440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 19, 2002 09:37 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Stuart Harrow frustrated explaining SDS to colleagues at DOD.

2...Leadership Takes Vision to See and Courage to Act
3...POIMS Supports FAR Requirements for Good Management
.......3-layer Architecture Empowers Good Management Without Using SDS
.......Explicit Links Are One Feature of SDS to Augment Intelligence
.......Intelligence Takes Automated Integration of Time and Information
.......FAR Requires Organizational Memory Enabled by SDS
.......SDS Enables Traceability to Original Sources Required by FAR
.......SDS Enables DOD Personnel to Comply with FAR
.......FSR and Other DOD Personnel Requires to Comply with FAR

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0201 - Defense Contract Management Agency           516 228 5000
020101 - Mr. Stuart Harrow
020102 - Manufacturing & Production Field Service Representative =516 228 5721
020103 -
020104 - Contract Operations
020105 - Field Support Mid-Atlantic, OCFC

SDS Explicit Links Fast Easy Add Intelligenct to Information Comply w
Accurate Understanding From Meetings Organizational Memory Require Co
New Way Working Paperless Office SDS Not Necessary Print Paper Save T
Computer Not for Managers Want to Show Up and Rely on Whatever Pops i
FAR Requires Accurate Record Organizational Memory Which Only SDS Can
Microsoft Programs DCMA Likes Attractive Professional Web Sites 5% Fe
Explicit Links Make Creating Connections to SDS Fast and Easy, Stuart
3-layer Architecture Transitions from IT to Culture of Knowledge Usin
Explict Links Make Connections to SDS Record Fast and Easy
SDS Makes Good Management Required by FAR Fast and Easy Using Explici
Circle of Advocates Foster Culture of Knowledge Report to Colleagues
Learning Explicit Links Fast Easy Makes Good Management Fast Easy Com
Action Item Reviewing POIMS in Relation to FAR Requirements for Good
Harrow, Stuart Cites Factiva Semi-automatically Organizes Content of
Leadership Broader Vision Circle of Advocates Takes Courage to Help P
Harrow, Stuart Leadership Broader Vision Courage Help People Overcome
Leadership Broader Vision Circle of Advocates Takes Courage to Help P

4519 -
4519 -    ..
4520 - Summary/Objective
4521 -
452101 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0001, ref SDS 32 0000.
452102 -
452103 - Worked on developing leadership in DOD (DCMA) on developing a circle
452104 - of advocates to promote advantage of SDS for saving time and money,
452105 - based on Roy Roebuck's succinct explanation. ref SDS 0 R16H
452106 -
452107 -
452108 -
452109 -
452110 -
452112 -  ..
4522 -
4523 -
4524 - Progress
4525 -
452501 - Leadership Takes Vision to See and Courage to Act
452502 - POIMS Supports FAR Requirements for Good Management
452503 -
452504 - Follow up ref SDS 33 4T6N
452505 -
452506 - Called and talked to Stuart about the letter, ref DIP 3 0001, on
452507 - 020912 thanking Stuart for work and investing time to demonstrte that
452508 - creating a connected record of intelligence to comply with FAR
452509 - requirements for good management is fast and easy using SDS explicit
452510 - links.
452512 -  ..
452513 - In our discussion this morning, Stuart seemed to recognize that SDS is
452514 - a unique capability for enabling people to document the work and it
452515 - provides access better than other methods, including those mentioned in
452516 - his letter on 020912. ref SDS 33 LZ5K
452518 -  ..
452519 - Stuart was discouraged about the challenge of leadership to help
452520 - people overcome ignorance, fear and denial that improvement to comply
452521 - with FAR requirements for good management is essential to save
452522 - taxpayer's money, and is fast and easy.
452524 -  ..
452525 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 saying...
452526 -
452527 -   1.  Confirming our telephone discussion today, it is a big job, and
452528 -       can be frustrating to find appropriate ways for spreading the
452529 -       word about your discovery on 020912 that SDS saves time and
452530 -       money for DOD, contractors and taxpayers.  As related by Don
452531 -       Rumsfeld in his talk to the War College on 020131, ref SDS 20
452532 -       6L5K, SDS needs a capable and persistant champion within DOD for
452533 -       transfomration to a new way of working intelligently that
452534 -       connects the dots of daily work into patterns of cause and
452535 -       effect that reveal trends in time to avoid problems by taking
452536 -       effective action. ref SDS 33 HH92
452538 -        ..
452539 -   2.  Roy Roebuck's letter reviewed on 020217, ref SDS 21 1332 shows
452540 -       how a DOD program manager explains SDS support for getting
452541 -       things done correclty, on time and within budget. ref SDS 21
452542 -       9360  It is fast and easy to send an email, linking Roy's
452543 -       analysis of SDS, ref SDS 21 3105, to colleageus at DOD, who want
452544 -       a fast and easy way to use good management for improving
452545 -       contract performance to save time and money. ref DIT 1 R16H
452546 -
452547 -           [On 030421 called Walt Okono at DOD who has worked with Roy
452548 -           and seems to share the same ideas on management; Walt is
452549 -           reviewig SDS and Com Metrics for his assignment to develop
452550 -           an architecture to make finding information faster and
452551 -           easier. ref SDS 37 TK46
452553 -        ..
452554 -   3.  Undoubtedly there are many at DOD who share this objective, so,
452555 -       the only issue is implementation. One reason people tend to deny
452556 -       the need for SDS is because it seems beyond reach to learn a new
452557 -       way of working.  "Intelligence" seems funny forien and alien
452558 -       because investing time for analysis to connect the dots is not a
452559 -       traditional function of management, as explained in POIMS.
452560 -       ref OF 2 1850 This suggests a new work role, like your
452561 -       assignment as a Field Service Representative, and like a
452562 -       Contracting Office, is needed to use SDS for adding
452563 -       "intelligence" to daily management. ref DIT 1 R23H
452565 -        ..
452566 -   4.  Not everyone in DOD knows how to prepare a PERT or CPM chart;
452567 -       not everyone can use a WBS; not everyone is an accountant, nor a
452568 -       cost engineer who can use C/SCSC; not everyone is a computer
452569 -       network or software engineer, yet a few people in DOD are
452570 -       performing each of these tasks that enable everybody else to
452571 -       work more efficiently.  That is the model for transformation to
452572 -       a new way of working intelligently.  Only a few people are
452573 -       needed to use SDS for analyzing daily communication that enables
452574 -       everybody else to work more productively by connecting the dots
452575 -       between daily events and objectives, requirements and
452576 -       commitments. ref DIT 1 JX4F
452578 -        ..
452579 -   5.  You related that Contracting Officers and support staff are
452580 -       primarily focused on ensuring compliance with contract
452581 -       specifications, ref DIT 1 JX52  This aligns with FAR
452582 -       requirements calling for documentation of performance, shown in
452583 -       the record on 020504. ref SDS 23 IY4I
452584 -
452585 -
452586 -
452587 -
452588 -
4526 -

SDS Novel Solution Explicit Links Which Stuart Calls Purple  inks (Pl
Demonstration Requested Showing How SDS Demonstrates Explicit Links
Harrow, Stuart DCMA SDS Explicit Links Make Creating Connections Fast

520501 -        ..
520502 -       3-layer Architecture Empowers Good Management Without Using SDS
520503 -       Explicit Links Are One Feature of SDS to Augment Intelligence
520504 -       Intelligence Takes Automated Integration of Time and Information
520505 -
520506 -       Follow up ref SDS 33 HH92
520507 -
520508 -   6.  You feel that DOD people have a hard time understanding why a
520509 -       new role is needed when they are working hard every day to
520510 -       ensure contract performance. ref DIT 1 646J  Your letter on
520511 -       020912 shows that SDS support for connecting the dots between
520512 -       daily work and requirements is a powerful new capability that
520513 -       has self-evident benefits. ref SDS 33 HH92 October 10, 1994 Bill
520514 -       DeHart explained during a meeting at PG&E why a new work role is
520515 -       needed to make the team more effective on complex projects. PG&E
520516 -       ref SDS 2 M98F As well the report to the Contracting Office on
520517 -       970328 cites General Hatch observing that using SDS for
520518 -       Communication Metrics enables support for daily intelligence on
520519 -       the job. ref DRP 3 6172
520521 -        ..
520522 -   7.  Adding a role for analysis provides a 3-layer architecture that
520523 -       enables everybody to use the same skills they already have
520524 -       without having to learn anything new, except how to use explicit
520525 -       links. ref DIT 1 HH92  You demonstrated the other day on 020905
520526 -       that learning to connect the dots only takes a few minutes,
520527 -       ref SDS 31 DAPW, and your letter on 020912 shows that this new
520528 -       skill makes it fast and easy to connect the dots in only a few
520529 -       seconds. ref SDS 33 HH92  This means that intelligence is not a
520530 -       burden to existing work practice, but, rather SDS empowers
520531 -       people to carry out good management required by FAR for saving
520532 -       time and money.
520533 -
520534 -
520535 -
520536 -
520537 -
520538 -
5206 -

FAR Requires Organizational Memory Enabled by SDS
Organizational Memory Enabled by SDS Meets FAR Requirements for Docum
Documentation in Files Shall Consitute Complete History of Transactio
Audit Trail Links Accuracy Accountability Objectives Requirements Com
FAR Requires Good Management Practices Specified by ISO PMBOK for Org

5707 -
570801 -        ..
570802 -       FAR Requires Organizational Memory Enabled by SDS
570803 -       SDS Enables Traceability to Original Sources Required by FAR
570804 -
570805 -       Follow up ref SDS 33 HH98
570806 -
570807 -   8.  Yesterday and today hearings in Congress, ref DIT 1 HH98,
570808 -       demanded to know why the US did not connect the dots in time to
570809 -       prevent tragedy on 010911. ref SDS 15 YNGH
570811 -        ..
570812 -   9.  Analysis needed for "intelligence" is also missing in daily
570813 -       management, causing delay that drives up costs because people
570814 -       are not complying with FAR requirements for effective
570815 -       documentation showing an audit trail between daily work and
570816 -       specifications. ref DIT 1 JX7Y
570817 -
570818 -
570819 -
570820 -
570821 -
5709 -

FSR Role Has No Authority to Modify FAR Required to Implement the Reg

590301 -        ..
590302 -       SDS Enables DOD Personnel to Comply with FAR
590303 -       FSR and Other DOD Personnel Requires to Comply with FAR
590304 -
590305 -       Follow up ref SDS 33 HH64
590306 -
590307 -  10.  Cultural inertia from Congressional hearings recognizing
590308 -       analysis is needed to connect the dots, so that people can work
590309 -       productively, provides a window of opportunity to strengthen
590310 -       management. ref DIT 1 HH64  You can demonstrate that SDS work
590311 -       product containing explicit links makes it fast and easy to
590312 -       connect the dots that avoid mistakes, loss, conflict, crisis and
590313 -       calamity.
590315 -        ..
590316 -  11.  Roy Roebuck explains this fairly well, so I just wonder what you
590317 -       think about Roy's explanation of why SDS is important for saving
590318 -       time and money, ref SDS 21 3105, as a model for helping
590319 -       colleagues grasp the opportunity to save time and money at a
590320 -       time when savings are important. ref DIT 1 JX89
590321 -
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5904 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"