440 Davis Court #1602
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DIARY: May 7, 2003 01:47 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Pat progress on action items at SRI to advance SDS, Com Metrics.


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0201 - SRI International                                                                                                                                                  O-00000103 0701
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory                                                                                                                                      O-00000103 0701

Endorse SDS Pat Write Letter to Curt Carlson Recommending Research an
Endorse SDS Pilot Test Loan C13 for Pat to Experiment So He Can Make
Meeting Pat Lincoln Issue Endorsement of SDS
SRI Meeting Pat Lincoln Endorse SDS for Research Review Opportunities

1806 -
1806 -    ..
1807 - Summary/Objective
1808 -
180801 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0001, ref SDS 15 0000.
180802 -
180803 - Sent an email to Pat with a link to the record on 030430 listing
180804 - action items.
180805 -
180806 -    1.  Complete review new draft SDS endorsement. ref SDS 17 KZ3G
180807 -
180808 -           Note on 030429 Gary at Aerospace company offered to provide
180809 -           editing support. ref SDS 17 Q38O
180811 -              ..
180812 -             [On 030519 Pat will complete this step, ref SDS 19 0001;
180813 -             scheduled meeting for review. ref SDS 19 BQ6J
180815 -         ..
180816 -    2.  Determine alternate addressee other than Welch, most likely
180817 -        Pat's boss, or the CEO, Curt Carlson, since Curt is somewhat
180818 -        familiar with SDS, albeit previously negative, and with cc to
180819 -        others at SRI. ref SDS 17 Q34M
180821 -            ..
180822 -           Publishing an article is part of this planning, per telecon
180823 -           on 030421. ref SDS 14 OP6M
180825 -         ..
180826 -    3.  Consider distribution and/or contacting SRI department working
180827 -        on SDS-typ support for the CIA. ref SDS 17 KZ3W
180828 -
180829 -           Yesterday sent a copy to Pat of the record on a telecon with
180830 -           Gary that reviews correlation between requirement
180831 -           for command and control in the military, and SDS support for
180832 -           this common requirement in daily work. ref SDS 18 KT5F  One
180833 -           is a predicate for improving the other, and likely entails
180834 -           transformation from information technology (IT) to a culture
180835 -           of knowledge under new realities of information overload.
180836 -           ref SDS 18 Q57I
180838 -         ..
180839 -    4.  Foundation funding for SDS records on Internet discussed on
180840 -        030421. ref SDS 14 QL3O
180841 -
180842 -
180843 -
180844 -
180845 -
180846 -
180847 -
180848 -
180849 -
180850 -
1809 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"