440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 24, 2003 07:11 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Gary submits analysis on cultural challenges augmenting intelligence.

2...What's Excessive Links?
3...People Get Used to New Way of Working through Experience
4...Transformation from Information to Culture of Knowledge Takes Time
5...Links Boggle Mind Until People Gain Experience with Power of Knowledge
........Dilemma Defined When Something Can be Both Good and Bad
........Knowledge Management Dilemma Links Good Except When Too Many
........Steady-as-she-goes Growing Experience Below Radar of Fear
........3-layer Architecture Empowers People to Experience Improvement
6...Transclusion Illustrated by Email from Chris Dent
7...Constant Review Grows Culture of Shared Meaning
8...Shared Meaning through Shared Experience Communciation Review

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Boggles Mind Shocking Complexity SDS Web of Links People Get Used to
Boggles Mind Avoided SDS People Get Used to Complexity Connected Envi
Transition Links Resisted Refuse to Link Claim Too Difficult But Refu
People Get Used to Links Adjust Accept Connections that at First Bogg
Transformation 3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of
Judicious Review 10% Links Open for Current Circumstances On Another
Links Connected Record of Intelligence Boggles Mind
Links Avoid for Information Management Print Documents Organize in Bi
Links Boggle Mind Avoid for Information Management Print Documents Or
Sequential Process Receive Information Converted into Knowledge Intel
Dilemma Definition When a Thing Can be Both Good and Bad
Dilemma Knowledge Management Definition Links Enable Accurate Memory
Excessive Links Overwhelming to Some People Who Feel Compelled to Ope
Dilemma Links Complex, Ignorance Avoids Accountability Links Conflict

3816 -
3816 -    ..
3817 - Summary/Objective
3818 -
381801 - Follow up ref SDS 27 KR6I, ref SDS 26 0000.
381802 -
381803 - Faster access, accuracy and context are self-evident benefits for most
381804 - people after gaining experience with linking. ref SDS 0 3289  "What's
381805 - excessive" is a dilemma of balancing aversion to complexity against
381806 - the bigger problem of more mistakes, ref SDS 0 3T3M, that continually
381807 - occur in the millions of links which human cognition innately makes.
381808 - ref SDS 0 9W4L  Suddenly seeing for the first time a greater share of
381809 - links that occur naturally in the subconscious mind, ref SDS 0 4692,
381810 - exposes the complexity of details that reveals a high risk of error.
381811 - This revelation is understandably unsettling, even shocking to the
381812 - conscious mind, leading to the feeling that links boggle the mind.
381813 - ref SDS 0 9W84  Judicious Review offers best practices for clear,
381814 - concise, complete communication within the framework of a 3-layer
381815 - architecture that helps balance benefits and complexity of linking.
381816 - ref SDS 0 9W50 Transformation takes time and patience because people
381817 - vary in ability to learn new methods, and some may never become
381818 - acclimated.  Lifting civilization occurs by providing the greatest
381819 - good for the greatest number. ref SDS 0 I24H  Links are an important
381820 - part of navigating Knowledge Space, and require continued attention
381821 - for developing implementation practices in combination a number of
381822 - other new features that comprise a new way of working for meeting the
381823 - challenge of new realities in a new world order. ref SDS 0 9X75  Gary
381824 - notes that the letter from Chris Dent has a link to a location that
381825 - demonstrates "transclusion," which has come up in the past year or so
381826 - on the OHS/DKR effort. ref SDS 0 PQRP
381827 -
381828 -
381829 -
381830 -
381831 -
381832 -
381834 -  ..
3819 -
3820 -
3821 - Progress
3822 -
382201 - What's Excessive Links?
382202 - People Get Used to New Way of Working through Experience
382203 - Transformation from Information to Culture of Knowledge Takes Time
382204 - Links Boggle Mind Until People Gain Experience with Power of Knowledge
382205 -
382206 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Gary saying....
382207 -
382208 -    1.  Found this while tracking a Blue Oxen post. Chris Dent quotes
382209 -        it from another entry on his blog (most of which is babble).
382210 -        It speaks, a little, to the balance between links and the
382211 -        narrative that provides context for the links.
382213 -         ..
382214 -
382216 -         ..
382217 -    2.  I agree. One of the problems with these PurpleNumber things is
382218 -        that they make it possible to make an email, wiki or blog
382219 -        posting that is nothing but a series of links. I've heard these
382220 -        referred to as a HomeworkPost?. They cut down on the narrative
382221 -        flow which is often necessary for language to be persuasive.
382223 -  ..
382224 - On 020730 Gary noted that links in email annoy people. ref SDS 20 5K5O
382225 - Earlier on 000125 Eric Armstrong expected that a connected record of
382226 - intelligence at first boggles the mind. ref SDS 11 GE65  On 030510
382227 - Gary discussed citations to footnotes in a bibliography for solving
382228 - the problem. ref SDS 26 0001  On 940327 Morris Jones reported that
382229 - links themselves solve a big problem by improving accuracy of memory.
382230 - ref SDS 2 J496  Recently on 030512 analysis shows that the mechanics
382231 - of transformation from information to knowledge create powerful
382232 - disincentives to linking, ref SDS 27 KR6I, but people get used to a
382233 - connected record after gaining exposure to discover the benefits,
382234 - reported on 000208. ref SDS 12 Q44N
382236 -  ..
382237 - This background suggests following additional analysis....
382238 -
382239 -    1.  References to Chris Dent's work in Gary's letter make the point
382240 -        Gary describes that "excessive" links are harmful. ref SDS 0
382241 -        YI6M  Since too much of anything is harmful by definition, this
382242 -        leaves open the question of what's "excessive," similar to
382243 -        Morris' question on 950204 asking "What's a metric" of
382244 -        communication? ref SDS 3 0937
382245 -
382247 -         ..
382248 -        Dilemma Defined When Something Can be Both Good and Bad
382249 -        Knowledge Management Dilemma Links Good Except When Too Many
382250 -    2.  ------------------------------------------------------------
382251 -        Evidence that links are helpful is shown by reporting on 940327
382252 -        citing self-evident benefits of better memory. ref SDS 2 J496
382253 -        Experience using SDS over a number of years shows advantages of
382254 -        better memory enabled in part by linking, and is illustrated by
382255 -        a report on 010916. ref SDS 17 0001  Doug Engelbart's 1992
382256 -        paper on groupware called for linking in email, reviewed on
382257 -        991222. ref SDS 10 1Z61  This record suggests that no linking
382258 -        is not an answer; yet, too much linking also causes problems,
382259 -        per above. ref SDS 0 GE4N  When a thing can both be good and
382260 -        bad, this presents a dilemma.  In discussing human cognition,
382261 -        we speak of a Knowledge Management Dilemma.
382263 -         ..
382264 -    3.  Information a person sees, hears and otherwise assimilates
382265 -        through sensory perception is automatically (i.e., innately)
382266 -        linked through the power of human cognition to build awareness
382267 -        of existence in relation to experience and needs, as discussed
382268 -        on 020920. ref SDS 22 6H3G  These mental metrics can be
382269 -        rendered, shaped and maintained for accurate retrieval using
382270 -        the SDS spreadsheet for knowledge, explained on 950204.
382271 -        ref SDS 3 AK5L
382273 -         ..
382274 -        The flexible structure of SDS manages complexity of existence
382275 -        organically, explained in the record on 890523. ref SDS 1 LU55
382276 -        A common scenario illustrates the process of innate linking....
382277 -
382278 -             I am looking at a tree.  This new information is connected
382279 -             in the mind by remembering that trees provide shade, fuel,
382280 -             lumber for shelter and weapons, maybe food, maybe danger,
382281 -             etc.  Context of surrounding information in the moment
382282 -             enables the mind to focus on particular connections to
382283 -             trees that guide taking action.  For example, if the
382284 -             objective is cut the tree down for lumber, is the tree big
382285 -             enough, is it the right type for the intended purpose?
382286 -             There are many more connections that flow from information
382287 -             observing a tree.
382289 -         ..
382290 -    4.  Each of these potentialities are links to a wide range of other
382291 -        contexts.  Perceptions of information more complex than looking
382292 -        at a tree yield a great many more links in the mind, as
382293 -        explained in POIMS. see, for example, discussion on
382294 -        "communication," ref OF 5 1105, and recent draft endorsement
382295 -        proposed to SRI. ref OF 1 OQ3G
382297 -         ..
382298 -    5.  Opportunity for reward and survival depend on accurate links in
382299 -        the mind between current conscious perceptions and subconscious
382300 -        processing that occurs on automatic pilot, commonly called
382301 -        thinking, analysis, intelligence, memory, experience and
382302 -        history. ref OF 2 0367  This suggests linking per se is not a
382303 -        problem, but rather the tension between consciously doing
382304 -        sequential processing of links to verify accuracy of what the
382305 -        mind is already doing subconsciously in parallel that enables
382306 -        survival.
382308 -         ..
382309 -    6.  POIMS explains the distinction between serial, sequential
382310 -        action in a parallel world, where people have to decide to make
382311 -        a physical act rather than another, because we cannot do two
382312 -        things at the same time, yet events are evolving in many
382313 -        directions. ref OF 3 8774  For example, this morning I want to
382314 -        work on the letter from Pat Lincoln on 030222, but first want
382315 -        to nail down organic structures the scope of Com Manager role
382316 -        that includes personal briefing, because that one has flowed
382317 -        back into span of attention by proving to be a helpful
382318 -        ingredient in Gary's use of SDS at Aerospace company, and it aligns with a
382319 -        lot of prior history.  This morning Gary raises the burden of
382320 -        learning to work with links, and he also asks for help on
382321 -        issuing an SDS record that is fouled up some way or another.
382322 -        These, plus other tasks need doing, only one can be done at
382323 -        once.  They must be done sequentially.  Therefore, a means is
382324 -        needed to list them so that no matter what priority is made and
382325 -        no matter how much time elapses, tasks that need doing will not
382326 -        be forgotten.
382328 -         ..
382329 -    7.  Conscious mental processing in the moment tackles one step at a
382330 -        time with very limited span of attention for thinking about
382331 -        seven (7) plus or minus a few things within a particular time
382332 -        frame, reviewed on 990303. ref SDS 5 5328  Steven Pinker in his
382333 -        book "How the Mind Works," says that limited span of attention
382334 -        is a feature not a bug, reviewed on 990329. ref SDS 6 3196
382335 -        Using fast parallel processing to quickly find potential links
382336 -        in the vastness of subconscious human memory, and then focusing
382337 -        the conscious span of attention on only a few results to make
382338 -        the most effective choice for taking sequential action, works
382339 -        well for survival of a physically weak species in world of
382340 -        powerful, faster threats.  Stated another way, subconscious
382341 -        processing occurs in parallel to provide guidance by handling
382342 -        everything in human memory that links current perceptions in
382343 -        the conscious mind to the real world.
382345 -         ..
382346 -    8.  All of this happens in a flash, processing millions of links
382347 -        when we step off the curb to walk across the street, per POIMS.
382348 -        ref OF 4 1104  The problem that justifies making an effort to
382349 -        use links is that people make a lot of mistakes relying on
382350 -        innate linking, as related on 020920. ref SDS 22 6H3G  If we
382351 -        want to improve performance in a modern, faster pace world, the
382352 -        only choice is to master a stronger form of linking, as related
382353 -        in the draft endorsement for SRI. ref OF 1 076L
382355 -         ..
382356 -    9.  Since the mind processes most of the links in the background
382357 -        and is only aware of 7 or so in the foreground, getting more
382358 -        links in the foreground of a letter or report, like you are
382359 -        starting to create with SDS, and like Chris Dent discusses
382360 -        today, per above, ref SDS 0 GE4N, is troubling because it
382361 -        exposes a greater share of complexity than the conscious mind
382362 -        is used to encountering.  On 000125 Eric Armstrong worried that
382363 -        a DKR linking things up would "boggle the mind."  Over the
382364 -        weeks and months of the OHS/DKR effort, he initially pronounced
382365 -        his theory correct in letters on 000811, ref SDS 15 0001, and
382366 -        later on 000824 when he reported his mind was boggled by links
382367 -        to the archives. ref SDS 16 FJ5H  Later, however, after gaining
382368 -        more experience, on 010916 he reported a new discovery.  Eric
382369 -        found there is a benefit to links, ref SDS 17 0001, as well as a
382370 -        cost of "boggling" the conscious mind, reflecting Morris
382371 -        earlier discovery on 940327 that links improve the accuracy of
382372 -        memory. ref SDS 2 J496
382374 -         ..
382375 -   10.  This record sets up the KM dilemma of balancing the need for a
382376 -        lot of links to verify accuracy and understanding of context,
382377 -        with the need for focus in the conscious span of attention by
382378 -        limiting the number of links.
382380 -         ..
382381 -   11.  As with all dilemmas there is no single silver bullet that
382382 -        provides a universal answer, otherwise there would be no
382383 -        dilemma.  Rather a combination of tools, craft and process must
382384 -        be employed to help people improve accuracy and awareness of
382385 -        context to expand span of attention without being overwhelmed.
382387 -         ..
382388 -   12.  The 3-layer architecture is the basic process that has evolved
382389 -        for transformation from information to a culture of knowledge,
382390 -        reported on 020820. ref SDS 21 0001
382392 -         ..
382393 -   13.  "Judicious review" provides best practices for clear, concise,
382394 -        complete communication and is an essential component of the
382395 -        3-layer architecture that strives to address this dilemma,
382396 -        reported on 990419. ref SDS 7 2601  How, though, can
382397 -        communication be both concise and complete?
382399 -         ..
382400 -   14.  Judicious Review practice provides information that focuses
382401 -        concisely on immediate, primary and narrow goals, tasks and
382402 -        rationale, so there is clear understanding of intent.  Links
382403 -        provide background to verify accuracy of understanding on
382404 -        context, scope and reasoning.
382406 -         ..
382407 -   15.  Sounds simple, but since life is complex, as related in POIMS,
382408 -        ref OF 2 V57N, implementation occurs across a range of personal
382409 -        capacities and circumstances.  Some people can handle seeing
382410 -        more links than others, realizing there is no requirement to
382411 -        open every link at one time, and that some links are useful to
382412 -        check in the moment, while others are not needed now, but may
382413 -        be useful later under a different set of circumstances.  Other
382414 -        people are seemingly drawn to open every link, which of course
382415 -        takes forever, and so necessarily boggles even the most robust
382416 -        and talented mind.  Some people can learn to handle links after
382417 -        gaining experience and perhaps guidance through training and
382418 -        education, others are mentally wired emotionally so they can
382419 -        likely never be able to handle links in communication, just as
382420 -        some people don't like writing and prefer to do all their
382421 -        communication verbally.
382423 -         ..
382424 -   16.  This is not a question of good and bad, but rather a question
382425 -        of genetic variability that requires tailoring communication to
382426 -        give the greatest number of people the most help possible.  If
382427 -        we work to the lowest common denominator, there will be no
382428 -        advance, as related in analysis on 020920 when Jack Park and
382429 -        Morris raised this issue. ref SDS 22 YP45
382431 -         ..
382432 -   17.  Reaching beyond current capabilities necessarily implies some
382433 -        will be left behind, so that many more can lift civilization to
382434 -        a new plateau.  An obvious example is the automobile.  Not
382435 -        everyone understands how a car works, and, for some, high speed
382436 -        is a traumatic experience that boggles the mind.  Yet, on
382437 -        balance, the automobile helps everyone, including those who
382438 -        fear it.
382439 -
382440 -
382441 -
382442 -
382443 -
382444 -
3825 -

Strategy Steady-as-she-goes 3-layer Architecture Build Experience Ba
Steady Exposure to SDS Records Applies Theory of Transformation in B
SDS Sell Strategy SDS Educate Teach Gary Prepared Special Wo   41
Culture Change Resisted Overcome by Relentless Pressure Converts Res
3-layer Architecture Strategy Build Experience Base Improve Work Wit
Distribute SDS Records on Aerospace company Intranet Gary Looking for M  hods     49
Delay Com Metrics on  combat Project Risks Overwhelming Mess Due to Ent    50
Action Items Distributed Beginning on 030508 Reported Helpful to  comba    51
Unlimited Demand Grows for SDS Com Metrics Support Among People Who
Steady-as-she-goes 3-layer Architecture Strategy Build Experience Ba

5412 -
541301 -         ..
541302 -        Steady-as-she-goes Growing Experience Below Radar of Fear
541303 -        3-layer Architecture Empowers People to Experience Improvement
541304 -
541305 -   18.  Improvement through transformation takes time and persistence
541306 -        for people to learn through experience, per Don Rumsfeld
541307 -        comments at War College on 020131. ref SDS 19 KW9N and
541308 -        ref SDS 19 6L5K  Doug Engelbart makes a similar point about
541309 -        supporting people with services for a period of time that
541310 -        demonstrates added value, reported on 000327. ref SDS 13 1530
541311 -
541312 -            [On 030611 Jerry Nord proposes developing a training
541313 -            program to transition people into using SDS. ref SDS 32
541314 -            01WR
541316 -         ..
541317 -   19.  Just as there was a long transition over thousands of years
541318 -        from exclusive reliance on orality to common use of literacy,
541319 -        reported on 991108, ref SDS 9 2277, so too, the transition from
541320 -        common literacy that creates an external rendering for crafting
541321 -        and improving information, the expanded power of SDS will take
541322 -        a long time for people to incorporate a new way of working into
541323 -        daily life that routinely creates an external rendering for
541324 -        crafting and strengthening the connections of cause and effect
541325 -        that comprise knowledge, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 5 6649
541327 -             ..
541328 -            [On 030526 discussed with Gary. ref SDS 31 CE8K
541330 -             ..
541331 -            [On 030626 strategy for distributing SDS records on  combat
541332 -            project to educate transformation from information to
541333 -            culture of knowledge. ref SDS 33 0001
541335 -             ..
541336 -            [On 031211 Gary relates theory of relentless pressure for
541337 -            transformation in book on management. ref SDS 34 PE5Y
541339 -             ..
541340 -            [On 040102 year review shows progress on transformation
541341 -            using steady exposure to SDS work product provides
541342 -            relentless pressure for using good management. ref SDS 35
541343 -            WI3H
541344 -
541346 -         ..
541347 -   20.  Externalizing conversion of information presents challenges
541348 -        from exposing previously hidden mental processes that construct
541349 -        and manage a mental "spreadsheet for knowledge," and so are
541350 -        resisted in the beginning, because they are not familiar, under
541351 -        Grove's rule that people like to work on familiar things in
541352 -        familiar ways, reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 4 3740  SDS uses a
541353 -        number of things that are not familiar....
541354 -
541355 -         a.  Links make constructing and navigating fast and easy
541356 -             through a flexible spredsheet structure that improves
541357 -             accuracy and context, per above. ref SDS 0 514L
541359 -              ..
541360 -         b.  Organic structure is critical and powerful for finding the
541361 -             right information at the right time; yet, at first, the
541362 -             process of managing context "boggles the mind," just like
541363 -             linking, per above. ref SDS 0 9W80
541365 -              ..
541366 -         c.  Flexible structure described on 890523 is essential for
541367 -             creating and managing knowledge, ref SDS 1 P13O, yet, at
541368 -             first, people are shocked by this requirement, reported on
541369 -             020512. ref SDS 27 PRSP
541371 -              ..
541372 -         d.  Integrated functionality make intelligence fast and easy,
541373 -             explained in POIMS, ref OF 4 2688; yet at first people
541374 -             feel intelligence is foreign and funny, reported on
541375 -             990713. ref SDS 8 2150
541377 -              ..
541378 -         e.  Ergonomic execution that balances left and right brain
541379 -             application makes functions required for knowledge fast
541380 -             and easy; yet, at first, people hesitate until they gain
541381 -             experience, reported on 020924. ref SDS 23 EL8F
541383 -         ..
541384 -   21.  Moreover, besides resistance to learning and using new tools,
541385 -        implementation of knowledge tools to improve information
541386 -        technology has, also, proven to be emotionally troubling for
541387 -        transformation to improve daily work, boiling up in
541388 -        disfunctional fear of accountability and concern about
541389 -        confidentiality, cited in the draft endorsement for SRI.
541390 -        ref OF 1 Y74O  There are also a host of issues for "Best
541391 -        Practices" to be worked out for crafting a useful record to
541392 -        improve the work, as Gary has seen at Aerospace company, and making good
541393 -        progress lately on a new way of working to "facilitate" that
541394 -        makes meetings productive, reported on 030508, ref SDS 25 PL44,
541395 -        and on 030521 discussing headlines, summary and multiple views,
541396 -        ref SDS 28 QX48, plus extra effort to provide personal
541397 -        briefings that expedite follow up on getting things done, also,
541398 -        reported on 030521. ref SDS 28 QX68
541400 -         ..
541401 -   22.  Per telecon this afternoon, the general strategy set on 030126
541402 -        for delivering the goods of "intelligence" by flying below the
541403 -        radar long enough for people to become familiar and comfortable
541404 -        with a new way of working "intelligently," ref SDS 24 OA6N,
541405 -        seems to be making progress growing experience doing Knowledge
541406 -        Management among a widening circle of people at Aerospace company, based
541407 -        on the 3-layer architecture for applying SDS.  The trick is to
541408 -        create broad enough dependence on benefits that can withstand
541409 -        arbitrary pressure to stand down, when visibility eventually
541410 -        raises the specter of ignorance, fear and denial.  We have come
541411 -        quite a ways since launching the ship of KM at Aerospace company on
541412 -        020924, ref SDS 23 0001, and the path ahead is still long and
541413 -        arduous, with many risks.  But so far so good, so for now the
541414 -        appropriate course is simply "steady as she goes...."
541416 -         ..
541417 -        Good work.
541418 -
541419 -            [On 030525 developing bluepring for KM for Pat Lincoln to
541420 -            consider proposal for SRI and Welch to make on combat.
541421 -            ref SDS 30 0001
541422 -
541423 -            [On 040102 annual review shows strategy to fly below the
541424 -            radar has been successful. ref SDS 35 VD5J
541425 -
541426 -
541427 -
541428 -
541429 -
541430 -
541431 -
541432 -
541433 -
541434 -
541435 -
541436 -
5415 -

Transclude Cut Paste, Jack Park 020920
Transclusion Links with Proxy Server, BrowseUp, Jack Park
Transcluding Links Assign Purple Numbers
Transclusion Process Supported by Doug on 000405 Example Submitted by
Johnson, Gary Submits Example Illustrating Transclusion Process Suppo

6007 -
600801 -  ..
600802 - Transclusion Illustrated by Email from Chris Dent
600803 -
600804 - Gary continues...
600805 -
600806 -   23.  By the way, this blog entry uses transclusion for the quotes.
600807 -        The paragraph at
600809 -         ..
600810 -
600811 -
600813 -  ..
600814 - Examination of this part of the record shows an explanation of how to
600815 - build and maintain shared meaning, discussed further below.
600816 - ref SDS 0 KO9V
600818 -  ..
600819 - Gary continues...
600820 -
600821 -   24.  The 'T' links to the paragraph in its original location, while
600822 -        the '#' is a link to the paragraph in the current entry.
600824 -         ..
600825 -   25.  The code on the page has already been constructed, so the
600826 -        transcluded content appears in the source on the page. I don't
600827 -        know what the original page generation content looks like.
600829 -  ..
600830 - On 000405 Doug Engelart explained a transcoding process to assign
600831 - purple numbers that appears to have comparable capability to
600832 - "transclusion." ref SDS 14 IZ56  Gary does not indicate if the method
600833 - cited today addresses the objective he discussed for transclusion in
600834 - his letter on 020114. ref SDS 18 5P9V
600836 -  ..
600837 - Examination does not show an evident benefit.  For one thing, if this
600838 - goes to another source, the source should be identified to give the
600839 - reader a clue and alert on credibility and correlation.
600841 -         ..
600842 -   26.  Note that the blog uses a "PurpleNumber" sort of system without
600843 -        human readable numbers. The node IDS are site wide, which is
600844 -        why the URLs may look strange.
600845 -
600846 -
600847 -
600848 -
6009 -

Shared Meaning Common Story Empower People Productive Meetings Facili
Brief Remind Alert Clarify Explain Prepare People with Organizational
Shared Meaning Triangulation in SDS Common Story Action Items Linked
Shared Meaning Fails without Links to Original Sources Meaning Drift

7306 -
730701 -  ..
730702 - Constant Review Grows Culture of Shared Meaning
730703 - Shared Meaning through Shared Experience Communciation Review
730704 -
730705 - Analysis of information "transcluded" in the reference Gary cites in
730706 - his letter today, per above, ref SDS 0 PQRP .....
730707 -
730708 -   27.  The record at....
730709 -
730710 -     
730711 -
730712 -        ...says in part....
730713 -
730714 -               Of course shorthands and special vocabularies can help
730715 -               encourage shared understanding. But I also think that if
730716 -               your goal is to connect disparate ideas, you need a
730717 -               constant review of what you're talking about _outside_
730718 -               of the context of your own last breakthrough, so that
730719 -               you can hop around on various levels of abstraction,
730720 -               zooming in and out. And I think that to do this
730721 -               effectively, you have to keep moving away from your own
730722 -               private language, even as it develops.
730723 -
730725 -  ..
730726 - Shared meaning enables complementary action that improves productivity
730727 - and avoids conflicts that cause rework to correct mistakes that reduce
730728 - productivity, as explained in NWO. ref OF 10 4077
730730 -  ..
730731 - Constant review recommended by this passage builds shared meaning, and
730732 - links strengthen understanding through access to common experience,
730733 - explanations and definitions, as discussed above. ref SDS 0 9W60
730734 - These are the tools and processes of Communication Metrics that extend
730735 - and strengthen a common culture of knowledge, which Gary is beginning
730736 - to experience at Aerospace company, reported yesterday on 030523. ref SDS 29 GF52
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