440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 8, 1998 08:19 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Called Ross about skiing, reviewing Comm Metrics web site.

2...Water Skiing Trip Deferred by Unexpected Problems
3...Hard Work Solves Information Overload, Problem Handling, Bumbling
4...Crisis Management Results from Working Hard rather than Intelligently
5...Not Enough Time to Read, Analyse "Business Intelligence"

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0201 - IBM Credit Corporation               510 277 5600 fax 5654
020101 - Mr. Ross H. Armstrong
020102 - Marketing Advisor  =510 277 5616; Cellular:  510 914 6502
020103 - Department

SDS Marketing, Developing Leads, Industry Contacts
Armstrongs, Ross, etc.
Demo SDS via Web Site
Ignorance, Fear, Denial
Problem Handling Proactive Feedback
Not Enough Time to Read and Write
Bumbling Comedy of Errors, Guess Gossip
Hard Work Can't Process Information Fast Enough, Need Intelligence
Information Overload Entropy Not Enough Time to Think Cursory Analysi

2712 -    ..
2713 - Summary/Objective
2714 -
271401 - Follow up ref SDS 27 0000, ref SDS 26 0000.
271402 -
271403 - The skiing trip crashed yesterday because of unexpected issues Ross
271404 - encountered at work.  He did not have enough time to review the web
271405 - site last night, but plans to do so sometime today, and will submit
271406 - comments.  Ross indicated that managers who complain about not having
271407 - time to think are not working hard enough.
271408 -
271409 -     [On 980813 submitted follow up. ref SDS 30 0000]
271410 -
271411 -
271412 -
271413 -
271414 -  ..
2715 -
2716 -
2717 - Progress
2718 -
271801 -  ..
271802 - Water Skiing Trip Deferred by Unexpected Problems
271803 -
271804 - Follow up ref SDS 27 1605, ref SDS 26 5180.
271805 -
271806 - Ross said he didn't call yesterday because his day turned out to have
271807 - a lot of new problems that needed attention.  He related having called
271808 - Claudia to explain his day was very hectic, but that he was handling
271809 - everything, similar to Thursday. ref SDS 27 4129
271810 -
271811 - On 951212 "problem handling" is a major part of being a manager. see
271812 - ref SDS 7 8473  We discussed this subject on 890809. ref SDS 1 MT7O
271813 -
271814 - On 890809 Ross explained IBM's training on using communication for
271815 - problem handling. ref SDS 1 3S6H
271816 -
271817 -
271818 -  ..
271819 - Hard Work Solves Information Overload, Problem Handling, Bumbling
271820 - Crisis Management Results from Working Hard rather than Intelligently
271821 -
271822 - Follow up ref SDS 28 2426.
271823 -
271824 - I related the article in the Contra Costa Times yesterday on employees
271825 - needing time to think in order to manage increased information of the
271826 - modern business environment. ref SDS 28 2426
271827 -
271828 - I mentioned the report that Charles Schwab executives do not have time
271829 - to think due to information overload, presented at the PMI meeting on
271830 - 970910. ref SDS 13 3479  Ross did not recall seeing the CBS 60 Minutes
271831 - program on 980412 that explained the human mind is overwhelmed by too
271832 - much information. ref SDS 23 8956  I related the management training
271833 - film that illustrates "problem handling," like Ross explained occurs
271834 - at IBM, ref SDS 0 1125, is common. ref SDS 16 1501  Problem handling
271835 - was discussed in an article reviewed on 951212. ref SDS 7 8473
271836 -
271837 - Examples of "problem handling" are on 950327. ref SDS 5 0200
271838 -
271839 -     [On 980917 not enough time to think about "intelligence." see at
271840 -     ref SDS 32 5313]
271841 -
271842 -     [On 990303 scientific paper explains cause of information entropy
271843 -     that causes mistakes, bumbling. ref SDS 34 6120]
271844 -
271845 - I asked Ross, based on foiled plans the past two days due to "problem
271846 - handling," ref SDS 0 1125, if he is aware or senses the dynamics of
271847 - daily management that focuses attention on problem handling, which
271848 - reduces the time to think, as reported in the article, with consequent
271849 - adverse impacts on the job results?
271850 -
271851 -     [On 980810 I used the "problem handling" dynamic in the Welch web
271852 -     site. ref SDS 29 7027]
271853 -
271854 -         
271855 -
271856 - Ross said that people who complain about having too much information,
271857 - and not enough time to think, are not working hard enough to do their
271858 - job.  He feels expediting problem handling using strong communication
271859 - skills is good management that improves earnings.  This view is a
271860 - source of pride and appreciation in seeing Ross grow to assume the
271861 - mantle of responsibility with great energy, determination and zest for
271862 - hard work.  Ross exhibited these ideals climbing to the top of Half
271863 - Dome, when we visited Yosemite on 950915. ref SDS 6 4930
271864 -
271865 - On 931130 Peter Drucker cites the need to work "smarter" rather than
271866 - harder. ref SDS 3 1199
271867 -
271868 -        [On 990224 DDE San Francisco Corps of Engineers made similar
271869 -        point. ref SDS 33 1029]
271870 -
271871 -        [On 990325 SFIA manager working hard. ref SDS 36 9482]
271872 -
271873 -        [On 990918 secretary and attorny working hard to overcome
271874 -        information overload, causes tensions. ref SDS 37 3024]
271875 -
271876 -     We did not discuss Andy Grove's concern reviewed on 980307 about
271877 -     the inertia of success that blinds managers to the true dimensions
271878 -     of problems they face. ref SDS 22 3740
271879 -
271880 -     On 960419 using hard work and long hours instead of intelligence
271881 -     conflicts with traditional efforts for substituting brain power
271882 -     for brawn. ref SDS 8 4096  It might be better to add intelligence
271883 -     to management so that hard work and long hours are applied more
271884 -     fruitfully, rather than to compound problems.
271885 -
271886 -     On 970818 "crisis management" was seen as attractive for creating
271887 -     an environment of action and high energy. ref SDS 12 3726  It is
271888 -     similar to the emotional charge and determination in climbing a
271889 -     challenging mountain. ref SDS 6 4930
271890 -
271891 -     [On 980815 article says U.S. "Intelligence" failures stem from too
271892 -     much information, not enough understanding. ref SDS 31 1173]
271893 -
271894 -     [On 980916 manager does not have time to think. ref SDS 32 8848]
271895 -
271896 -     [On 990903 scientific paper reports experiments showing limits of
271897 -     human mind processing information. ref SDS 34 6120]
271898 -
271899 -     [On 990311 developed concept of warrior principle to "work hard"
271900 -     causes crisis management because "intelligent" work is emotionally
271901 -     demanding. ref SDS 35 6000]
271902 -
271903 -
271904 -  ..
271905 - Not Enough Time to Read, Analyse "Business Intelligence"
271906 -
271907 - Follow up ref SDS 27 1872, ref SDS 26 5494.
271908 -
271909 - Ross said he did not have enough time last night to read the email
271910 - sent to confirm the skiing arrangements, and to obtain his input on
271911 - Communication Metrics web site.
271912 -
271913 -        [On 990325 SFIA manager did not have enough time to call about
271914 -        getting help. ref SDS 36 9482]
271915 -
271916 - He plans to read it today, and will respond with some thoughts on
271917 - using the Internet to deliver "intelligence," as set out in the record
271918 - on 980805, ref SDS 26 2523, submitted in my letter issued the same
271919 - day. ref DIP 4 0000, and confirmed on 980806, per Ross' request. see
271920 - ref SDS 27 3069.
271921 -
271922 -     [On 980813 submitted follow up. ref SDS 30 0000]
271923 -
271924 -     [On 980917 not enough time to think. ref SDS 32 5313]
271925 -
271926 -
271927 -
271928 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"