 -
201009 - Open ws_ftp
201010 -
201011 - Set up the log in screen.
201012 -
201013 - Change Host/Name Address:
201014 -
201015 - From:,
201016 -
201017 - to: or
201018 -
201019 - User ID should be just welchco and not
201020 - ..
201021 - Once these are set, press OK.
201022 -
201023 -
201024 - ..
201025 - Transfer Mode
201026 -
201027 - The main ws_ftp screen has three options:
201028 -
201029 - ASCII
201030 - Binary
201031 - Auto
201032 -
201033 - Ben indicated we can use ASCII because our files are ASCII files with
201034 - HTML code in them.
201035 -
201036 - So we selected ASCII.
201037 -
201038 -
201039 - ..
201040 - Data Transferred Incorrectly
201041 -
201042 - We did a transfer. Since I have put the Web server files in
201043 -
201044 - h: sd 08
201045 -
201046 - ...we needed to transfer to the server from sd.
201047 -
201048 - Initially the server does not have an sd directory. There is a make
201049 - directory button on the ws_ftp program screen, but at this time, it
201050 - did not occur to me that we can make an sd directory change to it and
201051 - do the upload.
201052 -
201053 - Ben was not sure how this would work either. He suggested I try a
201054 - transfer and see what happens.
201055 -
201056 - I began a transfer from
201057 -
201058 - h: sd 08
201059 -
201060 - ...because there is also an
201061 -
201062 - h: sd 02
201063 - h: sd 04
201064 - h: sd 06
201065 - h: sd 07
201066 - h: sd 09
201067 -
201068 - ...we do not want to transfer that stuff.
201069 - ..
201070 - I could see fairly quickly that we were transferring data to the
201071 - server beginning with directory
201072 -
201073 - 08
201074 -
201075 - ...which is an error because it needs to start with...
201076 -
201077 - sd
201078 -
201079 - ...otherwise the addresses in the linked web pages will not work.
201080 -
201081 - So, I stoped the operation after only a few files were transferred.
201082 -
201083 -
201084 -
201085 -
2011 -
Deleting Files and Subdirectories
Ws_ftp Upload Files to Web Server
Deleting Files and Subdirectories
Transferring Files
Managing/Manipulating Data on Server
2808 -
280801 - ..
280802 - Global File and Directory Deletion Not Available on Ws_ftp
280803 -
280804 - As a result of loading stuff incorrectly, ref SDS 0 5279, I asked how
280805 - we delete everything and start over.
280806 -
280807 - Ben said to use the delete button.
280808 -
280809 - I tried this but got an error message saying the directory is not
280810 - empty.
280811 -
280812 - Ben noted that file management on the JPS server is similar to w95.
280813 -
280814 - He suggested trying the change directory button and deleting the
280815 - files, then deleting the directory.
280816 -
280817 - I explained that w95 supports deleting data at a directory level.
280818 -
280819 - Ben indicated this is not available on the JPS server.
280820 -
280821 - We discussed the need for facile file and directory management to load
280822 - and delete data quickly, while we experiement to discover the best
280823 - configuration for providing business intelligence.
280824 -
280825 - The data base has thousands of directories and files. To delete data
280826 - only at the file level would take forever.
280827 -
280828 - In this case we have tranferred only two or three files so far but
280829 - they cover about 12 directories. We need to delete all of this stuff
280830 - to put the data back out there in the correct structure. We can
280831 - accomplish this file management function in say 20 minutes. But we
280832 - need a general solution for the entire data base that is closer to the
280833 - w95 file management capability.
280834 -
280835 - [See below where Joe has an idea on using Telnet. ref SDS 0 4352]
280836 -
280837 - [On 981110 purchased upgraded program. ref SDS 11 9360]
280838 -
280839 -
280840 -
280841 -
2809 -
FTP DOS, W95 Utiity
Deleting Files and Subdirectories
Managing/Manipulating Data on Server
3407 -
340701 - ..
340702 - W95 FTP Program using Unix Commands at DOS
340703 -
340704 - Ben suggested trying the w95 FTP program.
340705 -
340706 - This is executed by opening a DOS window and entering
340707 -
340708 - ftp <enter>
340709 -
340710 - This returns an ftp prompt.
340711 -
340712 - open <enter>
340713 -
340714 - ...this returns
340715 -
340716 - ftp open
340717 - (to)
340718 -
340719 - ...for (to) enter the IP address or domain name
340720 -
340721 - (to) or welchco
340722 -
340723 - This returns
340724 -
340725 - connected....
340726 - ready
340727 - User (
340728 -
340729 - ...for User... enter login name: welchco
340730 -
340731 - This returns
340732 -
340733 - 331 Password required for welchco.
340734 - Password:
340735 -
340736 - ...for Password enter poimss
340737 -
340738 - When the password is entered the characters do no echo to the
340739 - screen.
340740 -
340741 - If the password is entered correctly, we get:
340742 -
340743 - 230 User welchco logged in.
340744 - ftp>
340745 -
340746 -
340747 - This is the ftp prompt on the server.
340748 -
340749 - We can now enter ftp commands on the server.
340750 -
340751 - We can get ftp commands with a ?
340752 -
340753 - bye is the log off command.
340754 -
340755 -
340756 - The ftp program has local commands.
340757 -
340758 - There are also remote commands.
340759 -
340760 - One command called remotehelp lists the remote commands.
340761 -
340762 - Any remote command must be preceded by the word "quote"
340763 -
340764 - If we issue a command like:
340765 -
340766 - ftp> xrmd
340767 -
340768 - ...which is a remote command, it has to be entered as:
340769 -
340770 - ftp> quote xrmd
340771 -
340772 - Unfortunately this command returns an error message saying the
340773 - directory is not empty.
340774 -
340775 - [On 981110 purchased upgraded program. ref SDS 11 9360]
340776 -
340777 -
340778 -
3408 -
3409 -
Telnet, W95 Utiity
Deleting Files and Subdirectories
Run Program from Start Run
Table Procecure
Managing/Manipulating Data on Server
4008 - 2008 called JPS
4009 -
400901 - ..
400902 - Managing Files on Server with Unix, Telnet
400903 -
400904 - Talked to Joe
400905 -
400906 - Explained objective and problems with Ben's ideas discussed above. ref
400907 - SDS 0 5280 and ref SDS 0 5494,
400908 -
400909 - Asked him about cancelling our account and opening it again in order
400910 - to delete the data and reload.
400911 -
400912 - Joe feels there should be a better solution.
400913 -
400914 - Joe said there is a unix command for deleting directories and files
400915 - globally at any level, but we cannot use it with FTP for some reason.
400916 - ..
400917 - He indicated we can use telnet to access the server, set up a
400918 - table that points to our files. This would provide the ability to
400919 - delete files globally using the unix commands Joe knows about.
400920 -
400921 - We would still upload using ftp, but to delete files will use telenet.
400922 - ..
400923 - Telnet is another command like ftp except it is called from the
400924 - w95 "run" option under the "Start" menu.
400925 -
400926 - ...from Start select "run" and enter:
400927 -
400928 - telnet
400929 -
400930 - To login, we need our login name: welchco
400931 -
400932 - ...password: poimss per ref SDS 0 1865
400933 - ..
400934 - Joe will prepare an explanation of how to accomplish this
400935 - objective and send me an email on it.
400936 -
400937 - [On 980315 Morris indicates he can help with Unix commands for
400938 - file management via remote PC. ref SDS 7 1634]
400939 -
400940 - [On 980316 received verbal instructions. ref SDS 8 6119]
400941 -
400942 - [On 980318 instructions did not work. ref SDS 9 1677]
400943 -
400944 - [On 981110 purchased upgraded program. ref SDS 11 9360]
400945 -
400946 -
4010 -
4011 -
4012 - 2108 received Joe's email
4013 -
401301 -
401302 -
401303 -
401304 -
4014 -
4015 -
Domain, Login,
4104 - 2135 received Internic tracking
4105 - ..
410501 - Received Domain Name Tracking Number from JPS
410502 -
410503 - Just logged on to begin testing our linking procedures.
410504 -
410505 - Received email from Mike Creed at JPS, evidently per ref SDS 0 3661
410506 -
410507 - The Subject is #'s
410508 -
410509 - The total message says:
410510 -
410511 - 980313.17157 internic # is 703-742-4777
410512 -
410513 - I am guessing that "980313.17157" is the tracking number that was
410514 - reported missing, ref SDS 0 3661, and the other number is Internic's
410515 - phone number.
410516 - ..
410517 - Since the tracking number seems to have a date of ...
410518 -
410519 - 980313
410520 -
410521 - appears that registration for the domain name occurred
410522 - today, rather than last Monday. ref SDS 3 3246
410523 -
410524 - [On 980402 received notice from Network Solutions that indicates the
410525 - Domain Name registration occured today, 980313. ref SDS 10 5308]
410526 -
410527 -
410528 -
410529 -
410530 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"