440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 25, 1999 05:59 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Called Jason on helping with the SFIA building program.


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0201 - San Francisco Intl. Airport (SFIA)   415 737 7711 fax or 800...
020101 - Bureau of Design and Construction
020102 - Mr. Jason Yuen; 650 737 7700

SFIA Projects
Not Enough Time to Succeed
Miracle Management Refuses to be Helped,
Time Too Busy to Think About Com Metrics
Leadership Empowers Cultural Change in
Warrior Works Hard Rather than
San Francisco International Airport Expansion Project, Jason Yuen

1309 -    ..
1310 - Summary/Objective
1311 -
131101 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
131102 - ..
131103 - Jason said things have been too hectic for him to find time for
131104 - contacting references he requested on 990318. ref SDS 33 8837
131105 -
131106 - I noted this is a common problem these days, as reported on 970910.
131107 - ref SDS 24 3479  People are willing to work longer and harder due to
131108 - information overload, reviewed on 950327 ref SDS 10 0200  Getting
131109 - people to work "smarter" is a challenge because day-to-day it seems
131110 - that working harder by putting in a few extra hours will solve the
131111 - problems, as reviewed on 990311. ref SDS 32 6000
131112 -
131113 -      [On 990505 Jason feels attitudes need to change so Com Metrics
131114 -      can be deployed to save time and money. ref SDS 34 4732
131115 -
131116 - Last week, Jason requested references to verify Communication Metrics
131117 - will not require extra time for SFIA staff to learn a new system....
131118 - ref SDS 33 3588  I noted at that time that Communication Metrics
131119 - quickly improves management by reducing mistakes that require rework,
131120 - cause delay, extra cost, and long hours by managers to catch up.
131121 - ..
131122 - Jason did not have enough time this week to call references
131123 - because he is working late into the evenings, often until 2000, to get
131124 - caught up on a backlog of problems, before leaving on a trip to Asia.
131125 -
131126 - I mentioned that a Communication Manager gets things done so the boss
131127 - can go home earlier, and adds value to his time and to staff time by
131128 - ensuring information is organized, analysed, aligned and summarized.
131129 - Feedback ensures accuracy, so mistakes do not pile up that makes
131130 - everything hectic. ref OF 1 0582
131131 -
131132 - Jason asked me to give him more time.
131133 -
131134 - There was discussion that "time" compounds problems under Aristotle's
131135 - rule cited in the New World Order... paper. ref OF 2 6056  In a week,
131136 - a month, problems will be bigger, there will be more of them, and less
131137 - time to call references.  Problem handling and expediting become daily
131138 - crisis management, then catastrophy.
131139 - ..
131140 - Adding "intelligence" to management ensures things get done
131141 - correctly, so there is time to think, to plan, and to lead
131142 - effectively.
131143 -
131144 - We reviewed prior contacts in 1995, four years ago, discussed on
131145 - 990302. ref SDS 29 5160  I offered to wait another year for SFIA to
131146 - gain more experience using longer hours, before trying "intelligence"
131147 - to make those hours effective.
131148 -
131149 - Jason said it should not take a year.  He seemed to indicate that when
131150 - he returns from Asia in a few weeks, he will take up Communication
131151 - Metrics.
131152 -
131153 - I thanked him for his time this evening, since he has a lot to do
131154 - before going home.
131155 -
131156 -     [On 990505 Jason was not getting support from airport management
131157 -     to use Communication Metrics for saving money on the building
131158 -     program. ref SDS 34 0001]
131159 -
131160 -
131161 -
131162 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"