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1...Would be interesting to get Hamilton's take on the treatment of
Hardin Dave Co-authored Book Published in August Wants to Talk About
Hardin, David S. Co-authored Book Published this Past August Wants to
0904 - ..
0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
090602 -
090603 - Dave has had an eclectic career that balances traditional roles in the
090604 - military flying combat and other critical missions, while working and
090605 - writing as an author on core management issues to preserve and grow
090606 - readiness through policies for continual learning and knowledge
090607 - transfer. Dave's work at high levels in the military on these issues
090608 - together with similar credentials by his co-authors have evidently led
090609 - to a book that has been well received by customers and reviewers. Dave
090610 - and his co-authors seem to be forming a business to market services
090611 - for training organizations in continuity management that overcomes the
090612 - brain-drain from retirements and transfer of key people. Dave is
090613 - looking for technology to recommend to customers, who are familiar
090614 - with Microsoft programs like Outlook, for implementing requirements of
090615 - continuity management. Timing is good, because Microsoft just
090616 - announced a development project to accomplish what Dave seems to have
090617 - in mind. ref SDS 0 G88R Dave and his co-authors have also contacted a
090618 - firm in Canada who is developing software to support Continuity
090619 - Management. ref SDS 0 G87F He asked about resistance to using good
090620 - management practices, ref SDS 0 NY32, and about the cost of SDS.
090621 - ref SDS 0 G845 Dave plans to keep in touch on this initiative.
090622 -
090623 - ..
090624 - Sent an email to Dave linked to this record that confirms these
090625 - understandings.
090626 -
090627 -
090628 -
090629 - ..
0907 -
0908 -
0909 - Discussion
0910 -
091001 - Followed up message from Dave Hardin reported on 021228. ref SDS 14
091002 - 0001 Called Dave's number...
091005 -
091006 - ..
091007 - Dave is a pilot in the air force and flies the C17 transport; he has
091008 - seen combat action in Bosnia and flown other high profile missions.
091009 - Dave has broad experience in management and leadership working with
091010 - senior levels in the military, as set out in the bio for Dave and his
091011 - co-authors.
091012 -
091013 - ..
091014 - Dave discussed developing a business, evidently thinking about
091015 - retirement from the Air Force. The new business will be based on a
091016 - book he and his co-authors published called...
091017 -
091018 -
091019 - Continuity Management
091020 -
091021 - ..
091022 - ...that draws on composite experience in the military as a pilot, and
091023 - from studying working on the issue of personnel acquisition, training
091024 - and policies for maintaining organizational capability that is
091025 - threatened by loss of experienced people through retirement and other
091026 - causes.
091027 -
091028 - [...below, Dave clarifies in a subsequent letter that he and
091029 - Jeremiah Boenisch are investigating the business model scenario.
091030 - ref SDS 0 CS4J
091031 -
091032 - ..
091033 - Search on the Internet yielded a title....
091034 -
091035 - Continuity Management: Preserving Corporate Knowledge
091036 - and Productivity when Employees Leave
091037 -
091038 - Hamilton Beazley, David G. Harden, Jeremiah Boenisch,
091039 - David Harden
091040 -
091041 - List price: $29.95
091042 -
091043 - ..
091044 - Abstract says...
091045 -
091046 - Acute knowledge loss from downsizing and imminent baby-boomer
091047 - retirements has exacerbated chronic knowledge loss from high job
091048 - turnover; together, these factors pose an unprecedented threat to
091049 - organizational productivity, profits, even survival. The loss of
091050 - knowledge that accompanies an employee's transfer, resignation,
091051 - termination, or retirement is the single most pervasive and costly
091052 - source of knowledge mismanagement in corporate America today.
091053 -
091054 - ..
091055 - This is a similar issue that Cliff Joslyn raised on 000723 about LANL
091056 - trying to preserve knowledge of people who worked on the Manhattan
091057 - project. ref SDS 6 7845
091058 -
091059 - ..
091060 - There is also a website....
091061 -
091062 -
091063 -
091064 - ...for Continuity Management that markets the book by presenting
091065 - important arguments for investing intellectual capital to preserve and
091066 - grow knowledge. Biographies on the authors explain extensive
091067 - experience that went into writing their book.
091068 -
091069 - ..
091070 - Hamilton Beazely, Phd, is a co-author and has written in the field of
091071 - religion, as related at....
091072 -
091073 -
091074 -
091075 - ...saying in part....
091076 -
091077 - Dr. Beazley is co-author (with the Episcopal Bishop of Texas) of
091078 - Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Practical Model for
091079 - Transforming Denominations and Congregations, a case study of
091080 - organizational transformation under a visionary leader
091081 - (Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000); author of the forthcoming Quantum
091082 - Leading: Servant-Leadership in the Century of Hyper-Change, a
091083 - study of servant-leadership and how it is practiced in leading
091084 - American companies (John Wiley & Sons, 2003); and author of the
091085 - forthcoming Letting Go of Regret: A Spiritual Approach to
091086 - Reclaiming the Present, a spiritual and psychological program for
091087 - overcoming burdensome regrets (John Wiley & Sons, 2003). Dr.
091088 - Beazley is co-creator of Secrets Out, a television series that
091089 - aired on the BBC, London during the 1984-1987 seasons. His
091090 - simulation with John Lobuts, Jr., CommSpan: Content and Process
091091 - in Multi-Cultural Communication was selected as one of the top
091092 - twenty multi-cultural management training games in the world
091093 - (1999).
091094 -
091095 - ..
091096 - Would be interesting to get Hamilton's take on the treatment of
091097 - religion in relation to converting information into knowledge, as
091098 - related in NWO. ref OF 2 4723
091099 -
091100 - ..
091101 - Today, Dave explained planning for a new business to market continuity
091102 - management based on ideas in the book, per above. ref SDS 0 NX70
091103 - Revenue would be generated from selling time to train people and
091104 - organizations through seminars and on-the-job support for a period of
091105 - time to set up internal processes for continuity management. Dave is
091106 - looking for tools customers can choose for implementation; he is
091107 - developing a relationship with a company in Canada to develop software
091108 - for continuity management. Dave feels SDS might be another tool that
091109 - could be mentioned to customers for implementing continuity
091110 - management.
091111 -
091112 - ..
091113 - Dave seems to be familiar with SDS and POIMS, similar to Stuart Harrow
091114 - at DCMA who inquired on 010608 about SDS for military procurement
091115 - support. ref SDS 7 0001
091116 -
091117 - ..
091118 - Like Stuart, reported on 020107, ref SDS 9 LQ5K, Dave would like SDS
091119 - capabilities for Knowledge Management to be part of Microsoft programs
091120 - like Outlook so that customers can use schedule and organizing methods
091121 - they already know. Using familiar technology makes transformation to
091122 - a new way of working faster and easier. On 021108 Bill Gates
091123 - announced planning to add SDS-type capability to Microsoft programs.
091124 - ref SDS 12 EF5I This might be a good solution for Dave and his
091125 - partners, who want to tell customers they can accomplish Knowledge
091126 - Management fast and easy using familiar tools in familiar ways, as
091127 - Andy Grove says people like to do, reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 1 1657
091128 -
091129 - ..
091130 - Using SDS is like Dave's experience in pilot training. Learning to
091131 - fly a military jet benefits from knowledge about driving a car because
091132 - pilot trainees are already familiar with things like a steering wheel,
091133 - windows and pedals. But, since there are more features in a jet plane
091134 - than in driving a car, pilots have to invest time for learning some
091135 - new skills that are not familiar. Learning how to convert information
091136 - people create with Microsoft Outlook, and other tools and methods,
091137 - into useful knowledge needed for continuity management, likewise
091138 - requires learning new skills for adding "intelligence" to information.
091139 -
091140 - ..
091141 - Dave asked about the biggest obstacle to selling SDS?
091142 -
091143 - ..
091144 - A big obstacle to understanding why SDS is helpful, which we did not
091145 - discuss, is grasping the distinction between "information" and
091146 - "knowledge," as explained in POIMS, ref OF 1 0367, and illustrated by
091147 - the record on 000503, ref SDS 4 5033, again on 000615, ref SDS 5
091148 - 6271, and most recently on 020812. ref SDS 10 XT6K
091149 -
091150 - ..
091151 - So far, only experience using SDS seems to provide a path for
091152 - discovering this core distinction for advancing from information to
091153 - a culture of knowledge, because the intelligence process of
091154 - converting information into knowledge is hidden from the conscious
091155 - mind, and so it is not easy to grasp.
091156 -
091157 - ..
091158 - We discussed fear of accountability reported on 021228, ref SDS 15
091159 - HI5I, and the desire to avoid the effort of learning by relying on
091160 - familiar methods, commonly called "laziness," reported on 990625,
091161 - ref SDS 3 4914, and later on 010908, ref SDS 8 YF5O, both inhibit
091162 - sales.
091163 -
091164 - Dave asked how this is addressed?
091165 -
091166 - ..
091167 - Explaining the difference between fear of accountability from
091168 - traditional "documentation," and "intelligence" enabled by SDS to
091169 - avoid mistakes, and showing people solving problems, rather than
091170 - being blamed for problems, is one way to help people overcome fear
091171 - of accountability from creating and preserving a record of
091172 - organizational memory, needed for creating knowledge that enables
091173 - Continuity Management, reviewed on 980405. ref SDS 2 3Q5N
091174 -
091175 - ..
091176 - Assigning a Com Manager to capture the record and align daily
091177 - communication, the way an accountant captures the record of daily
091178 - finances, helps avoid the problem of short term perspective that
091179 - makes bad management overwhelming attractive, commonly called
091180 - laziness.
091181 -
091182 - ..
091183 - Dave asked about the cost of SDS?
091184 -
091185 - I related the offer to sell subscriptions for using SDS that costs
091186 - $300 per year, reported on 021228. ref SDS 15 AM9J
091187 -
091188 - ..
091189 - Dave asked about seeing the SDS program.
091190 -
091191 - Explained I cannot afford to fly to Tacoma. If Dave or any of his
091192 - partners are in San Francisco, we can do a demonstration.
091193 -
091194 - ..
091195 - Dave advised he was in San Francisco this past November, but was
091196 - not ready to meet on SDS. At this time he does not have immediate
091197 - plans to visit the Bay Area.
091198 -
091199 - ..
091200 - Dave said he plans to keep in touch on this initiative.
091201 -
091202 -
091203 -
091204 - ..
0913 -
0914 -
0915 - 2333
0916 -
091601 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Dave commenting on the record submitted
091602 - via email. Dave says...
091603 -
091604 - Just to clarify [the record of our telecon earlier today...],
091605 - Jeremiah and I only are pursuing the business model. Each of the
091606 - authors went their separate ways after the book. Thanks.
091607 -
091608 -
091609 -
091610 -
091611 -
0917 -