440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 15, 1996 10:00 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Progress meeting -42' Navigation Improvement, Oakland Harbor.

2...Project Status - Production Slowed by Debris in Turning Basin
3...Dutra Reports Notes of 961009 Meeting Need Correction
4...Partnering Meeting - Dutra/COE will Submit List of Issues
5...Antone Incurred Minor Damage Excavating Piling/Debris
6...Change from 17 to 24 CY Bucket on Antone
7...Partial Acceptance Schnitzer Due to Shoaling Caused by Ships
8...Disposal to Ocean Proceeding Per Contract
9...Dutra to Submit Updated Schedule
10...Piling/Debris - Dutra/COE will Meet on Scope of Work and RFP
11...Obstructions Impair Access to Work in Todd Wing; COE Investigating
12...Inspectors Need Ferry Terminal Access after 1030p
13...New Procedures to be Posted from Dutra Safety Event
14...Safety Meeting Held For All Dutra Crews on 961010
15...Emergency Phone Numbers Will Be Posted
16...Rowdiness on Antone Resolved No Injuries, No Damage
17...Navy Sewer Line - COE Directs Dutra to Construct Per Contract
18...Hard/Soft Polygons Proposal - Dutra to Submit Justification for Audit
19...Project Wide Survey - Will Be Completed End of Next Week
20...Maintenance Dredging - Dutra Proposal Not Accepted; Too High
21...Sonoma Baylands Levee Breach NTP Issued
22...Leonard SooHoo and Bob Johnston will discuss the electrical cable RFP.

Click here to comment!

0201 - Dutra Oakland Project Ofc          510 522 3758 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Chris Peterson; =510 522 2378
020102 - Mr. Phil Torres; =510 522 2378
020103 - Mr. Ken Esse; Safety Engineer =510 522 2378
0202 - Dutra Dredging Company             415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
020202 - Mr. James J. Galli, P.E.; Manager =415 258 1583
020203 - West Coast Dredging    =Telephone/fax
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Ms. Ofelia R. Rosales; Contract Specialist =415 977 8499
020302 - Contracting Division
0204 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020401 - Mr. Marcus Tilkotsky; Contract Specialist =415 977 8509
020402 - Contracting Division
0205 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020501 - Mr. Glen N. Chafe    415 331 0404
0206 - Port of Oakland                    510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020601 - Ms. Gail Staba; Environmental Planner =510 272 1479
0207 - Port of Oakland                    510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020701 - Mr. Rob Andrews; Engineering Project Manager =510 272 1166
0208 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc.  415 883 7683 fax 1589
020801 - Mr. Rick Olejniczak; Vice President
0209 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc.  415 883 7683 fax 1589
020901 - Mr. Rob Greybill; =415 883 7683

Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Weekly Progress Meeting, 961015

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Antone and DB 24 working in Schnitzer/Todd wings, Paula Lee may be
040604 - added to production.  Obstructions encountered; Contractor will meet
040605 - and furnish information COE requires to issue RFP.  COE directed
040606 - Contractor to perform Navy Sewer Line per plans and specs; Contractor
040607 - submitted additional information; however, at this time Contractor is
040608 - directed to proceed per contract drawings.  Contractor will submit
040609 - updated schedule.  Survey nearly complete, indicates shoaling has
040610 - occurred in some areas.  Contractor objects to COE notes for 961009
040611 - meeting.  Partnering meeting will be held on shoaling, meeting notes
040612 - and other matters to maintain progress of the work.
040613 -
040614 -
040615 -      [On 961016 submitted for distribution. ref SDS 14 0001
040616 -
040617 -
040618 -
040619 -
040620 -
040621 -
0407 -

Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Galbraith, Disposal

0805 -
080501 -  ..
080502 - Project Status - Production Slowed by Debris in Turning Basin
080503 -
080504 -
080505 -    a.  The weekly report on "Hard Digging" for the period ending
080506 -        961014, was not distributed/discussed, since Tom White is on
080507 -        vacation this week.  Antone is working in Schnitzer this week,
080508 -        and the DB 24 is in the Todd Wing.
080509 -
080510 -    b.  Contractor did not report completion status in Schnitzer and
080511 -        the Todd Wing.  Dutra indicated it will submit an updated
080512 -        schedule within the next 7 - 10 days.
080513 -
080514 -    c.  Gahagan & Bryant reported preliminary finding, from survey
080515 -        nearing completion, that shoaling has occurred in some areas,
080516 -        as explained further below.  Partnering meeting will be held on
080517 -        shoaling, as proposed by Contractor.
080518 -        ..
080519 -    d.  Access in Todd Wing is somewhat impaired by obstructions.
080520 -
080521 -    e.  Galbraith disposal Phase II, there was no estimate completion
080522 -        status.
080523 -
080524 -    f.  Partnering meeting will be held on various issues.
080525 -
080526 -
080527 -
0806 -

Communication Metrics
SDS Notes for Weekly Progress Meetings
Purpose for Notes of Discussions
Dutra Says Record Inaccurate
Accuracy Verify Understandings Resolve Conflicts Takes Time Uncomfort

1508 -
150801 -  ..
150802 - Dutra Reports Notes of 961009 Meeting Need Correction
150803 -
150804 - Bob Johnston related Dutra's concern that notes for the meeting on
150805 - 961009 are incomplete, inaccurate and misleading, as set out in part
150806 - by Dutra's memo dated 961015, to Tom White, COE Project Engineer. see
150807 - ref DRT 2 7734.
150808 -
150809 -      [On 970107 Bob reported SDS record was helpful. ref SDS 28 4953]
150810 -
150811 -  ..
150812 - The notes for the 961009 meeting show understandings COE is acting
150813 - upon in order to expedite work by the Contractor, as a result of
150814 - meeting on 961009.  Communication Metrics, discussed in the meeting on
150815 - 961001, ref SDS 3 6654, seeks to discover misunderstandings at an
150816 - early stage before extra expense and delay occurs.  If COE has been
150817 - misled by inaccurate information about the work, then Dutra should
150818 - correct the record in order to avoid harmful impacts.
150819 -
150820 -  ..
150821 - Bob recalled the notes for the 961009 meeting omit a comment by Marc
150822 - McGovern, COE Construction Manager, about shoaling.  This matter is
150823 - not set out in Dutra's memo of 961015, ref DRT 2 7734.  Shoaling is
150824 - discussed in the 961009 notes at ref SDS 7 8831.  Dutra should submit
150825 - any understandings it feels are missing in the record and are needed
150826 - to perform the work.
150827 -
150828 -  ..
150829 - No other corrections or additions were offered either in Dutra's memo
150830 - or during the meeting today.  COE is proceeding as set out in the
150831 - notes, subject to timely notice by Dutra of material corrections.
150832 -
150833 -
150834 -
150835 -
1509 -

Partnering, COE, Port, Dutra
Dredging, Shoaling
Surveys Predredge, Postdredge

1806 -
180601 -  ..
180602 - Partnering Meeting - Dutra/COE will Submit List of Issues
180603 -
180604 - Herb Cheong, COE Project Manager, noted that Dutra has raised concerns
180605 - that can be addressed in a partnering meeting.
180606 -
180607 - COE makes every effort to set out understandings that affect the work,
180608 - and welcomes Dutra's input on Communication Metrics and other
180609 - procedures for effective management.
180610 -
180611 - Consideration by COE and Dutra about requirements on shoaling can be
180612 - addressed through partnering, as raised by Phil Torres on 961004, ref
180613 - SDS 5 line 335, and Bob Johnston at the Progress Meeting on 961009, in
180614 - connection with ship movements in the Schnitzer area, ref SDS 7 line
180615 - 215.
180616 - ..
180617 - Leonard SooHoo advised COE must prepare a contract modification
180618 - to initiate the partnering meeting.  He requested Dutra to submit a
180619 - list of issues to be addressed in a meeting.  COE will advise Dutra of
180620 - any additional issues it would like to discuss.
180621 -
180622 - Bob Johnston noted Dutra is concerned about COE personnel changes.
180623 -
180624 - Bob indicated Dutra will submit its list to COE by Friday, 961018.
180625 -
180626 -     [See follow up at meeting on 961022, Dutra still preparing its
180627 -     list, ref SDS 18 line 198.]
180628 -
180629 -
1807 -

Polygon Work Area OC10; Schnitzer
Service Dredging Equipment
Paula Lee, Antone

2406 -
240601 -  ..
240602 - Antone Incurred Minor Damage Excavating Piling/Debris
240603 -
240604 - Antone has encountered some damage during operations.  Extent, cause
240605 - and impact on production was not reported at the meeting today.
240606 -
240607 -      [See specification calling for using mud bucket in Todd and
240608 -      Schnitzer Wings, ref SDS 20 line 120.]
240609 -
240610 - Dutra expects the Paula Lee may return to production from maintenance
240611 - service by Wednesday, 961016, or possibly later during the Sunday -
240612 - Monday time frame.  Bob Johnston indicated Dutra is considering
240613 - working the Paula Lee and the Antone together.
240614 -
240615 -
240616 -  ..
240617 - Change from 17 to 24 CY Bucket on Antone
240618 -
240619 - There was no discussion on Dutra's plan to change from a 17 to 24 CY
240620 - bucket following the christening ceremony for the Antone on 961023,
240621 - per understandings from the 961009 meeting, ref SDS 7 line 167.
240622 -
240623 -
240624 -
240625 -
2407 -

Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer, Todd
Acceptance Schnitzer Due to Ships causing
Surveys Predredge, Postdredge
Measurement and Payment, Dredging
Polygon Work Area, OC 6,7,8, IC 2
Environmental Protection, Ocean Disposal
RFP for IC2, and Other Pologons
0020   Combine RFPs 9-11 and 960312 letter

3611 -
361101 -  ..
361102 - Partial Acceptance Schnitzer Due to Shoaling Caused by Ships
361103 -
361104 - There was discussion to consider this matter as part of a pending
361105 - partnering meeting.
361106 -
361107 -
361108 -
361109 - Disposal to Ocean Proceeding Per Contract
361110 -
361111 - Rob Andrews asked if material from the Turning Basin is going to the
361112 - ocean disposal area?
361113 -
361114 - Jim Galli indicated this is so and that material from OC6,7,8 is also
361115 - going to the ocean.
361116 - ..
361117 - Rick Olejniczak suggested further consideration of some aspect
361118 - of this matter is needed.
361119 -
361120 - Gail Staba reported submitting a letter on EPA reporting requirements
361121 - (see ref DRP 4 line 8 received via fax on 961002 by COE at ref SDS 4
361122 - line 330.)
361123 -
361124 -      [See follow up at ref SDS 16 line 207.]
361125 -
361126 - Gail asked if any disposal has commenced of material dredged from IC2?
361127 -
361128 - Bob Johnston said Dutra has not begun work in IC2 because it is part
361129 - of Dutra's proposal dated 960730, ref DRP 1 line 25, for COE RFP dated
361130 - 960312, ref DIP 1 line 28. and Dutra is not performing work subject
361131 - to these RFPs.
361132 -
361133 -      [See follow up work areas subject to disputed payment, ref SDS 17
361134 -      line 372.]
361135 -
361136 -
3612 -

Schedule for Construction, 52.236-15
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work

3905 -
390501 -  ..
390502 - Dutra to Submit Updated Schedule
390503 -
390504 - There was discussion that Dutra's work sequence throughout the
390505 - project, including IC2, as discussed above, can be determined from the
390506 - project schedule.
390507 -
390508 -      [See follow up on planning/scheduling at ref SDS 17 line 341.]
390509 -
390510 - Bob Johnston indicated that Dutra is in the process of updating its
390511 - schedule based on recent progress.  As a result, it does not show, at
390512 - this time, when Dutra plans to perform the work.
390513 -
390514 - Bob expects Dutra will submit an updated schedule to COE by the end of
390515 - this week, or the first of next week, oa 961022, in connection with
390516 - the next pay estimate cycle.
390517 -
390518 -      [See follow up at 961022 progress meeting, ref SDS 18 line 283.]
390519 -
390520 -      [See receipt of schedule update at ref SDS 23 line 81.]
390521 -
390522 -
390523 -
390524 -
390525 -
3906 -

Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer
Piling encountered, Schnitzer
Todd Turning Basin
Obstructions in Todd Wing (Dolphin, Ship,

4307 -
430701 -  ..
430702 - Piling/Debris - Dutra/COE will Meet on Scope of Work and RFP
430703 -
430704 - Bob Johnston reported considerations by Dutra on Saturday, 961012,
430705 - about scope and solution to piling stubs encountered in the Schnitzer
430706 - area, as reported in Dutra's 961007 letter, ref DRP 5 line 26.
430707 -
430708 - Bob said Dutra's work operation encountered a dolphin that damaged the
430709 - Antone.  Cables were mentioned.  There was no accident report
430710 - submitted nor mentioned during the meeting today.
430711 -
430712 - Rob Andrews will investigate Port of Oakland records for drawings that
430713 - may indicate the scope of subsurface conditions.
430714 -
430715 -     [See documents supplied by Port at ref SDS 18 line 353.]
430716 - ..
430717 - There was wide ranging discussion of Dutra's experience in
430718 - dealing with the piling stubs problem.
430719 -
430720 - One idea was to devote a particular "tool" for clean-up, perhaps
430721 - referring to an equipment spread and work operation.
430722 - ..
430723 - Leonard SooHoo proposed meeting with Dutra today or tomorrow,
430724 - per Dutra's letter dated 961007, ref DRP 5 line 37.  Bob wants to meet
430725 - on Thursday.  Set 0900 meeting time at COE Sausalito office to develop
430726 - input for Technical Analysis to support an RFP on this matter.
430727 -
430728 - Dutra should provide the following input to COE in order to provide
430729 - the direction Dutra requests in its letter dated 961007, ref DRP 5
430730 - line 37.
430731 -
430732 -     a.  What are the known areas of the problem, sketch the locations
430733 -         on an applicable plan sheet.
430734 -
430735 -     b.  What work operations are impacted by the problem.
430736 -
430737 -     c.  What production resources in labor, equipment and material are
430738 -         entailed for the work operations impacted by the problem.
430739 -         ..
430740 -     d.  What schedule impacts have occurred, and what further
430741 -         impacts are anticipated based on what is known so far, and on
430742 -         what is anticipated.
430743 -
430744 -     e.  What bid items are impacted by the problem.
430745 -
430746 -     f.  How can the work to be performed be quantified relative to bid
430747 -         items.
430748 -
430749 -     g.  Other information Dutra feels can expedite understanding of
430750 -         the problem and formulation of a solution.
430751 -
430752 -
430753 - There was discussion today about developing a unit price per CY of
430754 - material dredged that contains piling stubs and other debris.  The
430755 - practicalities of this approach were discussed, including concerns
430756 - about mud that must be removed from piles and which may require
430757 - special handling to protect the environment.  Glenn Chafe, COE
430758 - inspector, asked about use of gridded scows.
430759 - ..
430760 - Chris Peterson seemed to offer input on this point.
430761 -
430762 - Jim Galli indicated material mixed with piling stubs must be taken to
430763 - land disposal; some "processing" of the piling may be required, e.g.,
430764 - segmenting, cleaning, cutting, special disposal.
430765 -
430766 - All of these issues will be considered at the Thursday meeting to
430767 - ensure an equitable adjustment for the Contractor on this matter.
430768 -
430769 -     [Dutra met and provided useful input on 961017, ref SDS 15 line
430770 -     90.]
430771 -
430772 -
430773 -
430774 -  ..
430775 - Obstructions Impair Access to Work in Todd Wing; COE Investigating
430776 -
430777 - Bob Johnston advised that there is a floating dock and possibly a
430778 - concrete dolphin at Pier 5 on the Alameda side, i.e., at Westerly end
430779 - of the Todd Wing.
430780 -
430781 - Dutra believes there is a ship that extends into another portion of
430782 - area to be dredged.
430783 -
430784 -     [Investigation following the meeting showed a ship called the
430785 -     "PEMBINA." ref SDS 13 line 116.]
430786 -
430787 - Leondard SooHoo requested a sketch from Dutra showing the location of
430788 - these objects in relation to the project work area.  Chris Peterson
430789 - will submit the sketch this week.
430790 - ..
430791 - COE will investigate and take appropriate action to avoid
430792 - adverse impact to Dutra's schedule.
430793 -
430794 - Impact to Dutra work operations at this time are not indicated based
430795 - on current schedule and observation of Dutra work operations.
430796 -
430797 -
430798 -
4308 -
4309 -

Safety and Health, Access/Egress of Workers

4404 -
440401 -  ..
440402 - Inspectors Need Ferry Terminal Access after 1030p
440403 -
440404 - Chris Peterson reported Dutra is working on this matter, per ref SDS 7
440405 - line 326, Dutra has received pricing to perform the work which Dutra
440406 - feels is unreasonable, and so is negotiating and investigating
440407 - further.
440408 -
440409 -
440410 -
440411 -
4405 -

Safety and Health, Safety Seminar
Safety Improvements
Safety Meeting on Current Accidents/Incidents
Emergency Numbers

4807 -
480701 -  ..
480702 - New Procedures to be Posted from Dutra Safety Event
480703 -
480704 - Dutra has not responded to COE request for status of memo on safety
480705 - from Dutra's safety event on 960923, per meeting on 961001, ref SDS 3
480706 - line 281?
480707 -
480708 -      [See follow up at meeting on 961022, ref SDS 18 line 515.]
480709 -
480710 -      [See where this was submitted on 961112 ref SDS 24 line 809.]
480711 -
480712 -
480713 -  ..
480714 - Safety Meeting Held For All Dutra Crews on 961010
480715 -
480716 - Dutra has not submitted the results of major safety meeting held on
480717 - 961010, per meeting on 961009, ref SDS 7 line 364.
480718 -
480719 - Leonard SooHoo asked at the meeting on 961009 if any new procedures to
480720 - improve safety have been promulgated as a result of recent experience,
480721 - cited in the meeting on 961009, and reported to be of major concern to
480722 - COE District Commander at the 960924 meeting, ref DIP 2 line 21.
480723 -
480724 -
480725 -
480726 -  ..
480727 - Emergency Phone Numbers Will Be Posted
480728 -
480729 - Dutra has not reported on its plan and/or notice of action taken for
480730 - posting and distributing the list of emergency numbers in order to
480731 - facilitate timely responsiveness.
480732 -
480733 - Bob Johnston recalled a list was previously produced.  Dutra should
480734 - report on where it has posted that list and to whom it has been
480735 - submitted.
480736 -
480737 -
4808 -
4809 -

Safety and Health, Accidents
Rowdiness on Antone

4905 -
490501 -  ..
490502 - Rowdiness on Antone Resolved No Injuries, No Damage
490503 -
490504 - Ken Esse reported in the meeting on 961009 that a report was prepared
490505 - on this matter.  Dutra should submit its report to COE, per ref SDS 7
490506 - line 435.
490507 -
490508 -
490509 -
490510 -
4906 -

Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of
Navy Sewer Line, RR Slope Stability
Sewer Line Installation
COE Directs Contractor to Proceed

5307 -
530701 -  ..
530702 - Navy Sewer Line - COE Directs Dutra to Construct Per Contract
530703 -
530704 - Bob Johnston initially explained that Dutra has not submitted a Value
530705 - Engineering proposal in connection with this work.
530706 -
530707 - Leonard SooHoo advised that COE is directing today that the Contractor
530708 - proceed with the work according to the original bid plans.
530709 - ..
530710 - Bob Johnston said Dutra believes it is impossible to construct
530711 - the work according to the contract plans and specs.  He did not
530712 - explain the basis for such belief.
530713 -
530714 - Dutra submitted several sets of design and cost information via its
530715 - serial letter #0177 dated 961014, ref DRT 1, per discussion at the
530716 - 961009 meeting. ref SDS 7 5833
530717 -
530718 -      [On 961024 COE serial letter #0008 responds on Navy Sewer Line
530719 -      matter. ref SDS 21]
530720 -
530721 - There was no review of Dutra's submission today, during the meeting,
530722 - which shows on page 2:
530723 -
530724 -        Extra Cost to stabalize slope per Dwgs.    $372,848.78
530725 -        Cost for re-routing pipe line               265,722.00
530726 -
530727 -    ...per ref DRT 1 8444, and states on the face of serial #0177:
530728 -
530729 -        ...cost proposal for the additional shoring required at the
530730 -        Union Pacific Railroad.  (ref DRT 1 3744)
530731 -
530732 -        ... this situation of instability at the proposed sewer line
530733 -        interception with land at the UPRR site has been known for many
530734 -        months. (ref DRT 1 1444)
530735 -
530736 -  ..
530737 - COE will confirm instructions on this matter in a separate letter
530738 - setting out that slope stability where the sewer line crosses under
530739 - the UPRR track is the Contractor's responsibility which the Contractor
530740 - agreed to perform in submitting its bid and entering into the
530741 - contract.
530742 -
530743 - There is no information showing the Contractor encountered a changed
530744 - condition that warrants additional payment for shoring or re-routing
530745 - the pipeline.  Dutra's contention in its 960906 letter that use of the
530746 - railroad track by UPRR during construction constitutes a changed
530747 - condition, is incorrect.  The contract plans inform the contractor to
530748 - bid based on maintaining the railroad line in tact by jacking under
530749 - it.  Slope stability conditions were at all times available to the
530750 - contractor in bidding the work.
530751 -
530752 -      [On 96____ investigate slope stability issue.
530753 -
530754 -      [On 961024 COE issued serial letter #0008. ref SDS 21 0000]
530755 -
530756 -  ..
530757 -
530758 - Bob Johnston said Dutra will submit to COE the information that was
530759 - missing in Dutra's shoring design which Shannon & Wilson reported, in
530760 - its letter to Union Pacific Railroad dated 960724, was necessary to
530761 - evaluate potential impacts on jetty slope stability, per Dutra's
530762 - letter on 960812, ref DRP 2 3748 reviewed on 961010. ref SDS 8 5839.
530763 -
530764 -      [On 961127 Dutra's letter #0194 says it submits all information
530765 -      to COE that Dutra has submitted to UPRR, but it does not include
530766 -      the information requested by Shannon & Wilson, ref SDS 26 5733]
530767 -
530768 -      [On 961204 Dutra agrees to submit missing information in order to
530769 -      get a permit to construct the Navy Sewer Line. ref SDS 27 0000]
530770 -
530771 -
530772 -
5308 -

RFPs Soft-Hard Polygons
Justify Increase Unit Price

5405 -
540501 -  ..
540502 - Hard/Soft Polygons Proposal - Dutra to Submit Justification for Audit
540503 -
540504 - COE has received Dutra's letter dated 961009, ref DRP 6 line 27,
540505 - confirming that Dutra is working on conforming its proposals to
540506 - requirements for determining an equitable adjustment, as discussed at
540507 - the meeting on 961009, ref SDS 7 line 505.
540508 -
540509 -
540510 -
5406 -

Variations in Estimated Quantities
Surveys Predredge, Postdredge
Quantity Surveys for Payment
Shoaling, Polygon IC 3,4

6107 -
610701 -  ..
610702 - Project Wide Survey - Will Be Completed End of Next Week
610703 -
610704 - Rick Olejniczak reported the field work by G.B. Star Company is
610705 - completed.  They are 90% complete with drawings.  He expects to have
610706 - final survey report by the end of next week.
610707 -
610708 -     [See completion of survey reported at 961029 meeting, ref SDS 22
610709 -     line 741; see follow up inquiry re details, ref SDS 25 line 75.]
610710 -
610711 - Rick indicated preliminary results show that considerable shoaling has
610712 - occurred in IC3,4.
610713 -
610714 - Bob Johnston asked if survey indicates shoaling is "localized?"
610715 - ..
610716 - Rick pointed out from the plan drawing on the wall in the
610717 - meeting room, where he recalls shoaling is occurring.
610718 -
610719 -
6108 -
6109 -

RFP __ Maintenance Dredging, Inner Harbor

6204 -
620401 -  ..
620402 - Maintenance Dredging - Dutra Proposal Not Accepted; Too High
620403 -
620404 - There was no discussion of this subject.
620405 -
620406 -
620407 -
620408 -
6205 -

Disposal at Sonoma Baylands
Sonoma Baylands Disposal Requirements

6405 -
640501 -  ..
640502 - Sonoma Baylands Levee Breach NTP Issued
640503 -
640504 - Bob Johnston indicated a truck crane will come onto the site to work
640505 - on "mud pies".
640506 -
640507 - The levee breach is scheduled for Friday, 961025.
640508 -
640509 -
640510 -
6406 -

e in OC-4B-5
6502 - =============================
6503 -
6504 -
6505 -    ..
6506 -
650601 - Leonard SooHoo and Bob Johnston will discuss the electrical cable RFP.
650602 -
650603 -
650604 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"