440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: August 7, 1998 10:10 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received articles on Information Overload, New World Order.
2...Managers Do Not Have Enough Time to Think
3...New Realities of Information Overload, a New World Order
4...New Realities Denied Because Not Enough Time to See
5...Strategic Inflection Point May be Just Around the Corner
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Internet, Multi-media for Meetings
Management Productivity Reduced by Technology
Paperless Office Failed
Virtual Office, Networked Computers
Productivity Impeded Fast Change of
Anytime Anywhere Information
New Realities Information Overload
Technology Reduce Productivity Requires Testing Discover Ergonomic Se
2011 -
2011 - ..
2012 - Summary/Objective
2013 -
201301 - Follow up ref SDS 59 3499.
201302 -
201303 - Received article, ref OF 12 0000, in the Contra Costa Times on page
201304 - B2, under the byline..."Work and Life." The title is:
201305 -
201306 - What do today's workers want?
201308 - ..
201309 - This seems in large part to be a review of a book:
201310 -
201311 - "The Caterpillar Doesn't Know;
201312 - How Personal Change Is Creating Organizational Change"
201313 - (Simon & Schuster, 1998, $30).
201314 -
201315 - ... ref OF 12 1659
201317 - ..
201318 - It is unclear to me that the author explains what workers want, while
201319 - observing that organizations should investigate this question, and,
201320 - also, ask what customers want. ref OF 12 2995
201321 -
201322 - It seems axiomatic that businesses need to know what customers
201323 - want. See for example Drucker reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 4 1504
201325 - ..
201326 - On 940508 an article in HBR recommended "empathic design" to
201327 - anticipate new customer needs before the need is recognized in the
201328 - market. ref SDS 8 0000
201329 -
201331 - ..
201333 - ..
201334 - The author says in the article that it is harder to recruit and retain
201335 - employees. ref OF 12 3075.
201336 -
201337 - Difficulties recruiting and retaining employees are normal and
201338 - expected when the economy is strong and unemployment is low. By
201339 - definition there are fewer people to recruit, so it is harder to
201340 - find them.
201342 - ..
201343 - [On 981029 report 3rd quarter labor costs up. ref SDS 68 5812]
201344 -
201345 - Today, I received a promotion from CRM Films who produce
201346 - management training videos. On 971229 I reviewed their film
201347 - on business communications. ref SDS 52 0000
201348 -
201349 - CRM's brochure offers a new film on employee retention,
201350 - indicating that the problem has grown to a size that supports
201351 - a training film.
201353 - ..
201354 - This problem has been reported in numerous stories the past few
201355 - years, for example on 970812. ref SDS 46 0000
201357 - ..
201358 - More recently on 980511, Reuters reported productivity has dropped
201359 - due to fast growth in employment. ref SDS 56 1883
201361 - ..
201362 - On 951103 employee job satisfaction was reviewed in relation to
201363 - "feel good" management that alienates people. ref SDS 15 8853
201365 - ..
201366 - Managers Do Not Have Enough Time to Think
201367 - New Realities of Information Overload, a New World Order
201368 -
201369 - The article reports that employees need time for reflection, to think
201370 - about their work, without frantically having to struggle keeping up
201371 - with the avalanche of information --- email, memos, phone calls, and
201372 - faxes --- that flows over the desk every day. ref OF 12 3632
201373 -
201374 - This article supports the report on 970910 at a PMI presentation on
201375 - professional development that executives do not have enough time to
201376 - think. ref SDS 47 3479
201378 - ..
201379 - It supports the article reviewed on 980613 in "Today's Engineer"
201380 - recounting the problem of information overload. ref SDS 59 3499 It
201381 - supports a second article on the "tsuanuami" of information being
201382 - encountered by employees. ref SDS 59 1706
201383 -
201384 - On 970110 managers who do not have enough time for good
201385 - management practice wind up spending more time for problem
201386 - handling. ref SDS 29 2487
201388 - ..
201389 - On 970320 managers overwhelmed, frustrated by too much
201390 - information. ref SDS 31 8888
201392 - ..
201393 - On 980722 managers getting 100 email a day, not enough time for
201394 - analysis. ref SDS 62 8447
201396 - ..
201397 - [On 980808 managers feel information overload can be solved by
201398 - working harder. ref SDS 65 3379]
201400 - ..
201401 - [On 980815 article says U.S. "Intelligence" failures stem from
201402 - too much information, not enough understanding. ref SDS 66 1173]
201404 - ..
201405 - [On 981029 automobile service manager cannot keep up with pace
201406 - of daily information flow. ref SDS 67 5220]
201408 - ..
201409 - [On 981029 report 3rd quarter labor costs up. ref SDS 68 5812]
201411 - ..
201412 - The author seems to argue that information overload makes it harder to
201413 - recruit and retain employees. ref SDS 0 2420
201414 -
201415 - [On 990910 a doctor refused email to communicate with patient
201416 - becasue he is overwhelmed by email. ref SDS 69 2040]
201417 -
201418 - The author does not offer any ideas or solutions on how companies
201419 - can satisfy need to reduce information overload.
201421 - ..
201422 - The author does not assess the impact that lack of time to reflect
201423 - and think has on performance.
201425 - ..
201426 - Communication Metrics says to hire someone to convert the
201427 - information into intelligence.
201429 - ..
201430 - Most of the information employees encourter is to fix mistakes from
201431 - the day before, last week, last month and last year. Reducing
201432 - mistakes, reduces information.
201434 - ..
201435 - Adding someone to organize, align and summarize information reduces
201436 - the burden on employees.
201438 - ..
201439 - The cost of a Communication Manager can be payed from the savings
201440 - from reducng mistakes, and reducing the cost of recruiting
201441 - employees as related in this article.
201442 -
201444 - ..
201445 - New Realities Denied Because Not Enough Time to See
201446 - Strategic Inflection Point May be Just Around the Corner
201447 -
201448 - Andy Grove writes in his book "Only the Paranoid Survive" reviewed on
201449 - 980307 that strategic inflection points represent major changes in the
201450 - business environment. ref SDS 54 6148
201451 -
201452 - Informationn overload fits Grove's prescription. ref SDS 55 3151
201454 - ..
201455 - Grove says new realities arrive silently with "little cat feet." see
201456 - ref SDS 55 2051,
201458 - ..
201459 - A "tsaunaumi" would seem to be very apparent, so why is the problem of
201460 - information overload denied by people who say they cannot afford to
201461 - use Communication Metrics to solve it?
201463 - ..
201464 - One reason may be that employees are so busy solving daily crisis and
201465 - dealing with constant information that they do not have enough time
201466 - for reflection to recognize their predicament. The Communication
201467 - Metrics web site explains that managers become good at handling
201468 - problems because they have a lot of experience.
201470 - ..
201471 - Grove says managers are blinded by the inertia of success and cannot
201472 - see the true dimensions of the problems they face ref SDS 54 3740
201473 -
201474 - On 980706 Ross planned to leave the office at 1400 to take the kids
201475 - skiing, but unexpected crisis overtook these plans. ref SDS 64 4129
201476 -
201477 - [On 980808 Ross did not have enough time to read the email on the
201478 - Welch web site, ref SDS 65 0844, and his plans to go skiing were
201479 - deferred by unexpected issues that required his attention at work.
201480 - ref SDS 65 1125]
201482 - ..
201483 - [On 980808 Ross indicated people who complain about not having
201484 - enough time to think due to too much information, as related in the
201485 - article reviewed today, ref SDS 0 2426, are not working hard
201486 - enough. ref SDS 65 3379]
201488 - ..
201489 - [On 981029 report 3rd quarter labor costs up. ref SDS 68 5812]
201490 -
201491 -
201492 -
201493 -
201494 -
2015 -