440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 4, 1998 07:55 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris and Bill about meeting on Comm Metrics Web page.
2...Objective for Web Site from Customer Needs
3...Develop Search Capability for Customers
4...Bill DeHart May Join Meeting with Morris, Begin Web Site Development
5...Bill Needs SDS Program Code
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0201 - PG&E Grid Customer Services 415 973 1014 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager =415 973 1014 mobile phone: 415 203 0688
0202 - Chips & Tech. 408 434 0600
020201 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020202 - Sr. Vice President =4283 Ext
Web Site Planning, Design
Web Demonstrate Business Intelligence
Anytime, Anywhere Intelligence
0805 - ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Follow up ref SDS 5 5460, ref SDS 4 2106.
080702 -
080703 - Scheduled meeting with Morris tomorrow oa 1400. Bill DeHart may be
080704 - able to join us, or visit in Concord in AM to begin designing
080705 - Communication Metrics Web site.
080706 -
080707 - Submitted ref DIT 1 5124 citing this record for objectives and
080708 - background, and prior correspondence. ref DIP 1 4211 and ref DIP 2
080709 - 2488.
080710 -
080711 - Sent this as just a link in an email to the letter on the web, per
080712 - Morris' suggestion on 980329. ref SDS 9 3343
080713 -
080714 - [On 980405 met with Bill, ref SDS 12 1122.]
080715 -
080716 - [On 980405 met with Morris, ref SDS 13 0873]
080717 -
080718 -
080719 - ..
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - Discussion
0811 -
081101 - Morris can meet tomorrow oa 1400, after they finish viewing a video or
081102 - cable telecast from the Mormon church. This will follow up our
081103 - discussions last week about designing a Communication Metrics Web
081104 - site. ref SDS 8 3785,
081105 -
081106 -
081107 - ..
081108 - Objective for Web Site from Customer Needs
081109 -
081110 - I mentioned meeting with the Corps of Engineers yesterday. ref SDS 10
081111 - 0001 An objective of our meeting is to create something along the
081112 - lines described by Max Blodgett, Chief of Con Ops. ref SDS 10 4129
081113 -
081114 - Background on objectives are from record on 980328. ref SDS 8 3500
081115 -
081116 -
081117 - ..
081118 - Develop Search Capability for Customers
081119 -
081120 - Morris raised again the objective to provide a search capability
081121 - without using the Communication Manager.
081122 -
081123 - We considered briefly that while this seems like a desirable goal, and
081124 - we can indeed provide that capability, there will likely remain a need
081125 - for expert support, i.e., a Communication Manager, to assuage the
081126 - problem of "fractionalized" subjects which Morris cited in our meeting
081127 - on 980116, ref SDS 1 1732, and more recently on 980307. ref SDS 3 0678
081128 -
081129 - [On 990427 Morris cited need for search engine. ref SDS 14 5624]
081130 -
081131 - [On 990615 made this research objective for proposal to NSF.
081132 - ref SDS 15 3844]
081133 -
081134 - A Communication Manager provides added value for the "Gatekeeper" role
081135 - that performs organizational research, which Morris learned about at
081136 - the Cal Tech seminar last May. ref SDS 2 6436 Since the Communication
081137 - Manager is constantly creating the record, the exposure and time
081138 - invested in organizing information, provides heightened familiarity
081139 - that can be used as an organizational assett.
081140 -
081141 -
081142 -
081143 - ..
0812 -
0813 -
0814 - 0826 called Bill
0815 -
081501 - Bill DeHart May Join Meeting with Morris, Begin Web Site Development
081502 -
081503 - Follow up ref SDS 8 2904.
081504 -
081505 - Bill got the copy of the letter, ref DIP 2 0001, to Morris about
081506 - meeting to work on a Com Metrics web delivery system. He said the
081507 - letter shows up as a web page in his email program. All of the
081508 - formatting and links work, per test objectives on 980316. ref SDS 6
081509 - 2040
081510 -
081511 - He likes the ability to access information.
081512 -
081513 - He cannot meet today due to family matters.
081514 -
081515 - Bill wants to try and meet tomorrow. I mentioned the meeting set with
081516 - Morris at 1400 tomorrow.
081517 -
081518 - Bill initially indicated a 1400 meeting in Saratoga would be too
081519 - difficult to accomplish. We considered meeting in the morning to
081520 - start work on a Web page.
081521 -
081522 - Bill thinks 0900 or better 1000 might work. He will give this further
081523 - consideration, as well as whether he can fit in a trip to visit
081524 - Morris. We would likely leave oa 1300 and return by 2000 plus or
081525 - minus.
081526 -
081527 -
081528 - ..
081529 - Bill Needs SDS Program Code
081530 -
081531 - He needs the SDS program code because of the hard disk crash he
081532 - suffered the other day. He has the SDS records because they are
081533 - stored separately on another drive.
081534 -
081535 - [Submitted this on 980404 at ref SDS 11 1529.]
081536 -
081537 -
081538 -
0816 -
0817 -
0818 - Submitted notes to Morris and Bill
0819 -
081901 - Prepared, ref DIT 1 5124, citing prior work and referencing this
081902 - record.
081903 -
081904 -
081905 -
0820 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"