440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 26, 2008 11:37 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Gary submits SDS record explaining flexible structure of SDS records.
2...Text Editor Engine Drives SDS Command Control Flexible Structure
3...SDS Requirements Knowledge Management Transcend Publishing Documents
4...Flexible Structure Granular Identification of SDS Records
5...Flexible Structure Line Numbers Not Needed for SDS
6...Collaboration Line Numbers Precision Access Legal Practice
7...Pain Line Numbers Flexible Structure Difficult Code SDS Software
8...Legal Practice Pleading Paper Line Numbers Knowledge Space
9...Line Numbers Benefits Granularity Collaboration Precision Access
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Flexible Structure SDS Records Design Elements User ID Contacts Refe
1903 -
1903 - ..
1904 - Summary/Objective
1905 -
190501 - Follow up ref SDS 48 0000, ref SDS 44 0000.
190502 -
190503 -
190504 -
190505 -
190506 -
190508 - ..
1906 -
1907 -
1908 - Progress
1909 -
190901 - Text Editor Engine Drives SDS Command Control Flexible Structure
190902 - SDS Requirements Knowledge Management Transcend Publishing Documents
190903 -
190904 - Follow up ref SDS 48 MQ4L.
190905 -
190906 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 a copy of a letter from Gary sent to Jack Park
190907 - with a copy to Morris, and responding to Jack's letter on 080422
190908 - asking about the structure of SDS record. ref SDS 48 445O
190909 -
190910 - 1. Responding to your letter a few days ago on April 22, asking
190911 - about record structure that underlies the SDS design,
190912 - ref SDS 48 6F3S, yesterday on April 25th, I published an SDS
190913 - record explaining and demonstrating flexible structure,
190914 - including a discusion of line numbers. ref SDS 49 0001,
190915 - ref DRT 1 0001
190917 - ..
190918 - Gary's record yesterday on 080425 supports Morris' letter received
190919 - yesterday saying line numbers provide benefits of flexible structure
190920 - for organizing SDS records with granular control of text, and this
190921 - presents a "headache" to implement a knowledge paradigm with software
190922 - designed for the document paradigm. ref SDS 50 R14H
190924 - ..
190925 - Gary's record on 080425 also responds to Jack's letter on 080422
190926 - saying a "record structure" underlies SDS. ref SDS 48 W69O Jack noted
190927 - that Gary's explanation seemed "odd," earlier on 080422, that SDS uses
190928 - an editor to command and control lines of text for implementing a
190929 - theory of knowledge grounded in chronology, context and connection
190930 - which enables better command and control of daily work than
190931 - wordprocessing software that implements a paradigm to improve the
190932 - apperaance of documents. ref SDS 48 054Y
190934 - ..
190935 - The disconnect between engineers and experts recognizing SDS record
190936 - structure enables benefits of Knowledge Management, but not realizing
190937 - a full-screen text editor with fast manipulation of lines and
190938 - characters works much better for intelligence support creating
190939 - connections that yield the power of knowledge to control the future,
190940 - than software designed to publish professional documents, underscores
190941 - the challenge of technology transfer moving 21st century computer
190942 - applications toward SDS advances. This was presented on 080422 caused
190943 - by difficulty engineers have working with precepts of information,
190944 - intelligence, and knowledge. ref SDS 48 AF4G
190946 - ..
190947 - On 080206 Morris described goals to develop SDS for the 21st century
190948 - software; SDS is the path to move civilization from information to a
190949 - culture of knowledge. ref SDS 42 HE6N
190951 - ..
190952 - Flexible Structure Granular Identification of SDS Records
190953 -
190954 -
190955 - a. Record identification.
190956 -
190957 - Gary notes that user ID has been removed from SDS record
190958 - structure. ref SDS 49 7K63
190960 - ..
190961 - The user ID is available in the file address of the record, and is
190962 - always available with the gfname command added to SDS on 980722.
190963 - ref SDS 5 2351
190965 - ..
190966 - Gary's record on 080425 continues...
190967 -
190968 - b. Contacts. ref SDS 49 UL6G
190970 - ..
190971 - There is no discussion of contacts. This system also applies flexible
190972 - structure to provide unlimited fields and capacity for ease in
190973 - organizing relatively stable information about people and
190974 - organizations.
190976 - ..
190977 - Gary's record on 080425 continues...
190978 -
190979 - c. References are described presenting the various types and
190980 - applications. ref SDS 49 UL6T
190981 -
190982 - I have discussed the idea of adding an external (EXT) <
190983 - ref type> for file paths and URLs, but this mechanism works
190984 - well enough for now, since most external links don't have
190985 - internal anchors that can be branched to, and they are
190986 - opened by applications other than SDS. ref SDS 49 7K9X
190988 - ..
190989 - Need explanation and use case scenario on this proposal.
190991 - ..
190992 - Gary's record on 080425 continues...
190993 -
190994 - d. Record segments described for applying the subject index to
190995 - assign accounts that organize the record, ref SDS 49 7K4Q,
190996 - and within the meaning of "knowledge," defined in POIMS.
190997 - ref OF 3 0367 Gary's explanation fits his record on 080422
190998 - reviewed at that time noting SDS implements a theory of
190999 - knowledge. ref SDS 48 T48G
191001 - ..
191002 - Gary analyzes correlation of context management in SDS with Jack's
191003 - work using topic maps. ref SDS 49 7K44
191004 -
191005 -
191006 -
1911 -
Flexible Structure Vertical Forms Line Numbers Not Needed SDS Record
8703 -
870401 - ..
870402 - Flexible Structure Line Numbers Not Needed for SDS
870403 -
870404 -
870405 - Gary's record on 080425 continues...
870406 -
870407 - e. Outlining is explained that complements the shallow outline
870408 - of line numbers. ref SDS 49 QT3G
870410 - ..
870411 - f. Line numbers are presented as "vertical forms," which is a
870412 - part of the record on 890523 that explains flexible
870413 - structure of SDS records. ref SDS 49 7K5Y Gary proposes
870414 - line numbers are not needed, because tagging formats can
870415 - accomplish flexible structure, and some would be easier to
870416 - maintain. ref SDS 49 7K65
870418 - ..
870419 - On 010517 Pat Lincoln at SRI cited SDS benefits of scalable knowledge
870420 - from collaborating to help a lot people get things done correctly and
870421 - on time. ref SDS 15 4Q5I Gary makes this point in his record, per
870422 - below, ref SDS 0 ZX6H, which cites early review on 890523. ref SDS 1
870423 - 9V54
870425 - ..
870426 - Jack Park in a letter on 071220 illustrated using line numbers for
870427 - scalable knowledge. ref SDS 36 RH6L
870428 -
870429 - [On 080606 Gary and Morris discussed streamlining SDS
870430 - format so that conventional editor tools can be used by
870431 - eliminating line numbers that maintain a well ordered
870432 - record. ref SDS 51 9A5Q
870434 - ..
870435 - [On 080611 Morris uses line numbers to focus near term
870436 - communication, ref SDS 52 M38T, and comments that
870437 - experience using wordprocessing does not convince
870438 - people to use line numbers for a well ordred record,
870439 - feeling that editing to refine understanding prevents
870440 - long term use, ref SDS 52 M34P
870442 - ..
870443 - [On 080831 Morris letter reports frustration trying to
870444 - understand line numbers and difficulty programming this
870445 - feature using Java programming platform. ref SDS 54
870446 - O37U
870448 - ..
870449 - [On 081120 Gary raised concerns about difficulty
870450 - designing SDS line numbers for flexible record
870451 - structure, ref SDS 57 5O67, reflecting difficulty
870452 - creating Knowledge Management at Microsfot, IBM, Oracle
870453 - -- SDS advantage arises from having solved this
870454 - difficulty, essential to advance from information to a
870455 - culture of knowledge to integrate personal and
870456 - organizational memory and management (POIMS).
870457 - ref SDS 57 PV6F
870459 - ..
870460 - Where SDS has been used to support projects, line numbers are used
870461 - constantly in calls and meetings to guide discussions among a great
870462 - many people. On 970107 Bob Johnston at Dutra Engineering cited
870463 - benefits of effective communication using SDS records for saving time
870464 - and money. ref SDS 4 4953
870466 - ..
870467 - How would this be accomplished without line numbers? Since most
870468 - people don't use line numers, some might say...
870469 -
870470 - "See, the world doesn't use line numbers."
870472 - ..
870473 - That begs the question of whether people need line numbers to improve
870474 - the work with scalable knowledge? USACE reported on 971007 ROI on SDS
870475 - is 10:1. ref DRP 7 7401 That a lot of benefit derived from reducing a
870476 - lot hard work otherwise required for Knowledge Management, reported by
870477 - research at SRI on 000307. ref SDS 6 767G
870479 - ..
870480 - There is no connection in Gary's record providing access for the
870481 - citation of the record on 890523. ref SDS 1 T1VQ
870483 - ..
870484 - Gary's letter on 001220 described requirements to capture information
870485 - as it arises without form or organization, ref SDS 12 DR6I, and add
870486 - structure to manage associations that make information useful for easy
870487 - reference when needed, ref SDS 12 IX3Y, like Gary's record yesterday,
870488 - in relation to the letter 8 years ago on 001220.
870490 - ..
870491 - A few days later, on 001222, Gary described "refactoring" that
870492 - modifies the record with review and analysis adding connections that
870493 - refine understanding. ref SDS 13 I53M Peirce described continual
870494 - analysis as a process of improving accuracy of knowledge from
870495 - experience, reported on 000513. ref SDS 9 7380
870497 - ..
870498 - Experience over many years shows line numbers help quickly navigate
870499 - complex information using orientation from rough approximation of
870500 - context associated with shallow outline structure, explained on
870501 - 890523. ref SDS 1 5C6L
870503 - ..
870504 - Examples abound of capturing disorganized information and providing
870505 - structure to make sense of complexity
870506 -
870507 - 1. Neupogen at Kaiser and
870508 - hiking at Lafayette............ 081004, ref SDS 56 9W9I
870509 - 2. Meeting at USACE............... 080918, ref SDS 55 TZ8I
870510 - 3. Surgery at Kaiser.............. 080708, ref SDS 53 0001
870511 - 4. Meeting with Morris............ 071106, ref SDS 34 0001
870512 - 5. Meeting at Kaiser.............. 070525, ref SDS 31 0001
870513 - 6. Case study coordination........ 070130, ref SDS 30 RM4G
870515 - ..
870516 - It would be helpful to see these how records can rendered without line
870517 - numbers, and get a demonstration of people trying to wade through
870518 - without orientation mechanisms. Without line numbers, how long does
870519 - it take to provide alternate structure?
870521 - ..
870522 - Line numbers provide the lowest level of control to maintain order in
870523 - SDS records, which otherwise easily dissipates from continual analysis
870524 - to refine understanding (as noted, see "refactoring" on 001222,
870525 - ref SDS 13 I53M). The irreversibility of time, under the 2nd law of
870526 - thermodynamcis creates rising entropy, reviewed on 040312. ref SDS 25
870527 - 566F Line numbers have provided an easy method to maintain order with
870528 - minimal effort of pressing F2 that yields the power of knowledge to
870529 - control the future under the locality principle, also reviewed 040312.
870530 - ref SDS 24 YH4G
870532 - ..
870533 - On 960620 flexible structure led to concept of Knowledge Space using a
870534 - "spreadsheet" for knowledge. ref SDS 3 3516 This is explained in NWO
870535 - for the scope of "intelligence" support. ref OF 11 PX6J
870537 - ..
870538 - Alternative "tagging" methods described in Gary's record on 080425 as
870539 - "likely easier to maintain," ref SDS 49 7K65, should be reviewed for
870540 - compliance with SDS requirements.
870542 - ..
870543 - Since Morris says in his letter on 080425 that developing code for
870544 - benefits of SDS without the line numbers is a "headache," ref SDS 50
870545 - R14H, Gary can list alternatives, and cite examples showing ability to
870546 - support SDS requirements listed on 890523. ref SDS 1 T1VQ
870547 -
870549 - ..
870550 - Collaboration Line Numbers Precision Access Legal Practice
870551 - Pain Line Numbers Flexible Structure Difficult Code SDS Software
870552 - Legal Practice Pleading Paper Line Numbers Knowledge Space
870553 - Line Numbers Benefits Granularity Collaboration Precision Access
870554 -
870555 -
870556 - Gary's record on 080425 continues...
870558 - ..
870559 - 7. Line numbers provide granular (fine-grained) reference
870560 - orientation which is useful for collaboration, illustrated
870561 - by legal practice, ref SDS 49 7K6X, and which is a process
870562 - mentioned in the record on 080523. ref SDS 1 9V54
870563 -
870564 - [On 080606 Gary discussed line numbers used in legal
870565 - practice, during meeting with Morris. ref SDS 51 MI5I
870567 - ..
870568 - Gary describes line numbers as "pain" for some reason,
870569 - ref SDS 49 7L34, which aligns with Morris' concern about
870570 - providing benefits of SDS line numbers that give SDS
870571 - flexible structure, but are a "headache," reported
870572 - yesterday on 080425. ref SDS 50 R14H
870573 -
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