440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 24, 2002 09:00 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Millie meeting at Kaiser good news reported on cancer recovery.
2...Recovery Progress CA 15-3 Cancer Marker Drops to Target Level
3...CA 15-3 Cancer Marker Drops to Target Level Progress Toward Recovery
4...PET Scan Planned Following Completion of 2nd Phase of Chemotherapy
5...Chemotherapy Treatment Schedule
6...Blood Test to Evaluate White Blood Cell Count for Chemotherapy
7...Pain Left Side Reflects Heavy Exercise and Normal Spinal Degeneration
8...Arthritis from Aging for 66 Years Treat with Over Counter Medication
9...Spine Shows Normal Deterioration from Aging Requires No Referal
10...Glucosamine and Condroiten Suggested to Treat Mild Arthritis
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CA 15-3 Blood Tests Show 36 Significant Drop into 30s
Chemo Therapy Treatments Scheduled to Begin 021002 1400
Meeting at Kaiser to Schedule 2nd Phase of Chemo Thera
1305 -
1305 - ..
1306 - Summary/Objective
1307 -
130701 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0000, ref SDS 30 0000.
130702 -
130703 - Good news today, the CA 15-3 cancer marker has finally dropped into
130704 - the 30s, which has been a goal since April. The doctor gave clearance
130705 - to return to work, even though there is another phase of chemotherapy
130706 - that will start next week, and last about 3 months. ref SDS 0 IF4J
130707 - There was a little scare when pain in the left arm and leg disrupted
130708 - sleep, but this turned out to be caused by heavy exercise a few days
130709 - earlier from taking a 25 mile bike trip, and so other potentialy more
130710 - severe problems are being discounted at this time. ref SDS 0 I95S
130711 -
130712 - [On 021002 begin 2nd phase chemotherapy. ref SDS 34 0001
130713 -
130714 -
130715 -
130717 - ..
1308 -
1309 -
1310 - Progress
1311 -
131101 - Recovery Progress CA 15-3 Cancer Marker Drops to Target Level
131102 - CA 15-3 Cancer Marker Drops to Target Level Progress Toward Recovery
131103 -
131104 - Follow up ref SDS 33 SQ5I.
131105 -
131106 - Results of blood test on 020917 show CA 15-3 has dropped again from
131107 - from 59 on 020717 down to 36.
131109 - ..
131110 - The doctor printed a report showing CA 15-3 tests....
131111 -
131112 - 020917......... 36 H?
131113 - 020717......... 59 H?............ 020726, ref SDS 33 YN5K
131114 - 020629......... 75 H ............ 020705, ref SDS 31 UX6I
131115 - 020608........ 67 H ............ 020614, ref SDS 28 0001
131116 - 020603........ 108 H ............ 020607, ref SDS 26 X67F
131117 - 020511........ 117 H ............ 020603, ref SDS 25 PJ4J
131118 - 020419......... 81 H ............ 020430, ref SDS 22 7N5H
131119 - 020321......... 85 H ............ 020405, ref SDS 12 6T8K
131121 - ..
131122 - The doctor offered congratulations on achieving a continuing and
131123 - significant drop in the CA 15-3 cancer marker, which has been an
131124 - elusive target since the meeting on 020405, ref SDS 12 OP9K, and
131125 - discussed during the meeting on 020608. ref SDS 30 QB7H
131127 - ..
131128 - He feels the test report indicates that metastasis (see meeting on
131129 - 020321, ref SDS 10 6R5X) has slowed at this time, and there is good
131130 - reason to hope that the next phase of chemo therapy will eliminate all
131131 - of the cancer.
131132 -
131133 - [On 021003 CA 15-3 drops to 33. ref SDS 34 SQ5I
131135 - ..
131136 - [On 021023 CA 15-3 remains at 33. ref SDS 35 SQ5I
131138 - ..
131139 - [On 021113 CA 15-3 rises to 36. ref SDS 36 Y65I
131141 - ..
131142 - [On 021206 CA 15-3 rises over three month period. ref SDS 38 SM6M
131143 -
131144 -
131145 -
131146 -
1312 -
PET Scan Planned to Evaluate Condition Following Completion of Phase
1403 -
140401 - ..
140402 - PET Scan Planned Following Completion of 2nd Phase of Chemotherapy
140403 -
140404 - The doctor said that when this next phase of chemo therapy is
140405 - completed in December, a PET scan test will be performed to look for
140406 - any further evidence of cancer.
140407 -
140408 -
140409 -
140410 -
140411 -
1405 -
Chemo Therapy Treatments Scheduled to Begin 021002 1400
Radiation Treatment Completed Chemotherapy Schedule Phase II Called L
1604 -
160501 - ..
160502 - Chemotherapy Treatment Schedule
160503 -
160504 - Discussed schedule for final phase of initial recovery treatment.
160505 -
160506 - Radiation treatment was completed on 020910, that included one or two
160507 - weeks of additional treatment.
160508 -
160509 - [On 040402 reaction to radition treatment caused redness of breast
160510 - treated with radiation, that delayed start of chemotherapy
160511 - treatment by 2 weeks. ref SDS 40 8T5O
160513 - ..
160514 - The doctor was pleased that the patient has returned to work, where
160515 - the office staff created a warm welcome back event, with lots of
160516 - flowers, as shown in the following pictures....
160517 -
160518 -
160520 - ..
160521 - For the period ahead, the patient will be supporting only one
160522 - attorney, rather than the prior regimine of three (3). This will
160523 - provide a smoother transition over the next few months while
160524 - undergoing the 2nd phase of chemotherapy treatments.
160526 - ..
160527 - The doctor encouraged maintaining an active family and work life,
160528 - because having mind and body fully engaged in regular activity is an
160529 - important ingredient of recovery, within reasonable limits, as
160530 - recognized by the initial back-to-work plan, and discussed further
160531 - below. ref SDS 0 MP8O
160532 -
160533 - [On 030508 the doctor encouraged routine work and maintaining
160534 - exercise habits for quality of life and to strengthen immune
160535 - system.
160537 - ..
160538 - [On 041019 Doctor Guardino at Stanford recommended active work
160539 - schedule for part of patient therapy regimine. ref SDS 41 NN6N
160541 - ..
160542 - [On 060217 patient experiences emotional trauma from dramatic
160543 - recovery; status NED, strength, vigor, engagement return, but
160544 - adjustment needed from emotional shock; primary care physician
160545 - makes referral to BMS for counseling, and recommends continuing
160546 - exercise, and normal activity to ease adjustments. ref SDS 42
160547 - Y642
160549 - ..
160550 - Chemo therapy for the 2nd phase of treatments are scheduled to resume
160551 - on...
160552 -
160553 - Wednesday 1300
160554 - 021002
160556 - ..
160557 - This will fit the work schedule since prior experience shows there is
160558 - elevated energy for a day or so following treatment, then there are
160559 - several days of reduced energy. Hopefully, this drop in energy will
160560 - occur over the weekend, so by Monday, the patient is back to normal on
160561 - the job.
160562 -
160563 - [On 021002 phase II Taxotere treatments begin. ref SDS 34 0001
160565 - ..
160566 - [On 021204 4th and final dose of Taxotere for phase II adjuvant
160567 - treatment. ref SDS 37 F5Z5
160568 -
160569 -
160570 -
160571 -
1606 -
PET Scan Planned to Evaluate Condition Following Completion of Phase
White Blood Cell Count Blood Test Required to Verify Patient Can Tole
1804 -
180501 - ..
180502 - Blood Test to Evaluate White Blood Cell Count for Chemotherapy
180503 -
180504 - The doctor asked the patient to get another blood test a few days
180505 - before the next cheotherapy threatment on 021020, in order to evaluate
180506 - white blood cell count.
180507 -
180508 - [On 021002 results of blood test on 020930 show white blood cell
180509 - count low. ref SDS 34 SQ5I
180510 -
180511 -
180512 -
180513 -
180514 -
1806 -
Arthritis Spine Avoid Jumping Exercise to Maintain Strength Flexibili
Ostopenia Diagnosed by Bone Density Tests Does Not Require Treatment
Left Arm Left Leg Pain Caused by Spinal Degenration and Heavy Exercis
Pain Left Arm Left Leg Caused by Heavy Exercise in Combination with S
3006 -
300701 - ..
300702 - Pain Left Side Reflects Heavy Exercise and Normal Spinal Degeneration
300703 - Arthritis from Aging for 66 Years Treat with Over Counter Medication
300704 - Spine Shows Normal Deterioration from Aging Requires No Referal
300705 - Glucosamine and Condroiten Suggested to Treat Mild Arthritis
300706 -
300707 - Follow up ref SDS 33 I95S.
300708 -
300709 - During the meeting today, pain was reported along the left arm, and
300710 - down the left leg that prevented sleep last night, even with
300711 - medication. Pain has now begun to subside somewhat, but remains a
300712 - concern.
300714 - ..
300715 - The doctor examined the under arm area where surgery was performed in
300716 - March to remove cancerous lymph nodes. This probing examination did
300717 - not cause increased pain.
300718 -
300719 - [On 031205 mild, irregular sensations caused by removal of lymph
300720 - nodes, no cause for treatment. ref SDS 39 WP7L
300722 - ..
300723 - The pain is new within the past few day, since Pam took her mom on a
300724 - 25 mile bike ride through trails in Concord two days ago on Sunday,
300725 - as shown by pictures at...
300726 -
300727 -
300729 - ..
300730 - The doctor said a possible concern with these new symptoms is an
300731 - emerging condition in the brain. He reviewed the medical records, and
300732 - noted findings from tests on the brain reported on 020628 showed no
300733 - indications of brain damage, cancer or other trauma that could account
300734 - for the new symptoms. ref SDS 30 5S5M
300736 - ..
300737 - The doctor cited findings from the MRI tests reported on 020726 of a
300738 - degenerative condition in the spinal area, ref SDS 33 I96W
300740 - ..
300741 - The doctor seemed to indicate that beginnings of spinal degeneration
300742 - may be impacting nerves that pass through this area of the spine in
300743 - combination with heavy exercise of the kind that occurred this past
300744 - Sunday, where a 66 year old cancer patient took a 25 mile bike ride.
300746 - ..
300747 - This is called the Jack LaLane syndrome (only joking).
300749 - ..
300750 - The doctor recalled recommending exercise, but said very few of his 20
300751 - year old friends go off on a 25 mile bike ride. This is unusual and
300752 - extraordinary for a cancer patient, that deserves high praise for
300753 - determination.
300754 -
300755 - [On 031205 the doctor commented that general health enabled by
300756 - exercise increase fitness and the quality of life that is the
300757 - ultimate goal of medical treatment. ref SDS 39 7C6W
300759 - ..
300760 - The doctor feels there should be steady reduction of pain, as the
300761 - increased load on the system returns to normal over the next day or
300762 - so, and releave pressure on the nerves.
300763 -
300764 -
300765 -
300766 -
300767 -
300768 -
300769 -
300770 -
300771 -
300772 -
3008 -
3009 -