440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 21, 1996 01:25 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom Landauer on his progress with an outline for PMI event.
2...Tom's Biography
3...Welch Background, History Communication Metrics
4...Communication Metrics
5...Evidence of Usefulness
6...Improving the Alphabet
7...Credible Speakers Overcome Ignorance, Fear, Denial
8...2nd Speaker & Independent Commentary/Analysis
9...Building New Knowledge, Not Parroting Others Work
10...Explaining Cognitive Science - Need Credibility
11...4th Speaker, The Trouble With Computers
12...Please the PMI Audience with Coherent Ideas
13...Follow Up
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0201 - University of Colorado O-00000603 0201
020101 - Mr. Thomas K. Landauer
PMI Event, Planning, Jul, Speakers,
Landauer, Tom
0504 -
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 21 7555, ref SDS 17 0001.
050602 -
050603 - Tom was concerned about speaking on Communication Metrics, since he
050604 - has not worked with these ideas and has no body of evidence showing
050605 - their usefulness. We discussed his presentation as the 4th speaker is
050606 - to explain the challenge of usefully automating "management," as shown
050607 - below. ref SDS 0 5162 I am collaterally interested in his observations
050608 - about the grounding of Communication Metrics as presented in the New
050609 - World Order paper, based on his expertise in cognitive science. Our
050610 - 2nd speaker will do this and Tom might be able to fill that role or
050611 - recommend someone who can.
050613 - ..
050614 - I need to submit the NWO paper and the report from PG&E on usefulness
050615 - of the technology.
050616 -
050617 - [On 960222 Did this. ref SDS 23 0001]
050618 -
050619 -
050621 - ..
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress
0510 -
051001 - Tom's Biography
051002 -
051003 - I asked Tom for his bio; actually to approve what I prepared based on
051004 - his book at ref SDS 22 line 184. Initially he apologized for not
051005 - submitting the outline as indicated in his message at ref SDS 16 line
051006 - 53. He said this has been a busy time for him, so he hasn't had time
051007 - to focus on the Asilomar matter, as he had hoped when he called last
051008 - month.
051009 -
051010 - [Received the bio at ref SDS 25 line 116.]
051012 - ..
051013 - We had an extended discussion today. He is a professor of cognitive
051014 - science in the psychology department at the University of Colorado,
051015 - which is the precise area of discipline we need for the 2nd speaker,
051016 - and which I have been seeking for the past week or so.
051017 -
051018 -
051019 -
051020 -
0511 -
Welch Background Leading to SDS, POIMS, Communication Metrics
Landauer Tom Professor Asks about Welch Background History of Commun
0704 -
070501 - ..
070502 - Welch Background, History Communication Metrics
070503 -
070504 - Tom asked about my background.
070506 - ..
070507 - Reviewed meeting on 960103 with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
070508 - ref SDS 13 0876 Welch v. State of California litigation revealed,
070509 - over a 20 year period, the manual process of making "connections,"
070510 - which now appears to evolve from the original meaning of religion, and
070511 - may reflect the way the human mind inherently creates knowledge from
070512 - information. More recent work with computers indicates that
070513 - automating and integrating the "connecting" process with "time" and an
070514 - organic subject structure may supplement the mental processes of
070515 - thinking, remembering and communicating.
070516 -
070517 - [On 000723 background in Welch v California, ref SDS 31 0001, and
070518 - history of SDS development. ref SDS 31 0008
070519 -
070521 - ..
070522 - Communication Metrics
070523 -
070524 - Tom asked for an explanation of Communication Metrics in relation to
070525 - Asilomar agenda developed on 951114. ref SDS 10 5692
070527 - ..
070528 - Communication Metrics is explaind in the New World Order ... paper,
070529 - ref OF 14 2864 and at ref OF 14 8577 In sum, Com Metrics applies
070530 - technology to automate and integrate the management cycle -- also
070531 - "learning cycle" -- (plan, perform, report) with traceability to
070532 - original sources that converts information into knowledge, and enables
070533 - the retrieval of relevant knowledge within a useful time frame, so
070534 - that it leverages or lifts innate capacities.
070535 -
070537 - ..
070538 - Evidence of Usefulness
070539 -
070540 - Tom asked for evidence that Communication Metrics works, reflecting
070541 - Morris' question on 951103 about what's an effective metric of
070542 - communication? ref SDS 8 7777 Examples of need for Com Metrics are
070543 - reported on 950327. ref SDS 3 0200
070545 - ..
070546 - I cited the memo from PG&E on 941230, where Communication Metrics was
070547 - applied by SDS and POIMS technology. ref DRP 2
070549 - ..
070550 - Tom said he has not seen the PG&E memo.
070551 -
070552 - [On 960224 example of need for improving human memory and
070553 - example showing Com Metrics is effective. ref SDS 24 7400
070554 -
070555 - [On 970418 recieved new evidence from use by U.S. Army Corps of
070556 - Engineers. ref SDS 27 3368]
070558 - ..
070559 - [On 971008 another report on benefits of adding intelligence to
070560 - management reduces mistakes. ref SDS 28 2979]
070562 - ..
070563 - [On 981027 confirmed cost savings using Communication Metrics,
070564 - which requires a miracle. ref SDS 29 7315]
070566 - ..
070567 - I noted a predicate to obtaining more evidence is to show sufficient
070568 - support for the underlying rationale that convinces people to try the
070569 - methodology, for the reasons Tom sets out in his book, reviewed on
070570 - 950710. ref SDS 4 2004
070572 - ..
070573 - We cannot get evidence unless people use the methodology, and people
070574 - are reluctant to try new methods that conflict with cultural heritage,
070575 - absent encouragement from credible sources.
070576 -
070577 - [On 960612 Lynn Conway had similar challenge introducing VLSI
070578 - methodology, reported by Gilder in his book "Microcosm." ...
070579 - ref SDS 26 1368]
070581 - ..
070582 - [On 000227 KM project tries to solve problem. ref SDS 30 8897
070584 - ..
070585 - Study
070586 -
070587 - I did not ask at this time for Tom to support the study proposed
070588 - for SCU, which was submitted to Tom at ref DIP 3. The study is
070589 - needed to develop the wider experience Tom says is needed. I made
070590 - this request in the letter submitted on 951109. ref SDS 9 5672
070591 -
070592 - "Remembering" is an aspect of human biology which Communication
070593 - Metrics is aimed at improving, along with thinking and
070594 - communicating. ref SDS 5 0759
070595 -
070596 - [On 960224 difficulty remembering reviewed. ref SDS 24 4522]
070597 -
070598 -
070600 - ..
070601 - Improving the Alphabet
070602 - Credible Speakers Overcome Ignorance, Fear, Denial
070603 -
070604 - Tom asked why I want him to speak to PMI?
070605 -
070606 - I explained need for a credible speaker on underlying theory to
070607 - support a new management science that can lift civilization in like
070608 - manner as the invention of the alphabet, which is still our primary
070609 - "knowledge" tool, per discussion with Intel. ref SDS 6 5849
070611 - ..
070612 - I gave the explanation given to Dr. Brusman when he asked this
070613 - question at ref SDS 11 0876: a credible source can more likely
070614 - penetrate the ignorance, fear and denial that hamper good "faith"
070615 - investigation, so people can take up the methodology, similar to
070616 - introducing the alphabet that took 5,000 years to become a cultural
070617 - norm. Shortening this time frame, to say 5 - 10 years, or even 100
070618 - years, requires people like Tom to investigate and report on their
070619 - findings on correlations with sound science and theory. This requires
070620 - an explanation under cognitive science, his field, to alert executives
070621 - and managers that the "Information Highway" impedes knowledge work,
070622 - i.e., management, and it can only be converted from a liability, which
070623 - it is now, to an asset, under the prescriptions in Tom's book, per
070624 - analysis at ref SDS 4 line 277.
070626 - ..
070627 - Tom seemed to appreciate that automation is not being adequately used,
070628 - which is a central message of his book that caused me to contact him
070629 - about speaking at Asilomar.
070630 -
070631 -
070633 - ..
070634 - 2nd Speaker & Independent Commentary/Analysis
070635 -
070636 - I explained a collateral interest in research on how the human brain
070637 - functions relative to questions in cognitive science, per ref SDS 20
070638 - line 59, which is the scope for our second speaker, whom we are
070639 - looking to replace. I read out the ideas for the second speaker at
070640 - ref SDS 10 line 205, and why we think we need a cognitive scientist
070641 - like Tom, per ref SDS 19 line 258 and ref SDS 20 line 60.
070643 - ..
070644 - Tom said no one has the answers to these questions.
070646 - ..
070647 - I explained my work with SDS that has led to certain clues that offer
070648 - possibilities for progress, per the notes submitted to Tom of the
070649 - meeting with the Santa Clara University Psychology Department,
070650 - ref SDS 9 line 53. We considered briefly the point in his book on the
070651 - slowness of the market place to adopt better usefulness, ref SDS 4
070652 - line 792, and his point that use of technology divulges new theories
070653 - and explanations that drive scientific research, ref SDS 4 line 826.
070654 - That is how Communication Metrics came about. Use of SDS over the
070655 - past 13 years, and continuous development has led me to inquire of
070656 - scientists, like Tom, what they think about the ideas and to test them
070657 - out.
070658 -
070660 - ..
070661 - Building New Knowledge, Not Parroting Others Work
070662 -
070663 - Tom said scientists engaged in serious scholarship on these issues do
070664 - not want to present ideas of others, such as my formulation of
070665 - Communication Metrics. He said that is not his term.
070667 - ..
070668 - We considered the idea that scientists are engaged in the process of
070669 - growing knowledge. This entails finding correlations from phenomena
070670 - and testing any and all sources to advance understanding.
070672 - ..
070673 - The New World Order ... paper will be published in May. It draws on
070674 - ideas from Aristotle, Landauer, Campbell, Kissinger and many others to
070675 - help people understand and improve their lives by applying automated
070676 - integration to convert information into knowledge more effectively.
070677 - This is the first step to wider testing which Tom cites in his book
070678 - per analysis at ref SDS 4 3848, submitted to Tom via ref DIP 2 line
070679 - 33.
070681 - ..
070682 - Serious scholarship must show consistency with prior understandings
070683 - and good reasons for departure from accepted ideas and methods.
070685 - ..
070686 - As a professor of Cognitive Science, Tom is positioned to examine the
070687 - New World Order... paper that defines Communication Metrics. His
070688 - experience at Bell Labs building a text editor with strong subject
070689 - indexing, shown by review of Tom's book on 950710, ref SDS 4 0003,
070690 - appears to apply Communication Metrics concepts for flexible structure
070691 - of text, as a knowledge tool, explained on 890523, ref SDS 1 P13O, and
070692 - in POIMS that presents a common sense notion of "thinking through
070693 - writing," which is strengthened by SDS. ref OF 10 3742 The idea that
070694 - thinking is strengthened through writing, i.e., by the exercise of
070695 - constructing text, seems to be supported in Henry Kissinger's book
070696 - reviewed on 940609. ref SDS 2 4238.
070698 - ..
070699 - Tom said there is a large nugget of truth in proposing greater use of
070700 - text, suggested by Kissinger and supported by SDS, above, ref SDS 0
070701 - E267, rather than relying on pictures and dialog to capture, shape and
070702 - apply knowledge. Tom, also, noted that a scientist has a greater duty
070703 - to accuracy than does an observer of international diplomacy like
070704 - Henry Kissinger. I explained that Tom was contacted for the purpose
070705 - of adding rigor to analysis, as he suggests today. Communication
070706 - Metrics needs the scientific discipline of honest inquiry and testing
070707 - by capable people dedicated to the pursuit of good ideas.
070708 -
070710 - ..
070711 - Explaining Cognitive Science - Need Credibility
070712 -
070713 - Tom suggested I give the 2nd speaker remarks on cognitive science.
070714 -
070715 - He described himself as a curmudgeon who demands testing and
070716 - experience with new ideas.
070718 - ..
070719 - He said my explanations of the issues are compelling.
070721 - ..
070722 - I thanked him, but noted the need for others to support the ideas by
070723 - speaking and writing. I cannot do the whole thing alone. Having
070724 - developed the methodology, it must be examined and reported by
070725 - credible sources so others who lack the time and skill for thorough
070726 - investigation can gain the faith they need to try a new direction that
070727 - in fact conflicts with trends toward greater and greater summary in
070728 - knowledge work over the past 5,000 years, as explained in the NWO
070729 - paper. This is the only way to acquire the experience needed to form
070730 - new "knowledge" about the usefulness of Communication Metrics.
070731 -
070733 - ..
070734 - 4th Speaker, The Trouble With Computers
070735 -
070736 - I noted that Tom need not endorse nor even review in any serious way
070737 - the meaning of Communication Metrics, since his scope, as the 4th
070738 - speaker for this event, is fairly limited to explaining why automation
070739 - has not improved management productivity. I only mention today the
070740 - prospect of him delivering remarks as the 2nd speaker, as well as the
070741 - 4th, because of his interest and experience in cognitive science.
070742 - Alternatively, he may be able to recommend someone for this role.
070744 - ..
070745 - Tom wanted to make sure his remarks would fit with our agenda.
070747 - ..
070748 - I read the agenda rev 5, ref OF 2 line 17, including his scope as the
070749 - 4th speaker at ref OF 2 line 40, and the explanation of the 2nd
070750 - speaker on cognitive science from the event development at ref SDS 10
070751 - 5692
070752 -
070753 -
070755 - ..
070756 - Please the PMI Audience with Coherent Ideas
070757 -
070758 - Tom asked if his presentation should be aimed for my approval or the
070759 - PMI audience. I explained our objective to present a coherent set of
070760 - ideas, rather than just have a bunch of people show up and say
070761 - whatever is on their mind. Tom agreed it is important to coordinate
070762 - remarks so attendees in a professional development event are not
070763 - pulled in different directions. This does not mean we are seeking
070764 - lock step adherence to an ideology. The purpose of getting an outline
070765 - is to force disclosure of how the Communication Metrics ideas are
070766 - evaluated. This is part of the usefulness issue Tom makes in his
070767 - book. I have opinions of usefulness from actual use for 13 years.
070768 - Others who do not have this experience can comment on theoretical
070769 - underpinnings based on what they have experienced, read and
070770 - considered, so that deviations can be investigated and shortfalls
070771 - corrected where necessary.
070772 -
070774 - ..
070775 - Follow Up
070776 -
070777 - I asked Tom to read the New World Order paper again, and see if it
070778 - does not present an adequate set of ideas for him to shape an
070779 - explanation of his book, per above understandings.
070780 -
070781 - I will submit the newer version of the paper and the evaluation by
070782 - PG&E where SDS has been used.
070783 -
070784 -
070785 -
070786 -
0708 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"