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1...Key point is we need more than one person who can use SDS to apply and
0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
SRI DKR Project, 000503
Help Preparing Business Plans
SDS Demand Low Because Demand for KM Low
Pilot Test SDS to Discover Customer Base Early Adopters
Customers Determine Demand Pilot Test Find Early Adopters, Morris
KM Demand Low Because No Calls for SDS, Letter to Morris
Pilot Test Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM
Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM Pilot Test
Market Potential, Strategies, Trial Installations
Over Horizon People New Ideas No Time Defining Customers
Customers Ignored Over Horizon People Seeking to Develop New Ideas, M
1813 - ..
1814 - Summary/Objective
1815 -
181501 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
181502 -
181503 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Morris responding to my letter,
181504 - ref DIP 5 0001, sent yesterday submitting the letter from Jack Park,
181505 - citing SDS as a standard for Knowledge Management using time to
181506 - organize information. ref DIP 5 2P6J
181507 -
181508 - Morris characterizes the team at SRI as "over the horizon" people, who
181509 - are looking for a major application, but have spent zero time looking
181510 - for customers. (You really need both to have a business). ref DRT 1
181511 - E25N
181512 -
181513 - [On 010114 KM thought leaders are viewed as "over the horizon"
181514 - thought leaders. ref SDS 44 QO8H
181515 - ..
181516 - He has had a major customer in this week, and so has not gotten
181517 - to the medit improvements, ref DRT 1 776K, cited in my letter,
181518 - ref DIP 5 T15F, per the record yesterday, ref SDS 33 I57O, and listed
181519 - on 000904. ref SDS 31 1Y6K
181520 -
181521 -
181522 -
181523 - ..
181524 - Marketing Plan to Discover Early Adopters
181525 -
181526 - Morris argues SDS business efforts are primarily focused on product
181527 - and technology, and not on customers. ref DRT 1 O67I
181528 -
181529 - He explains that projected, postulated, or "religion mandated" need is
181530 - not the same as expressed or latent customer need. ref DRT 1 B47N
181531 - ..
181532 - Morris suggests giving away 100 copies to get reaction from a
181533 - group of "evaluators". You could start with the folks at SRI, but they
181534 - will just borrow the ideas, write them up, and then sell it in a white
181535 - paper or prototype to industry. Instead, start with a group of real
181536 - potential customers, and collect real market relevant data.
181537 - ref DRT 1 G58G
181538 -
181539 - You will learn what customer expectation is for a "management
181540 - product", if people like numbers, function keys and etc. You will
181541 - also understand what they do like about the program and system, what
181542 - functions and capabilities they use, and how to improve them. This
181543 - can be the seed group to get a larger program developed. ref DRT 1
181544 - 968O
181545 -
181546 - Morris' proposal reflects need for pilot testing, reviewed in the
181547 - record on 991222. ref SDS 5 5402
181548 - ..
181549 - On 000802 pilot testing to identify customer demand based on
181550 - trials by early adopters was set as top strategy priority.
181551 - ref SDS 16 0310
181552 -
181553 - On 000804 Morris was notified about pilot test priority.
181554 -
181555 - On 000810 began making SDS easier to use for pilot testing,
181556 - ref SDS 23 ZX5M, completed mostly on or about 000824. ref SDS 27
181557 - 0001
181558 -
181559 - [On 000915 completed improvement to Action Item system.
181560 - ref SDS 34 0001
181561 -
181562 - On 000810 discovered need Medit fix to facilitate pilot testing.
181563 - ref SDS 23 EHG6
181564 - ..
181565 - On 000907 pilot testing can be aided by Medit improvements.
181566 - ref SDS 33 I57O
181567 -
181568 - ..
181569 - Key point is we need more than one person who can use SDS to apply and
181570 - train others in large scale organization setting that has big need for
181571 - Knowledge Management, Enterprise Management and "intelligennce."
181572 -
181573 - Pat Lincoln mentioned on 000829 that SRI has launched a program to
181574 - improve internal management. ref SDS 29 MJ6F
181575 -
181576 - [...this is addressed below on Com Manager. ref SDS 0 MW8R
181577 -
181578 -
181579 -
181580 -
181581 -
1816 -
1817 -
1818 - 0952
1819 - ..
181901 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris thanking him for a thoughtful
181902 - letter.
181903 -
181904 -
181905 - ..
181906 - Early Adopters Need Commitment to Experiment, Learn
181907 -
181908 - Explain that we need to find early adopters, what Morris calls "over
181909 - the horizon folks," who have a level of commitment to learn and
181910 - experiment, which the KM people at SRI have in varying degrees. We
181911 - need people who want to do a better of job of communication, analysis
181912 - and management minute by minute, hour by hour, day to day in meetings,
181913 - calls and correspondence, and are willing to do more than grumble, go
181914 - to seminars, and wait for the next version of Windows. ref DIT 1 YV7L
181915 -
181916 -
181917 -
1820 -
Dilemma Difference between Need and Market Demand
Bad Management Technology Brings Success, Impossible
Bad Management be Successful, Rather than Technology to Make Good Man
Ignorance Fear Denial, Overcoming Walking Through Valley of Death, Br
Dilemma People Want Tools Make Bad Management Successful, Not Tools t
Bad Management be Successful, Rather than Technology to Make Good Man
Disallusioned Computers Do Not Improve Management Productivity
Disallusioned KM Too Difficult Giving Up Technology Cannot Improve Ma
Technology Not For Management People Want to Succeed by Relying on Na
2912 -
291201 - ..
291202 - Disjunction between Need and Demand
291203 - Demand Suppressed by Ignorance, Fear and Denial
291204 - Bad Management Successful, Not Tools to Good Management Easier
291205 -
291206 - Dilemma shaping up in Knowledge Management is that people feel a big
291207 - need for better handling of daily working information, which is an
291208 - adequate simple explanation of Knowledge Management, per Doug
291209 - Engelbart's 1992 paper reviewed on 000327. ref SDS 7 3971 But, there
291210 - is no real demand to fill this need, because people want existing IT
291211 - tools and methods that rely on natural "intelligence" for converting
291212 - information into knowledge, to be successful, because it seems fast
291213 - and easy, rather than tools that augment intelligence to make good
291214 - management easier. It redounds to fear of front-end investment, i.e.,
291215 - fear of the unknown, until someone else proves cost savings. Until
291216 - ignorance is eliminated, fear and denial suppress demand for KM.
291217 -
291218 - [On 000920 letter explains KM seems like attractive idea.
291219 - ref SDS 35 2V5F
291220 -
291221 - [On 000920 bad management faster and easier than good management
291222 - because bad management requires doing nothing; people want bad
291223 - management to succeed, not tools that make good management faster,
291224 - easier, cheaper. ref SDS 35 T33H
291225 -
291226 - [On 000927 Eric Armstrong submitted letter to DKR team contending
291227 - there is a "huge need" for DKR project. ref SDS 36 0001
291228 -
291229 - [On 001004 SDS makes good management faster and easier, but not
291230 - as fast and easy as bad management, because bad management can be
291231 - accomplished by doing nothing.
291232 -
291233 - [On 001102 people want tools to make bad management successful,
291234 - there is no market to make good management easier. ref SDS 37 RF7M
291235 -
291236 - [On 001121 Eric submitted another letter on critical need for
291237 - better technology, but there is no evidence of desire to do KM.
291238 - ref SDS 38 LM7H
291239 -
291240 - [On 001202 people want bad management to succeed, not making good
291241 - management easier. ref SDS 39 WJ6I
291242 -
291243 - [On 010111 Doug Engelbart advised SRI will not improve management
291244 - unless concensus is reached by senior executives. ref SDS 43 KX5N
291245 -
291246 - [On 010111 Pat Lincoln concerned there is littel progress on
291247 - improving coordination and collaboration. ref SDS 42 EF6M
291248 -
291249 - [On 010321 added idea of "bad management" to POIMS. ref SDS 45
291250 - RM4H
291251 -
291252 -
291253 - ..
291254 - Latent Demand for Better Management, People Don't Believe in KM
291255 -
291256 - Everyone wants to improve communication so less time is needed to fix
291257 - mistakes caused by meaning drift. Demand is driven by the rise of
291258 - stress, anger, loss and conflict, due to escalation of mistakes caused
291259 - the rise in the flow of information that compounds meaning drift.
291260 - However, people don't have experience showing that excalating mistakes
291261 - can be fixed, so they don't believe it can be fixed other than by
291262 - avoiding accountability i.e., firing people (see Deming v. Hammer on
291263 - "reengineering," 950909, ref SDS 2 YH6M,
291264 - covering up, calling the
291265 - lawyer, or the surety, yelling that others didn't tell the truth, or
291266 - didn't work hard enough, per review on 950412, ref SDS 1 3920, and so
291267 - on. ref DIT 1 4X8K How can we help people lift their competence,
291268 - without impairing self-confidence, as set out in analysis of the
291269 - letter on medical mistakes, ref DIP 6 6048, reported on 990924,
291270 - ref SDS 4 0593, and leads to fear of accountability?
291271 -
291272 - [On 001207 too many people having too many problems grows demand
291273 - for better productivity, earnings and stock prices. ref SDS 40
291274 - V54M
291275 -
291276 - [On 010720 software engineer giving up on possibility that
291277 - technology can improve management. ref SDS 46 GH7I
291278 -
291279 -
291280 -
291281 -
291282 -
291283 -
291284 -
2913 -
Communication Manager
Experiment, Need Broader Base
Number Com Managers Varies According to Value at Risk
Mistakes Avoided, Saves Money, Lawsuits
Pilot Test Com Manager Role, Letter to Morris
Accounting Analogy
Facilitate Meetings Com Manager Comes Prepared and Briefs People So t
Specialist Skills Professional Role Use SDS Like Pilot Flies Airplane
Tasks Com Manager
Com Manager Performs Three (3) New Tasks Analysis, Alignment, Organic
391201 - ..
391202 - Business Metrics More Important to Communication than to Accounting
391203 - Communication Manager Scares People based on Cost and Competence
391204 -
391205 - Com Manager performs the hard work of Knowledge Management cited on
391206 - 000307, ref SDS 6 4472, that ranges from no support, to a secretary,
391207 - to an aide, to the COO role. ref DIT 1 X79M
391208 -
391209 - Com Manager does three (3) important steps...
391210 -
391211 - 1. Analysis and alignment invests time to connect information into
391212 - chronologies of cause and effect, so people are prepared to
391213 - work "intelligencely."
391214 -
391215 - 2. Subject Index invests time to ensure the record is organized
391216 - and summarized in a useful manner.
391217 - ..
391218 - 3. Prepares professional quality record that protects the
391219 - interests of parties, while providing useful "intelligence" for
391220 - peforming daily work, including getting and providing feedback
391221 - without compromising confidentiality, secrecy and privacy, and
391222 - without causing stress, anger and conflict.
391223 -
391224 - [On 001219 developed eight (8) steps for using SDS to improve memory
391225 - and increase understanding. ref SDS 41 FO5M and ref SDS 41 4W4L
391226 -
391227 - Finances get varying degrees of rigor according to the value at risk.
391228 - Sometimes we do the accounting ourselves, or a secretary tracks daily
391229 - expenses. When activity goes up, a bookkeeper, and eventually an
391230 - accountant are used to keep finances aligned with budgets, because the
391231 - amount of work and value at risk demands special skills and dedicated
391232 - time. ref DIT 1 P84G
391233 - ..
391234 - In an Information Age, the same level of effort is needed to
391235 - keep communication and planning aligned with commitments, obligations
391236 - and requirements, otherwise no amount of accounting will keep finances
391237 - aligned with budgets. If there is not much going on, we can do our own
391238 - intelligence work, or a secretary can help. With a lot going on, with
391239 - a lot a risk, we need a specialist, someone who knows how to produce
391240 - useful intelligence that avoids mistakes and discovers opportunities
391241 - that are otherwise overlooked due to the pace and complexity of daily
391242 - work. ref DIT 1 NB4L
391243 -
391258 -
391259 -
391260 -
391261 -
391262 -
391263 -
391264 -
391265 -
391266 -
391267 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"