San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers
Contracting Division
333 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1905

November 19, 1996                                                                    03 00070 96111903

Mr. Robert D. Johnston
Dutra Dredging Company
1000 Point San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA  94901

Subject:  Contractor Evaluations, Form 2626
                 Dutra letter Nov 7, 1996
                 Serial Letter No. CESPN-CT-95-C-0003-0015

Dear Bob,
Reference is made to your contract DACW07-95-C-0003 for (-)42' Navigation Improvement, Oakland Inner and Outer Harbors, Alameda and San Francisco Counties, California. This responds to your letter of Nov 7, 1996 taking exception to having received the Corps' DD Form 2626, dated 13 June 1996, assigning Dutra Dredging Company an "unsatisfactory performance rating" in connection with progress on the Oakland Inner & Outer Harbor Dredging Project. Your contention that this evaluation was "subjective" and "unwarranted by the facts," is incorrect. Our records show Dutra continues to warrant an unsatisfactory rating. COE regularly reviews performance of its contractors and seeks opportunities based on improved performance to improve the ratings of contractors. Recent improvements in production by you offer a hopeful sign that your rating can be upgraded, provided improvement continues. There are two basic shortfalls apparent in the record which warrant an unsatisfactory rating. Dutra's production has been below that required to complete the original bid quantities within the project completion period, and there are no requests for additional time which warrant adjustment of this factor. If Dutra feels otherwise, it should point out the information it relies on to reach such conclusion. Dutra's recent schedule update shows it now seems to expect to complete the original pay quantities (5.5M CY adjusted in some way by Dutra to 4.9M CY) by Apr 27, 1997, which is the original completion date based on contract completion period of 840 calendar days; yet, that schedule projection reflects estimated production rates that have not been borne out by your performance on the job. You show rates of 3,000 CY and above for the Paula Lee dredge and 7,000 CY per day for the Antone dredge, or a combined average of 10,000 CY per day. Dutra has not achieved this rate consistently with this equipment and has offered no information showing a basis for expecting it can do so, nor that you intend to marshall additional equipment to make up the shortfall. Second, Dutra's continued difficulties administering the contract further reflect unsatisfactory performance that is reflected in unsatisfactory dredging production rates to the extent that contract management is intended to support production. Your call for the parties to work together a little more closely, requires closer adherence to contract requiements designed to facilitate communications. To accomplish this, adequate resources applied to contract management, we directed Dutra to submit a Contract Management Plan on Nov 8, 1996. Dutra did not do so, but instead advised the plan would be submitted on Nov 15, 1996. This was not done. A primary example of unsatisfactory contract management is your failure to update the project schedule in a timely manner. Without a current, well thought out practicable schedule, there is no basis to productively deploy the resources you are providing. Neither is there a basis for us to coordinate the work with affected parties to expedite your ability to gain access to the work. You have persistently failed to comply with section 02480 para 4.2 to submit a weekly Dredging Plan of Operation. In recent weeks you have submitted documents purported to respond to this requirement; yet, such documents have not in fact addressed the many planning elements intended to assist the Contractor in meeting the daily details of implementing the project schedule. This lack of planning is evident in your failure to meet your own projected production rates, and so is unsatisfactory. Your methods of communication result in continued misunderstanding and consequent re-work, reflected in poor, unsatisfactory production. Documents are delivered without transmittals, undated, and unidentified. Submittal registers are unattended with the result that orderly communication is rendered impossible. This is unsatisfactory. These and many other examples warrant continued withholding of funds under the contract authority for COE to protect the interests of the government in ensuring performance of the work within the contract amount. We are anxious to assist you in clearing the unsatisfactory condition. As stated, recent improvements offer promise of an early review of this evaluation status. Your ideas for improving progress meetings and other steps to accomplish contract administration requirements more effectively, should be submitted. Sincerely Thomas Benero Chief, Contracting Office Division


CESPN-CO, L. SooHoo T. White, R. Andrews, M. McGovern