440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 12, 2003 09:21 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Gopal Kapur called to discuss project management and SDS.

2...Project Management Seminars Educate Customres on Intelligence
3...Professional Events Educate Customers Grow Culture of Knowledge
4...Seminars Supported by Delivering Intelligence on the Internet
5...SDS and Communication Metrics Explanation
6...Endorsements Com Metrics Save Time and Money...

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0201 - Center for Project Management                                                                                                                                      O-00000830 0101
020101 - Mr. Gopal Kapur                                                                                                                                                  O-00000830 0101
020102 - President
020104 - Executive Office                                                                                                                                                 O-00000830 0101

Project Management Seminars Good Way to Introduce SDS Com Metrics Gop
Center for Project Management Gopal Kapur President Requested Informa
Seminar Deliverable SDS Record Like 950428 Demonstrate Audit Trail Me
C4PM Expand Marketing Appeal Offering Solution to Poor Documentation
Requests Information on SDS Telecon Gopal Kapur

1507 -
1507 -    ..
1508 - Summary/Objective
1509 -
150901 - Follow up ref SDS 22 0000, ref SDS 20 0000.
150902 -
150903 - Commended C4PM web site...
150904 -
150905 -
150907 -  ..
150908 - Review on 031206 shows effective use of customer questionaire.
150909 - ref SDS 20 6Y6O
150911 -  ..
150912 - Gopal asked about activity on SDS following his seminar on 950428,
150913 - which led to the letter on 031206? ref SDS 20 0001
150915 -  ..
150916 - The record on 000723 shows the history of SDS technology and work on
150917 - developing the management science of Communication Metrics,
150918 - ref SDS 9 RL7M, which was cited in the letter responding to Gopal on
150919 - 031211. ref SDS 22 JI4W
150920 -
150921 -
150923 -  ..
150924 - Project Management Seminars Educate Customres on Intelligence
150925 - Professional Events Educate Customers Grow Culture of Knowledge
150926 -
150927 - Follow up ref SDS 20 HU6H.
150928 -
150929 - Discussed opportunity for C4PM to expand marketing of management
150930 - support services by educating customers about working intelligently to
150931 - grow a culture of knowledge, explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 SK7L and
150932 - also ref OF 4 K84L
150934 -         ..
150935 -        [On 031222 called Gopal, plan follow up on 040105. ref SDS 24
150936 -        0001
150938 -  ..
150939 - SDS and Communication Metrics expands C4PM markets by offering
150940 - customers ability to integrate cost, schedule and communication
150941 - control, based on the Kerzner seminar reported on 950202. ref SDS 4
150942 - 5005
150944 -  ..
150945 - C4PM seminars on project management can explain integrating cost,
150946 - schedule and communication metrics, for reasons in NWO, ref OF 12
150947 - 8577,
150949 -  ..
150950 - Gopal asked how SDS works?
150952 -  ..
150953 - Gopal offered the thought that someone uses SDS to write down their
150954 - memory of events, like Rod did for the seminar Gopal presented on
150955 - 950428, ref SDS 5 0001, and later everybody can benefit from an
150956 - objective recorded history (also diary, journal, record, etc) for an
150957 - accurate understanding of organizational memory, rather than rely on
150958 - personal recall, as Gopal noted on 031206. ref SDS 20 ON8M
150960 -  ..
150961 - Gopal asked why people don't use Microsoft Word, Outlook or similar
150962 - tools for this purpose?
150964 -  ..
150965 - Microsoft has excellent software for creating information.  On 021108
150966 - Bill Gates explained Microsoft programs need integration to make
150967 - commands fast and easy to use. ref SDS 18 EFBE  Bill also plans to
150968 - make finding relevant information fast and easy. ref SDS 18 EF5I  This
150969 - means that as of today, working intelligently is not fast and easy
150970 - using Microsoft programs.  As a result, people rely on memory rather
150971 - than use good management to check the record, because personal memory
150972 - is a lot faster and easier than trying to find critical details
150973 - created with Microsoft programs, as set out yesterday on 031211.
150974 - ref SDS 21 I95V  Generally people don't worry about accuracy because
150975 - personal memory seems good enough to avoid accountability for
150976 - mistakes, until castrophy strikes as on 010911. ref SDS 14 UP5K  This
150977 - point was brought home a few days earlier on 010908. ref SDS 13 0001
150979 -  ..
150980 - SDS already has integrated commands that make creating and finding
150981 - relevant information fast and easy, reported on 010916. ref SDS 15
150982 - 0001
150984 -  ..
150985 - We discussed the need to add a new work role for performing
150986 - Communication Metrics.
150988 -  ..
150989 - Project Management is a good place for this new role to evolve because
150990 - there is already a role conducive to the skills needed for using SDS.
150991 - On large projects there is an assistant project management, or an
150992 - assistant superintendant, assistant program manager.
150993 -
150994 -        [On 031222 called Gopal, plan follow up on 040105. ref SDS 24
150995 -        0001
150996 -
150997 -
150999 -  ..
151000 - Seminars Supported by Delivering Intelligence on the Internet
151001 -
151002 - Project management seminars and training events provide a platform for
151003 - demonstrating benefits of Communication Metrics by providing a
151004 - deliverable to attendees following a professional event that shows
151005 - action items people can execute back at the office, similar to the
151006 - record on 950428. ref SDS 5 0001  When attendees get an SDS record
151007 - linked through email on the computer, this encourages action, because
151008 - clicking on the links demonstrates that SDS enables good management
151009 - that can be readily used to save time and money, which appeals to what
151010 - customers care about.
151012 -  ..
151013 - Examples of SDS work product......
151014 -
151015 -      OHS/DKR events in 2000................ 001017, ref SDS 10 1575
151017 -       ..
151018 -      KMCI.................................. 991217, ref SDS 8 0001
151020 -       ..
151021 -      PMI................................... 950202, ref SDS 4 0001
151023 -       ..
151024 -      Cal Tech Project Management........... 921021, ref SDS 1 0001
151026 -  ..
151027 - Placing SDS records on the Internet increases exposure for C4PM
151028 - demonstrating expertise and ability to perform.
151029 -
151030 -
151032 -  ..
151033 - SDS and Communication Metrics Explanation
151034 -
151035 - Gopal requested a letter with links that explain SDS...
151036 -
151037 -        [On 031220 submitted letter linked to this record. ref SDS 23
151038 -        0001
151040 -         ..
151041 -        [On 031222 called Gopal, plan follow up on 040105. ref SDS 24
151042 -        0001
151044 -       ..
151045 -      Summary explanation........................... ref OF 8 3385
151047 -       ..
151048 -      Conceptual Diagram............................ ref OF 7 1116
151050 -       ..
151051 -      Features...................................... ref OF 8 ZM4M
151053 -       ..
151054 -      Detailed Flow diagram......................... ref OF 8 8558
151056 -       ..
151057 -      POIMS - theory and practice................... ref OF 3 0001
151059 -       ..
151060 -      Typical Day Scenario Using SDS................ ref OF 9 0001
151062 -       ..
151063 -      Scope of Services for Com Metrics
151064 -      developed by USACE............................ ref DRP 4 4929
151066 -  ..
151067 - For a complete list of publications on SDS see....
151068 -
151069 -
151070 -
151071 -
151073 -  ..
151074 - Endorsements Com Metrics Save Time and Money...
151075 -
151076 - SDS has been used for Communication Metrics on projects since the
151077 - mid-80s....
151078 -
151079 -      DNRC.................................. 010725, ref SDS 12 WJ7L
151081 -       ..
151082 -      PG&E.................................. 941230, ref DRP 3 0001
151084 -       ..
151085 -      US Army Corps Engineers............... 970328, ref DRP 4 6172
151087 -       ..
151088 -      Cost Savings - USACE.................. 971007, ref DRP 5 0001
151090 -       ..
151091 -      State of California................... 950123, ref SDS 3 7XFC
151093 -       ..
151094 -      SRI (draft pending release)........... 020729, ref DRP 1 0001
151096 -       ..
151097 -      Aerospace company (classified work, but see
151098 -      comments on).......................... 030413, ref SDS 19 0001
151099 -
151100 -
151101 -        [On 031222 called Gopal, plan follow up on 040105. ref SDS 24
151102 -        0001
151104 -         ..
151105 -        [On 040109 Raj asked about acceptance of SDS by customers?
151106 -        ref SDS 25 S880
151107 -
151108 -
151109 -
151110 -
151111 -
151112 -
151113 -
151114 -
151115 -
151116 -
1512 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"