440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

October 15, 2001

03 00050 61 01101501

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Business Unit Manager
Cable Network Operation
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP3-105
San Jose, CA 95124

Subject:   SDS Endorse to Intel R&D for Intelligence Initiative
Wayne Wetzel's Evaluation of SDS at DNRC Past 10 Years

Dear Morris,

Per your request on October 6, 2001 I am submitting under separate cover and via regular mail, Wayne Wetzel's recent report on experience using SDS the past 10 years at DNRC. The report provides ideas for recommending consideration of SDS to David Tennenhouse for supporting Intel's work on CITRIS, in accordance with my letter to you on September 28, 2001.

Additionally, several other documents are enclosed that may be useful in considering this matter.....

Justice Mosk, who was Attorney General for the State of California during the Brown administration in the late 50s and early 60s, first discussed SDS on November 23, 1991. Later that day is when you first characterized the Welch Management Method that integrates management tasks to provide a new way of working. A week or so later on November 30, 1991 Justice Mosk and I met in San Francisco. After seeing SDS demonstrated, Justice Mosk, also, noted that SDS is a new way of working. A few years later I submitted the New World Order paper to show progress on meeting new opportunities and dangers that arise from technology that compresses time and distance. Justice Mosk responded with the letter dated July 19, 1994 commending work to restore the balance between generating information and adding analysis (also "intelligence") that produces useful knowledge, which SDS is designed to support.

Morri Smyth's letter is included to support your assessment on April 25, 2001 that SDS is more effective than other methods for improving management.

Points you might raise.....

  1. The record on September 27, 1995 cites Intel's goal for computers to support daily management similar to the way SDS integrates scheduling and reporting.

  2. Since that time wide ranging industry efforts to produce Knowledge Management have failed with announcement last year by IBM on November 30, 2000 that work to convert Lotus Notes into a useful program for daily management was not successful. Research efforts at LANL and at SRI have also been unsuccessful. Software engineers and computer scientists have been unable to formulate a working model that distinguishes knowledge from information, as reported at SRI on June 15, 2000. This failure has occurred largely for the reasons you set out in a call on September 24, 2001.

  3. During all this time, beginning in approximately 1983 Rod Welch developed a software program called the Schedule Diary System (SDS) that supports the management science of Communication Metrics, which Welch formulated to add an "intelligence" role to daily management by integrating key tasks so that each supports the other (see history of SDS on July 23, 2000). POIMS describes theory and implementation. A breakthrough is the design that integrates time management with information management to yield chronologies of cause and effect based on context. SDS does not automate human thinking sought by AI engineers; it leverage human intelligence using a flexible structure that makes it fast and easy to produce high quality analysis. An example is the review of Andy Grove's book Only the Paranoid Survive.

    Another example of SDS work product is the record of a meeting at Intel September 27, 1995 preparing for a professional event.

  4. The US Army Corps of Engineers published a report on March 28, 1997 that found Communication Metrics using SDS provides effective intelligence that saves time and money. Later on October 7, 1997, the Corps reported SDS is cost effective with ROI of 10:1.

  5. Earlier PG&E made a similar finding on a pilot test.

  6. Recently on July 17, 2001 the Deputy Director of DNRC in the State of Montana issued a favorable report on their 10 year experience using SDS.

  7. Since no other company or research effort has succeeded in creating intelligence support, the record on SDS over the past 20 years may justify consideration by Intel for using SDS to manage the CITRIS program. If this proves successful, Intel would be positioned to provide intelligence capability that significantly strengthens national security at a time when demand for this support is increasing following tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Notice this approach does not require you to mention personal involvement. You are merely facilitating a contact on a matter of great weight to the nation, which could redound to great credit and reward to Intel.

On the other hand, if you wish to claim rightful credit for helping bring SDS forward, cite your analysis on November 23, 1991 and recent review on April 25, 2001, which are supported by the record.

Again, I apologize for difficulty caused by having links to click, cited in our call on October 6, 2001, and hope we can work through this to get something done. Since this letter is being sent by US mail, you need not deal with links.

On July 16, 2000 Professor Joseph Ransdell wrote that Com Metrics presents a theory of management based on recognizing communication as a process, which has eluded discovery since the 17th century. He urged not to get discouraged by slow progress, because SDS is ambitious. You framed the same challenge in our call on September 24, 2001 noting that nobody else has discovered the value of intelligence, which aligns with experience at Intel reported on July 17, 1999. Now tragically, it has turned out that intelligence is neither funny, alien nor overkill, as the nation scrambles to fill the gap in capability reported loud and clear since events of September 11, 2001, and which now confirm the alarm raised three (3) years ago on August 15, 1998.

As an alternative to sending a letter to Dave, possibly you could facilitate a meeting with him, or his assistant, if you feel that is easier.

Please let me know if you need further help on this. If you want me to make this contact without your support, please let me know. Thanks very much for thinking about this.



Rod Welch

Copy to:

  1. John Deneen
  2. Pat Lincoln, SRI