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1...COE will review Dutra's Submittal Register and comment.
2...Bob Johnston advised at the meeting today that Dutra is performing
3...Gahagan & Bryant who reported the need for this correction will
0201 - Dutra Oakland Project Ofc 510 522 3758 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Ken Esse; Safety Engineer =510 522 2378
020102 - Mr. Jack Fink; =510 522 2378
0202 - Dutra Oakland Project Ofc 510 522 3758 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Dan Chow; =415 721 2139
0203 - Dutra Dredging Company 415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020301 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
020302 - Mr. James J. Galli, P.E.; Manager =415 258 1583
020303 - West Coast Dredging =Telephone/fax
0204 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. 415 883 7683 fax 1589
020401 - Mr. Rob Greybill; =415 883 7683
0205 - Port of Oakland 510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020501 - Ms. Gail R. Staba; Environmental Planner =510 272 1479
020502 - Mr. Mike Morely; =510 577 4318
0206 - Port of Oakland 510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020601 - Mr. Rob Andrews; Engineering Project Manager =510 272 1166
0207 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020701 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
0208 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020801 - Ms. Terrie Reys; Administration =Telephone/fax
0209 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020901 - Mr. Mike Murphy; Project Engineer
020902 - Construction Service Branch =Telephone/fax
0210 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
021001 - Mr. Marc McGovern; Construction Manager =415 977 8467
021002 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Weekly Progress Meeting, 961119
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 9 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Antone is working in OC 10 on ocean disposal. Paula Lee stopped work
040604 - in Todd/Schnitzer and in IC 10, 11 12, prior to reaching plan grade,
040605 - and is being fitted for work on Ocean disposal dredging. Dutra did
040606 - not submit methodology to perform RFP #19 to remove concentrated
040607 - debris in Todd/Schnitzer Wings. No causal relation has been found
040608 - between material in Todd/Schnitzer Wings and testing of effluent at
040609 - Galbraith. Dutra reported unspecified concerns about hazardous
040610 - materials in Todd/Schnitzer Wings for which there is no apparent
040611 - support in the record. Dutra reported it is moving its Liberty
040612 - Unloader needed to complete work at Galbraith, to another project in
040613 - Baltimore until oa April 1997, in order to avoid standby costs within
040614 - the 20 day period the contract says the contractor must accept. Dutra
040615 - will meet with COE on 961121 about updating the schedule to complete
040616 - the project. Project administration under review.
040617 -
040618 -
040619 -
0407 -
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Galbraith, Disposal
0805 -
080501 - Project Status: Ocean Disposal in Progress; Dutra Demobilizing Liberty
080502 - Galbraith Being Tested; Dutra to Submit Plan for Todd/Schnitzer
080503 -
080504 - Leonard SooHoo reviewed Action Items from 961112 meeting, ref SDS 13
080505 - line 128, as set out below.
080506 -
080507 - Project status issues included:
080508 -
080509 - a. The Production report on "Hard Digging" for the period ending
080510 - 961110 was not distributed because Tom White is off site this
080511 - week,
080512 -
080513 - b. Antone is working in OC 10 for ocean disposal; there is no work
080514 - underway to complete dredging to plan grade the remaining hard
080515 - material in IC 10, 11, 12 where soft material has already been
080516 - dredged.
080517 -
080518 - c. Port of Oakland memo to COE dated 961115 reports receipt of
080519 - "Cleanup and abatement Order No. 96-148" dated 961114, ref DRT
080520 - 1 line 159, which prohibits violation of effluent limits at
080521 - Galbraith, ref DRT 1 line 167 and proposes remedial measures,
080522 - ref DRT 1 line 305; and, further the Port's memo to COE dated
080523 - 961115 reports efforts to expedite resumption of discharge at
080524 - Galbraith, ref DRT 1 line 21, which was ordered to stop under
080525 - COE serial letter #102 dated 961112 to Dutra, ref DIP 9 line
080526 - 29.
080527 -
080528 - d. Dutra submitted serial letter #0190 dated 961119, with attached
080529 - letters from its bonding and general liability sureties that
080530 - advise Dutra to develop a proper plan for working in the Todd
080531 - and Schnitzer Wings, ref DRT 3 line 33.
080532 -
080533 - COE RFP #19 dated 961104 directs Dutra to submit a methodology
080534 - to perform the work in the Todd and Schnitzer Wings that exceed
080535 - contract requirements for debris removal, ref DIP 4 line 78,
080536 - per Dutra's request in its serial letter #174 dated 961007, ref
080537 - DRP 2 line 26, and per Dutra's description of some material as
080538 - "gumbo," ref SDS 5 line 454.
080539 -
080540 - Bob Johnston advised Dutra is testing material from Todd and
080541 - Schnitzer for hazardous conditions. Gail Staba reported
080542 - testing by the Port does not show hazardous materials at this
080543 - location.
080544 -
080545 - Dutra has not submitted a methodology for working in Todd and
080546 - Schnitzer Wings, nor has Dutra submitted a Dredging Plan of
080547 - Operation for this work which is required by contract provision
080548 - 02480 para 4.2, ref OF 7 line 124.
080549 -
080550 - e. Dutra's serial letter #0189 dated 961118 informs COE that the
080551 - Liberty Offloader will be removed from the Galbraith site for
080552 - use on another project, ref DRT 2 line 41. There is no date
080553 - given for returning the Liberty to Galbraith, nor to resume
080554 - work at Galbraith; however, Dutra says it will perform the work
080555 - when environmental concerns are resolved, ref DRT 2 line 58.
080556 -
080557 -
080558 -
080559 -
0806 -
Polygon IC 10, 11, 12; Shoaling
1004 -
100401 - Soft Material Completed in IC 10, 11, 12; QC Reports to Be Corrected
100402 -
100403 - There was no report of Dutra having submitted corrected QC reports on
100404 - work in IC 10, 11 and 12, which were requested at the meeting on
100405 - 961112, ref SDS 13 line 218.
100406 -
100407 -
100408 -
100409 -
100410 - Shoaling Accumulating in Partially Dredged Areas
100411 - Procedures Under Review on Intent of Acceptance
100412 -
100413 - Dutra reported the Antone is working OC 10, rather than dredging to
100414 - plan grade in IC 10, 11, 12, and other areas of the Inner Harbor where
100415 - soft material has been previously dredged, but where dredging has not
100416 - yet reached plan grade of at least -42'
100417 -
100418 - This partial dredging results in accumulating new shoaling between the
100419 - date dredging of soft material in an acceptance area is stopped and
100420 - date dredging of hard material is resumed in a particular acceptance
100421 - area, e.g., IC 10, 11, 12.
100422 -
100423 - Dutra and COE met on 961101 to discuss contract requirements for
100424 - acceptance, ref SDS 8 line 318, and more recently on 961113 to
100425 - consider acceptance procedures in connection with Dutra's updated
100426 - schedule to complete the project. COE serial letter #0014 dated
100427 - 961119 sets follow up meeting for 961121 to develop a practicable
100428 - schedule.
100429 -
100430 - [COE and Dutra met on 961121 and considered procedures for
100431 - accepting the work based on a practicable schedule. Dutra will
100432 - submit a revised updated schedule on 961213 showing this schedule,
100433 - ref SDS 17 line 117.]
100434 -
100435 -
100436 -
1005 -
1006 -
Service Dredging Equipment
Paula Lee, Service
1205 -
120501 - The Paula Lee is being rigged for work on dredging for ocean disposal
120502 - material.
120503 -
120504 - It is expected to commence production later today.
120505 -
120506 -
120507 -
120508 -
1206 -
Communication Metrics
SDS Notes for Weekly Progress Meetings
Objections to Meeting Notes
Superintendence by the Contractor, 52.236-6
Sewer Line Installation
PMP, Project Management Plan
Contract Management Plan (CMP)
Port of Oakland Communication with Dutra
2211 -
221101 - ..
221102 - Dutra and Port Inquire About Purpose of Communication Metrics
221103 -
221104 - Rob Andrews requested status on the Navy Sewer Line and was
221105 - referred to notes of prior Progress Meetings issued to the Port.
221106 -
221107 - There was discussion about the efficacy and role of Communication
221108 - Metrics on the project. Rob noted the Port's procedure of hearing
221109 - directly from the Contractor rather than relying on the record and
221110 - consultants. He cited the Port's stakeholder position in the project
221111 - warrants free exchange at Progress Meetings as partners and/or in
221112 - partnering.
221113 -
221114 -
221115 - ..
221116 - Status Navy Sewer Line: Input Due from Dutra on UPRR Permit
221117 -
221118 - Dutra submitted a request to construct the work differently from the
221119 - plan design and noted on 960812 that NSL is fast becoming "critical,"
221120 - ref DRP 1 8402.
221121 -
221122 - COE investigated Dutra's request and on 961015 directed Dutra to
221123 - perform the work according to plans and specs, ref SDS 5 5583; Dutra
221124 - represented to COE that UPRR will not issue a permit to perform the
221125 - work on the alleged grounds that UPRR has concerns about "slope
221126 - stability."
221127 -
221128 - COE noted Dutra's documents show that UPRR did not deny a permit due
221129 - to a defect in COE plans and specs, but rather because Dutra omitted
221130 - critical details in its shoring design submittal necessary to obtain a
221131 - permit, ref SDS 9 7429. Dutra reported its omissions were corrected,
221132 - yet UPRR continues to refuse a permit. ref SDS 9 5533
221133 -
221134 - Dutra seemed to indicate on 961112 that NSL is no longer "critical,"
221135 - ref SDS 13 7392, and would be performed out of sequence relative to
221136 - its 960903 schedule submission.
221137 -
221138 - COE requested on 961105 that Dutra submit to COE information Dutra
221139 - issued to UPRR for a permit, ref SDS 9 1403. Dutra has not made this
221140 - submission. Dutra agreed during an Action Item review meeting on
221141 - 961118 to provide this information to COE by COB 961122, ref SDS 16
221142 - 3333. COE will take appropriate action.
221143 -
221144 -
221145 - ..
221146 - COE Using Communication Metrics to Align Work with Requirements
221147 -
221148 - Bob Johnston asked why Communication Metrics is being used on the
221149 - project.
221150 -
221151 - Communication Metrics was explained in COE serial letter #0010 dated
221152 - 961028 issued to Dutra at the Progress Meeting on 961029, ref SDS 6
221153 - 0919. Communication Metrics is a process to capture and remember
221154 - critical details and correlations with project plans and spec, and
221155 - other requirements, so work can proceed quickly and accurately by
221156 - relying on the record rather than dialog which is subject to error due
221157 - to the vagaries of personal recall, as explained at Progress Meetings
221158 - on 961001, ref SDS 1 6654, on 961015, ref SDS 4 1217, on 961022.
221159 - ref SDS 5 8559
221160 -
221161 - [On 970107 Bob said Com Metrics was helpful. ref SDS 24 4953]
221162 -
221163 - Marc McGovern advised that COE uses Communication Metrics to track
221164 - daily understandings that become complex over time when performance
221165 - drifts off course from contract requirements.
221166 -
221167 - The daily growth of information from documents, discussion,
221168 - explanations and commitments makes it hard for people to focus on the
221169 - alignment between communications and requirements. Dutra's 960812
221170 - letter to COE on the Navy Sewer Line reflects this need, citing
221171 - unspecified correspondence and conversations by unidentified people as
221172 - grounds for changing contract requirements, ref DRP 1 4822, see
221173 - analysis on 961010 shown in the record ref SDS 3 4562. On 961101
221174 - Ralph Gin pointed out the need to track original intent of contract
221175 - provisions and communications on the project, ref SDS 7 3389.
221176 - Communication Metrics meets this need.
221177 -
221178 -
221179 - ..
221180 - Dutra Requests Single Point of Contact; Focused Progress Meetings
221181 -
221182 - Dutra's letter dated 961107 taking exception to COE form 2626, calls
221183 - for a single point of contact between Dutra and COE, ref DRP 9 8467,
221184 - reduced presence at weekly Progress Meetings, and that the COE Project
221185 - Manager chair the meetings. On 961029 COE requested that Dutra submit
221186 - communication procedures it wishes to follow, see ref SDS 6 8852 and
221187 - "Contract Management Plan" below.
221188 -
221189 - See also COE serial letter 0015. ref DIP 11 0863
221190 -
221191 - Gail Staba reported at the Progress Meeting on 961029 on procedures
221192 - the Port is using to communicate with the Contractor through COE...
221193 - ref SDS 6 0750
221194 -
221195 - Bob Johnston asked why Herb Cheong did not attend the meeting today?
221196 -
221197 - Marc McGovern advised that Herb had a schedule conflict today.
221198 -
221199 - COE uses Communication Metrics to focus Progress Meetings on the
221200 - record of performance and to streamline communications by accurately
221201 - connecting summary understandings to the large amount of detail that
221202 - occurs in working complex issues to completion day to day. This
221203 - enables executives like Herb, Rob, Bob and others to keep apprised of
221204 - progress by reading summaries with the knowledge that accurate details
221205 - can be obtained when needed.
221206 -
221207 -
221208 -
221209 - Contract Management Plan from Dutra Input for Project Mngmnt Plan
221210 -
221211 - COE directed Dutra to submit a Contract Management Plan by 961108.
221212 - Dutra did not do this. At an Action Item review meeting on 961118
221213 - Dutra advised that its Contract Management Plan would be submitted to
221214 - COE by COB 961122. Dutra should set out in its plan the procedures it
221215 - wishes to follow to accomplish effective communications, as discussed
221216 - at the Progress Meeting on 961029, ref SDS 6 line 212. [and in COE
221217 - serial letter #0015 dated 961119 re Contractor Unsatisfactory
221218 - Evaluation, form 2626, ref DIP 11 line 96.]
221219 -
221220 - COE is updating its Project Management Plan, and is coordinating with
221221 - the Port of Oakland on procedures to conduct business meetings with
221222 - the contractor, and on other matters to ensure the Port is heard and
221223 - adequately informed. COE reported at the meeting on 961112 that it
221224 - would also consider Dutra's Contract Management Plan in finalizing
221225 - project procedures, ref SDS 13 line 299, and the meeting on 961029,
221226 - ref SDS 6 line 213.
221227 -
221228 - [See follow up at ref SDS 23 line 124.]
221229 -
221230 -
221231 -
2213 -
Quality Control
2304 -
230401 - Dutra Quality Control Reporting May be Improving
230402 -
230403 - Tom White is not on the project this week and so the status of QC
230404 - reporting was not reviewed today.
230405 -
230406 -
230407 - Dutra will Submit Notice of Change in QC Manager Per Contract
230408 -
230409 - Dutra has not submitted the letter to Tom Benero which Dutra reported
230410 - it submitted to Tom White notifying COE of changing the QC Manager, as
230411 - required by the contract. [Failure to make timely submissions of
230412 - contract management information was cited by COE's serial letter #0015
230413 - dated 961119 as unsatisfactory performance, ref DIP 11 line 91.]
230414 -
230415 - Dutra advised in an Action Item review meeting on 961118 that it would
230416 - submit this notification by COB 961122, ref SDS 16 line 203.
230417 -
230418 -
230419 -
230420 - Dutra Directed to Submit Changes to QC Plan Re "Floaters"
230421 -
230422 - There seemed to be discussion today that Dutra's letter advising that
230423 - the Liberty Offloader is being removed from the project to work on
230424 - another project, ref DRT 2 line 41, obviates the requirement to comply
230425 - with COE direction in a letter dated 961106 for Dutra to amend its
230426 - Quality Control Plan showing methodology to contain "floaters,"
230427 -
230428 - RFP #19 issued to Dutra on 961104, ref SDS 9 line 626, directs Dutra
230429 - to submit its methodology to remove material from Todd and Schnitzer
230430 - that is beyond the scope of the contract, ref DIP 4 line 78.
230431 -
230432 - COE's directive to change the QC plan to reflect that methodology
230433 - relative to "floaters." remains in effect. [Failure to make timely
230434 - submissions of contract management information was cited by COE's
230435 - serial letter #0015 dated 961119 as unsatisfactory performance.....
230436 - ref DIP 11 line 91.]
230437 -
230438 -
230439 -
230440 -
2305 -
Submittal Schedule, Register, Procedures
2604 -
260401 - Dutra Furnished Updated Submittal Register
260402 -
260403 - Bob Johnston submitted at the beginning of the meeting a series of
260404 - documents identified as Dutra's updated Submittal Register.
260405 -
260406 - COE will review Dutra's Submittal Register and comment.
260407 -
260408 -
260409 -
260410 -
2605 -
Dredging Plan of Operation
Mud Bucket in Todd, Schnitzer, IC 10 - 12,
2805 -
280501 - ..
280502 - Dutra Requests Intent of Dredging Plan of Operations
280503 -
280504 - Dutra did not submit a Dredging Plan of Operation for the Todd and
280505 - Schnitzer Wings prior to commencing work, setting out its method of
280506 - handling changed conditions cited in RFP #19, ref DIP 4 line 78.
280507 -
280508 - Dutra's Dredging Plan of Operation (DPO) for the current week was not
280509 - reviewed during the meeting, because Tom White is off the job this
280510 - week.
280511 -
280512 - There was no report that Dutra has corrected prior DPOs which appear
280513 - not to meet contract requirements. ref SDS 13 6933
280514 -
280515 - [Dutra requested in a meeting on 961121 that COE meet separately
280516 - to review DPO contract requirements relative to industry practice,
280517 - and COE agreed to schedule this meeting. ref SDS 17 0578]
280518 -
280519 - Dutra offered no explanation of a correlation between its DPOs and its
280520 - updated schedule, at the meeting on 961113, ref SDS 14 line 123.
280521 -
280522 - Gail Staba's request at the 961112 meeting that the Port received a
280523 - copy of Dutra's weekly Dredging Plan of Operation, was noted, ref SDS
280524 - 13 line 436.
280525 -
280526 -
280527 - ..
280528 - Dutra Has Not Notified COE of Schedule to Use Clamshell Mud Bucket
280529 -
280530 - There was no report today of Dutra having submitted to COE a letter
280531 - stating its intent to perform work in the areas designated in contract
280532 - section 02480 para 4.3 with the clamshell mud bucket, ref OF 7 line
280533 - 150, as directed by COE serial letter #100 dated 961107, ref DIP 8
280534 - line 36. [Failure to make timely submissions of contract management
280535 - information was cited by COE's serial letter #0015 dated 961119 as
280536 - unsatisfactory performance, ref DIP 11 line 91.]
280537 -
280538 - Dutra may reasonably inquire about the need to submit the letter
280539 - requested by COE in light of having ceased operations with the Antone
280540 - which was not using a clamshell mud bucket, and further in light of
280541 - Dutra's serial letter #0189 dated 961118 giving notice of moving the
280542 - Liberty Unloader to another project, and that Dutra has concerns that
280543 - hazardous materials may have been encountered at the Todd/Schnitzer
280544 - Wings which justify stopping work subject to use of the clamshell mud
280545 - bucket, ref DRT 2 line 41. However, Dutra has not submitted such
280546 - inquiry to COE. There is nothing in the record showing awareness of
280547 - the requirement or whether Dutra questions scope, as it does for the
280548 - requirement on the Dredging Plan of Operation. Therefore, timely,
280549 - effective communication requires that Dutra comply with COE serial
280550 - letter #100 to submit its intent to comply with this provision.
280551 -
280552 -
280553 -
280554 -
2806 -
Partnering, COE, Port, Dutra
Major Issues, Request Meeting
3005 -
300501 - Project Management Meeting Requires Adequate Preparation
300502 -
300503 - Rob Andrews asked about a "partnering" meeting.
300504 -
300505 - Dutra submitted an agenda for a "partnering" meeting at the weekly
300506 - Progress Meeting on 961029. COE advised that many of the items Dutra
300507 - lists have been determined by the Contracting Officer, e.g., Navy
300508 - Sewer Line, discussed above, and so require further input from Dutra
300509 - to ensure productive treatment, ref SDS 6 line 379. COE meets
300510 - regularly to hear Dutra's views and explanation of information needed
300511 - to ensure the correctness of determinations made by the Contracting
300512 - Officer, for example the meeting on 961101, attended by the Port of
300513 - Oakland, discussed scheduling, ref SDS 8 line 144. At that meeting
300514 - COE DE explained procedures for meeting with Dutra, ref SDS 8 line
300515 - 159.
300516 -
300517 -
3006 -
3007 -
Schedule for Construction, 52.236-15
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Unsatisfactory Review, Form 2626
3406 -
340601 - ..
340602 - Dutra Offers Constructive Acceptance Plan to Update Progress Schedule
340603 -
340604 - COE met with Dutra on 961113 and reviewed issues and ideas from
340605 - Dutra's proposed updated schedule submission dated 961108, ref SDS 12
340606 - 4772, and the Progress Meeting on 961112. ref SDS 13 4772
340607 -
340608 - At the meeting on 961113, Dutra maintained there is less than 4M CY to
340609 - complete the work, ref SDS 14 7381, contrary to the report on results
340610 - of GB Star's survey at the 961029 meeting, ref SDS 6 5838. At that
340611 - meeting, Dutra requested that COE provide detailed information from
340612 - Dutra's subcontractor, GB Star, on remaining quantity to dredge in
340613 - each acceptance area so that Dutra can calculate the time needed to
340614 - complete the project.
340615 -
340616 - COE issued serial letter #0014 dated today, 961119, ref DIP 10 0000,
340617 - directing Dutra to make its own determinations of the work required to
340618 - complete the project and to submit its analysis to COE. COE's serial
340619 - letter #0014 directs Dutra to meet with COE on 961121 to discuss a
340620 - series of nine (9) tasks COE directs Dutra to perform in scheduling
340621 - completion of the project.
340622 -
340623 - [COE and Dutra met on 961121 and considered procedures for
340624 - accepting the work based on a practicable schedule. Dutra will
340625 - submit a revised updated schedule on 961213 responding to COE's
340626 - serial letter #0014, ref SDS 17 line 117.]
340627 -
340628 - [COE cites inadequate progress as primary basis for unsatisfactory
340629 - evaluation of Dutra on COE form 2626, per ref DIP 11 line 46,
340630 - responding to Dutra's 961107 letter, ref DRP 9 line 26, per
340631 - discussion at Progress Meeting on 961112, ref SDS 13 line 572.]
340632 -
340633 - [Dutra responds to COE serial letter #0014 with its letter #0205
340634 - dated 961213, ref SDS 22 line 104.]
340635 -
340636 -
3407 -
Action Item Status
3504 -
350401 - Action Item Review Held on 961118; Work in Progress
350402 -
350403 - Leonard SooHoo reported on results of meeting with Dutra on 961118
350404 - that resulted in agreement on pending Action Items previously
350405 - identified, including the listing by Gahagen & Bryant dated 961030,
350406 - issued to Dutra by COE letter dated 961104, as discussed in the
350407 - meeting last week, ref SDS 13 line 635.
350408 -
350409 - Most items were scheduled for completion by the end of this week,
350410 - 961122. Complete results of the meeting on 961118 will be published
350411 - to support the notes of this Progress Meeting.
350412 -
350413 -
350414 -
350415 -
3505 -
Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer
Todd Turning Basin, Debris Removal
Galbraith Disposal Requirements
0019 Remove concentrated debris Todd and
20 Day Effluent Testing Delays Permitted
Cleanup & Abatement Order #96-148, 961114
4109 -
410901 - ..
410902 - Dutra Must Submit Plan to Perform Work under RFP 19
410903 -
410904 - Dutra indicated at a meeting with COE on 961113 that creosote and/or
410905 - other substances from the Todd and Schnitzer Wings caused increased
410906 - PAH content at Galbraith which may constitute hazardous materials due
410907 - to correlations with reports of failed tests on the effluent at the
410908 - Galbraith disposal site, ref SDS 14 6388.
410909 - ..
410910 - The Port's memo dated 961115 reports on a meeting last Friday
410911 - where consideration was made of Dutra's theory that PAHs in the
410912 - effluent at Galbraith from dredging operations at the Todd and/or
410913 - Schnitzer Wings were the cause of test failures, ref DRT 1 0000. The
410914 - Port's 961115 memo includes...
410915 -
410916 - Cleanup and abatement Order No. 96-148
410917 -
410918 - ...which directs the Port to cease violation of effluent limits at
410919 - Galbraith and prescribes remedial measures that appear to be largely
410920 - administrative, ref DRT 1 6483. (see "Solutions..." below)
410921 -
410922 - Dutra's serial letter #189 dated 961118 notes the coincidence of
410923 - creosote in the Todd and Schnitzer Wings and failed tests at
410924 - Galbraith, described specifically by Dutra at ref DRT 2 7482 as
410925 - follows:
410926 -
410927 - Currently the Water Quality Control Board has issued a cease and
410928 - desist order as regards releasing effluent from the area. Test
410929 - results have shown significantly high readings of PAHs and
410930 - correspondingly high mortality rates of the laboratory fish
410931 - bio-assay.
410932 -
410933 - Dutra further states in its 961118 letter to COE, ref DRT 2 7482:
410934 -
410935 - We are greatly concerned that the elevated PAHs pose a
410936 - significant potential liability to us if handled in the current
410937 - manner. Our insurance and bonding company have warned us not to
410938 - expose ourselves to the potential liabilities without further
410939 - investigation as to the nature of material to be dredged in Todd
410940 - and Schnitzer Wings and a methodology to safely handle this
410941 - material.
410942 -
410943 - Dutra has not yet submitted a methodology to perform the work in the
410944 - Todd and Schnitzer Wings, as called out in RFP #19, ref DIP 4 7555.
410945 - ..
410946 - Dutra submitted at the meeting today its serial letter #0190
410947 - dated 961119 that transmits letters from its sureties which cite
410948 - concern about hazardous materials. A letter from Chartwell Surety
410949 - dated 961119 states at ref DRT 3 7339:
410950 -
410951 - Bob, the surety would not want you to continue work, if it will
410952 - increase the liability to you and themselves as a result of
410953 - increased public or environmental exposure to hazardous materials.
410954 - Once an acceptable resolution of the removal and disposal of the
410955 - material is established, the surety would again support the
410956 - continuation of work.
410957 -
410958 - A second letter attached to Dutra's 961119 letter to COE is from
410959 - Johnson & Higgens dated 961119, and states at
410960 -
410961 - In light of the serious pollution/contamination exposures you have
410962 - identified, we urge you to immediately cease any further
410963 - operations until necessary tests and analyses can be performed to
410964 - fully understand and deal with the chemical components of these
410965 - spoils.
410966 -
410967 - There is no apparent indication in Dutra's serial letters dated 961118
410968 - and 961119 of what hazardous materials and/or pollution/contamination
410969 - exposures Dutra has encountered that require or otherwise justify
410970 - stopping work. The only discussion in the record with respect to this
410971 - matter concerns creosote and PAH readings.
410972 -
410973 - Bob Johnston advised at the meeting today that Dutra is performing
410974 - tests of material at the Todd and Schnitzer Wings, and will submit
410975 - results of its tests when completed.
410976 -
410977 - [See follow up the next week that test results were not
410978 - submitted, ref SDS 18 line 518; and on 961203, ref SDS 20 line
410979 - 376.]
410980 -
410981 - Jim Galli recalled that dates of failed testing of Galbraith effluent
410982 - generally correlate to dates of off-loading dredged material from the
410983 - Todd and/or Schnitzer Wings. He indicated a spreadsheet or other
410984 - compilation has not bee prepared.
410985 -
410986 - [See follow up the next week that no reports of correlations
410987 - were submitted, ref SDS 18 line 532.]
410988 -
410989 -
410990 -
410991 - Testing Has not Shown Creosote/PAH Causes Hazardous Effluent
410992 -
410993 - Gail Staba reported today that continual testing by the Port of
410994 - Oakland has not shown that creosote and/or PAH caused failed tests of
410995 - discharge effluent at Galbraith. She showed a table attached to the
410996 - Port's memo dated 961115 entitled:
410997 -
410998 - Galbraith Dredged Material Facility Effluent Bioassay Data
410999 -
411000 - ...which shows data from 961015 through 961112, ref DRT 1 line 110.
411001 - It shows PAHs were detected on 961112. ref DRT 1 line 126.
411002 -
411003 - Gail indicated that testing has not been able to determine the cause
411004 - of toxicity exceedence in the effluent at Galbraith, which led to COE
411005 - serial letter #102 dated 961112 directing Dutra to cease discharge at
411006 - Galbraith, ref DIP 9 line 29. She noted consideration that metals
411007 - may be present in the water which give adverse effluent readings, but
411008 - that has not been determined to be the cause of failed tests. As
411009 - well, the idea that arsenic could be the cause has not been borne out
411010 - by testing, ref SDS 13 line 1029. Gail indicated that filtering cited
411011 - as a possible solution in the Port's 961115 memo, ref DRT 1 line 37,
411012 - has not been shown to solve the current type of effluent results.
411013 -
411014 -
411015 -
411016 - Solutions Proposed to Resume Work at Galbraith
411017 -
411018 - Gail recalled that over the course of the project similar situations
411019 - have occurred with respect to project environmental limits and
411020 - appropriate administrative remedies were applied to permit the work to
411021 - continue. There was discussion at the meeting today about approaching
411022 - the current circumstance in this manner.
411023 -
411024 - Gail requested an estimate of volume of sediment discharged to San
411025 - Francisco Bay in excess of the effluent limits, as part of remedies in
411026 - the Cleanup and abatement Order No. 96-148, ref DRT 1 line 308. Dutra
411027 - will submit this information.
411028 -
411029 - [See following week where Gail reported she developed this
411030 - information, ref SDS 18 line 549.]
411031 -
411032 -
411033 -
411034 - Dutra Moving Liberty Unloader to Another Project Until OA April 1997
411035 -
411036 - Dutra's serial letter #0189, cited above advises that...
411037 -
411038 - Due to these conditions [creosote/PAH readings and failed tests of
411039 - effluent at Galbraith] we will remove the Liberty Offloader from
411040 - the project site. We can utilize this equipment on another
411041 - project while solutions to the potential hazards are developed. By
411042 - using the Liberty Offloader on another project, delay costs and
411043 - standby costs will not affect your project. During the time plans
411044 - are developed the Galbraith site will be at rest which will help
411045 - the existing conditions.
411046 -
411047 - Bob Johnston advised that Dutra is taking the Liberty Unloader to
411048 - another project in Baltimore, MD, and they expect it will be completed
411049 - with that work in April 1997.
411050 -
411051 - COE issued RFP #19 on 961104 that directs Dutra to submit a
411052 - methodology to remove concentrated debris in the Todd and Schnitzer
411053 - Wings, ref DIP 4 line 78. Dutra has not done this and has not
411054 - submitted a rational basis for not doing so.
411055 -
411056 - Contract section 02480 para 4.2 requires Dutra to submit a Dredging
411057 - Plan of Operation. Dutra has not done this nor submitted a rational
411058 - basis for not doing so.
411059 -
411060 - Contract section 02480 para 6.3 requires the Contractor to submit a
411061 - Quality Assurance plan to "... describe how material designated for
411062 - disposal at the Galbraith site will be dredged and disposed of. " COE
411063 - letter dated 961106 directed Dutra to amend its QA plan to reflect the
411064 - work of RFP #19 with respect to "floaters," ref DIP 7 line 45. Dutra
411065 - has not performed this planning.
411066 -
411067 -
411068 -
411069 - Contract Permits Effluent Testing Delays of Up to 20 Days
411070 -
411071 - Dutra's proposal for the site to be at rest while it performs another
411072 - project does not address the apparent lack of correlation between work
411073 - at the Todd and Schnitzer Wings and effluent tests at Galbraith. It
411074 - appears to ignore project practice to solve such issues so work can
411075 - continue.
411076 -
411077 - Contract section 02480 para 8.11 says at ref OF 7 line 1089:
411078 -
411079 - The Contractor shall allow for a period of 20 days during each
411080 - stage of disposal when the discharge may be required to be
411081 - suspended at the disposal site for alterations to assure
411082 - compliance with the waste discharge requirements, at no additional
411083 - cost to the Government.
411084 -
411085 - Accordingly, the contract permits the site to be at rest for up to 20
411086 - days at no cost to the government, and thereon does not contemplate
411087 - the contractor will demobilize the work operation to accomplish that
411088 - objective.
411089 -
411090 -
411091 - Parking Access at Galbraith Driving Range Closed on 961125 & 26
411092 -
411093 - Gail Staba reported that the gates will be closed at the Galbraith
411094 - driving range on 961125-26.
411095 -
411096 - She indicated access will be available through the Dutra gate.
411097 -
411098 -
411099 - Emergency Phone Numbers for Galbraith Submitted
411100 -
411101 - Gail submitted a listing of phone numbers of people to call in the
411102 - event of environmental emergencies.
411103 -
411104 -
411105 -
411106 - Leak of Contaminated Material Need Not Be Removed
411107 -
411108 - Gail advised that environmental managers have advised that the
411109 - material that leaked from Dutra's pipeline should not be removed,
411110 - since the impact of the removal process may be more harmful than the
411111 - material itself. Accordingly, Dutra should not remove this material
411112 - which was set as an action item at the meeting last week, ref SDS 13
411113 - line 997.
411114 -
411115 - [See follow up that COE needs to investigate and determine if
411116 - action needed, ref SDS 19 line 194.]
411117 -
411118 -
411119 -
4112 -
Inner Harbor Work Area, Todd Turning Basin
Obstructions in Todd Wing (Dolphin, Ship,
4305 -
430501 - Ship Pembina Does Not Warrant Demobilizing Liberty Offloader
430502 -
430503 - An Action Item review meeting on 961115 among COE staff showed that
430504 - Dutra has submitted the "sketch" prepared of obstacles in the work
430505 - area, which was cited in the meeting last week, ref SDS 13 line 794.
430506 -
430507 - Dutra's serial letter #0189 dated 961118 notes that the ship Pembina
430508 - should be be moved by the time Dutra returns the Liberty Unloader to
430509 - complete the Galbraith disposal site, ref DRT 2 line 46.
430510 -
430511 - COE is taking action to move the ship Pembina, ref SDS 13 line 804.
430512 -
430513 - Dutra is performing the work which the Pembina impacts under RFP #19
430514 - and so such impact can be applied in responding to the RFP if the ship
430515 - is not moved by the time Dutra submits its methodology and Dredging
430516 - Plan of Operation for performing the work, and such plans reasonably
430517 - indicate Dutra will incur added expense.
430518 -
430519 - [See follow up where Bob Johnston advised of agreement to
430520 - coordinate on movement of ship Pembina with harbor master, rather
430521 - than require COE to have it moved, ref SDS 21 line 493.]
430522 -
430523 -
430524 -
4306 -
4307 -
Safety and Health, Safety Seminar
4504 -
450401 - COE to Review Dutra's Report on Safety Event
450402 -
450403 - Leonard SooHoo advised that Tom White is off the project this week.
450404 - Review and comment on Dutra's memo on the safety event submitted by
450405 - Dutra last week, ref SDS 13 line 830, will be performed upon Tom's
450406 - return.
450407 -
450408 -
450409 -
450410 -
450411 -
4505 -
Emergency Lights on Galbraith Discharge
4604 -
460401 - Lighting Needed on Galbraith Pipeline Reported Fixed
460402 -
460403 - Dutra reported at the Action Item review meeting on 961118 that
460404 - lighting on the Galbraith pipeline was corrected on 961115, ref SDS 13
460405 - line 843 and at ref SDS 16 line 107.
460406 -
460407 - Gahagan & Bryant who reported the need for this correction will
460408 - investigate and report on status.
460409 -
460410 -
460411 -
460412 -
460413 -
4605 -
Safety, Training
4704 -
470401 - Training of Ocean Tow Tug Captains
470402 -
470403 - At the Action Item review meeting on 961118, Dutra agreed to submit an
470404 - inventory showing compliance with requirements for briefing boat
470405 - captains, ref SDS 16 line 145, as directed by leonard SooHoo at the
470406 - Progress Meeting last week, ref SDS 13 line 908.
470407 -
470408 -
4705 -
4706 -
RFPs Soft-Hard Polygons
Justify Increase Unit Price
4805 -
480501 - RFP 20 Assists Dutra's Proposal on Change in Bid Item Descriptions
480502 -
480503 - There was no discussion of this matter today. Dutra is preparing its
480504 - proposal. COE and Dutra are meeting on 961121 to discuss updating
480505 - Dutra's schedule to complete the work in an orderly manner.
480506 -
480507 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"