440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 3, 2000 08:42 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Called Morris on SDS development.


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Windows Open For Links Confusing
Fernhout Commends SDS for Knowledge Management

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 94 0000, ref SDS 86 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Morris initially did not recall getting the letter, ref DIP 2 0001,
060704 - asking for comments on the letter, ref DRP 1 0001, from Paul Fernhout,
060705 - received on 000601. ref SDS 94 0851
060706 -
060707 - He noticed that Paul supports open source development.
060708 -
060709 - Morris is not sure what Paul has in mind.  He feels Paul's proposal
060710 - needs clarification.
060711 -
060712 - Morris indicated that Paul may merely want to use SDS records on the
060713 - web to demonstrate his Pointrel Data Repository system.  Morris
060714 - thinks Paul's program may provide data entry that can produce SDS
060715 - type content, and merely wants to use the SDS data base because he
060716 - sees a 10 year record that can demonstrate what his tools can do
060717 - better.
060718 -
060719 - We considered that since nobody can produce SDS content, if that is
060720 - Paul's objective he is mistaken and will discover this mistake, if
060721 - and when he tries to create SDS content, or any content that can
060722 - support daily management, that capability is a secret of SDS.
060723 -
060724 - Another view is that Paul is creating an add on to apply SDS content
060725 - on the web, that is independent of the SDS program.
060726 -
060727 - If he uses it to demonstrate Pointrel, then people would see SDS
060728 - content.  Some people would recognize that the tool to create that
060729 - content is more important than the ability to display it.  They would
060730 - ask how to create the content.  Paul or whoever is showing the
060731 - Pointrel program would say, Oh, call Rod, he can help you with that
060732 - part.
060733 -
060734 - Morris will write up some ideas on how to respond to Paul's proposal.
060735 -
060736 -
060737 -  ..
060738 - He recognizes the potential of using SDS to support daily management
060739 - without a Communication Manager attending meetings, as set out in the
060740 - record of our meeting on 000517, ref SDS 87 2537, and mentioned in the
060741 - letter, ref DIP 1 6278, submitted to him on 000531. ref SDS 93 0001
060742 -    ..
060743 - Morris will write up a preliminary business plan proposal per
060744 - the letter, ref DIP 1 0966, submitted on 000531. ref SDS 93 4256
060745 -
060746 -     [On 000604 submitted letter to Morris, including recent letters
060747 -     showing motivations to solve world problems of participants in the
060748 -     DKR project, and providing evidence that shows SDS improves daily
060749 -     management. ref SDS 95 0001
060750 -
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