440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 8, 2000 08:53 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Morris on proposal from Paul Fernhout.
2...Gives and Gets...
.........Welch Gets...
.........Welch Gives...
3...Business Customer Model - Everyone Uses Alphabet, Big Market
.........Creating a Customer
.........Customer model...
4...Rod Novice Programmer Supported by Morris Expertise
5...Value Added by Welch is Knowledge of Knowledge Management
6...Counterintuitive Design Makes KM Design SDS Secret
7...SDS Unique Knowledge Management Design - Secret Counterintuitive
.........Programmers Cannot Create SDS without Help, Its a Secret
.........Using SDS Prototype to Design Next Generation is the Secret
8...Ease of Transitioning Novice Users Critical Requirement
9...Extensible Environment Aids Learning New Tools
10...Analysis Supported by SDS "Intelligence" Capabilities
11...Requirement for Effective Analysis -- Intelligence
............c...Summary connected to detail
............Communication Training to Apply SDS
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Windows Open For Links Confusing
Fernhout Commends SDS for Knowledge Management
Fernhout, Paul, 000601
Gives Gets Fernhout Proposal
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 28 0000, ref SDS 26 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Morris dated 000606, and responding to my
080904 - letter, ref DIP 2 0001, requesting comments on Paul Fernhout's
080905 - proposal, ref DRP 1 0001, and analysis on 000601. ref SDS 26 0001
080906 -
080907 - [On 000611 sent letter to Morris with comments on his review, and
080908 - drawing his attention to issues on creating a customer, and how
080909 - SDS improves analysis. ref SDS 34 1312
080910 -
080911 - Gives and Gets...
080912 -
080913 - 1. Morris initially says, and requests....
080914 -
080915 - Write down the things you are willing to give up, and what you
080916 - expect to get in return. None of that is here in the record.
080917 - The only thing I see is a use of the data base to check out
080918 - Pauls tool. I don't yet see what you get in return.
080919 -
080922 - Can you articulate it for me? ref DRT 1 0640
080923 -
080924 - Welch Gets...
080925 -
080926 - a. Application that makes it easier for people to interact
080927 - with SDS on the Internet, and possibly adds value for
080928 - customers by enabling them to view the record in different
080929 - formats, ref SDS 26 0894, and, also, assemble reports
080930 - based on subject content, as Morris requested on 990527.
080931 - ref SDS 10 8159
080932 -
080933 - Paul explains the improvement he wants to provide in the
080934 - record on 000601. ref SDS 26 0784
080935 -
080936 - Paul expressly cites search capability on 000601.
080937 - ref SDS 26 1443
080938 -
080939 - This added capability would draw customers to SDS in order
080940 - to generate content that would be used by the Pointrel
080941 - application, per analysis on 000601. ref SDS 26 0855
080942 -
080943 - In this scenario, Welch gets the benefit of a tool that
080944 - helps form a new market, but does not get any technology.
080945 -
080946 - Paul explains on 000601 he intends to "grab" SDS records
080947 - from the web, ref SDS 26 0035, which I see as a useful
080948 - project to compliment SDS. ref SDS 26 6402
080949 -
080950 - Morris says in his letter today...
080951 -
080952 - I don't see how this is an SDS project. I see it as
080953 - him simply grabbing and analyzing the links, etc in
080954 - your data base. ref DRT 1 6468
080955 -
080956 - Morris could be correct, i.e., that Paul's thinking has
080957 - only progressed to the point of "grabbing" the record for
080958 - demonstrating his Pointrel program.
080959 -
080960 - The larger potential, and a view of how to apply SDS
080961 - records for knowledge management, is explained in a part
080962 - of the record for 000601 on which Morris did not comment,
080963 - probably due to limited time...
080964 -
080965 - Say Rod sends Paul a letter on the web, and cites an
080966 - SDS record or two for clarification.
080967 -
080968 - Paul grabs the letter and any records he wishes to
080969 - keep, as a record of what he saw and did, using his
080970 - Pointrel tool, including adding comments. Rod's
080971 - record remains untouched, and Paul now has a record in
080972 - his system with his comments.
080973 -
080974 - He sends Rod a reply, referencing Rod's original
080975 - record and links to his copy of the record with his
080976 - comments. Rod's original record is still unchaged on
080977 - his website (filing cabinet), but he now has Paul's
080978 - comments, which can be analysed in a new record linked
080979 - back to Paul's comments, if Rod wishes, or he may not
080980 - do that in the same way people decide every day
080981 - whether to do something about information they see and
080982 - hear or move on and change the channel. ref SDS 26
080983 - 0798
080984 -
080985 - For knowledge management, this is a very important issue
080986 - to resolve. On 951103 Morris asked about multiple users
080987 - of SDS. ref SDS 5 9066 More recently, on 000602 Jack Park
080988 - asked the same question. ref SDS 27 1500
080989 -
080990 - Paul's proposal that let's people grab an SDS record and
080991 - incorporate into their own view of the world, as I have
080992 - done with his letter and now with Morris' comments,
080993 - demonstrate how a DKR can work.
080994 -
080995 - If people are out selling Pointrel to "grap" and view SDS
080996 - records on the Internet, that helps sell SDS to generate
080997 - the content, so people have something useful to grab and
080998 - view.
080999 -
081000 - b. Shows that applications can be created based on the core
081001 - concept of SDS, which leads to other applications, as set
081002 - out in the record on 000423. ref SDS 22 8000
081003 -
081004 - Applications help form a new market based on SDS, as an
081005 - operating system for people and organizations, which is
081006 - our aim.
081007 -
081008 - Thus, we need people out creating applications to support
081009 - SDS, and Paul gets us started. The open source community
081010 - is a good place for this, because there is a lot of
081011 - talented people looking for something to do, and just need
081012 - a direction. SDS provides that direction by providing a
081013 - solution to the paradigm shift of the millennium...
081014 -
081015 - Communication is biggest risk in enterprise
081016 -
081017 - ...per letter to Dave Vannier, copy to Morris on 991007.
081018 - ref SDS 16 7920
081019 -
081020 - c. Possible "get" is separate project to create the SDS
081021 - program itself in a Windows format that would solve
081022 - memory, keyboard and user interface issues Morris has
081023 - cited previously.
081024 -
081025 -
081026 - Welch Gives...
081027 -
081028 - Opportunity for Paul and others to create useful open
081029 - source tools to support SDS as the core of knowledge
081030 - management, essential for Enterprise Managmenet that
081031 - makes a new market for complimentary tools.
081032 -
081033 - Possible ownership in SDS
081034 -
081035 - Opportunity to shape and advance knowledge
081036 - management.
081037 -
081038 -
081039 - Business Customer Model - Everyone Uses Alphabet, Big Market
081040 -
081041 - 2. Morris comments that "You want to create a business, and need
081042 - to address this up front. Paul is a little confused about how
081043 - he feels about business. I felt he was looking for a data
081044 - base as discussed earlier. You need to create a customer
081045 - model so you can see if the SW you are looking at is
081046 - appropriate." ref DRT 1 3864
081047 -
081048 - Will notify Paul that my interest is building a business.
081049 -
081050 - [ another record did this. ref SDS 33 0001
081051 -
081052 - Paul is in business, and so likely has mixed feelings,
081053 - especially in light of his analysis on 000604, ref SDS 29
081054 - 1075, submitted via, ref DIP 3 0001, to Morris on 000604.
081055 - ref SDS 30 0001
081056 -
081057 - My argument is that Paul, and other open source folks, use a
081058 - computer, a car, a chair, all to create open source stuff. He
081059 - can just as well use SDS work product on the Internet, as
081060 - phase I. Going to Phase II, and actually working on the SDS
081061 - program itself, would introduce a lot of open source issues.
081062 - ..
081063 - Creating a Customer
081064 -
081065 - Drucker says the purpose of a business is to create a
081066 - customer, see review on 931130. ref SDS 3 1504
081067 -
081068 - We have the makings of a lot of customers based on the growing
081069 - realization, not yet fully formed in the minds of people, but
081070 - becoming a recognized new reality that...
081071 -
081072 - Communication is biggest risk in enterprise
081073 -
081074 - ...due to information overload, per letter to Dave Vannier,
081075 - copy to Morris on 991007. ref SDS 16 7920
081076 -
081077 - We can create customers by explaining the way to reduce that
081078 - risk, and make communication an asset is by the simple
081079 - statement...
081080 -
081081 -
081082 - Sounds great, how soon can I get this in SDS?
081083 -
081084 -
081085 - To create customers, we have to help people grasp that getting
081086 - information into SDS adds intelligence that generates
081087 - knowledge and ideas needed to avoid information overload by
081088 - expanding span of attention and discovering relevant
081089 - connections, and by creating new connections so they are
081090 - available to discover when needed. (see "analysis" explained
081091 - below. ref SDS 0 5073) People can see the value of the SDS
081092 - record on the Internet, but convincing them they can do this
081093 - work is hard to sell, because it requires people to invest
081094 - time performing work today, that will help them tomorrow, next
081095 - week, and next year on issues that have not yet occurred.
081096 - Deferred rewards that require front-end investment are hard to
081097 - sell. We solve the problem with SDS, by making it easier to
081098 - do analysis, including creating links pretty much as a matter
081099 - of volition. Making it easier to create "intelligence,"
081100 - expands the pool people willing to pay money for tools and
081101 - invest time to do it. That's the market.
081102 -
081103 - [ another record used this idea in letter to Sandy
081104 - Klausner explaining KM opportunity. ref SDS 32 3965
081105 -
081106 - [On 000611 sent letter to Morris citing this analysis
081107 - today. ref SDS 34 1312
081108 -
081109 - Customer model...
081110 -
081111 - Our customer attends meetings, makes phone calls and uses
081112 - the alphabet to create information, but would like, if
081113 - given the opportunity, to add intelligence that produces
081114 - knowledge.
081115 -
081116 - Education is needed to create this customer.
081117 -
081118 - The huge pool of people (billions), who use the alphabet,
081119 - and SDS on the web that shows people the difference in
081120 - between information and knowledge, discussed at Intel on
081121 - 000517, ref SDS 25 4972, provides opportunity to grow this
081122 - market.
081123 -
081124 - Customers who need SDS are CEOs like Andy Grove who say it
081125 - is important to take copious notes that remove ambiguity
081126 - of mental maps in order to improve earnings, as reported
081127 - on 980307, ref SDS 8 3668, but complains that the team
081128 - lacks diligence, ref SDS 8 3101, and as a result work
081129 - suffers, costs escalate, delays occur, reported on 990925,
081130 - ref SDS 14 0001, customers are upset and earnings are
081131 - threatened.
081132 -
081133 - CEOs failing because they don't take copious notes due to
081134 - a psyche problem; they want others to do it because it is
081135 - hard work, but nobody has the time, reported in Fortune on
081136 - 990625. ref SDS 13 4914
081137 -
081138 - SDS makes it easier to solve this problem. Making the
081139 - solution easier, lowers the level of diligence, and this
081140 - increases the number of people willing to do it, which
081141 - grows the market for people who want SDS to do it.
081142 -
081143 - Medical doctors and patients who are instructed to take
081144 - notes and get feedback that avoid mistakes which cause
081145 - death and injury 3 times the rate of automobile accidents,
081146 - but don't have the tools that make the job easier and more
081147 - useful, as reported at Kaiser on 990625. ref SDS 12 2924
081148 -
081149 - SDS makes it easier to do this work, as I am doing now.
081150 -
081151 - Engineers and other workers, who want to take copious
081152 - notes, like Andy, that remove ambiguity so earnings
081153 - increase, are our customers. Eric Armstrong's report on
081154 - 000517 profiles this customer. ref SDS 25 2064 Another
081155 - example are the scientists and engineers at NASA suffering
081156 - continual bumbling using email, reported on 991001.
081157 - ref SDS 15 3077
081158 -
081159 - SDS makes it easier to do this work, as I am doing now.
081160 -
081161 - Marketing people who want to remember customer needs and
081162 - concerns, so they can make a sale, and ensure a happy,
081163 - repeat, customer by ensuring production conforms with
081164 - original objectives, fit our customer model, as reported
081165 - by Merrill Malvini on 970523. ref SDS 7 7592
081166 -
081167 -
081168 - ..
081169 - Rod Novice Programmer Supported by Morris Expertise
081170 - Value Added by Welch is Knowledge of Knowledge Management
081171 -
081172 -
081173 - 3. You should consider that to a highly technical person, you
081174 - will be viewed as a novice programmer. Your value added is
081175 - mostly in the years of analysis contained in the data base.
081176 - Most bright programmers have spend most of their life
081177 - organizing data. They create structures, and bind data
081178 - together to cause computers to do something with the data. You
081179 - need to think through what the programmer will perceive as
081180 - your value. Is it the years of typing you have done in
081181 - creating the SDS records, is it the links, or is it the
081182 - concepts of linking. ref DRT 1 6624
081183 -
081184 - Comment...
081185 -
081186 - Rod is not a programmer. He has discovered how to perform
081187 - knowledge management and has developed first generation tools
081188 - to support the process, as discussed in para 4 of the letter
081189 - to Morris on 000531. ref DIP 1 5264
081190 -
081191 - Morris provides a line of communication with engineers who
081192 - have emotional problems focusing on the work, rather than
081193 - personalities.
081194 -
081195 - The only value of SDS on the Internet is proof of concept, as
081196 - reported by Jack Park on 000426. ref SDS 24 3315 It shows a
081197 - KM tool can be created that improves daily management, as
081198 - explained by Doug Engelbart in his paper in 1972, which was
081199 - reviewed on 000327. ref SDS 20 3971 People can see looking at
081200 - the SDS record on the Internet that nobody can accomplish that
081201 - work except Rod. If there was no record on the Internet, and
081202 - if all the analysis in SDS were wiped away tomorrow, Rod could
081203 - still provide the knowledge needed to generate that content,
081204 - and nobody else can do it.
081205 -
081206 - No programmer nor anyone else has spent any time creating an
081207 - SDS record and functions to manipulate it, which is what is
081208 - needed to do knowledge management. The design of that process
081209 - is not known by anyone else, it is not taught anywhere else
081210 - and is not explained in any professional materials. As a
081211 - result, programmers do not know what to program in order to
081212 - perform knowledge management.
081213 -
081214 - Rod has a prototype SDS program that shows programmers what to
081215 - program in order to produce a knowledge management program.
081216 - There is no other source for this information, because it is a
081217 - secret of SDS, as we discussed on 000425. ref SDS 23 0001
081218 -
081219 -
081220 -
081221 -
0813 -
Counterintuitive SDS Secret KM Design Counterintuitive, 000425
KM Secret of SDS, 000425
Difficult to Understand
Counterintuitive KM Not Understood Architecture of Human Thought Secr
1207 -
120701 - ..
120702 - Counterintuitive Design Makes KM Design SDS Secret
120703 - SDS Unique Knowledge Management Design - Secret Counterintuitive
120704 -
120705 -
120706 - 4. Morris says the concept of linking is well known. The links
120707 - make some sense, but there is no earth shaking concepts there
120708 - to a programmer. ref DRT 1 2016
120709 -
120710 - Linking is only one element of SDS design that presents an
120711 - earth shaking concept to a programmer, because programmers
120712 - do not see the forest for the trees in the design. Nobody
120713 - else can create SDS because they begin by talking
120714 - themselves out of creating the simplicity of the process,
120715 - and so never have the chance to discover that a
120716 - counterintuitive design, which seems un-helpful, based on
120717 - lack of experience, turns out to be very helpful, as we
120718 - discussed on 990527. ref SDS 11 6975 We need programmers
120719 - who create what they are told to create, and do not try to
120720 - inject their experience and common sense about what will
120721 - work, because they do not "know" what will work.
120722 -
120723 - See discussion on 000403 on how SDS uses linking
120724 - differently. ref SDS 21 1008
120725 -
120726 - ..
120727 - Programmers Cannot Create SDS without Help, Its a Secret
120728 -
120729 - Morris continues...
120730 -
120731 - Programmers will believe they could create an SDS system if
120732 - they wanted to, and they will feel if you did your "Analysis"
120733 - in "Their" system, you would get the same result. You are
120734 - very arrogant in stating that it couldn't be done without SDS,
120735 - but others do not share this view. ref DRT 1 6560
120736 -
120737 - Is Paul impressed with SDS, or with the analysis and record
120738 - you have created? ref DRT 1 5293 citing record on 000601.
120739 - ref SDS 26 0851
120740 -
120741 - Comment...
120742 -
120743 - Arrogance was reviewed on 000106. ref SDS 17 8712
120744 -
120745 - No programmer has created SDS.
120746 -
120747 - Paul says he is impressed looking at SDS on the Internet.
120748 - ref DRP 1 0001 If he thought he could be create it, or
120749 - that someone else could do it, he would have contacted
120750 - them.
120751 -
120752 - Paul's comment...
120753 -
120754 - So, you share your experience doing Knowledge Management
120755 - with hypertext, especially the great example you have
120756 - produced with Welchco, and I share my experience with
120757 - data repositories and GUIs -- and at the end there is an
120758 - open source result. ref DRP 1 1770
120759 -
120760 - ...lends support to Morris' interpretation.
120761 -
120762 - [ another record responded to Paul and stated my
120763 - objectives, which gives Paul the chance to more fully
120764 - consider his own goals relative to SDS. ref SDS 33 0001
120765 -
120766 - No programmer has created knowledge management applications
120767 - that can be distinguished from DMBS or information
120768 - management, or that Andy can use to make it easier and more
120769 - useful to take his copious notes.
120770 -
120771 - No programmer has created a tool that enables people to
120772 - produce a record that is useful for daily management day in
120773 - and day out, as cited by Engelbart. ref SDS 20 3971
120774 -
120775 - On 911123 Morris reported that SDS supports a work method
120776 - that is different from the way other people work.
120777 - ref SDS 2 4930 This lack of experience hinders programmers
120778 - from figuring out how to create KM tools, as reported in
120779 - para 4 of the letter to Morris on 000531. ref DIP 1 5264
120780 -
120781 - On 980722 Morris advised that SDS is difficult to code.
120782 - ref SDS 9 3280
120783 -
120784 -
120785 - Using SDS Prototype to Design Next Generation is the Secret
120786 -
120787 - Morris continues...
120788 -
120789 - 5. You need to figure out how to transition the analysis work to
120790 - a SW product that others believe brings something significant
120791 - to the world. Remember, that to most of the world, that SDS is
120792 - an editor, and most of the world has an editor they know and
120793 - love. Programmers are the worst at loving editors, and
120794 - thinking only theirs is the best. Many programmers use EMACS
120795 - which is an editor with more macro power than you can possibly
120796 - believe. (You can write compilers in the macros, it uses LISP,
120797 - an AI list processing language). ref DRT 1 5600
120798 -
120799 - Comment...
120800 -
120801 - Initially we are considering a proposal from a computer
120802 - programmer. If he had an editor that could generate SDS
120803 - type content, he would not have asked for help.
120804 -
120805 - One way to transition "analysis" into a SW product that
120806 - others believe brings something significant, is to produce
120807 - SDS in an easier form to use. We have been talking about
120808 - this, since before Moses parted the seas, but have not had
120809 - the horses, or divine intervention, which ever comes first.
120810 -
120811 - Under this scenario, SDS is a first generation proto type
120812 - product that provides proof of concept and a template for
120813 - what to produce. Why is this such a reach? People produce
120814 - proto types all the time, and then use the knowledge gained
120815 - to make improvements that facilitate marketing.
120816 -
120817 -
120818 - 6. Morris suggests SDS could be performed in many systems. If
120819 - you want to get a SW person to really engage, you may have to
120820 - compromise and see if you can adapt another system to perform
120821 - analysis and retrieval. I suggest you look into bringing SDS
120822 - capabilities into Paul's system. Yes, it may be different,
120823 - but it should still work. ref DRT 1 7081
120824 -
120825 - Comment...
120826 -
120827 - Good idea.
120828 -
120829 - If Paul, or anybody else, has a system that can support SDS,
120830 - or can be modified to do that, let's get started.
120831 -
120832 - Morris mentioned on 980722 that he has a system written in C
120833 - that could help, also. ref SDS 9 3280
120834 -
120835 - On 000605 Eric Armstrong submitted updated requirements which
120836 - might be modified to support SDS. ref SDS 31 0001
120837 -
120838 - Let's determine the best, most direct design path?
120839 -
120840 -
120841 -
120842 -
1209 -
Easy to Use Key Marketing Factor; Com Manager Transitions Team
Easy to Learn Preferred More than Productivity of Function Keys
1405 -
140501 - ..
140502 - Ease of Transitioning Novice Users Critical Requirement
140503 - Extensible Environment Aids Learning New Tools
140504 -
140505 -
140506 - 7. Morris recommends making it easy for a new Novice user to
140507 - transition from current tools to SDS, noting everyone will be
140508 - a novice during the first 30 days. Plan for a progression in
140509 - terms of menus, hot keys, and etc to an expert user. Despite
140510 - your love for multiple keystrokes, and a keyboard people don't
140511 - have any more, you will find that it is awful for a Novice
140512 - user. Look at these other systems, and see if they are also
140513 - only usable by someone who is a master programmer (This is a
140514 - real industry problem). ref DRT 1 2275
140515 -
140516 - Comment...
140517 -
140518 - Good idea. Medit lets users assign function keys to suit
140519 - their preferences.
140520 -
140521 - The DKR team seems to call this, or address it with, a
140522 - requirement for the editor to be "extensible," which permits a
140523 - user to customize function keys and menus, as explained in the
140524 - record on 000129. ref SDS 18 2064
140525 -
140526 - The next day on 000130 Eric suggested "extensible" requirement
140527 - eases learning curve. ref SDS 19 3828
140528 -
140529 -
140530 - ..
140531 - Analysis Supported by SDS "Intelligence" Capabilities
140532 - Requirement for Effective Analysis -- Intelligence
140533 -
140534 -
140535 - 8. Morris comments that... "You are gaining points for good note
140536 - taking and analysis. How can you transition this to a
140537 - partnership? Can you explain what are the requirements for
140538 - effective analysis? Perhaps, the number of keys, and ease of
140539 - use are important. You should consider novice to expert
140540 - users, and see if there is a usage map that can be explained
140541 - to a programmer. ref DRT 1 5632
140542 -
140543 - Comment...
140544 -
140545 - Analysis is aided by SDS "firepower" discussed with Morris on
140546 - 950204. ref SDS 4 4995
140547 -
140548 - On 911123 Morris commented that SDS works differently from the
140549 - way executives, managers and engineers work. ref SDS 2 4930
140550 -
140551 - At that time Morris noted SDS is a tool to record, assemble
140552 - and analyse facts and ideas about events to guide decisions
140553 - plan the work and follow up to ensure decisions and plans are
140554 - carried out. ref SDS 2 4930
140555 -
140556 - SDS support for "intelligence" aids analysis, discussed in
140557 - POIMS. ref OF 1 0561 SDS supports analysis by...
140558 -
140559 - a. Organization
140560 -
140561 - Organic subject structure alerts the mind to related
140562 - subjects that are otherwise overlooked. No other
140563 - system has a place for performing this task, or a means
140564 - to apply it, as discussed with Morris on 970116.
140565 - ref SDS 6 3109
140566 -
140567 - Ability to quickly look up related sources to verify
140568 - correlations and alignment, which in turn discloses
140569 - nuanced differences, correlations and implications,
140570 - that are overlooked using other methods.
140571 -
140572 - The design of SDS inherently imparts cause and effect,
140573 - and provides fast near term access that is not
140574 - available by any other means.
140575 -
140576 - Close integration of time management with document
140577 - management and contact management enhances access to
140578 - information resources which aid analysis, that is not
140579 - available by any other means.
140580 -
140581 - b. Alignment
140582 -
140583 - Ease of locating and making connections to check and
140584 - set alignment, helps maintain performance of current
140585 - work according to requirements, objectives. The ease
140586 - of doing this, enables more to be done. While doing
140587 - alignment on a current issue, the mind is alerted about
140588 - closely related collateral issues that need attention,
140589 - and which are overlooked using other methods.
140590 -
140591 - c. Summary connected to detail
140592 -
140593 - The ease of identifying summary headings, encourages
140594 - summarizing understandings. The process of writing up
140595 - headings that summarize focuses the mind on the meaning
140596 - and implications of details at a higher level, which is
140597 - not available in other methods.
140598 -
140599 - Connections of summary to details makes it fast and
140600 - easy to check out hunches about correlations, so that
140601 - more of this can be accomplished. This improves the
140602 - accuracy and range of analysis, which is not available
140603 - by other means.
140604 -
140605 - b. Feedback
140606 -
140607 - SDS facilitates generating feedback that is more useful
140608 - as "intelligence" than are other systems.
140609 -
140610 - This in turn makes it easier to obtain feedback,
140611 - although there is a personality and skill in the area
140612 - of diplomacy that is apart from SDS, per se, in
140613 - overcoming resistance, fear and denial, as set out in
140614 - the NWO... paper. ref OF 3 2670
140615 -
140616 - Communication Training to Apply SDS
140617 -
140618 - I believe training using SDS tools can be helpful to
140619 - increase skill using these new capabilities that enhance
140620 - alphabet technology, in the same way that some people are
140621 - better writers.
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140623 - SDS offers additional dimensions that comprise knowledge
140624 - space, which favor an engineering perspective on
140625 - organization and structure, relative to conventional
140626 - writing.
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140628 - People need to learn how to produce a useful record by
140629 - raising issues rather than temperatures. This takes
140630 - instruction and practice.
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