440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 14, 2002 09:38 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Pat Lincoln at SRI is willing to write letter on SDS and Com Metrics.


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0201 - Deneen Consulting                                                                                                                                                  O-00000768 0101
020101 - Mr. John Deneen                                                                                                                                                  O-00000768 0101

CITRIS Proposal to Brad DeLong at UC Berkeley on SDS and Com Metrics
Proposal on SDS Based on Brad's Writings on KM
Background Assistant Secretary of Tresuary in Clinton Administrtion C
Proposal Draft Requested by John Deneen
CITRIS Project Intel Morris Jones Possible Ally Help Pat Lincoln Adva
Endorse SDS Pat Write Letter to Curt Carlson Recommending Research an
Intelligence Support on CITRIS Project, Pat Lincoln Endorse SDS and C
Endorse SDS Pilot Test Loan C13 for Pat to Experiment So He Can Make

1710 -
1710 -    ..
1711 - Summary/Objective
1712 -
171201 - Follow up ref SDS 84 0000, ref SDS 79 0000.
171202 -
171203 - Pat is willing to write a letter endorsing Com Metrics for use in
171204 - proposals to CITRIS, based on experience using SDS to support activity
171205 - at SRI the past few years.
171207 -  ..
171208 - He requested a draft, which is prepared below. ref SDS 0 MM5F
171209 -
171210 -     [On 020702 submitted email with link to this record. ref SDS 88
171211 -     0001
171212 -
171213 -     [On 020705 recieved information on Pat's support for workshop
171214 -     sponsored by CITRIS to develop intelligence support for homeland
171215 -     security. ref SDS 89 0001
171217 -      ..
171218 -     [On 020711 called Pat and set meeting for 020729 to prepare
171219 -     endorsement letter. ref SDS 90 SJ5L
171220 -
171221 -
171222 -
171224 -  ..
1713 -
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1715 - 1006
1716 -
171601 - Called John Deneen.
171602 -
171603 - Advised that Pat is willing to write a letter of endorsement.  Would
171604 - like to get some ideas from John on edits to the draft that he would
171605 - like based on his interaction with the CITRIS people at UCB.
171606 -
171607 -     [On 020702 John will submit edits. ref SDS 88 9L9M
171608 -
171610 -  ..
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1719 - 0730
1720 -
172001 - Draft for Pat to consider would reflect background...
172002 -
172003 -   Meeting at SRI with Pat.................. 000725, ref SDS 40 0050
172004 -   Pat feels SDS is unique.................. 001017, ref SDS 45 JN49
172005 -   SDS improves collaboration............... 010111, ref SDS 52 OE8H
172006 -   Proposal on Com Metrics research......... 001011, ref SDS 44 0001
172007 -   Draft for endorsement.................... 010711, ref SDS 63 AS6U
172008 -
172010 -        ..
172011 -       Dear Rod,
172013 -        ..
172014 -       As we have discussed, I have recommended that SRI pilot test the
172015 -       SDS program for implementing Communication Metrics according to
172016 -       the scope of services developed by the US Army Corps of
172017 -       Engineers. ref DRP 7 4929  Based on experience interacting with
172018 -       SDS records prepared for Doug Engelbart's OHS/DKR team that has
172019 -       been meeting here at SRI, shown in your record on October 17,
172020 -       2000, ref SDS 46 1575, and having observed SDS being used on May
172021 -       17, 2001, ref SDS 58 KQ3G, I believe SDS technology and related
172022 -       work practices for Communication Metrics, taken together,
172023 -       accomplish a large part of what is commonly called Knowledge
172024 -       Management (KM), as explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 K84L  This is a
172025 -       significant advance on traditional information technology (IT).
172026 -       To illustrate the advantage, I am issuing a traditional letter,
172027 -       and, also, making use of your website to generate work product
172028 -       in a form that provides access to original sources, so that
172029 -       people can experience the ideas that justify support for SDS and
172030 -       Com Metrics.
172031 -       ..
172032 -       Research by SRI reported on March 24, 2000 and continuing
172033 -       communication with government agencies and business leaders,
172034 -       shows that only SDS has succeeded in supporting KM. ref SDS 31
172035 -       4877  This creates a huge credibility gap to overcome because
172036 -       the usual sources for funding are discouraged, similar to Peter
172037 -       Drucker's lament that everybody has given up on improving
172038 -       communication because the problem is too complex, as shown in
172039 -       your record on November 30, 1993. ref SDS 7 3851  As well, Dave
172040 -       Snowden's recent article in the May issue of the Journal of
172041 -       Knowledge Management reports findings by IBM that Knowledge
172042 -       Management has failed to meet expectations. ref SDS 85 ZN6I This
172043 -       record makes understandable reluctance to believe that SDS
172044 -       succeeds where everyone else has failed, shown by Dave's letter
172045 -       to you on June 10. ref SDS 86 MV9G  As a result, hesitation
172046 -       dominates the halls of government, industry and academy, as you
172047 -       and I discussed on April 26, 2001. ref SDS 56 657O
172048 -       ..
172049 -       I have been encouraged recently by the drop in the stock
172050 -       market and by heightened demand for analysis in government,
172051 -       because this brings into focus the strengths of SDS for enabling
172052 -       traceability to original sources, commonly called an audit trail
172053 -       that both improves accountability needed in business, and
172054 -       provides connections of cause and effect based on context that
172055 -       improves intelligence work, noted in your record on February 4,
172056 -       2002, ref SDS 83 0001, and earlier on September 11, 2001
172057 -       concerning attacks on US soil. ref SDS 73 UP5K
172058 -       ..
172059 -       We are currently looking for an appropriate research
172060 -       project to deploy SDS. I believe research is a good vehicle for
172061 -       SDS at this time because people need information on how to
172062 -       integrate intelligence support into existing business culture.
172063 -       While interacting with the record demonstrates self-evident
172064 -       benefits, reported in your record on September 7, 2001,
172065 -       ref SDS 72 KX3L, those not directly involved retain appropriate
172066 -       skepticism about the viability of adding business metrics to
172067 -       daily communications.  Recent improvements in SDS that make it
172068 -       faster and easier to create connections into the record simply
172069 -       by clicking will help people become comfortable with advantages
172070 -       of working intelligently, as explained in POIMS, ref OF 1 2300,
172071 -       and further noted in a letter on June 18, by, Gary Johnson, one
172072 -       of our contributors on Doug Engelbart's OHS/DKR project.
172073 -       ref SDS 87 8V5O
172074 -       ..
172075 -       Gary also cited Buckminster Fuller observing it takes 50
172076 -       years to introduce a new way of working into an established
172077 -       culture. ref SDS 81 R66K  Doug Engelbart began introducing
172078 -       SDS-type capability here at SRI over 40 years ago. Professor
172079 -       Terry Winograd, who teaches computer science at Stanford, and
172080 -       was familiar with Doug's work in the 1960s commented on December
172081 -       19 this past year about SDS extending Doug's seminal work, as
172082 -       shown in your record. ref SDS 82 US6N  That's why I am
172083 -       supporting research to pilot test SDS for bringing a powerful
172084 -       advance to everyone.  The time is ripe for harvesting this
172085 -       wonderful idea of adding intelligence to information that grows
172086 -       knowledge and ideas essential for progress and prosperity in a
172087 -       more complex world, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 6221
172089 -        ..
172090 -       Sincerely,
172091 -
172093 -      ..
172094 -     [On 020702 submitted email with link to this record. ref SDS 88
172095 -     0001
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"