440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 5, 1999 08:56 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Morris is trying web mail to start a new business unit.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture =408 545 9521
Bridge from Known to New Work Methods
Commercial Partners for Phase II Funding
Partners Locate, Develop NSF Research Support
Communication Main Factor of Success, Management Productivity
New Business Unit for Morris Linking with Office 2000
Web Mail Objectionable, Takes Time Access Web
Links Okay using Microsoft Programs Feels this Accomplishes SDS Com M
1909 - ..
1910 - Summary/Objective
1911 -
191101 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
191102 -
191103 - Morris is starting a new business unit at Intel in telecommunication
191104 - sector, and so will be more involved with management than with
191105 - technology.
191106 -
191107 - [On 020128 Morris retired from business unit manager position.
191108 - ref SDS 45 0001
191109 -
191110 - He has not contacted Dave Vannier per our telecon on 990802.
191111 - ref SDS 27 6396, and my letter, ref DIP 10 0001 on 990902. ref
191112 - 0001
191113 -
191114 - [On 990912 will talk to Dave about this matter. ref SDS 39 4410]
191115 - ..
191116 - Morris has not talked to Keith, as we discussed on 990718.
191117 - ref SDS 23 6384
191118 -
191119 - [On 990911 Morris has talked to Keith. ref SDS 38 9077]
191120 - ..
191121 - He has started using MS Office 2000 to link information, and
191122 - feels this applies Communication Metrics web mail capability to
191123 - deliver "intelligence" via Internet, to some extent. Morris said this
191124 - improves his communication on a new project.
191125 -
191126 - On 940527 developing structure for effective use of the record
191127 - takes an investment of time for cognitive overheads, which SDS
191128 - supplies inherently. ref SDS 3 F95N
191129 -
191130 - On 980405 Morris recognized that all information is related in
191131 - some way, with the result that managing these relationships is a
191132 - complex task that requires SDS. ref SDS 12 2532
191133 -
191134 - We did not discuss his concern about clicking links reported on
191135 - 990712. ref SDS 21 5837
191136 -
191137 - [On 990909 asked Bill DeHart if he is using the linking tools
191138 - in MS Office 2000. ref SDS 37 4950]
191139 -
191140 - [On 991009 he objects to links in Welch communication, because
191141 - they are not as effective as the links he is creating with
191142 - Microsoft Office 2000. ref SDS 40 0702]
191143 -
191144 - [On 000709 Bill DeHart reported SDS provides better
191145 - organization than other methods. ref SDS 41 0052
191146 -
191147 - [On 010720 Morris reported experience using Microsoft programs
191148 - shows these work as well or better than SDS, ref SDS 42 0K5K,
191149 - and to the extent SDS works better than Microsoft programs, SDS
191150 - improvement is overkill. ref SDS 42 JG6M
191151 -
191152 - [On 010924 Morris advised SDS improves management better than
191153 - other methods. ref SDS 43 NK4J
191154 -
191155 - [On 010924 Morris advised that no other software enables a
191156 - unique work practice for investing intellectual capital.
191157 - ref SDS 43 XT5F
191158 -
191159 - [On 020111 Morris demonstrated that Microsoft programs can
191160 - create links, ref SDS 44 5HYX, feels Microsoft programs could
191161 - be modified to accomplished SDS capability. ref SDS 44 S97L
191162 - ..
191163 - Asked Morris if he can create a new command so I can turn insert
191164 - off. Need this to make menus work a little better.
191165 -
191166 - Morris indicated he can do this. He needs my Medit code.
191167 -
191168 - He is about to leave for church, and asked me to call him later
191169 - today.
191170 -
191171 - Zipped Morris' Medit code and uploaded to the web. Sent him an email
191172 - with a link to the site.
191173 -
191174 - [On 990906 called Morris to follow up. ref SDS 36 0001]
191175 -
191176 - [On 990911 will meet to do this task. ref SDS 38 0910]
191177 -
191178 - [On 990912 Morris created the command. ref SDS 39 0672]
191179 -
191180 -
191181 -
191182 -
191183 -
191184 -
191185 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"