440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 24, 2006 08:11 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie went to exercise class, shopping but feeling effects of chemo.

2...Effectiveness Treatment IBC Recurrence Left Breast
3...Xeloda Taxotere Effectiveness Treating IBC and Side Effects
4...Chemotherapy Taxotere Capecitabine Effectiveness Treating IBC
5...Case Study Side Effects Chemotherapy Taxotere Capecitabine Xeloda

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Lousy Weak Feeling Bad 3 Days After Chemotherapy Went to Exercise Cl

1103 -
1103 -    ..
1104 - Summary/Objective
1105 -
110501 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 14 0000.
110502 -
110503 - Millie is not feeling well this morning due to effects of chemotherapy
110504 - treatments begun on 060721. ref SDS 14 0001
110506 -  ..
110507 - Yesterday, there was a bowel accident while driving to go shopping.
110508 - Had to rush home.  We got everything cleaned up, and then got back in
110509 - the car and accomplished goals to go shopping.
110511 -  ..
110512 - This morning despite feeling really lousy from treatment with Taxotere
110513 - and capecitabine (Xeloda), and reported previously on 050712,
110514 - ref SDS 10 QB7K, and earlier on 050520, when dosage of treatment was
110515 - reduced to make chemotherapy tolerable, ref SDS 8 NT3I, decided to go
110516 - to exercise class again today and do as much as possible.  Will do
110517 - more shopping on the way home, following the doctor's advice to keep
110518 - active, during chemotherapy treatments, reviewed on 060722.
110519 - ref SDS 15 KT8G
110520 -
110522 -  ..
1106 -
1107 -
1108 - 1230
1109 -
110901 - Millie resting.
110902 -
110903 -
110904 -
110905 -
1110 -

Diary Side Effects Chemotherapy Phase 2 Taxotere Capecitabine (Xelod

1303 -
130401 -  ..
130402 - Effectiveness Treatment IBC Recurrence Left Breast
130403 - Xeloda Taxotere Effectiveness Treating IBC and Side Effects
130404 - Chemotherapy Taxotere Capecitabine Effectiveness Treating IBC
130405 - Case Study Side Effects Chemotherapy Taxotere Capecitabine Xeloda
130406 -
130407 - On 050415 Zan, the Pharmacist, recommended keeping a diary to report
130408 - chemotherapy effectiveness that assists the doctor in adjusting
130409 - treatment. ref SDS 6 2W6I  The record on 050422 summarizes Millie's
130410 - diary of side efforts for treatment last year with Taxotere and
130411 - capecitabine (Xeloda). ref SDS 7 VE68
130413 -  ..
130414 - Today, Vickie at Kaiser called Millie to ask about side effects.
130416 -  ..
130417 - This record will maintain a similar summary of diaries on coping with
130418 - side effects from the 2nd phase of treatment with Taxoter and
130419 - capecitabine (Xeloda), prescribed during a meeting at Kaiser on
130420 - 060711, ref SDS 12 PF3O, and begun on 060721. ref SDS 14 0001
130421 -
130422 -        1.  Tired wobbly after first
130423 -            treatment; slightly disoriented
130424 -            from combination of drugs;
130425 -            could not drive home; went to
130426 -            bed after dinner about
130427 -            1800............................. 060721, ref SDS 14 F54N
130429 -             ..
130430 -        2.  Millie went to exercise class;
130431 -            made potato salad and had
130432 -            dinner with her family and
130433 -            grandchildren.................... 060722, ref SDS 15 0001
130435 -             ..
130436 -        3.  Son reports doctor found genetic
130437 -            cause of pulmonary emboli
130438 -            recurrence on 060714; may relate
130439 -            to Millie's treatment if
130440 -            Coumadin prescribed.............. 060722, ref SDS 15 3D9T
130442 -             ..
130443 -        4.  Went shopping; had physical
130444 -            difficulties..................... 060723, ref SDS 0 UF6N
130446 -             ..
130447 -        5.  Feeling lousy; went to exercise
130448 -            class, and then shopping;
130449 -            took nap from 1230 to
130450 -            1600............................. 060724, ref SDS 0 LG7I
130452 -             ..
130453 -        6.  Kaiser requested feedback on
130454 -            side effects of chemotherapy..... 060724, ref SDS 17 0001
130455 -            submitted this diary per
130456 -            guidance from Pharmacist......... 060724, ref SDS 0 QX8K
130458 -             ..
130459 -        7.  Work - going into office;
130460 -            feeling stronger this morning
130461 -            4 days after starting
130462 -            chemotherapy..................... 060725, ref SDS 18 0001
130464 -             ..
130465 -        8.  Energetic, positive mental
130466 -            frame 7 days after starting
130467 -            Taxotere, and continuing to
130468 -            take 1500 MG capecitabine
130469 -            (Xeloda) per day................. 060726, ref SDS 19 0001
130471 -             ..
130472 -        9.  Physically recovered from side
130473 -            effects 1st cycle chemotherapy
130474 -            treating IBC relapse; going to
130475 -            exercise class, strong,
130476 -            energetic........................ 060806, ref SDS 20 7Q8H,
130478 -             ..
130479 -       10.  Feeling lousy at work 3 days
130480 -            after treatment on 060814
130481 -            switched to Monday for
130482 -            experiment; body aching all
130483 -            over; eyes tearing, and nose
130484 -            running.......................... 060817, ref SDS 21 7Q8H
130486 -             ..
130487 -       11.  Still not recovered from chemo
130488 -            side effects 5 days ago on
130489 -            060814; day off work; slept
130490 -            most of the day; went to dinner
130491 -            with friend, home by 1930, and
130492 -            asleep at 2018................... 060818, ref SDS 21 7Q8H
130494 -             ..
130495 -       12.  Side effects moderate report
130496 -            to pharmacist; dry hands, loose
130497 -            bowels, no diarrea; nausea,
130498 -            queazy stomache.................. 060908, ref SDS 22 QU8K
130500 -             ..
130501 -       13.  Patient falls at BART station due
130502 -            to fatigue, dizziness, shortness
130503 -            of breath; injures finger on left
130504 -            hand causing lymphedema on
130505 -            left arm to increase
130506 -            significantly.................... 060914, ref SDS 23 ZQ5I
130508 -             ..
130509 -       14.  Breathing difficult, heavy chest,
130510 -            tired; previously caused by
130511 -            pulmonary emboli, reported on
130512 -            041104, ref SDS 5 N43I, other
130513 -            side effects moderate - nausea
130514 -            queazy stomache solved eating
130515 -            small amounts food throughout
130516 -            the day.......................... 060929, ref SDS 24 QU8K
130518 -             ..
130519 -       15.  Pulmonary emboli recurrence
130520 -            diagnosed by CT test; Millie must
130521 -            resume treatment previously ended
130522 -            on 051007........................ 061002, ref SDS 26 MI5I
130524 -             ..
130525 -       16.  Fatigue, shortness of breath
130526 -            continues; less severe after
130527 -            starting treatment for pulmonary
130528 -            emboli........................... 061020, ref SDS 27 SK9O
130530 -             ..
130531 -       17.  Dry hands cracking and bleeding
130532 -            at cuticals...................... 061020, ref SDS 27 UM32
130534 -             ..
130535 -       18.  Nausea queasy stomache relieved
130536 -            by eating small amounts of
130537 -            food throughout the
130538 -            day.............................. 061020, ref SDS 27 D19M
130540 -             ..
130541 -       19.  Past few days coughing more than
130542 -            usual; also begun to clear throat
130543 -            noticably more often, similar to
130544 -            symptoms in 2004 that later were
130545 -            diagnosed as PE.................. 061108, ref SDS 29 VR6F
130547 -             ..
130548 -       20.  Fatigue, tired, shortness of
130549 -            breath, heavy chest with normal
130550 -            activity, dry hands, cracked,
130551 -            and bleeding, reported to
130552 -            Kaiser........................... 061110, ref SDS 30 SK9O
130554 -             ..
130555 -       21.  Fatigue, tired, shortness of
130556 -            breath, heavy chest with normal
130557 -            activity, dry hands, cracked,
130558 -            and bleeding, nails separating
130559 -            from fingers and toes, and eyes
130560 -            tearing, reported to
130561 -            Kaiser........................... 061201, ref SDS 31 SK9O
130563 -             ..
130564 -       22.  Millie feels very badly from
130565 -            side effects of chemotherapy
130566 -            beginning on Friday, 061201,
130567 -            with Taxotere, and continuing
130568 -            with capecitabine (Xeloda) for
130569 -            the next several
130570 -            weeks............................ 061204, ref SDS 32 F45O
130572 -             ..
130573 -       23.  Debilitating side effects of
130574 -            chemotherapy very difficult
130575 -            on 3rd and 4th days after
130576 -            treatment; Millie slept most
130577 -            of this time..................... 061205, ref SDS 33 343F
130579 -             ..
130580 -       24.  Cetuximab start new treatment no
130581 -            side effects, energy normal after
130582 -            treatment........................ 070201, ref SDS 34 QX8K
130584 -             ..
130585 -       25.  Millie has significantly increased
130586 -            energy, working out in the
130587 -            gym.............................. 070204, ref SDS 35 HF5H
130589 -             ..
130590 -       26.  Cetuximab 2nd treatment still no
130591 -            side effects of low energy,
130592 -            continues to feel
130593 -            stronger......................... 070208, ref SDS 36 F54N
130595 -             ..
130596 -       27.  Millie playing tennis, working out
130597 -            at the gym with increased energy
130598 -            and strength, indicating no side
130599 -            effects from cetuximab
130600 -            treatments....................... 070218, ref SDS 37 N05H
130602 -             ..
130603 -       28.  Cetuximab 5th treatment side
130604 -            effects of low energy seems to
130605 -            be occurring the past week or
130606 -            so; Millie starting to feel
130607 -            weaker........................... 070301, ref SDS 38 F54N
130609 -             ..
130610 -       29.  Cetuximab 6th treatment energy and
130611 -            strength recovering, eliminating
130612 -            side effects of low energy the
130613 -            week before Millie now feeling
130614 -            stronger......................... 070308, ref SDS 39 F54N
130616 -             ..
130617 -       30.  Cetuximab 9th treatment still no
130618 -            side effects of low energy,
130619 -            continues to feel
130620 -            stronger......................... 070329, ref SDS 40 F54N
130622 -             ..
130623 -       31.  IBC progression  of disease requires
130624 -            adding Carboplatin chemotherapy to
130625 -            cetuximab on clinical trial
130626 -            at UCSF.......................... 080219, ref SDS 41 3J4I
130628 -             ..
130629 -       32.  Worry stress anxiety about suffering
130630 -            debilitating side effects fatigue loss
130631 -            of energy reducing exercise ability
130632 -            to maintain blood counts cause
130633 -            significant emotional trauma about
130634 -            starting treatment adding
130635 -            chemotherapy Carboplatin to
130636 -            cetuximab........................ 080219, ref SDS 41 I35G
130638 -             ..
130639 -       33.  Worry about loss of energy and
130640 -            quality of life delays adding
130641 -            chemotherapy Carboplatin to
130642 -            clinical trial study
130643 -            regimen.......................... 080306, ref SDS 42 7V6M
130645 -             ..
130646 -       34.  Millie reported burst of energy
130647 -            after treatment with Carboplatin
130648 -            chemotherapy increasing exercise
130649 -            more than any time in the
130650 -            past 4 years..................... 080402, ref SDS 43 Q25V
130652 -             ..
130653 -       35.  Millie thrilled improvement recovering
130654 -            from IBC disease; energy and exercise
130655 -            have increased despite adding Carboplatin
130656 -            chemotherapy to cetuximab for the
130657 -            clinical trial regimen; reduced
130658 -            emotional trauma from stress,
130659 -            anxeity, doubt, and
130660 -            worry about the
130661 -            future........................... 080409, ref SDS 44 W14P
130662 -
130663 -
130664 -
130665 -
130666 -
130667 -
130668 -
130669 -
130670 -
130671 -
130672 -
130673 -
130674 -
130675 -
130676 -
1307 -