440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 21, 2003 04:20 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Pat about endorsemnt of SDS and Com Metrics.

2...Pat asked about action items for moving forward....

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Issue the letter dated 020729, which was previously agreed
2...Under the agenda to "Study What Works," ref OF 10 UQ6V, rather
3...Work on the foundation idea to develop funding for Welch to

0201 - SRI International
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory

Endorse SDS Pat Write Letter to Curt Carlson Recommending Research an
SRI Meeting Pat Lincoln Endorse SDS for Research Review Opportunities
Lincoln, Pat Reviewed Endorsement of SDS Developed Planning for Found
Study What Works Publish Papers on SDS Grow Culture of Knowledge Read
Foundation to Fund Continued Distribution of SDS Records on the Inter
Foundation Fund Payment for Generating SDS Records on the Internet to
Lincoln, Pat SRI Foundation to Fund Continued Distribution of SDS Rec
Foundation to Fund Continued Distribution of SDS Records on the Inter

3410 -
3410 -    ..
3411 - Summary/Objective
3412 -
341201 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000. ref SDS 8 0000.
341202 -
341203 - Pat is just back from vacation.
341205 -  ..
341206 - Pat has seen the transmittal letter in his email, per our telecon on
341207 - 030327, ref SDS 8 0001, but has not yet reviewed the endorsements.
341209 -  ..
341210 - We discussed briefly Gary's work using SDS on the  combat project at
341211 - Aerospace company, beginning on 030121. ref SDS 7 0001  This
341212 - experience using SDS enables Gary to learn by doing Knowledge
341213 - Management, which Henry van Eygan recommended to the OHS/DKR group on
341214 - 001126. ref SDS 2 0001 At that time, contributors chose to continue
341215 - trying to learn KM by using information technology with greater
341216 - diligence. ref SDS 2 4E3X  While this effort has failed, Gary's report
341217 - on 030413 shows promise of progress, and also broadens exposure of SDS
341218 - on the Internet that demonstrates viability of KM. ref SDS 10 0001
341219 - Work today using SDS to prepare a record of technical exchange
341220 - meetings held last week, is a good opportunity to further expand
341221 - exposure. ref SDS 14 0001
341223 -  ..
341224 - More exposure helps people feel comfortable about a new way of working
341225 - using a 3-layer architecture where people can continue using existing
341226 - tools and yet benefit from "intelligence" delivered anytime, anywhere,
341227 - as planned on 971021, ref SDS 1 3636, and considered more recently on
341228 - 020820. ref SDS 6 0001  Now that Gary is contributing at Aerospace company,
341229 - progress is picking up, as shown by his work today. ref SDS 14 AF8I
341231 -  ..
341232 - Pat is familiar with combat, which has a web site at....
341233 -
341234 -
341236 -  ..
341237 - Pat received a copy of the proposal on SDS, ref DIP 6 0001, which was
341238 - submitted to Dave Snowden at IBM on 030417. ref SDS 12 0001
341239 -
341241 -  ..
341242 - Pat asked about action items for moving forward....
341243 -
341244 -           [On 030423 Pat indicates action items are doable.
341245 -           ref SDS 15 0001
341246 -
341247 -     1.  Issue the letter dated 020729, which was previously agreed
341248 -         upon, ref DRP 1 0001, during our meeting at that time.
341249 -         ref SDS 5 4K6G  All this requires is printing the letter on
341250 -         SRI letter head and signing it.
341252 -          ..
341253 -     2.  Edit and issue a more recent draft letter dated 030417,
341254 -         ref OF 10 0001, and sent to Pat last week, ref SDS 11 KO5O, to
341255 -         recognize new research following our meeting on 020729,
341256 -         ref SDS 5 9O5O, and which explains why progress on KM has
341257 -         slowed, ref OF 10 ER8H, how SDS solves the problem,
341258 -         ref OF 10 K55F, why a solution is needed, ref OF 10 076L, and
341259 -         sets specific goals for advancing. ref OF 10 XN4I
341261 -          ..
341262 -         Consideration might be given to issuing the letter to his
341263 -         boss, rather than to Rod.  However, the key step is to first
341264 -         make this an official SRI document so it is a resource that
341265 -         Pat and others can rely on for next steps.
341266 -
341267 -             [On 030429 Pat cites a project at SRI where the draft can
341268 -             be issued. ref SDS 17 KZ3W
341270 -              ..
341271 -             [On 030520 Pat has reviewed draft endorsement and submits
341272 -             comments. ref SDS 22 OF4F
341274 -              ..
341275 -             [On 030521 Pat submits further comments on draft
341276 -             endorsement. ref SDS 23 PR6Y
341277 -
341279 -          ..
341280 -     3.  Under the agenda to "Study What Works," ref OF 10 UQ6V, rather
341281 -         than issue the draft endorsement, publish the draft as an
341282 -         article in a professional journal to spread the good news
341283 -         that, unlike Dave's article reviewed on 020608 that says KM
341284 -         has substantially failed to meet expectations, ref SDS 4 ZN6I,
341285 -         SRI can report that KM is being done every day, 24-7, and the
341286 -         math indicates that KM exceeds expections, as related in the
341287 -         draft. ref OF 10 U44M
341288 -
341289 -             [On 030507 cited this action in follow up letter to Pat.
341290 -             ref SDS 18 F06N
341292 -          ..
341293 -         Pat observed that SDS ability to make linking fast and easy is
341294 -         an enabling force for KM, because creating links using other
341295 -         tools takes so much time that it discourages people from using
341296 -         linking as a routine part of communication, and this prevents
341297 -         discovering added value, so there is no progress.  This point
341298 -         is presented in the new draft. ref OF 10 Q49I
341299 -
341300 -             [On 030510 Gary submits example and analysis of using
341301 -             citations to footnotes in a traditional bibliography to
341302 -             replace links. ref SDS 19 5M73
341304 -              ..
341305 -             [On 030520 draft endorsement illustrates solution to Pat's
341306 -             concern about difficulty using links. ref SDS 22 RJ39
341308 -          ..
341309 -     4.  Work on the foundation idea to develop funding for Welch to
341310 -         continue publishing SDS records that demonstrate KM is a
341311 -         workable idea, as related in the draft, ref OF 10 XN4I,
341312 -         reported in the record on 030417. ref SDS 11 JF8M
341313 -
341314 -             [On 030429 Pat cites a project at SRI where the draft can
341315 -             be issued. ref SDS 17 KZ3W
341317 -              ..
341318 -             [On 030516 Pat reported that setting a foundation for KM
341319 -             is outside his area. ref SDS 20 BW3J
341321 -              ..
341322 -             [On 030519 discussed incentives that drive people toward
341323 -             information and away from information, which means that
341324 -             for a long period of transformation, people need guidance
341325 -             and examples that light the way to a new way of working.
341326 -             ref SDS 21 ME47
341327 -
341329 -          ..
341330 -     5.  Send a letter to Dave Snowden confirming SRI's experience with
341331 -         SDS, as related in Pat's letter dated 020729 and such
341332 -         information that may seem worthwhile from the draft
341333 -         endorsement dated 020416. ref OF 10 0001  This would
341334 -         complement support from Ross ********* at *** discussed on
341335 -         030406, ref SDS 9 PK6J, and by Gary at Aerospace company,
341336 -         discussed on 030419. ref SDS 13 Q633
341337 -
341338 -            [On 030428 Dave reported he is not convinced by reading
341339 -            email that claims for SDS support of KM are true.
341340 -            ref SDS 16 3K7N
341341 -
341342 -
341343 -
341344 -
341345 -
341346 -
341347 -
341348 -
341349 -
3414 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"