Garold L. Johnson
Dynamic Alternatives

July 22, 2002 ..
Subject:   Schedule Diary System (SDS) Requirements
Exploratory Survey of Publications
Requirements, Principals, Objectives Based on POIMS

[This begins Gary's exploratory analysis dated July 22, 2002 based on the index shown in Gary's transmittal letter. The second part of Gary's analysis covers review of NWO, Begins Design Analysis, Pending Tasks]

Schedule Diary System (SDS)
Rod Welch -- Publications
Rod has talked with you about the possibility that I wuld help with completing the task of converting MEDIT to C using the Windows model to increase file sizes, etc.
I am far from convinced that this is something I can do or that I want to do.

Before I drop this, however, I wanted to discuss several of the issues that I see involved.
Initial email to Morris Jones
Why don't you do it yourself?

Rod speaks glowingly of your capabilities. Your wrote the program in the first place and started on the C version.

A reasonable question is, therefore, why aren't you doing the rewrite yourself? You are clearly far better qualified than any newcomer can be.
Also, a major part of the attraction to doing this at all is the possibility of collaborating with someone from whom I stand to learn a great deal. If you don't have time to work the problem, it is likely that you will also be short on time to collaborate on the work, thus losing a major attraction.

You don't use SDS yourself?

According to Rod you started to use SDS at some point and gave it up. May I ask why?

At the moment, it seems that Rod may be the only person who can use SDS effectively.
I have increasing doubts that SDS is the tool that I need for myself, and you seem to have decided that to be true for you as well.

Project goals

Rod believes that the objective is to rewrite the existing MEDIT, including the macro language, in C, and thus have SDS move with the conversion.
First, is a direct rewrite adequate? Any time I have set about to rewrite a program, there have been numerous things that I wanted new or to do differently. I assume that MEDIT is no different.

Is MEDIT the best starting point?

Is MEDIT of interest beyond the fact that it supports SDS?

Even assuming that an editor is the place to start in reconstructing SDS, is MEDIT the best starting point? There are several commercial editors that will support a wide variety of scripting languages, compiled languages or even DLL's to enhance the editor. Wouldn't this save a substantial amount of energy? It would require licensing the editor for each sale of SDS, but that would seem to be a small matter relative to the development energy. If necessary an open source editor could be used as the base.
There is also the possibility of treating the current version of SDS as a "proof of concept", as the "prototype to throw away". Perhaps it would be better to start with the current program as requirements and redevelop SDS from scratch. There are several edit controls available with source that could serve as a base.

My status

I do not have much in the way of free time. Any effort I undertake will be done rather slowly.

I am not looking forward to going back to C, even with Windows. I really need to look more toward the future than the past.
The more I find out about SDS, the more convinced I become that it is a solution to a problem that is different (though related) to the one(s) I have.

It seems at the moment that my limited excess effort is better spent elsewhere. Do you have any insights into either SDS or the rewrite problem that would shed a different light on the subject?

Outlook email

Sat Jan-26-2002

I have all sorts of problems with Outlook as an email client and Word as an email editor. The message replies are forced to the same format as the arriving message and cannot be changed, even though the help file says that it can be changed. Thus my links are lost in replies to messages that Outlook determines are plain text.
From the web:

The format options for reply and forward messages are different from regular message options. The format (HTML, Rich Text, plain text) is based on the format used to originally send the message (i.e., message format is predetermined for replies and forwards).

Consider different email client:
Pegasus is free and sounds good.
Dawn sounds like the program for converting between email clients.

SDS HTML files

Tue 2002-Mar-12
The SDS diary files will not display correctly in Opera though they do in both Netscape and Explorer.
This turns out to be due to the more forgiving nature of Netscape and Explorer when faced with invalid HTML. The generated HTML is far from pure as can be seen by running it against a validator.
Font tags

Tue 2002-Mar-12

The files have numerous cases of a /font tag ocurring with no font tag open.
I wrote a simple script to remove the extraneous /font tags and add "purple numbers", but that didn't fix the display problem in Opera.
Tag nesting errors

Tue 2002-Mar-12

There are numerous other tag nesting errors that I see no easy way to fix. It may be possible to wade through the special cases and depend on their being consistent since they are generated by software.
It turns out that both MultiEdit and WebEditor are confused by the pre tags and do not process them correctly during reformatting.
Line endings

Tue 2002-Mar-12
I found that all the lines end in \r\r\n, 2 carriage returns and a newline.

This messes up processing with perl scripts, MultiEdit, and who knows what else. Once I stripped the extraneous carriage returns, the scripts worked better.
Empty tags

Tue 2002-Mar-12

A search for empty tags found a single empty tag in some files, and nothing else. This is not a problem.
Illegal tags

Tue 2002-Mar-12

There are markers in the form of illegal tags such as

! date ! address ! close ! copy
...that are probably used in the generation of letters, etc.

This is not as non-standard as some of the things I have seen, but it isn't the best idea either. If they are part of the template, they should disappear once the file has been generated.
Missing end tags

Tue 2002-Mar-12

This is legal per the HTML standard but should be fixed for XHTML.

SDS Requirements

Tue 2002-Jun-04

This relates to an attempt to extract objectives and requirements from Rod's basic papers.
Communication Metrics... new science for a new era New World Order Needs "Old Time Religion"
Typical Day Scenario using the SDS Program

Problems addressed


... the real culprit is an Information Highway that overloads human span of attention. "High tech" is denying leadership needed "intelligence" while leading management to implode upon itself.

The critical new reality of the 21st century is the overwhelming success of technology to compress time and distance, while masking the true state of affairs with a "pretty face" of style and image that pleases a busy mind when there is not enough time to look beneath the surface to question, to analyse, nor check for alignment. This new environment overwhelms human span of attention each day with information overload that causes mistakes, which are hidden from the conscious mind by Meaning Drift (see New World Order...), until circumstances eventually cascade into crises that force previously overlooked, forgotten and ignored mistakes into an overburdened span of attention. When crisis finally gives attention to past mistakes, current matters are forced outside the span of attention to await a future crisis.

An example is writing a letter. The traditional focus is on sending a timely, convincing message that gets people to say "yes." Existing tools for wordprocessing, email and the Internet, do this well. It is more difficult to make sure the message is accurate by checking available sources; aligning information with requirements and commitments; assigning subjects for context management; ensuring follow up of express and silent initiatives (the things left out of the letter for tactical reasons) days, weeks, or months later; creating a variety of paths to the letter for future research (e.g. a dispute, or to support a procurement effort). These management steps, essential for Knowledge Space, are ignored by existing technology, or require input by support staff, which is neither timely nor accurate under current conditions of information overload.
The problem with keeping a list of "things-to-do" is that the dynamics of daily management result in there not being enough time to maintain a useful list.

Despite the benefits of literacy, only fragments of daily experience are reported in written notes and memos, because traditional documentation is slow and bureaucratic. Managers do not have enough time to think in order to create useful "intelligence" with conventional technology. Therefore, we need a better technology, one that recognizes "time" is an integral dimension of knowledge, that forms a powerful working environment called Knowledge Space.
Thoughtful practitioners have learned, however, that "talk is cheap" means that better hearing does not improve communication when there is no feedback loop. Biological hearing is not "listening." Hearing must be tested with questions and aligned with what has been said before, with contracts, policies, law, regulation and other controlling forces in order to enable effective listening through accurate understanding and timely follow up that gets things done on time and within budget. Experienced managers and executives also know that pounding the table and providing memo pads inscribed "Don't say it. Write it," does not overcome the allure of relying on conversation, because conversation is fast and easy, and doing anything more takes time that is in short supply.

Productivity By Debugging Management

"Experts" agree (e.g., Drucker, Grove) that management productivity requires making better decisions that avoid mistakes, including avoiding denial that mistakes have been made, which require correction. If speeding up the assembly line causes more defective widgets, Quality Control will catch them. If QC costs less than the additional widgets, productivity is improved. That does not work for management. Its defective "output" flows far into the future. However, when the "boss" errs, inexperience and social pressure endemic to organizational hierarchy, impede subordinates from sounding an effective alert. Therefore, managers must challenge themselves.
glj --

Having said that, we must also realize that the "it must be right the first time" is a destructive notion. It may be unfortunate, but it is still a fact that we learn more from our mistakes than from our successes, and that "the perfect is the enemy of the good".
It is hard work to maintain a useful subject index because new experience continually alters perceptions of meaning which in turn impacts subject categories and structures. Experience shows that investing time to manage this garden of knowledge yields big rewards due to the inherent value of intelligence, described above.

glj --
There are strong indications that getting people to agree on a common subject index is a lost cause. The real point to a subject structure is to allow the user to retrieve relevant information. The subject structure is, therefore, personal, though there needs some common shared structure to permit collaboration.
The "In Box" contains pending tasks, and their schedule has appointments. However, few people can recall what they did yesterday, last week, or two years ago.

SDS Records...
Managers Fear Accountability Hate Organizational Memory.

Daily Report & Deliverables Need More Review, Not Less.

Turning Out the Lights to Avoid Accountability
Clyde feels the time and cost to prepare an accurate record using SDS for an audit trail through organizational memory by adding connections of cause and effect for intelligence that enables proactive management is overkill,

Clyde indicated, however, that using SDS to capture organizational memory and create alignment with requirements is "gold plated" and "overkill" because it is not needed for most projects, and so clients will only pay for good management if there are major claims. Clyde said SDS is good for avoiding liability from claims arising from bad management. He feels normally managers do not need timely, accurate information, because most of the time managers are in meetings, making calls and having discussions, so there isn't enough time to check the record.
glj -- This is as clear an indication of why management is in trouble and needs radical revision as I have ever encountered. Claims arise out of exactly the failure to keep a record and maintain alignment that Clyde says isn't needed (until it *is* needed because it wasn't done).

Clyde noted executives are more effective without an extensive record, and so prefer to rely on personal memory and talking to people for input when a decision comes up, rather than rely on intelligence from organizational memory to make decisions.
glj --

Define "effective". It has to mean "getting something, anything, done, no matter how incorrect it might be".

At a glance we can see all of these items that have been hanging around from yesterday to as long ago as a year or more. This solves the common malady of "out of sight out of mind"; and, so, is another way that SDS is different from conventional practice.
glj --

There does need to be a way of disposing of an event as: Missed it -- too late now. OBE (Overcome By Events) -- Conditions have changed and the action no longer needs to be done.
We consider how people are forced to rely on personal recall because there is not a ready means to capture and retrieve their understandings fast enough to keep up with the pace of their work, and so they make incorrect mental connections because there is not enough time to become confused which would otherwise alert them to investigate rather than proceed in error. The result is that people spend more time fixing mistakes than on moving ahead.

glj --
Unfortunately, being confused becomes chronic and then is no longer a warning signal. This is followed by "oh well, somebody must understand it even if I don't" and the confusion then gets dismissed. People have even less time to resolve confusion than the do to access enough conflicting material to get confused in the first place.
Development History

History of SDS development and driving forces.
Principles ---
The core issue that separates good management from bad management is: whether to invest time for investigation and analysis to understand meaning and convert new information into knowledge based on alignment with experience and controlling authority (i.e., objectives, requirements and commitments); or, forego deliberation and simply react to information as it occurs -- feel good management (see for example Drucker on the difference between information and communication)
Decisions and actions based on style and image impart only cursory understanding of information that is disconnected from relevant details about objectives, requirements and commitments essential for knowledge that makes management effective.
glj --

This lacks requisite variety!
Good management requires a proactive, conscious effort to capture and maintain the chronology of events and analysis needed for understanding cause and effect, commonly called organizational memory, history, experience or simply knowledge and in some cases intelligence." Continual alignment of organizational memory with the context of objectives, requirements and commitments refines accuracy of understanding and yields planning and decisions that enable people to follow up with complementary action in time to be effective,
commonly described as... working intelligently ..., because complementary action that avoids conflict greatly magnifies individual human potential, which is the essence of communiation, collaboration and organization.

By definition, the rewards of good management are always in the future, and so are easily overwhelmed by the excuse of expediting,
glj --

Covey observed that nearly every "important, urgent" (Quadrant 1) issue is the result of a failure to deal with some "important, not urgent" (Quadrant 2) issue in the past. Proper proactive action is the key to minimizing the occurrence of crises.
To strengthen natural "listening," POIMS initially requires technology for capturing a larger share of daily experience that builds shared meaning through personal and organizational memory. Relevant experience can then be accessed quickly at the time it is needed by people collaborating on common objectives.

Intelligence: Organize, Analyse, Align, Summarize, Feedback
glj --

Acquire is a prerequisite, and is often far from trivial. Acquisition also involves some degree of validation, though more of this happens during aligning.
Knowledge is organized to serve human needs represented by subjects (also topics, categories, classifications). Subjects describe the context of cause and effect with boundaries that limit the reach of deciding to take action based on new information. Knowledge of cause and effect within the limits of context enables people to plan the future by understanding past experience. As a result, subjects describe objectives and goals for action.
Consistent alignment of mental maps strengthens credibility, belief and reliance on cause and effect, leading to conviction. This makes context a critical dimension of knowledge for establishing accuracy and relevance.
Information that does not align reduces belief, and induces caution, rejection, and inquiry through feedback to verify and refine accuracy.

Thus, absent continual alignment, over time cause and effect is, not only changed, it is entirely lost; or worse, meaning that correlates cause and effect can be completely reversed in the human mind. Since this occurs incrementally over time, and on automatic pilot, i.e., without choice or volition, by subconscious mental processing, false knowledge is hidden.

Communication is the biggest risk in enterprise unwittingly transferring meaning drift in the form of common sense. (see also again New World Order...).
Thinking through writing improves human memory by expanding span of attention.
Management Details

(Subconscious Intelligence)

Alignment           Organization     Analysis

Chronology          Time             Risk of Action
Commitments         Subject          Risk of Inaction
History             Cost             Action Items
Law                 Schedule         Impacts People
Regulation          Roles            Impacts Cost
Policies            People           Impacts Schedule
Contracts           Documents        Impacts Earnings
Procedures          Facilities       Impacts Environment
Standards           Location         Impacts Politics
Tradition           Equipment

glj --
Part of what is labelled analysis is actually synthesis. There is also derivation and implication.
progress requires taking action, in the moment, based on accurate understanding of cause and effect derived from experience that is aligned over time, beyond the moment.

Email does not merge strengths, but rather compounds weaknesses of orality and literacy. It is far more error prone than conversation, because, like speech, email is spontaneous, cursory, lacks organization, and it lacks alignment with objectives, requirements, commitments and history.
glj --

Email has some virtues we might want to save:

Documents are a good medium for information, but a poor medium for knowledge; and, collaboration is a small, albeit, important derivative of Knowledge Management; however, the primary benefit of KM is intelligence for taking timely, effective action. Structure is important for organization and context, but flexibility is, also, essential to enable creativity.
glj --

I read this as requiring the ability to use structure when we know what it is and to ignore it until then.
Action Items are more effective based on "intelligence" using the context of objectives, requirements, and history for setting priority of all pending issues, rather than being driven by momentary demands of others received through email that crowd out time for accurate understanding. (see example of Action Items on September 22, 2000)
Today, we have an electronic world that permits, indeed now requires, moving beyond Information Technology (IT) that produces documents (e.g., books, memos, email, etc.), to a culture of knowledge that augments alphabet technology for leveraging intelligence in the microcosm of human cognition, based on connectionist theory in cognitive science (see, for example, Jeremy Campbell's book, The Improbable Machine

Plato's Problem:

Original Source: -- broken

SDS record:

POIMS argues that Knowledge Management (KM) requires technology, skills, and a professional role that enhance every facet of enterprise by strengthening alphabet technology to support "knowledge," rather than its traditional function of creating and preserving information in documents. Using "intelligence" as a continuous information stream, integrated with experience, steps beyond traditional practice of isolated "documents" to provide an effective Knowledge Space that improves personal and organizational management, hence POIMS.
glj --

Documents are necessary as ways of organizing and presenting information. That is why SDS tracks documents and adds the information, relationships, and access to add intelligence to the information to create knowledge.
The POIMS management cycle is an "intelligence" process that converts information into knowledge using an organic subject structure that combines TQM and MBO principles with time, so that the speed and accuracy of automation can fulfill the promise: "time is money and knowledge is power." POIMS extends this promise to the new realities awaiting future generations.
POIMS is therefore a technology to lift human capacity to think, remember and communicate to a higher level by leveraging human intelligence.
The idea of POIMS is to:

This vision of automated integration to replace manual methods empowers people to accomplish tasks that are helpful to others, as a by-product of doing self-interest tasks for themselves. The incentive and timeliness of personal objectives, creates synergy that leverages knowledge and ideas throughout an organization, hence POIMS.
Intellectual Capital is the body of knowledge and ideas created by the human mind using data and information from the details that occur in discussions, meetings, calls, email, documents and experience doing things, e.g., seeing a movie. hearing a concert, smelling a flower, throwing a ball, observing a sunset, camping, writing a letter, digging a ditch, doing a scientific experiment, milking a cow, testifying at trial -- in other words, the whole of human experience absorbed by the senses that comprises memory of existence.
For the most part, "knowledge" from reporting on daily work, and all other activity, is only recorded in the human mind as loosely connected chunks of personal experience, also, called stories, thoughts, thinking and memory.
Since the human mind is wired to think through stories, writing a coherent story is a big part of analysis that makes "knowledge" a powerful "intelligence" asset. Written analysis enables crafting a story to unlock memory and construct shared meaning that strengthens understanding beyond innate biological capacity to remember only the gist of critical details. Mistakes in reasoning and conflicts with objectives, requirements and commitments that occur in discussion and personal thinking, due to complexity that exceed inherently limited span of attention in human cognition, are readily revealed by writing, and so can be worked out with analysis that is consistent and comprehensive in relation to experience, context and controlling forces.
glj --

There are now programs to help with writing novels and screenplays that can ask questions to stimulate thought and to help insure completeness. Templates and wizards in SDS should be able to do similar things.
Writing in a flexible structure of Knowledge Space expands span of attention that aids personal and organizational memory. Better memory improves both writing and reading comprehension. Traditional literacy is strengthened by quickly creating controllable action items linked to original sources so that time invested in reading and writing can be directly applied to taking action for getting things done on time and within budget. A flexible structure strikes a balance between speed and organization so that people can capture a greater share of personal and organizational memory, and can add intelligence that saves time and money.

Capturing the record of who, what, when, where, and why events happened, helps the mind understand correlations, implications and nuance. The process of thinking through writing is a self-dialog that links information, people, objectives, requirements, commitments, laws, regulations, contracts, etc., all with "time." The resulting chronology yields cause and effect, essential for decisions that make action effective.
POIMS argues that computer aided reporting, i.e., adding intelligence to information, is the most direct way to measure communications.

Thus, understanding and follow up are practical and essential business "metrics" of communication. In other words, adding "metrics" to communications by adding "intelligence" to daily working information measures whether any useful listening actually occurred. When intelligence fails, the likelihood of future error due to false knowledge caused by erroneous understanding, miscommunication and meaning drift is 100%. This high risk of error causes continual bumbling that reduces productivity and earnings, because in a faster paced world, communication the biggest risk in enterprise without metrics implemented with tools, practices and a work role.
glj --

We should have a mechanism for responding to assigned action items as:

We should be able to assign action items while creating the record for a meeting, phone call, etc., and have the affected people notified with links to the new record and follow up if that is our responsibility.

Productivity By Debugging Management
"Experts" agree (e.g., Drucker, Grove) that management productivity requires making better decisions that avoid mistakes, including avoiding denial that mistakes have been made, which require correction.

If speeding up the assembly line causes more defective widgets, Quality Control will catch them. If QC costs less than the additional widgets, productivity is improved.
That does not work for management. Its defective "output" flows far into the future. However, when the "boss" errs, inexperience and social pressure endemic to organizational hierarchy, impede subordinates from sounding an effective alert. Therefore, managers must challenge themselves.

The software industry provides a helpful model for how managers can challenge themselves by applying the "debugging" process that computer programmers use to discover their erroneous instructions executed deep within the architecture of computers. Managers must likewise "debug" their work product before disaster strikes by constantly asking...

glj --

Is there anything about my position that attempts to violate reality?

Fast and easy retrieval, means more information will be generated, because it is more valuable. Since doing more of a task improves performance, managers get better and faster at capturing the record. Thus, under POIMS technology, automated tools for investing intellectual capital empower managers to achieve the TQM objective... faster, better, cheaper

The "In Box" contains pending tasks, and their schedule has appointments.

However, few people can recall what they did yesterday, last week, or two years ago. Since personal experience is the primary source of decision making, giving manager's better access to their experience and to organizational memory improves productivity.
Investing time to understand the past in order to see the future rests on the principle... past is prologue.

Some people feel there is not enough time to "write every thing down," and do not want to spend all of their time behind a computer.
People are already writing notes on important matters. This is the key! Automated management keeps track of important information, so it can be used when needed.

Since integrated scheduling and reporting make writing more efficient, more can be done within the time already devoted to writing and thinking.

Automated integration of time and information, using the intelligence process of plan, perform, report to capture and use a greater share of daily experience, as personal and organizational memory, significantly improves human cognitive capabilities to think, remember and communicate.

Thinking through writing under POIMS criteria strengthens understanding and follow up, commonly called "literacy," which necessarily enables better "listening" and "continual learning," through deliberative analysis that improves traditional forms of "study" by adding triangulation that refines accuracy of knowledge.
glj --

What other uses are typical for the information stored in SDS? We need to support generation of communication in the form of email (notifications, meeting agendas, etc.) and informational documents (papers, memos, policies, procedures, executive decisions, etc.

We need to make it easy to make use of infomration once we locate it.

This phenomenon occurs because....

Alphabet technology enables the human mind to construct an external (i.e., objective) and permanent representation, called analysis, of otherwise fleeting internal thoughts, which can then be shaped, organized, crafted, shared and improved using the rules of writing. Written analysis requires complete sentences and logical structure that disclose gaps in understanding, commonly called ambiguity, of subtle but critical implications that are overlooked in the mind until failure occurs or opportunity is lost, absent the effort to "discover what we think" by writing it down, The added effort to write, engaging both hands, the eyes and hearing faculties from mentally saying the words as they are crafted, strengthens both analysis and memory of what is written, which in turn improves recall of events by virtue of increased cognitive resources associated with critical details. Better personal and organizational memory avoids meaning drift otherwise caused by information overload.
Automated editing allows quickly changing the organization of thoughts into alternate forms. The mind cannot focus well on complex forms; so, automation focuses the mind on what it does best: choosing the best form, i.e., exercising judgement.

Instant access to related information through record linkage and citations to external sources permit fast cross-fertilization of ideas and verification that resolve ambiguity; less writing yields more communication, and avoids meaning drift.
Automated MBO tools enable quick assembly of chronology that reveals historical and emerging patterns of cause and effect for related context, and prompt, comprehensive consideration of objectives, context and related subjects, both of which are otherwise overlooked, until error occurs. Early discovery of impacts thereby avoids future mistakes, and disclosure of patterns aids innovation and creativity.

Integrating time and information by automating the Management Cycle builds chronologies that connect cause and effect into a continuous Knowledge Space of human experience. This enhances human intelligence that reasons based on sequence, i.e. chronology of related context. Intelligence keeps the focus on priority and productivity, and controls the details that impact success.
glj --

Since writing is closely related to structuring, should we look at tools to facilitate this, such as outlining, concept maps, information mapping, etc?

We are developing some aspects of SDS for full-time professionals at doing this sort of thing, so support for some "best practices" is a good idea.
These "professionals" don't have a lot of patience with tools either, but at least it can be argued that high quality communication is an essential part of their job rather than a mere incidental.

POIMS technology enhances traditional writing to reveal critical details and relationships, commonly called analysis, through a "double entry" check of daily impressions from dialog and documents, that are linked back to original sources and forward to future tasks.

Since good management converting information from daily communication into useful knowledge is hard work, it seems easier to formulate a business model that generates enough revenue to buy off mistakes so that executives can get by using meetings, calls and email, rather than improve the work.

On the other hand, Drucker points out that favorable market conditions are only temporary; he says enterprise succeeds only by management changing to improve work processes that avoid mistakes, because rework to fix mistakes causes delay and extra cost that destroy earnings. Therefore, improvement through continual learning (i.e., using a continual process of intelligence), enables continued success.
Andy Grove, Chairman of Intel, concurs. Grove maintains that since communication is the dominate activity of management, analysis by taking copious notes and getting feedback to verify understandings help avoid the inherent ambiguity of mental maps that cause continual bumbling in the fast paced, complex environment of the 21st century.

However, Grove says in his book, Only the Paranoid Survive, that trying to get executives to admit the magnitude of problems they face, because new realities have outdated work practices that formerly brought success, is like.... Walking through the valley of death!
glj --

see Beer, 1966 on similar problems getting management to undertake improved approaches.

This does not argue for less speech, but for more support. Sometimes we forget that our heroes in the movies are speaking very finely crafted lines that require considerable effort and rehearsal to impart the correct impression of spontaneity. Similarly, politicians give moving, but carefully written, speeches, in order to avoid mistakes. POIMS empowers managers to do the same, so when they speak, it is both effective and properly directed to ensure we go down the right path.


Wed 2002-Jun-05 -- glj

The discussion to this point of alphabet technology is missing or underemphasizing the data from the barriers to study.
The primary barrier to study is the student's belief that there is nothing there for him to learn
Misunderstood words block understanding

Lack of mass (no reality) blocks learning

Skipped gradients indicate that difficulties are often in earlier misunderstandings rather than with the current information.

Definitions of terms are vital and must be shared to the greatest possible extent otherwise there can be no understanding.
Asked what he would do if put in charge of the then-corrupt government, Confucius said:

"It would certainly be to correct language. If language is not correct: what is said is not what is meant; what ought to be done remains undone; morals deteriorate; justice will go astray; and the people will stand about in hopeless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above all else."
We need some way to address the issues of precision in language. Accessible dictionaries, acronym lists, and topic hierarchies help, but that is not all that is needed.

This also implies the need for spell checking so as to convey correct infomration without distraction.

Categories, topics, thesaurus show up, but it is not discussed as to how they are handled.
They are hierarchical. Any item can be linked to multiple categories. Within a category, items form chronologies.

Consider approaches based on the Literary Machine and on Larson's Faceted Thesaurus. Where do Topic Maps fit?

The role of habit is not mentioned:
Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Operations of thought are cavalry charges in a battle -- they are limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments. -- Alfred North Whitehead

People have a very hard time seeing cause and effect when they are widely separated in either time or space. SDS can help reduce the perceived gaps.
Many of the benefits of SDS are in terms of things that don't happen -- they involve prevented stupidities, and this is very difficult to assess.

According to Stafford Beer, plans are continually being aborted in large or small degree as the information currently available changes the view from what was known. Beer says that planning is the process entailed in the actual actions taken by managers, not the activity that produces a plan.
Also look at his analysis of applying corrections based on outdated information.

Since effective intelligence depends on shared understandings, it is clear that a portion of the SDS record must be public, and that is must be possible to move parts of the record into public view. Currently this is done by creating documents using SDS to assemble information rather than making portions of the SDS record public. The internet (or intranet) makes information public, but possibly too much so. The work on collaboration and peer-to-peer networking emphasizes that collaboration takes place in structured groups and therefore shared information is not shared universally. This is another reason for the popularity of email over things like threaded discussions and Wiki where all comments are visible to everyone.
The absence of priority in the "things to do" is interesting. Stafford Beer claims that the relative priorities of the things to be discussed at a meeting cannot be known until after the meeting is over. If it is possible to randomize the list at will, we can eliminate any implicit assignment of importance to the elements. This might improve the effectiveness of meetings -- randomize the list at the start or just let the group take up the topics in any order. With electronics, the lists are not "stuck to the paper", we can rearrange them as we wish. This might also tend to bring old items more into view instead of having them continually postponed or not ated upon. When the pending list gets overwhelming, all activity will cease as the span of attention will have been exceeded.
Improving the effectiveness of meetings is a factor in obtaining immediate "perceived value" from SDS. This improved effectiveness should translate to more time to make use of SDS -- a positive spiral.

Thinking tools

Providing accessible templates for procedures of analysis or thinking could be powerful.
See the thinking tools provided by MaxThink

See the tools promoted by Edward DeBono

Randomizing lists can also be useful as an aid to analysis or synthesis.

IBIS is a good way to structure a discussion after it has happened.

Fast and easy retrieval, means more information will be generated, because it is more valuable. Since doing more of a task improves performance, managers get better and faster at capturing the record. Thus, under POIMS technology, automated tools for investing intellectual capital empower managers to achieve the TQM objective... faster, better, cheaper
glj --

TQM assumes that a process is in "statistical control" where random variances have been removed so that it is possible to determine that an effect is really caused by the change that was made. See here Beer's comments on the nature of Operational Research.
Better productivity requires integrating a critical mass of business practices with new ways to organize information. This initially seems complex because it exposes a process that occurs without conscious effort: thinking.

glj --

Most of what happens without conscious effort is mental activity, not thought. There is integration and processing, but that we don't know much about.
Helping a person continue to 'keep the end in mind" will help a great deal in getting results.

Since the cost to fix mistakes caused by lack of "intelligence" usually occurs in the future ...
glj -

When the future arrives, "it all pays the same," and we do what we must. There is no use talking about the past, we have to deal with the matter at hand. There is no time to try to avoid similar problems in the future because "we don't have time for that."

8 Steps

Following eight (8) steps improve understanding and follow up of daily working information, per review of Drucker's article on 991025, ref SDS 22 2846
...and HBR article on ref SDS 6...

(supplements explanation of 3 steps on 000908. ref SDS 29 MW8R)>

  1. Enter information (e.g., call, report, meeting, email) into Knowledge Space create organizational memory showing the chronology of cause effect, see MS. ref OF 2 034J

    glj -- Voice mail is a big one for seme people.

  2. Analyse - write a story so meaning is consistent rather than conflicting relative to history, objectives, requirements and commitments, see POIMS. ref OF 2 2301

  3. Align details of work with links to history, context, correlations, implications and nuance that disclose gaps in understanding and conflicts that can be corrected, and also discover opportunities for solutions that save time and money. see POIMS. ref OF 2 8555

  4. Subjects develop and assign organic structure for managing context, discover correlations and implications, see POIMS. ref OF 2 1110

    ...see also on tending the "Garden of 961421 - Knowledge." ref OF 2 0105

  5. Summarize perspective enable understanding save time, see POIMS. ref OF 2 7T9I

  6. Action Items drawn from analysis, alignment, context, see POIMS. ref OF 2 M17I

  7. Schedule tasks as needed, see POIMS. ref OF 2 O33K

    ...after preparing to take action by converting information into knowledge for understanding of cause and effect, then proceed.....

  8. Respond to email and other communication with feedback and perform action items discovered through steps 1 - 5. Link response to the SDS Knowledge Space for clear, concise, complete communication that builds shared meaning with triangulation of...

    1. common story

    2. alignment
    3. actions taken and planned compare with meaning others draw from same information.

SDS Objectives
The solution is better synergy between people, organizations, and technology -- hence POIMS technology... Personal and Organizational Integrated Management System

...strengthens personal and organizational memory which aids human intelligence.

align communications with organizational objectives

align actions with objectives, policies, law, regulation, contracts, commitments, schedules and budgets, specific daily details of professional disciplines, personnel relationships, machines, buildings and travel.

planning is aligned with objectives, requirements and commitments An audit trail of daily work enables both alignment and accountability

POIMS technology is aimed at...

  1. Understanding the complexity of daily work by adding alignment with objectives, requirements and commitments that comprise intelligence.

  2. Planning follow up in order to work quickly, accurately and within budget.

glj --
Not only planning, but enabling the needed work.

POIMS technology ensures that alignment, organization and analysis of relevant details are accurately and timely summarized to produce good "intelligence," rather than "guess and gossip," "hunch and hope," that controls subconscious processing in the human mind.

Communication Metrics focuses on discovering secrets in the meaning, correlations, implications and nuance from meetings calls and documents everyday, all day long, by friends and foes alike. The rule that people use only 2% of mental capacity is not substantiated in the literature. But, clearly, as the number of management details escalate under the new reality of the Information Highway, more and more of what transpires in a busy day exceeds limited span of attention. This presents a huge opportunity to improve performance by adding "intelligence" to management to order to expand span of attention, i.e., to overcome limits of human cognition.

POIMS uses technology to help people consistently use sound management practices on the theory that doing the "right things" faster, more accurately, more often, yields better results. Good management also requires doing things in the right order and degree. This harmony, or balancing of forces, which managers bring to their craft is called "integration." It means more than a "suite," or series, of related functions like wordprocessing, spreadsheets and contacts. The synergy between functions is critical to making the management process more efficient, productive and effective. Like the design of a car, a building, or a satellite in space, key components of management (people, process, time) must work together smoothly to meet the challenge of the 21st century.
glj --

This is a major flaw in most "suites" that they handle the documents but not their evolution, history, or relationships to other documents or activities.

...which can be automated into a simple management cycle:
Plan, Perform, Report

POIMS technology enables capturing critical control information within the few seconds needed to identify a letter. This makes possible, and practical, leveraging the writer's desire to issue a letter, to "automatically" fulfill the organization's need to accomplish the purpose of the letter, even if the writer later forgets, or is not available, weeks or months later when action is needed.

Meaningful change to empower consistent use of good management requires a practical way to capture, organize, align and apply knowledge and ideas generated by daily work, as a new strategic resource called intellectual capital, or more simply intelligence,
Linking summary to the details of daily work, as a continuous stream of information, builds continual case studies that are organized and aligned for solving real-life problems, and for discovering new ideas and opportunity that save time and money.

Convert Plans into Action
Implementation of POIMS technology starts as a personal schedule, like a desk calendar, except everything that needs to be done can be listed, so that priority does not default to "last in, first out" continual crisis on the Information Highway.

Controlled Visibility Manages Context
POIMS technology permits assigning priority to planned tasks in a simple, direct manner based on current perspectives, and it allows adjustments to priority, as events unfold. It supports the mental intelligence process of linking summary to detail. People can quickly step deeper into information for planning tasks and preparing for events, like meetings and calls. Organic subject structures segment information according to context, and permit assembling chronologies of related context over days, weeks, and years, that aid human memory in recognizing patterns of cause and effect. An "electronic notebook," shows a Diary of references, background and strategy that is linked to original sources, so that, when necessary, a chain of events can be quickly traced to an originating cause.
For example a phone call about a contract change is a one line entry in the Schedule. Pressing a button opens a "plan" showing who is involved, and prior calls, meetings, research, and documents affecting the contract change. The "plan" shows issues to be discussed and position options, linked to prior events and analysis that can be opened to verify personal recall. While talking or whenever convenient, the results of the discussion can be entered into the planning record, like writing notes in a paper notebook. This converts the Schedule "plan" into a Diary "report" of action. Thus, converting information into knowledge is the intelligence process that converts plans into action.
The Diary can in turn be used to schedule follow-up that is automatically linked to its history, so that at all times there is instant access to "what happened" and why. This scenario shows the smooth integration of the Management Cycle with time and information (i.e., Schedule and Diary). Automated tools that create and access linked information instantly, improve the basic human process of converting hard won experience into useful knowledge and ideas.
How does it work?

Daily planning identifies people, documents, objectives, commitments, options. It is traditionally performed on-the-fly, relying on personal recall, hand written notes, and visible reminders from stacks of paper, objects and entries in schedules. POIMS proposes technology that strengthens personal experience by instantly recycling information from prior related events, and organizing them in a Schedule of "things-to-do."

POIMS proposes automated integration that more closely connects doing and thinking. This is a new concept for knowledge work, where managers write letters, memos, email; draw on experience from an electronic diary; make notes of calls, discussions, meetings, and of why things were done, not done, and what still needs to be done; link it all together and to organizational objectives. This integrates the traditional line between "work" and "reports" where reporting is the analysis and planning aspect of thinking. Performing work creates a "report" like crossing a street records personal experience.

A format with established segments for people, documents, time and accounting positions narrative in a powerful context of core management criteria. Outlines, lists and headings that summarize meaning, and organic subject structure strengthen literacy by ensuring relevant history is continually considered for discovering critical correlations, implications and nuance in assessing risks of taking action. In other words, "reporting" that crafts the story and adds organization and analysis showing alignment with history, objectives, requirements and commitments reveals actions needed to maintain progress that are not evident to participants during events due to the fleeting, discursive character of human mental biology that controls speech and hearing.

Automated management under POIMS technology is a practical way to capture a larger share of daily experience, and to analyse, organize, align and summarize organizational memory with links to history, objectives, requirements and commitments that make human memory the most powerful force on earth. Unique organizing structures provide faster access than retrieving documents in filing cabinets, email and wordprocessing programs. This eliminates the paradigm of analysis as "paper work" that stifles initiative. Instead, "intelligence" is a tool to create and preserve knowledge and ideas under the POIMS paradigm of investing intellectual capital.

Instant access to history, combined with automated tools to quickly organize, analyse, align and summarize the record, enhances the synergy between time and information that occurs in the mind. This means crafting and connecting the record (i.e., "reporting,") to convert information into knowledge is a practical way for people to invest intellectual capital every day for effective Enterprise Management.

Knowledge Space (see also New World Order Needs Old Time Religion) supports this requirement by automatically creating ordered chains of related events, called "chronologies," which give instant access to relevant history of all events. Chronologies comprise an "audit trail" of cause and effect, essential for context to understand why things happened. Traceability to original sources and root cause analysis all derive from chronologies of cause and effect in Knowledge Space.
This unique design integrates the management cycle (plan, perform, report) with conventional methods and tools for time management (past, present, future). Integrating history, daily schedules and future planning saves time by eliminating multiple handling of information. Unlike conventional methods where work usually begins with a blank page, under POIMS technology analysis always applies prior records of related events, which need merely be edited to reflect new subjects, substance and alignment. Since from one event to the next relatively little is truly new, this process saves a lot of time generating useful intelligence. As in the human mind, information is simply converted into alternate forms, yielding the true power of conservation...

Automated linking emulates the connections made by the human mind that create knowledge. Writing what happened produces information.

Connecting information to relevant history, people, documents, objectives and external sources, creates "understanding" of cause and effect, correlations and implications about future impacts, commonly called "analysis."
Automated linking in POIMS supports human "intelligence" by connecting summary understandings to daily management details so that information overload does not overwhelm limited span of attention.

This means the value of writing the record using POIMS technology increases with time, because it increases the connectedness that is the essence of knowledge, as distinguished from mere information. The by-products of creating knowledge are new ideas, innovation, understanding, productivity and progress.

To get more intelligence, POIMS says lower the cost and increase the benefits. This requires automated tools that make possible a new paradigm for knowledge work. It means a shift from isolated "documents" to a continuous Knowledge Space where writing, linking, analysing, aligning, and distributing information is faster, more flexible and useful than traditional documents and reports.
In particular the ability to retrieve specific information from a sea of details at the moment it is needed, increases the incentive to create it. These utility and self-interest dynamics make testing communications by the metrics of feedback, alignment and analysis a viable new management practice.

POIMS links the intelligence from organizing, analysis, chronologies of cause and effect, alignment and feedback metrics, with traditional "documentation" in correspondence, reports, memos, email, and publications in books, magazines and newspapers.
This rich, integrated environment gives timely access to all formal and informal communications, when needed. The key is creating multiple paths to information without expending noticeable time and effort, so that relevant information can be found quickly when needed based on unique contextual organization of SDS. This makes "filing" a mere mental exercise, an act of volition, using the POIMS organic subject structure.
Formal correspondence requires features to differentiate issued and received documents, and capture control criteria that impacts management and legal obligations, e.g., is a response needed, who should respond and when?

Creating correspondence must therefore automatically post a Document Log that shows accountability, context, and schedules follow up.

Similarly, publications are captured in the context of actual work flow. This provides clarity of application. Linking tools connect analysis to documentation, so that original sources can be accessed based on organizational objectives and relevant history. Often the most important aspect of a letter is what is left out, so POIMS links this information automatically, when correspondence and documents are prepared within a POIMS environment.

Deming's plan-do-study-act" work model has become a management standard cited in various forms by ISO and the Project Management Institute's body of knowledge (PMBOK). . . . Therefore, POIMS technology uses automated integration of the management cycle, plan, perform, report, as the only viable means of empowering managers to consistently implement TQM and other good management practices. Consistent use of good practices to analyse, plan, understand and follow up improves earnings, and is the best form of proactive risk management for reducing mistakes, stress and conflict.
Automated integration of MBO practices with time is a key part of an effective Knowledge Space that supports fast identification of information created chronologically, so that it can be retrieved instantly through a hierarchy of subjects that reflect organizational objectives.

Organic subject structure converts information integrated with time into knowledge of cause and effect that can be assembled in alternate ways.
This strengthens human memory, with greater accuracy, because records can be segmented and tagged with multiple subjects to manage evolving context, reflecting the real-world fact that information has different meanings over time due to the fluidity of life (see explanation of intelligence).

Personal privacy must be protected within a framework of shared knowledge. "Filing" requires mere intellectual volition. Instant linking to related information, and outlining and highlighting, are essential to control the details of daily business life in a faster paced world. Automated integration of time and information makes it practical to adopt this new paradigm of investing intellectual capital.

Managers "Control the Record" by issuing required notices at the touch of a button, which permits "double entry" verification by others in advance of potentially harmful action.


NTH (Nice to Have) indicates something that will become a requirement as soon as it is determined to be feasible.
3-layer Architecture Adds Features to SDS that Lead to OHS/DKR
Jack [Park] explains 3-layer architecture to accomplish objectives of CODIAK set out by Doug Engelbart at the following location...


SDS shall support the maintenance of a chronologically linked record available within whatever access criteria are used.

This give the effect of linking items resulting from searches chronologically. If items are linked by subject, they are also ordered chronologically within the subject.
Organic subject structures segment information according to context, and permit assembling chronologies of related context over days, weeks, and years, that aid human memory in recognizing patterns of cause and effect
SDS shall support the linking of summary to the details of daily work, as a continuous stream of information.

Charles Peirce -- "...absolute accuracy is unattainable, and his pragmatism regards truth as a limit successively approached by increasingly refined investigations, which depend on communication among collaborating investigators."
glj --

This implies that it should be easy to track refinements to knowledge over time. This implies a requirement for support for refactoring and connecting versions of a statment of knowledge, and for collaboration to bring about these refinements.

Automatic linking

Creating correspondence shall automatically post a Document Log that shows accountability, context, and schedules follow up.
Linking tools shall connect analysis to documentation, so that original sources can be accessed based on organizational objectives and relevant history.
SDS shall link this information automatically, when correspondence and documents are prepared.

glj --

Should also support generating diary entries and follow up scheduling.
One important distinction of SDS citations is that some are created automatically to capture chronology. Others can be created quickly at will to link ideas and show causation. Multiple links can be made at a location, to reflect real world relationships. SDS permits the User to quickly return to the original location or any intermediate location to evaluate context and/or proceed on a preferred track.

glj --
Don't forget access to "back links".


Note: This anchor will not position correctly -- HTML errors?
... records can be segmented and tagged with multiple subjects to manage evolving context, reflecting the real-world fact that information has different meanings over time due to the fluidity of life (see explanation of intelligence).

glj --

SDS shall support fast identification of information created chronologically, so that it can be retrieved instantly through a hierarchy of subjects that reflect organizational objectives.
The hierarchical subject structure shall permit information integrated with time to be assembled in alternate ways.

SDS shall allow records to be segmented and tagged with multiple subjects to manage evolving context, reflecting the real-world fact that information has different meanings over time due to the fluidity of life (see explanation of intelligence).
Note that it is segments of records that are tagged with subjects. Look at work Jack Park has done with "InformationResource" and "AddressibleInformationResource"
An SDS refinement is the ability to quickly assign multiple subjects to a single body of narrative, similar to filing a document in multiple file folders. The SDS report writer can then extract from all of the records within a specified time period that portion of each record pertaining only to the desired subject.

glj --
SDS provides for both a shared or common subject structure and a private subject structure. There is no indication of how they are integrated. Presumably public records should use only the public subject structure?

Objectives and Constraints

glj --
SDS shall support the labelling of an item as one of various sorts of objectives or constraints:

These objectives and constraints can be organized, related to each other, organized within subjects, etc. They are always available as a separate classification.

I don't see any direct provision for tracking these things other than by creation of special subjects.

SDS shall permit any record or set of records to be published to the internet to support browser-based access to the published portion of the SDS record.

glj --

Need to address sharing of other types of information such as public documents and other shared material.

Organizing tools

SDS shall provide the following organizing tools:


SDS shall protect personal privacy within a framework of shared knowledge by providing direct control over what is shared and what is not..

SDS shall support a dictionary that allows the defining and referencing words, phrases, and acronyms.

This dictionary shall support segmentation so that public and private portions can be kept separate.

The dictionary shall allow multiple definitions for any entry.
SDS shall support references to any definition in the dictionary, and from any point in the dictionary to multiple points in the record.

It shall be possible to search for definitions by highlighting text and searching.

NTH: Approximate searches.
SDS shall scan a record for words and phrases that are candidates for subject or dictionary links, and make them available when requested.

NTH: Saved search results so that indexes can be generated and saved as SDS record.

Com Manager

Wed Jun-19-2002

The Com Manager is a facilitaor for using SDS to capture and organize the record.

Communication Manager Role Aligns Work with Requirements
Wayne advised that he has pointed out to Walt, Sarah and others at DNRC that Welch does not "direct" anyone to do anything; but, rather explains benefits of taking action based on the record, the contract and commitments that arise from documents,

Diagram of Com Manager role.