440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 16:44:57 -0700

03 00050 61 02071801

Unfinished Revolution
OHS DKR Project
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Subject:   Manhattan Project to establish the Knowledge Sciences

As usual, good analysis in Eric Armstrong's letter, today, on defining "knowledge," as a predicate to progress on KM, and identifying key details of a Manhattan Project to formulate Knowledge Sciences.
The definition of knowledge as "categorized how-to information" is ambling toward a useful direction.
Refinement that further distinguishes knowledge from information will sharpen the focus on what needs to be done differently to solve problems last year on September 11, and, also, arrest the decline of productivity and earnings that worries investors, as your explained in your letter on October 3, 2001.
Try finding POIMS to see if it sheds any light.
On September 16, 2001, you said it's hard to find anything using popular methods everybody likes, but take another look for POIMS. When we met at Intel on 000517 you had printed POIMS and later thought it was in the back seat of the car.
If so, there may be some clues in POIMS about moving from information to a culture of knowledge that strengthen the ability to find everything, noted in your earlier letter, also, on September 16 last year. Jack Park reported on October 3, 2001 that he has found no clues about how to find information quickly when needed, but I am not sure he had found POIMS, either, at least I don't recall seeing analysis of the caliber you did in your letter today on Manhattan Projects, directed at understanding POIMS.
It is probably out of the question because nobody has the time these days, like they did in Einstein's time, but a useful exercise, after understanding information and knowledge, would be to look for correlations and alignment between POIMS and Doug's OHS Launch Plan which he submitted on October 25, 2000, and then to incorporate that analysis into your CDR specs. As I recall, you made a significant start on May 5, 2000, but then there was a hang-up sometime around November 5, 2000 (don't hold me to these dates, they can be tricky). Lee Iverson later did more under the banner of NODAL. Putting this ferment together builds a community of expertise and eventually of practice needed for progress.
Once you develop a set of ideas for creating technology that improves IT, then a Manhattan Project to implement those ideas will have a chance to succeed. Without understanding what needs to be done, you can easily exceed an unlimited budget and have nothing to show for it, as occurred with IBM, per Paul's letter on November 30, 2000.
Recall that in about 1903 Einstein worked out the basic concept on converting matter into energy. Others later developed engineering methodologies (as you and Lee, Jack, Eugene and others have struggled with for KM), so by the time Manhattan came along in about 1942, the 50 years that Buckminster Fuller suggests is the time required for a new way of doing things to mature, had transpired. In 1942 they had a lot of clues about what to do, and so a critical mass of people, resources and leadership was successful working out implementation engineering, as you relate cogently in your letter today.
At this time, today, however, it is not clear that there is enough knowledge about what to do to move from IT to a culture of knowledge, not even a clue outside of POIMS, because limited time, and, in some respects, cultural blinders, have prevented people from doing the careful spade work that is tedious and essential in the beginning to breath life into a new direction for science. To justify a Manhattan-type effort, clues must be found and people must be found who are willing to invest time for following the clues to discover how knowledge is distinguished from information in a way that technology can exploit.
Good to see the group thinking foundationally again, per your letter on 000212.



Rod Welch
