440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 20, 2001 09:31 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

DCMA letter to Stuart on progress reveiwing SDS and Com Metrics.


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0201 - Defense Contract Management Agency   516 228 5000
020101 - Mr. Stuart Harrow
020102 - Manufacturing & Production Field Service Representative =516 228 5721
020103 -
020104 - Contract Operations
020105 - Field Support Mid-Atlantic, OCFC

DCMA SDS Endorsed for Supporting KM
DCMA Considers SDS Typical Day Scenario
DCMA SDS Used for Contract Management
DCMA Wants Bridge Concepts for Explaining SDS
SDS Typical Day Scenario Stuart Harrow will Review Distribute
FSR Role Expand for Com Manager Apply SDS
DCMA Needs SDS to Avoid Contract Delays Extra Cost Caused by Pressure
Action Items Advance SDS O'Burn, Patsy, Stuart to Contact about DCMA

2310 -    ..
2311 - Summary/Objective
2312 -
231201 - Follow up ref SDS 93 0000, ref SDS 91 0000.
231202 -
231203 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 connected to the record on 010730.
231204 - ref SDS 93 0001
231205 -
231206 -      [On 010928 called Stuart and discussed progress. ref SDS 94 0001
231207 -
231208 -
231217 -
231218 - Cited....
231219 -
231220 -      Bridge concepts requested on 010730. ref SDS 93 LC5O
231221 -
231222 -      Leadership essential, ref DIT 1 447F, to help people cross
231223 -      bridges, explained on 010730. ref SDS 93 IR9F
231224 -
231225 -      Intelligence needed, ref DIT 1 PPTT, to connect dots, explained
231226 -      on 980815. ref SDS 53 1173
231227 -
231228 -      SDS best tool for intelligence, cited by Stuart's letter on
231229 -      010608. ref SDS 80 RS4J  The report by USACE concurred,
231230 -      ref DRP 7 6172, and is supported by a recent report on 010725
231231 -      from DNRC. ref SDS 92 WJ7L
231232 -
231233 -      Action items progress, ref DIT 1 S58N, Stuart set on 010730.
231234 -      ref SDS 93 GM4H
231235 -
231236 -
231237 -
231238 -
2313 -
2314 -
2315 - 1258
2316 -
231601 - Called and left message for Stuart alerting that a letter has been
231602 - submitted, per above.
231603 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"