You will note that both parties tell us to cease and desist the dredging operation until proper analysis of materials takes place and a proper plan of operation is put in place.
If there any questions, please contact us.
Robert D. Johnston
Chartwell Surety
Insurance Agency Lic. 0768459
3301 Watt Avenue, CA 95821
916 485 8000 fax 916 485 1007
November 18, 1996
Mr. Robert Johnston
The Dutra Group
1000 Point San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94901
Re: Oakland Hazardous Material
Dear Bob:
Upon learning of the potential for hazardous materials in the turning basin at Oakland, I contacted SAFECO to verify their positoin. As I had indicated to Bill Dutra, the surety takes the position that all regulations pertaining to hazardous materials containment must, repeat must be followed.
Federal guidelines are specific as to ceasing of work until the materials can be identified and proper hadnling procedures are established. Primary is that all jurisdictional agencies, including the EPA must be notified, and a properlly agreed upon plan of action taken.
Bob, the surety would not want you to continue work, if it will increase the liability to you and themselves as a result of increased public or environmental exposure to hazardous materials. Once an acceptable resolution of the rmoveal and disposal of the material is established, the surety would again support the continuation of work.
Robert D. Laux
Johnson & Higgens of California
One California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
415 981 6700
November 19, 1996
Mr. David Werner
Risk Manager
The Dutra Group
1000 Point San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94901
Subject: Port of Oakland Project Probable Contaminated Spoils
Dear Dave:
Thank you for your fax and subsequent discussion about the recent appearance of certain "hazardous waste" materials in the Galbreath disposal Area for the Port of Oakland 42' Dreding Project spoils.
From an insurance perspective, there are four critical areas of concern:
bodily Injury and Property Damage, specifically excludes liability in
respect of disposal or dumping of any waste materials or substances.
There is no coverage under this policy for the intentional dumping
contaminated spoils.
boat crews, contains an 'absolute" pollution exclusion. There is no
coverage undr this policy for any claim for Bodily Injury or Property
Damage due to the discharge, policy for any claim for bodily Injury or
Property Damage dut to the discharge, whether intentional or not, of
contaminated spoils.
coverage specifically excludes any "bodily injury intentinoally caused or
aggravated by you". Since Dutra is now aware of the probability that
these dredge spoils are contaminated, any resulting Employer's Liability
claim(s) may not be covered.
the event of "sudden and unintentional" discharge of pollutants. There
is no coverage for the intentional dumping of contaminated spoils.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Payne
Assistant Vice President
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