440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 12, 2002 08:31 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Backup try using W2K feature for interim rather than Novaback.

2...Exabyte Interim Backup Persistant Failure
3...Exabyte Abandoned for Interim Backup - Use Hard Disk
4...Planning Evaluates W2K Backup, Novaback and Copying to the Disk
5...Pkzip Program Interim Backup to E Drive on Disk
6...031010 Pkzip Incremental Backup Operation Run from File Menu
7...SD 01 Backup.Bat Batch File for Interim Backups
8...050404 Editor Menu
9...050405 SDS Records Menu
10...050406 Schedule Menu

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Update Help for Interim Backup op created on 021012.


Backup Failed Using Tape #9 and Tape #21 During Two Different Interim
Specification For Backing up to Hard Disk
Backup on Drive E
Backup Using Pkzip for Interim Backups Called from File Menu
Backup Interim Run from the File Menu in Schedule, SDS Records or Edi
Problem Requiring Interim Backup Utility
Need for New Routine Because Exabyte Tape Backup System with Novaback

1409 -    ..
1410 - Summary/Objective
1411 -
141101 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000.
141102 -
141103 - Full file backups seem to be working barely, but interim backups with
141104 - the Exabyte tape drive continue to fail.  Today considered various
141105 - options, and finally created a new interim backup system that is
141106 - called within the "File" menu of SDS, ref SDS 0 E66N, and using pkzip
141107 - in a batch operation. ref SDS 0 7A7F  It will genreate a log file and
141108 - store multiple backup sets for the same day in a single directory.
141109 - Backups on different days will be stored in a directory for each day.
141110 - We can accumulate these for several months, then shear off a month at
141111 - a time, as monthly full file backups are created.
141112 -
141113 -     [On 021013 notified Gary of this new feature. ref SDS 7 425X
141114 -
141115 -     [On 021107 modified backup op to support confidentiality.
141116 -     ref SDS 8 YD5L
141117 -
141118 -     [On 021120 modified to only include two char directories.
141119 -     ref SDS 9 VK8N
141120 -
141121 -     [On 021127 added new tasks for saving email and browser
141122 -     operations and configurations that change daily. ref SDS 10 0001
141123 -
141124 -
141125 -
141126 -  ..
1412 -
1413 -
1414 - Problem
1415 -
141501 - Exabyte Interim Backup Persistant Failure
141502 -
141503 - We seem to have continuing problems using Exabyte tapes to perform
141504 - interim backups.  For some reason full file backups are still limping
141505 - along.  We have occassions when verify still crashes, but still able
141506 - to accomplish a full file.  However, interim backups persistenly
141507 - fail.
141508 -
141509 - Will consider again today using W2K for interim backups to the hard
141510 - disk.  This was used successfully under Windows 98 for awhile several
141511 - years ago when the Exabyte tape drives we were using failed.  We
141512 - eventually purchased a newer model Exabyte tape drive, the Mamoth LT,
141513 - and it worked better, but has failed periodically.  Now, as a result
141514 - of persistant failure of interim backups, will try doing the interim
141515 - backups to the hard disk, and capture them once a month with full file
141516 - backups using the Exabyte tape drive.  This provides some redundancy.
141517 -
141518 -
141519 -
141520 -
141521 -  ..
1416 -
1417 -
1418 - Planning
1419 -
141901 - Exabyte Abandoned for Interim Backup - Use Hard Disk
141902 - Planning Evaluates W2K Backup, Novaback and Copying to the Disk
141903 -
141904 - The record on using the W2K backup utility is shown at...
141905 -
141906 -         ..
141907 -        Backup to drive E.................... 990823, ref SDS 1 0001
141908 -        Questions on using backup............ 000310, ref SDS 2 5882
141909 -        Backup to separate file.............. 000331, ref SDS 3 3431
141910 -
141911 -  ..
141912 - Today, could not figure out today how to configure the w2k backup
141913 - utility to save a backup to the hard drive.  It may be another example
141914 - of Microsoft working to improve productivity noted by Steve Balmer on
141915 - 010510. ref SDS 4 YG5K
141916 -
141917 - Novaback does not seem to have a procedure for backing up to the hard
141918 - disk either.
141919 -
141920 - Suppose we use the DOS copy command.
141921 -
141922 -      C>copy c:\sd\*.*
141923 -
141924 -  ..
141925 - Instructions for using copy....
141926 -
141927 -     Copies one or more files to another location.
141928 -
141929 -     COPY [/V] [/N] [/Y | /-Y] [/Z] [/A | /B ] source [/A | /B]
141930 -          [+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A | /B]]
141931 -
141932 -       source       Specifies the file or files to be copied.
141933 -       /A           Indicates an ASCII text file.
141934 -       /B           Indicates a binary file.
141935 -       destination  Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).
141936 -       /V           Verifies that new files are written correctly.
141937 -       /N           Uses short filename, if available, when copying a file with a
141938 -                    non-8dot3 name.
141939 -       /Y           Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
141940 -                    existing destination file.
141941 -       /-Y          Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
141942 -                    existing destination file.
141943 -       /Z           Copies networked files in restartable mode.
141944 -
141945 -      ..
141946 -     The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable.
141947 -     This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. Default is to
141948 -     prompt on overwrites unless COPY command is being executed from
141949 -     within a batch script.
141950 -
141951 -     To append files, specify a single file for destination, but multiple files
141952 -     for source (using wildcards or file1+file2+file3 format).
141953 -
141954 - This does not provide ability to copy files with the archive bit on,
141955 - and set it to off, nor is there a date command.
141956 -
141957 -
141958 -
141959 -
141960 -
1420 -

Planning Considering Alternatives

1504 -
150401 -  ..
1505 -
1506 -
1507 - Solution
1508 -
150801 - Pkzip Program Interim Backup to E Drive on Disk
150802 -
150803 - We might try pkzip using commands in the record on 020903. ref SDS 5
150804 - WZ4F
150805 -
150806 - It has ability to specify dates with the -tmmddyyyy param, and it has
150807 - an archive attribute feature specified with -i.
150808 -
150809 -  ..
150810 - We could create a batch file that simply increments the date of
150811 - the files to be zipped.
150812 -
150813 -           z -P -a -r -i e:\backup\yymmdd\chhmmss\ c:\*.*
150814 -           z -P -a -r -i e:\backup\yymmdd\dhhmmss\ d:\*.*
150815 -           z -P -a -r -i e:\backup\yymmdd\fhhmmss\ f:\*.*
150816 -           z -P -a -r -i e:\backup\yymmdd\ghhmmss\ g:\*.*
150817 -           z -P -a -r -i e:\backup\yymmdd\hhhmmss\ h:\sd\*.*
150818 -
150819 -
150820 - Experimenting indicates that the archive attribute -i feature does not
150821 - fit our requirements.
150822 -
150823 - We do not want to capture all new or unchanged files, because this
150824 - includes a lot of program files.  Everytime we install a new software
150825 - program, all of the files have the archive attribute, until things are
150826 - backed up.
150827 -
150828 -  ..
150829 - Since we are saving to the hard disk, and expect to do this at least
150830 - once a day, and possibly several times a day, we want to avoid
150831 - accumulating a large body of backup stuff.  To accomplish this
150832 - objective will backup up only work files, rather than program files.
150833 - If there is a problem with program files, we can install the programs
150834 - from the installation files on the g drive.
150835 -
150836 - Work files to backup up include...
150837 -
150838 -                   c: 01
150839 -                   c: sd 01
150840 -                   c: sd 03
150841 -
150842 - Will not backup the record set of files on the Internet in.....
150843 -
150844 -                   c: sd wl
150845 -
150846 -  ..
150847 - This is just a duplicate of what is in the original sources, which we
150848 - will backup as follows...
150849 -
150850 -                   d: sd
150851 -                   f:
150852 -                   g: sd
150853 -                   h: sd
150854 -
150855 -
150856 -
1509 -

Code Using Macro 03101 to Setup Batch File that Calls Pkzip

1604 -
160401 -  ..
160402 - 031010   Pkzip Incremental Backup Operation Run from File Menu
160403 -
160404 - Will call from the File menu the following new routine...
160405 -
160406 -
160407 -                         c: sd 03 03101
160408 -
160409 -
160410 - build a directory for the current date, and then open, edit and
160411 - execute a batch file....
160412 -
160413 -                         c: sd 01 backup.bat
160414 -
160415 -  ..
160416 - ...that will run pkzip to capture files that have not been captured
160417 - the last pass, and it will generate a text file listing to show what
160418 - has been backed up and stored on the e: drive.
160419 -
160420 -
160421 -                      e: backup yymmdd
160422 -                      e: backup yymmdd
160423 -                      e: backup yymmdd
160424 -                      e: backup yymmdd
160425 -                      e: backup yymmdd
160426 -
160427 -  ..
160428 - As shown by "yymmdd" will build a directory for each day, see below,
160429 - ref SDS 0 FE29, and then generate backup zip files using the hour,
160430 - minute and second params for the filename, e.g., chhmmss, to
160431 - distinguish multiple passes on the same day.  A second pass of pkzip
160432 - will generate a text file that lists the files in the backup zip file,
160433 - so it is fast and easy to see and locate particular files when
160434 - something needs to be restored. see below. ref SDS 0 D15N
160435 -
160436 -  ..
160437 - Line 40, ref OF 1 XB6F, in 03101....
160438 -
160439 -     Mark the current file, so we can get back, and open the processor
160440 -     03101 for editing.
160441 -
160442 -
160443 -  ..
160444 - Line 30, ref OF 1 Y16G, in 03101
160445 -
160446 -     Use datecnt 11 to capture params for the current date, and then
160447 -     post the date using a subroutine to a savx command.
160448 -
160449 -  ..
160450 - Line, ref OF 1 BF8J in 03101
160451 -
160452 -     Execute savx to build directories for today by writing the
160453 -     processor file under the name "test."  The file test will be
160454 -     deleted in the batch operation, since it is not needed.  The
160455 -     directories will be used by pkzip in the batch operation.
160456 -
160457 -  ..
160458 - Line 90, ref OF 1 4I4I in 03101
160459 -
160460 -     Open the batch file....
160461 -
160462 -                    c: sd 01 backup.bat
160463 -
160464 -     ...and edit with parameters for today that identify directories
160465 -     and filenames for zipping and storing files.
160466 -
160467 -      ..
160468 -     Locate the line in the batch file...
160469 -
160470 -                    CD\backup
160471 -
160472 -     ...and call a subroutine that appends a string corresponding to
160473 -     today's date captured with the datecnt command, so the batch file
160474 -     can change the directory to create backup files in the backup
160475 -     directory for current date.
160476 -
160477 -  ..
160478 - Line 110, ref OF 1 DO6F, in 03101
160479 -
160480 -     In the batch file backup.bat locate the line with "Date" so it is
160481 -     placed at the top of the screen.
160482 -
160483 -     This line has the date of the last backup performed.
160484 -
160485 -  ..
160486 - Line 120, ref OF 1 PR3L, in 03101
160487 -
160488 -     Use macro 1182 to read the date string parameter mmddyyyy on the
160489 -     Date: line, so this string can be used for the pkzip -t date
160490 -     parameter on all of the backup commands.
160491 -
160492 -      ..
160493 -     Now that we have date parameter for the current pass, call command
160494 -     for datecnt 11 to get the current date and post it to the Date:
160495 -     field so it can be used as the start date for the next interim
160496 -     backup.
160497 -
160498 -  ..
160499 - Line 150, ref OF 1 9W6H, -label lp1a in 03101
160500 -
160501 -     Do a loop routine that appends the date using macro 1181 to all of
160502 -     the -t date parameters for all of the pkzip commands, and also run
160503 -     a subroutine to append the time - hhmmss to the output filenames.
160504 -
160505 -  ..
160506 - Line 170, ref OF 1 LZ8J, -label nxT in 03101
160507 -
160508 -     Do another loop routine to enter the time - hhmmss to the pkzip
160509 -     command parameters for building a text file that lists the files
160510 -     and diagnostics included in the backup, for each of the backup
160511 -     files created.  The same string is appended to two places:  one
160512 -     for the output filename for the backup.  This is the input
160513 -     filename for the file list command, and a second for the output
160514 -     filename of the list file itself.
160515 -
160516 -  ..
160517 - Line 210, ref OF 1 OO5N, -label end in 03101
160518 -
160519 -     The batch file is now configured.
160520 -
160521 -       [On 021127 added new tasks for saving email and browser
160522 -       operations and configurations that change daily. ref SDS 10 OO4H
160523 -
160524 -     Save the modified batch file.
160525 -
160526 -     Return to the file of origin in the SDS record.
160527 -
160528 -     Purge the batch file from memory.
160529 -
160530 -     Execute the modified batch file from the disk using dose...
160531 -
160532 -               dose /c c:\sd\01\backup
160533 -
160534 -
160535 -
1606 -

Batch File Calls Pkzip and Managed by Macro 03101

1704 -
170401 -  ..
170402 - SD 01 Backup.Bat   Batch File for Interim Backups
170403 -
170404 - Use zip commands in the record on 020903. ref SDS 5 WZ4F
170405 -
170406 - Line 20, ref OF 5 JA5I, in c: sd 01 backup.bat
170407 -
170408 -     We will run this from the target directory so the files are
170409 -     created where they will wind up.
170410 -
170411 -     Switch to the e drive.
170412 -
170413 -     Change to the target directory using the command variable entered
170414 -     by the 03101 operation, per above. ref SDS 0 UO8H
170415 -
170416 -  ..
170417 - Line 50, ref OF 5 KB7H, in c: sd 01 backup.bat
170418 -
170419 -     Delete the file "test," which created each pass from within 03101
170420 -     using the savx command.  Since it has created the directory
170421 -     structure, the file test is no longer needed, per above.
170422 -     ref SDS 0 FE29
170423 -
170424 -     Set path to c: sd 01 which is where the pkzip command is located,
170425 -     including a secondary file this dumb thing needs...
170426 -
170427 -                     c: sd 01 pkzipc.exe
170428 -
170429 -  ..
170430 - Line 60, ref OF 5 LC8Q, in c: sd 01 backup.bat
170431 -
170432 -     Date: mmddyyyy has a date parameter entered by 03101 each pass to
170433 -     store the starting date for the current backup operation.  This
170434 -     line does not execute in the batch file, but it is updated with
170435 -     the current date each pass, after the initial date is read and
170436 -     posted to the -t date parameters of the pkzip commands.
170437 -
170438 -  ..
170439 - Line 60, ref OF 5 FN4N, in c: sd 01 backup.bat
170440 -
170441 -     Pkzip commands are executed after having been edited to correlate
170442 -     with the date from the last update.  We are trying to us this
170443 -     method of backing up based on dates, rather than archive bit.
170444 -
170445 -         z -P -a -a+ -r -tmmddyyyy Chhmmss c:\01\*.*
170446 -         z -P -a -a+ -r -tmmddyyyy Chhmmss c:\sd\01\*.*
170447 -         z -P -a -a+ -r -tmmddyyyy Chhmmss c:\sd\03\*.*
170448 -
170449 -      ..
170450 -     We are zipping up only three sets of files for SDS, and using the
170451 -     start date as the date of the last backup.
170452 -
170453 -     Create a list for fast review.... chhmmss so there can be multiple
170454 -     passes on the same day without overwriting the list filenames.
170455 -
170456 -         z -vb Chhmmss *.* > Chhmmss
170457 -
170458 -      ..
170459 -     The first chhmmss file represents the output filename of the
170460 -     pkzip operation which is actually
170461 -
170462 -     The second chhmmss is the output text filename.
170463 -
170464 -     This provides a simple correlation between zip file and filelist
170465 -     that shows what is zipped up.
170466 -
170467 -  ..
170468 - The same process is repeated for each of the drives that is backed up,
170469 - per above. ref SDS 0 NS3C
170470 -
170471 -  ..
170472 - Line 90, ref OF 5 7X4H, in sd 01 backup.bat
170473 -
170474 -    z -P -a -a+ -r -t12062002 D002040 d:\*.* -wh
170475 -
170476 -       This command gets SDS records, and includes hidden files, to
170477 -       support confidentiality, per pkzip commands reported on 020903.
170478 -       ref SDS 5 5G9G
170479 -
170480 -           [On 021107 developed functionality that enables people to
170481 -           mark a record confidential at will using a menu.  The backup
170482 -           ops today have to be able to handl the attribute that
170483 -           prevents transfer to others using Pkzip.  Pkzip -w command
170484 -           includes files flagged with attributes for ahs, but not for
170485 -           s, so have to use either h or s. ref SDS 8 1V7M
170486 -
170487 -
170488 -
170489 -
170490 -
170491 -
170492 -
170493 -
170494 -
170495 -
1705 -

Menus for Schedule SDS Records Editor
Backup Interim Called from File Menu

210401 -  ..
210402 - 050404  Editor Menu
210403 -
210404 - Line 80, ref OF 2 R69L, added code for interim backup to the File
210405 - menu in the editor.
210406 -
210407 -     [On 021013 notified Gary of this new feature. ref SDS 7 425X
210408 -
210409 -
210410 -  ..
210411 - 050405  SDS Records Menu
210412 -
210413 - Line 90, ref OF 3 E94G, added code for interim backup to the File menu
210414 - in SDS records.
210415 -
210416 -
210417 - 050406  Schedule Menu
210418 -
210419 - Line 90, ref OF 4 SE4N, added code for interim backup to the File menu
210420 - in the Schedule.
210421 -
210422 -
210423 - Update Help for Interim Backup op created on 021012.
210424 -
210425 -
210426 -
210427 -
210428 -
210429 -
210430 -
210431 -
210432 -
210433 -
210434 -
210435 -
210436 -
2105 -