440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 13, 2002 08:08 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Gary has created a lot of SDS records, need format adjustments.

2...SAA Operation Failing to Open Records Listed in Reference Field
3...Problem Caused by Incorrect Transition from Line 0301 to 0302
....Correcting the problem -- conformed Gary's SAA file, follow up
....SDS Training and Orientation Diary Records Missing
....SDS Code Error Caused Action Item to Post Incorrection in SAA
4...Flexible Consistent Structure Line Numbers Record Segments
5...Format Critical to Operation of Reference Field
....1...Follow up line for Summary/Objective
...........This is a Sample Heading Line That is Underlined
........Blank Line Needed Below Follow up Line
........Summary/Objective 25 Word Narrative Segmented with Outline
....2...Format for References, Control Field and Summary/Objective need
....3...Subjects and Record Segments - F1 F6
....4...Linking and References Record Shows Good Format
6...Subject Index Shows Progress Will Become Refined Through Experience
7...SDS Update Sent to Gary with Format Corrections to Gary's Records
8...Backup for Daily Interim Changes Added to SDS

Click here to comment!


Orientation Editing for Medit and SDS
SAA Open Action Items Listed in Reference Field
Johnson, Gary Opening Files Listed in Reference Field Not Working on
References, open SDS records
SAA Opening Action Items Listed in Reference Field of Schedule Analys
SAA is Broke Not Opening Action Item to Target File and Target Line
SDS Records Zipped and Sent to Rod for Review Found Format Issues tha
Flexible Structure Line Numbers Record Segments
Open SDS record in Ref of SAA and Find Description String in Target R
Citations Create Link SDS to SDS and Editor, macro 985

2512 -    ..
2513 - Summary/Objective
2514 -
251401 - Follow up ref SDS 27 0000, ref SDS 26 0000.
251402 -
251403 - Training and orientation tasks that are in the Schedule for new users
251404 - do not seem to be in the diary. ref SDS 0 EL61  Corrected problems
251405 - formatting SDS records.  This enables access to action items in the
251406 - SAA record. ref SDS 0 EL69  Gary's records show improvement using
251407 - prior records to create new tasks. ref SDS 0 I34I  The early records
251408 - commonly fail to provide a blank line between the "Follow up" line,
251409 - below Summary/Objective, and the first line of narrative. ref SDS 0
251410 - I23L  As a result, modified the save function, F2, to force the
251411 - correct format. ref SDS 0 HH52  Another common format problem is not
251412 - using Summary/ Objective for writing a summary of the work in the
251413 - record. ref SDS 0 HH87  Sent Gary's records back with corrections, and
251414 - included an update for my SDS records, ref SDS 0 U1PY, which include
251415 - an explanation of a new feature for backing up daily work product.
251416 - ref SDS 0 425X
251417 -
251418 -  ..
251419 - Sent Gary an email with link to this record.
251420 -
251421 -
251422 -
251423 -  ..
2515 -
2516 -
2517 - Progress
2518 -
251801 - SAA Operation Failing to Open Records Listed in Reference Field
251802 -
251803 - Follow up ref SDS 27 DF4N, ref SDS 26 DF4N.
251804 -
251805 - Received an email from Gary transmitting his SDS records.  He sent
251806 - both his diary files on d and his subject index files on h.  That is
251807 - all we need to address the issues raised so far.
251808 -
251809 -     [...below, discovered problem with the code. ref SDS 0 XO4O
251810 -
251811 -  ..
251812 - SAA record shows the following Line number problem....
251813 -
251814 -      01 - Schedule analysis and adjustments; ** Follow Up **
251815 -      02 - -------------------------------------------------
251816 -      03 - Follow Up List
251817 -      0301 - SDS records
251818 -      0302 - SD021001 ***REMEMBER** leave blank lines between paragraphs.
251819 -      0303 - SD021007 Check with Shrfu on page, and move to live site.
251820 -      0304 - SD021007 This is a test.
251821 -      030401 -
251822 -      030402 -
251823 -      0305 -
251824 -      0306 -    Time Milg Emply T  Bill Function  Special Subject/File
251825 -      04 - K101 00.0 0000 00001 0 00000 01090000 00000000 02 13 0101
251826 -      0401 - Set objectives
251827 -      0402 - ===============
251828 -      0403 -
251829 -      0404 -            *** Evaluate pending Follow Up ***
251830 -      0405 -
251831 -
251832 -
251833 -  ..
251834 - Problem Caused by Incorrect Transition from Line 0301 to 0302
251835 -
251836 - The line below 0301 should be 030101, and all subsequent lines where a
251837 - follow up link is entered should be 0301xx lines.  The code that
251838 - decides there is a link to open recognizes it is in the Reference
251839 - field based on finding an 03xxxx string, and it decides there is an
251840 - SDS record to open based on the next two positions being 0301xx, then
251841 - examines the last two positions of the six character field, as shown
251842 - in the record on 980503. ref SDS 7 2788
251843 -
251844 -     [...below, another record for 021004 had similar format problems
251845 -     with Reference field, and the Control Field. ref SDS 0 I29G
251846 -
251847 -     [...below, discovered problem with the code. ref SDS 0 XO4O
251848 - ..
251849 - In Gary's case, the string is 0302 - so the code found neither
251850 - 0301.., nor an alpha num for the next two positions.
251851 -
251852 -  ..
251853 - What went wrong....
251854 -
251855 -    Somehow the "0301 - SDS records" field identification line, got
251856 -    duplicated to produce an incorrect structure...
251857 -
251858 -      0301 - SDS records
251859 -      0302 - SD021001 ***REMEMBER** leave blank lines between paragraphs.
251860 -
251861 -     ..
251862 -    ...when what should have happened is that the the SAA file should
251863 -    have have started with a few blank lines to look like this...
251864 -
251865 -      0301 - SDS records
251866 -      030101 -
251867 -      030102 -
251868 -
251869 - when the first Follow Up action item was entered, when Gary
251870 -    used F2 in an SDS record, it should have duplicated the blank line
251871 -    to create another one, and then made the entry on the 030101 line,
251872 -    so the file would look like...
251873 -
251874 -      0301 - SDS records
251875 -      030101 - 021001 ***REMEMBER** leave blank lines between paragraphs.
251876 -      030102 -
251877 -      030103 -
251878 -
251879 -     ..
251880 -    ...then the subsequent entries would have produced...
251881 -
251882 -      0301 - SDS records
251883 -      030101 - 021001 ***REMEMBER** leave blank lines between paragraphs.
251884 -      030102 - 021007 Check with Shrfu on page, and move to live site.
251885 -      030103 - 021007 This is a test.
251886 -      030104 -
251887 -      030105 -
251888 -      0305 -
251889 -
251890 -     ..
251891 -    Correcting the problem -- conformed Gary's SAA file, follow up
251892 -    action items now work correctly, except...
251893 -
251894 -         There is no record to open for the 1st follow up action
251895 -         item...
251896 -
251897 -           [...below, discovered problem with the code. ref SDS 0 XO4O
251898 -
251899 -        021001 ***REMEMBER** leave blank lines between paragraphs.
251900 -
251901 -
251902 -     ..
251903 -    SDS Training and Orientation Diary Records Missing
251904 -
251905 -    The missing record for an action item in SAA may be caused in part
251906 -    by the fact that none of the SDS orientation lesson records have
251907 -    been converted to diary records.  Possibly one was converted to a
251908 -    Diary, then an action follow up was created to test this feature,
251909 -    then later the diary was changed back to a Schedule task to test
251910 -    that feature, with the result that there is no diary record.
251911 -
251912 -     ..
251913 -    I will leave this for Gary to correct.  He can delete the entry
251914 -    for...
251915 -
251916 -        021001 ***REMEMBER** leave blank lines between paragraphs.
251917 -
251918 -    ...using Alt F8.  He can create a diary record for the training and
251919 -    orientation tasks, and add an action item in them to give him
251920 -    access to what he wants to "remember" on this issue.
251921 -
251922 -     ..
251923 -    Some people keep SDS training and other records in the Schedule,
251924 -    rather than convert to diary records, because they want to continue
251925 -    using them. This reflects traditional management practices reviewed
251926 -    on 910529. ref SDS 3 9989
251927 -
251928 -     ..
251929 -    The design of SDS supports converting Schedule tasks into diary
251930 -    records that report actual work performed, so they are archived
251931 -    each day.  Then use diary records to create new records for doing
251932 -    more work on the same subjects.  SDS links new tasks to original
251933 -    diary records used to create them.  This produces a chronology of
251934 -    what was done and shows the evolution of problems and progress that
251935 -    augments intelligence to aid understanding, planning and
251936 -    performance, based on research showing that the human mind reasons
251937 -    primarily on experience, reported on 900303, ref SDS 1 3002, and
251938 -    supported by further research on 900319. ref SDS 2 0001  In order
251939 -    to augment intelligence, we therefore need to capture experience as
251940 -    the first step in the eight (8) steps, set out on 001219.
251941 -    ref SDS 9 4W4L
251942 -
251943 -     ..
251944 -    SDS training and orientation records for new users can be applied
251945 -    to accomplish this objective.  Converting the original Scheduled
251946 -    tasks into diary records provides experience working with the SDS
251947 -    methodology.  Early efforts on this objective helps avoid problems
251948 -    reported on 920215. ref SDS 4 5820
251949 -
251950 -     ..
251951 -    Gary has created a lot records, showing he is getting familiar
251952 -    with the SDS design concept.
251953 -
251954 -
251955 -     ..
251956 -    SDS Code Error Caused Action Item to Post Incorrection in SAA
251957 -
251958 -
251959 - Line 300, ref OF 7 JS4J, -label npfu in 0702051 about 30 lines below
251960 -
251961 -    Actual problem is not anything Gary did nor didn't do.  The code is
251962 -    incorrect for the condition of making the first entry in the SAA
251963 -    record.  It is designed for when records are already listed.
251964 -
251965 -    At this point the code finds the bottom of the list, and then
251966 -    scrolls to the line above on the grounds that it is the last follow
251967 -    up item.  The code then duplicates this line to create a template
251968 -    for the next entry.  But if this is the first entry, then the line
251969 -    above is the SDS records line, and so replacating it, creates the
251970 -    error shown in Gary's records. ref SDS 0 0P03
251971 -
251972 -  ..
251973 - Line 360, ref OF 7 YW7G, -label bRFol_up in 0704050 about 50 lines
251974 - below
251975 -
251976 -    Added following code...
251977 -
251978 -    chrcnt 1 0
251979 -    -if @1 != 45 immed r
251980 -
251981 -        The cursor starts on column 6, so checking the char, if it is a
251982 -        dash, that means it is the SDS records line, and so should not
251983 -        be repeated.
251984 -
251985 -
251986 -
251987 -  ..
251988 - Flexible Consistent Structure Line Numbers Record Segments
251989 - Format Critical to Operation of Reference Field
251990 -
251991 - Since SDS is a DOS program, it has limited ability to provide formats
251992 - that help people avoid problems.
251993 -
251994 - The aim of the design is "flexible structure," explained in POIMS,
251995 - ref OF 1 M17I, discussing consistent fields, but flexibility in size.
251996 - This is accomplished primarily with line numbers and record segments.
251997 - So far, Gary has done an excellent job of grasping these ideas and the
251998 - SDS implementation.  Here are a few additional pointers using
251999 - references to his records.....
252000 -
252001 -     [On 021104 Gary is working on understanding SDS format standards.
252002 -     ref SDS 30 QATW
252003 -
252004 -         ..
252005 -    1.  Follow up line for Summary/Objective
252006 -
252007 -        Several of Gary's records (see listing below, ref SDS 0 4L3F,
252008 -        show a condition like....
252009 -
252010 -           {0001 Follow up
252011 -           This is a Sample Heading Line That is Underlined
252012 -
252013 -           There is some text here that describes the substance of the
252014 -           issue....
252015 -
252016 -        Several of Gary's records show a condition like....
252017 -
252018 -           {0001 Follow up
252019 -           Here is some text immediately below the Follow up line in
252020 -           the Summary/Objective section.
252021 -
252022 -         ..
252023 -        Blank Line Needed Below Follow up Line
252024 -        Summary/Objective 25 Word Narrative Segmented with Outline
252025 -
252026 -        Correction to the format puts a blank line below {0001 Follow
252027 -        up, as shown by this record. ref SDS 0 0001  Narrative can
252028 -        commence below the underline, as shown above, but we need a
252029 -        blank line below the "Follow up r.. SDS .. ..... string.
252030 -
252031 -            Decided to modify 0702051 to put a blank line below Follow
252032 -            up during each "save" using F2.  Used the record on 020320
252033 -            where the save function was significantly modified. There
252034 -            is an argument that automatically changing a format created
252035 -            by a user will cause frustration and anger, but will try
252036 -            this for awhile. ref SDS 10 C88F
252037 -
252038 -         ..
252039 -        Typically, Summary/Objective is a narrative that summarizes the
252040 -        entire record in 25 words, or as few as possible for the scope
252041 -        of the record, as a key element of augmenting intelligence
252042 -        shown on 001219. ref SDS 9 4W4L  Many people, including
252043 -        management experts call for summary, but few ever have the time
252044 -        for this step, so it takes initial focus to remember, which is
252045 -        the purpose of the "Summary/Objective" title that starts a
252046 -        record.  Often a lot of different issues will be addressed in a
252047 -        single record, so having a place to develop a summary is
252048 -        helpful, per above, ref SDS 0 0001, recognizing, as well, that
252049 -        every record does not need to be summarized, because some can
252050 -        be grasped easily enough without this step.
252051 -
252052 -         ..
252053 -        The first headline appears several blank lines below the
252054 -        narrative summary, as shown above. ref SDS 0 DF4N  Often the
252055 -        summary is not prepared until the record is complete, because
252056 -        we don't know what to summarize until the work is over, so
252057 -        "summarize" is step 5 of the eight (8) steps shown on 001219.
252058 -        ref SDS 9 QZ4K  When we start a record, we may write some
252059 -        objectives for the record, but we don't have to do it this way.
252060 -        Sometimes a record does not need any headlines, and we go ahead
252061 -        and just write up what happened in a narrative under
252062 -        Summary/Objective, so the whole thing is flexible.  However, if
252063 -        we need a headline, then it should follow the format in this
252064 -        record. ref SDS 0 DF4N
252065 -
252066 -         ..
252067 -        Other examples of formats that work are shown at...
252068 -
252069 -            No headline....................... 021001, ref SDS 14 0001
252070 -            No headline....................... 021008, ref SDS 25 0001
252071 -            Headline with narrative summary... 020924, ref SDS 11 0001
252072 -            Headline with narrative summary... 021008, ref SDS 26 0001
252073 -
252074 -        Common element -- all have a blank line below {0001 Follow up.
252075 -
252076 -         ..
252077 -        The following records were corrected to conform to these
252078 -        format objectives....
252079 -
252080 -           Lunch with Brady................ 021003, ref SDS 16 0001
252081 -
252082 -               ..
252083 -              This record repeats the record description from line 1
252084 -              that was created in the Schedule, in a headline.
252085 -              Typical format would to rely on the record description,
252086 -              and not have two summary lines that say the same thing.
252087 -
252088 -              For the time being, I created a blank line below the
252089 -              Follow up line and the headline.
252090 -
252091 -            ..
252092 -           Learn SDS Operations............ 021004, ref SDS 17 0001
252093 -
252094 -              This record has a series of items listed beginning on the
252095 -              line below Follow up.  I created a blank line; indented
252096 -              the list and changed to the SDS bullet symbol in F1 F1
252097 -              F6.
252098 -
252099 -            ..
252100 -           Difficulties Using SDS.......... 021004, ref SDS 18 0001
252101 -
252102 -              This has similar problem.  I created a blank line below
252103 -              Follow up and added outline for the first headline using
252104 -              F1 F8 that time stamps the outline level and puts an
252105 -              anchor above.  Changed the time to "Progress" since we
252106 -              always assume the first work in a record is the time of
252107 -              the record.
252108 -
252109 -            ..
252110 -           Editing Group Manager........... 021004, ref SDS 19 0001
252111 -
252112 -              Same problem, same correction.
252113 -
252114 -            ..
252115 -           Usage Discussion with Rod....... 021004, ref SDS 21 0001
252116 -
252117 -              Same problem, same correction.
252118 -
252119 -              Provided an example for Gary demonstrating using F1 F8 to
252120 -              create outline structure for first Headline below the
252121 -              Summary/Objective section.
252122 -
252123 -            ..
252124 -           Added New Closing Message
252125 -           To Chi-Arts Pages................ 021004, ref SDS 23 0001
252126 -
252127 -              Same problem, same correction.
252128 -
252129 -
252130 -
252131 -
252132 -         ..
252133 -    2.  Format for References, Control Field and Summary/Objective need
252134 -        adjustment.
252135 -
252136 -           Creating References............. 021004, ref SDS 20 0001
252137 -
252138 -        The 0301 and 030101 lines are missing, and the 04 Control Field
252139 -        line is missing, as shown by.....
252140 -
252141 -   01 - Creating References
252142 -   02 - --------------------------------------------------
252143 -   03 - References SDS records
252144 -   04 -     021004 052827 GLJDY Editing Group Manager screen
252145 -   0401 -
252146 -   0402 -    Time Milg Emply T  Bill Function  Special Subject/File
252147 -   0403 - K101 00.0 0000 00000 0 00000 00000000 00000000 SD 36 01
252148 -   0404 -
252149 -   0405 - Difficulties
252150 -   0406 - =============================
252151 -   0407 -
252152 -   0408 - Summary/Objective
252153 -   0409 - Summary/Object
252154 -   0410 - Summary/ObjectSummary/Objective
252155 -   0411 -
252156 -   041101 - {0001 Follow up
252157 -   041102 -
252158 -   041103j- Creating References
252159 -
252160 -
252161 -         ..
252162 -        Corrected it to look like this....
252163 -
252164 -   01 - Creating References
252165 -   02 - -----------------------------------------------------
252166 -   03 - References SDS records
252167 -   0301 - SDS records
252168 -   030101 - 021004 052827 GLJDY Editing Group Manager screen
252169 -   030102 -
252170 -   0302 -
252171 -   0303 -
252172 -   0304 -    Time Milg Emply T  Bill Function  Special Subject/File
252173 -   04 - K101 00.0 0000 00000 0 00000 00000000 00000000 SD 36 01
252174 -   0401 - Difficulties
252175 -   0402 - =============================
252176 -   0403 -
252177 -   0404 - Summary/Objective
252178 -   0405 -
252179 -   040501 - {0001 Follow up
252180 -   040502 -
252181 -   040503 - I wanted to add  a reference to the reference section. There doesn't
252182 -   040504 - appear to be any direct way to do this.
252183 -   040505 -
252184 -
252185 -         ..
252186 -    3.  Subjects and Record Segments - F1 F6
252187 -
252188 -        Gary has done a good job starting to work with record segments,
252189 -        using F1 F6 to create Control Fields....
252190 -
252191 -           Creating References............. 021004, ref SDS 20 0001
252192 -
252193 -        This record format can be used to report on each of the
252194 -        separate subjects Gary has in different records on the same day
252195 -        for learning SDS.  There is no hard and fast rule; people can
252196 -        use SDS in the way they feel comfortable, but issues that are
252197 -        closely related, like "learning SDS" could all be reported in
252198 -        the same record, and segmented according to subject using F1 F6
252199 -        to create Control Fields.
252200 -
252201 -
252202 -         ..
252203 -    4.  Linking and References Record Shows Good Format
252204 -
252205 -           SAA Follow Up Broken -- Usage
252206 -           Discussion with Rod Welch....... 021010, ref SDS 28 0001
252207 -
252208 -        This record has three (3) records listed in the Reference
252209 -        field.  All are correct, showing that Gary is beginning to use
252210 -        prior records to plan and perform new work.
252211 -
252212 -         ..
252213 -        The next step is for Gary to use these references to create
252214 -        links between new work and original sources that show alignment
252215 -        in the record.
252216 -
252217 -           [On 021109 made a note to work with Gary on linking in SDS
252218 -           records, and writing a letter, which uses linking to
252219 -           maintain alignment. ref SDS 31 293N
252220 -
252221 -           [On 021120 Gary indicated he is up to speed on linking,
252222 -           ref SDS 32 SF6J, using procedures set out in the record on
252223 -           021120. ref SDS 32 OG9M
252224 -
252225 -
252226 -
252227 -
252228 -
252229 -
252230 -
252231 -
2523 -

Gary's Subject Index Will Become More Refined over Time

260301 -  ..
260302 - Subject Index Shows Progress Will Become Refined Through Experience
260303 -
260304 - I looked through some of Gary's subjects.  It reflects perspective
260305 - from starting to use a new feature.  Do not make any suggestions at
260306 - this point on SI revisions, since the current focus is gaining
260307 - confidence with the SDS record format and editing conventions, per
260308 - above. ref SDS 0 DF4N
260309 -
260310 -  ..
260311 - Consideration might be given to trying to find appropriate subjects in
260312 - the 04 00074 account for learning and using SDS, rather than start a
260313 - new one.  The advantage of starting new structures, as Gary is doing,
260314 - is that it reflects the user's current mind set, and thereafter it has
260315 - continuing meaning by association with actual experience.  Research on
260316 - 000515 shows that experience is a powerful force of knowledge.
260317 - ref SDS 8 0042  Another advantage of starting a new subject account
260318 - is that in the beginning is very small, so it is easy to remember what
260319 - was intended.
260320 -
260321 -  ..
260322 - The advantage of simple structures that are easy to remember and
260323 - select from among few choices, is also a disadvantage compared to
260324 - investing time for an established, yet more complicated organic
260325 - structure, which has been generated under the account...
260326 -
260327 -                       04 00074
260328 -
260329 - ...using the project account used to develop SDS....
260330 -
260331 -                       03 00050
260332 -
260333 - ...reflects the full range of issues that have been discovered from
260334 - many years of experience.  In the immediate term there is no rush to
260335 - use one method or another, but over time, the ability to find
260336 - information quickly will benefit from refinement of an established
260337 - organic structure.
260338 -
260339 -
260340 -
260341 -
260342 -
2604 -

SDS Records Modified to Illustrate Format Corrections
Gary's Records Corrected Zip File Updating SDS Code and Work Files Pl
Corrected Records Sent to Gary Illustrating Format for SDS

3006 -
300601 -  ..
300602 - SDS Update Sent to Gary with Format Corrections to Gary's Records
300603 -
300604 - Follow up ref SDS 24 5Y5H.
300605 -
300606 - Ran an SDS update for Gary using procedures in the record on 021002,
300607 - ref SDS 15 8V3N, as of the last update sent on 021007. ref SDS 24 5Y5H
300608 -
300609 - This includes modified records I received from him today, with
300610 - corrections per above.
300611 -
300612 - Gary can install the update using instructions on 021002. ref SDS 24
300613 - EU7J
300614 -
300615 - Group Manager can be switched using instructions, also, on 021002.
300616 - ref SDS 24 GX9F
300617 -
300618 -
300619 -
300620 -
300621 -
300622 -
3007 -

Backup Using Pkzip for Interim Backups Called from File Menu

3104 -
310401 -  ..
310402 - Backup for Daily Interim Changes Added to SDS
310403 -
310404 - Follow up ref SDS 29 0001.
310405 -
310406 - Gary might try the new feature created yesterday for interim backups
310407 - of daily work product. ref SDS 29 NR3H  Backup sets are stored on e:
310408 - in....
310409 -
310410 -                 e: backup yymmdd
310411 -
310412 - The location can be changed by editing the batch file....
310413 -
310414 -                 c: sd 01 backup.bat
310415 -
310416 - ...jus change E to any drive of convenience, ref OF 5 JA5I, as shown
310417 - in the record on 021012. ref SDS 29 7A7F
310418 -
310419 -  ..
310420 - Instructions for use simply entail opening the File menu and clicking
310421 - on "Backup." ref SDS 29 E66N
310422 -
310423 -  ..
310424 - A list file is generated to show what has been backed up each pass,
310425 - and selective restore can be accomplished using pkunzip, which is zu
310426 - in the SDS directory....
310427 -
310428 -
310429 -                 c: sd 01 zu.exe
310430 -
310431 -
310432 -
310433 -
310434 -
310435 -
310436 -
310437 -
310438 -