440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 4, 2006 08:51 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie submits update on cellulitus notifies Kaiser IBC spreading.

2...IBC Expands Across from Left to the Right Breast
3...Cellulitus Inflammation Improved
4...Inflammation Right Breast Recedes Indicating Cellulitus Not IBC

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Cellulitus Improved Letter to Kaiser Asking About Treatment with Ant

1303 -
1303 -    ..
1304 - Summary/Objective
1305 -
130501 - Follow up ref SDS 22 0000. ref SDS 18 0000.
130502 -
130503 - This morning Cellulitus seems better even without treatment.
130504 - ref SDS 0 MF9H  Millie sent a letter notifying the doctor she may not
130505 - need another prescription of antibiotics. ref SDS 0 V45L  IBC seems to
130506 - be traveling across the chest and infecting the right breast.
130507 - ref SDS 0 I93X  Millie asks the doctor about progress investigating
130508 - drug trials, including UCSF proposals. ref SDS 0 I944  Later in the
130509 - morning, Cellulitus was much improved, and the rise of rash on the
130510 - left chest, including creeping onto the right breast subsided,
130511 - suggesting there is cellulitus in the left breast as well as IBC.
130512 - ref SDS 0 PQ7U
130513 -
130514 -            [On 061205 Cellulitus seems a bit worse in the evening; so,
130515 -            Millie will start taking antibiotics treatments.
130516 -            ref SDS 23 P760
130517 -
130518 -
130519 -
130520 -
130521 -
130523 -  ..
1306 -
1307 -
1308 - Progress
1309 -
130901 - Cellulitus seems better this morning, slighlty less inflammed.
130902 - Millie still does not have a temperature.
130903 -
130905 -  ..
130906 - IBC Expands Across from Left to the Right Breast
130907 -
130908 - Millie noticed that IBC rash has spread across her sternum and begun
130909 - to invade the right breast, at least that is how it looks.  There is a
130910 - small portion of inflammation about .5" or less in diameter now
130911 - evident on the inner part of the right breast, and connected to the
130912 - rash on the left chest area.
130914 -  ..
130915 - This seems like a major change for the worse from examination on
130916 - Friday, 061201, ref SDS 21 025H, reflecting scenario #2 developed on
130917 - 060808.
130918 -
130919 -            [On 061208 1200 examination at Kaiser confirms spread of
130920 -            IBC to right breast. ref SDS 24 AX6G
130922 -  ..
130923 - This could be a complication of Cellulitus, and reacting to the cat
130924 - bite, as discussed in the record yesterday. ref SDS 22 MF9H
130925 -
130926 -            [...below, this afternoon IBC rash seems much improved on
130927 -            the left chest, and gone from right breast. ref SDS 0 FF4L
130929 -             ..
130930 -            [...below, letter to doctor reports remarkable improvement
130931 -            in IBC inflammation. ref SDS 0 2P8U
130933 -             ..
130934 -            [On 061205 IBC inflammation on left chest seems worse
130935 -            again, and has appeared again slightly on the right breast,
130936 -            possiby Cellulitus rather than IBC. ref SDS 23 P76F
130938 -             ..
130939 -            [On 070222 examination at UCSF indicates rash on upper left
130940 -            arm likely expanding IBC. ref SDS 30 B64F
130942 -  ..
130943 - Millie submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to the primary care physician at
130944 - Kaiser, and the following letter last night, ref DIP 2 0001, to the
130945 - primary care physician notifying Kaiser that...
130946 -
130947 -    1.  I got through the night okay.  The left arm still has a solid
130948 -        red rash (inflammation). [per report yesterday, 061203, citing
130949 -        cat bite possibly causing complications. ref SDS 22 MF9H]  I
130950 -        think it is reduced this morning.  Temperature has been okay.
130951 -        ref DIT 1 0001
130953 -         ..
130954 -    2.  Therefore, maybe I don't need antibiotic treatment.  If you
130955 -        decide to go ahead with treatment today, I would like to get
130956 -        some extra pills in order to address this type of problem if it
130957 -        occurs again. ref DIT 1 I932
130958 -
130959 -            [...below, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. ref SDS 0
130960 -            ZS5N
130962 -         ..
130963 -    3.  It looks like IBC rash on my left chest has traveled across the
130964 -        sternum and begun to invade the right breast.  At this time it
130965 -        is very slight, but evident.  Maybe that is driving CA 15-3.
130966 -        ref DIT 1 I93X
130967 -
130968 -            [...below, the doctor does not comment on this development.
130969 -            ref SDS 0 S13N
130971 -             ..
130972 -            [On 061208 1200 examination at Kaiser confirms spread of
130973 -            IBC to right breast. ref SDS 24 AX6G
130975 -             ..
130976 -            [On 070130 IBC progression spreads to stomach and wrapping
130977 -            toward back, examination at UCSF. ref SDS 27 M68J
130979 -             ..
130980 -            [On 070222 examination at UCSF indicates rash on upper left
130981 -            arm likely expanding IBC. ref SDS 30 B64F
130983 -             ..
130984 -            [On 091112 0930 IBC has now spread significantly onto
130985 -            Millie's right side for the first time in 8 years of
130986 -            treatment, and caused by cancer untreated in the breastbone
130987 -            for 6 months, due to medical mistakes getting radiation
130988 -            treatments at UCSF on referral from Kaiser. ref SDS 31 8G6O
130990 -         ..
130991 -    4.  Has Kaiser given any further thought to drug trials in my case?
130992 -        On 060711 you asked Rosalie to look into this.  Has she issued
130993 -        a report?  What about UCSF's letter on 060821 received during
130994 -        the meeting on 060929?  Have you had a chance to collaborate on
130995 -        efficacy of drug trials Doctor Benz cited in his letter to
130996 -        Kaiser? ref DIT 1 I944
130998 -             ..
130999 -            [...below, the doctor does not comment on drug trials for
131000 -            Millie. ref SDS 0 P64H
131002 -             ..
131003 -            [...below, Millie asks again for Kaiser's research on drug
131004 -            trials. ref SDS 0 2P9T
131006 -             ..
131007 -            [...below, later today the doctor responded in a letter
131008 -            saying "no problem," but the reference is unclear.
131009 -            ref SDS 0 OQ7L
131011 -         ..
131012 -    5.  Please let me know about treatment for cellulitus in my left
131013 -        arm. ref DIT 1 I952
131014 -
131015 -            [...below, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. ref SDS 0
131016 -            S14J
131017 -
131019 -  ..
1311 -
1312 -
1313 - 0940
1314 -
131401 - Millie received a letter saying the doctor cannot respond, because the
131402 - doctor is out of the office.
131404 -  ..
131405 - Considered submitting follow up to Arlette, who has been helpful in
131406 - the past coordinating communciations when the primary care physician
131407 - has been out of the office.
131409 -  ..
131410 - Decided against this because do not want to over tax Arlette's
131411 - excellent efforts for Millie.
131413 -  ..
131414 - Millie feels very badly from side effects of chemotherapy beginning on
131415 - Friday with Taxotere, and continuing with capecitabine (Xeloda) for
131416 - the next several weeks.
131418 -  ..
131419 - She feels side effects are harder to bear now than earlier in the
131420 - treatment, beginning on 060721.
131421 -
131422 -
131423 -
131425 -  ..
1315 -
1316 -
1317 - 1001
1318 -
131801 - Cellulitus Inflammation Improved
131802 - Inflammation Right Breast Recedes Indicating Cellulitus Not IBC
131803 -
131804 - Examination indicates Cellulitus in left arm is much better.
131805 -
131806 -            [On 061205 Cellulitus seems a bit worse in the evening; so,
131807 -            Millie will start taking antibiotics treatments.
131808 -            ref SDS 23 P760
131810 -  ..
131811 - Coloration in the right breast has receded, and even the left breast
131812 - area looks much better.
131814 -  ..
131815 - Possibly, there has been a compound problem on the left breast of
131816 - cellulitus with IBC, caused in part by the cat bite, per analysis
131817 - above. ref SDS 0 5N5M, and citing analysis yesterday. ref SDS 22 GE5O
131818 - This occurred previously on 041202 when Millie was treated with an
131819 - antibiotic for cellulitus, and this increased inflammation on the left
131820 - breast, spreading toward the neck. ref SDS 2 415Y
131822 -  ..
131823 - IBC has proven to wax and wane, noted by Doctor Benz in his opinion on
131824 - 061018 received and reported on 061117. ref SDS 1 OS6W
131825 -
131826 -
131828 -  ..
1319 -
1320 -
1321 - 1610
1322 -
132201 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from the primary care physician saying...
132203 -         ..
132204 -    1.  [Responding to your letter this morning notifying of Cellulitus
132205 -        recurrence, possibly due to cat bite... ref SDS 0 V45L]
132207 -         ..
132208 -    2.  I sent a prescription for Keflex, with a renewal, to Shadelands
132209 -        Pharmacy.  I hope you continue to do well.
132211 -  ..
132212 - Prescribing antibiotics for Cellulitus, responds to Millie's letter
132213 - this morning notifying of recurrence, possibly related to cat bite a
132214 - few weeks ago. ref SDS 0 V45L
132215 -
132216 -            [On 070214 Millie notifies primary care physician rash
132217 -            observed during examination on 070202, ref SDS 28 JP6F,
132218 -            continues on left arm, requests refill prescription
132219 -            antibiotic treatment for cellulitus, Keflex. ref SDS 29
132220 -            R66P
132222 -  ..
132223 - The doctor does not comment on new developments of IBC spreading from
132224 - the left chest slightly across the sternum to the right breast, per
132225 - above. ref SDS 0 I93X
132227 -  ..
132228 - For some reason, the doctor does not report Kaiser's work on finding
132229 - drug trials for Millie, which Mil requested in her letter this
132230 - morning, per above. ref SDS 0 I944
132231 -
132233 -  ..
1323 -
1324 -
1325 - 1623
1326 -
132601 - Millie submitted ref DIT 1 0001 reporting evident improvement noticed
132602 - earlier today, per above. ref SDS 0 PQ7U
132603 -
132604 -    1.  Thanks very much for the prescription renewal, set out in your
132605 -        letter earlier today.  I will go and get the pills, and hold
132606 -        them in reserve.
132608 -         ..
132609 -    2.  Good news.
132611 -         ..
132612 -    3.  My arm is nearly free of inflammation, and swelling is also
132613 -        down, all without treatment.
132614 -
132615 -            [On 061205 Cellulitus seems a bit worse in the evening; so,
132616 -            Millie will start taking antibiotics treatments.
132617 -            ref SDS 23 P760
132619 -         ..
132620 -    4.  Additionally, my left chest looks remarkably improved from
132621 -        examination this past Friday.  The rash that spread today
132622 -        slightly onto the right breast is gone. ref SDS 0 PQ7U  This
132623 -        suggests Cellulitus may be a complication in the left breast
132624 -        area, possibly related to loss of lymphatics with surgery last
132625 -        year.  I would not expect IBC rash to come and go so easily.
132626 -
132627 -            [On 061205 IBC inflammation on left chest seems worse
132628 -            again, and has appeared again slightly on the right breast,
132629 -            possiby Cellulitus rather than IBC. ref SDS 23 P76F
132631 -         ..
132632 -    5.  In my prior letter today, I asked about progress reviewing drug
132633 -        trials in connection with changing treatments. ref SDS 0 I944
132634 -        Sudden improvement this afternoon may make the matter moot for
132635 -        awhile, especially if CA 15-3 drops to align with reduced IBC
132636 -        rash.  In any case, I would like to see the work up on drug
132637 -        trials, and review of UCSF 2nd opinion proposal.
132638 -
132639 -            [...below, later today the doctor responded in a letter
132640 -            saying "no problem," but the reference is unclear.
132641 -            ref SDS 0 S23J
132643 -             ..
132644 -            [On 061208 Millie reviewed UCSF 2nd opinion on drug trial
132645 -            opportunities with primary care physician during meeting at
132646 -            Kaiser, ref SDS 24 VT7F, Kaiser requested assistance to
132647 -            facilitate review. ref SDS 24 P256
132649 -             ..
132650 -            [On 061218 Kaiser assisted in finding UCSF 2nd opinion, and
132651 -            proposals for treating Millie on clinical study drug
132652 -            trials. ref SDS 25 086H
132654 -             ..
132655 -            [On 061228 Kaiser performing due diligence investigating
132656 -            drug trials for treating Millie. ref SDS 26 086H
132657 -
132658 -
132659 -
132660 -
132662 -  ..
1327 -
1328 -
1329 - 1642
1330 -
133001 - Millie drove to Kaiser Park Shadelands in Walnut Creek and purchased
133002 - the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
133004 -  ..
133005 - Since Cellulitus seems to be clearing up, Millie decided not to take
133006 - antibiotics, and evaluate the condition tomorrow monring for taking
133007 - the medication.
133008 -
133009 -
133010 -
133012 -  ..
1331 -
1332 -
1333 - 2249
1334 -
133401 - Millie received ref DRT 2 0001 from the doctor resonding to the letter
133402 - she sent, ref DIT 2 0001, submitted earlier today, per above.
133403 - ref SDS 0 JK3N
133405 -  ..
133406 - Doctor says...
133407 -
133408 -    1.  [Responding to your letter this afternoon reporting improvement
133409 -        in IBC and Cellulitus inflammation, ref SDS 0 2P7X, and asking
133410 -        about Kasier's progress reviewing drug trials for Millie, and
133411 -        evaluating UCSF proposals, ref SDS 0 2P9T...]
133413 -         ..
133414 -    2.  No problem. ref DRT 2 0001
133416 -  ..
133417 - The doctor's comment seems unclear.  Could mean the doctor plans to
133418 - submit Kaiser's research on drug trials for Millie's patient profile,
133419 - requested in Millie's 2nd letter, ref SDS 0 2P9T,
133420 -
133421 -
133422 -
133423 -
133424 -
133425 -
133426 -
133427 -
133428 -
133429 -
133430 -
133431 -
133432 -
1335 -