June 11, 2002 | 02 05 04 61 02061101 |
Mr. Brandon Robinson, MCSA MCP MCSE
Windows Enterprise Support
Windows 2000 Support
Applications and Performance
Microsoft Corporation
16011 NE 36th Way
Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073 9717
Subject: | Questions increasing RAM above 640K |
Problem SRX020519601479 |
Dear Brandon,
Thanks very much for
your letter
yesterday reporting progress with
investigation to improve memory for SDS above 640K.
Your letter today
indicating the problem is ready to be closed is not supported by the record,
although I believe you have done an excellent job so far investigating to
clarify the scope of the problem.
Your recommendation to re-write SDS to run under the new operating system
is a good long-term solution that we plan to accomplish over the next 5 - 10
years. IBM's
failure to convert LN to support Knowledge Mangement
reported on November
30, 2000, indicates this is a major undertaking, Since IBM invested several
billion dollars on a similar effort, you can see it is a big job that is
beyond the scope of the current problem.
We contacted Microsoft and talked to you on May 19 about how to
accoplish an interim solution, while the conversion effort you recommend
is geard up and implemented over the next 5 to 10 years. So, this problem
about how to address memory between 640K and 1M under w2k and related systems,
because that is an easy short term solution that adds a lot of value to
Microsoft programs. This solution is important because SDS improves
productivity of knowledge work. A lot of people perform knowledge work to
write letters, reports, articles and books, and do math with the aid of
w2k and related systems. It is therefore faster, easier and cheaper to use SDS
in the same envornment for adding "intelligence" to information, because that
is where information is being generated.
As you can see from the record on October 3, 2001, people feel
productivity is paralyzed
without SDS. Poor productivity doing analysis
hampers national security
reported on September 11, 2001, and causes
earnings and
stock prices
to decline, reported on December 7, 2000. An example is
unable to line up daily work with objectives, requirements and commitments
using an audit trail, reported on February 4, 2002, with the result that
Enron collapsed. Thankfully, everyone has not collapsed. But, you can see from
this letter that SDS makes it fast and easy to add alignment with relevant
history and requirements so that people can work productively. This, in turn,
enables other people to use intelligence that improves understanding and
follow up, commonly called
listening. Most people you talk to these days feel listening is
critical to productivity.
For example,
on September 9, 2001 people, who have interacted with SDS work product
over a period of time report that
SDS has amazing systems
that obviously
improve human memory. Your colleague,
Brenda Cannon,
made the same discovery in
our discussion on June 6, and you may sense the same thing from reading through
this letter and references provided for context and backup that is missing from
other daily communication in the workplace.
So, the immediate problem
is how to continue delivering useful intelligence,
while the longer-term solution you mention in your letter yesterday
is being implemented.
The urgency of getting a short-term solution is seen by a recent record on June
8, where an expert in Knowledge Management at IBM reported in a white paper
all other KM solutions have failed.
Steve Balmer made a similar point on
May 10, 2001 noting in an interview that
is working hard to improve
productivity, but expects it will take 5 years.
In the telecon with
on June 6, she indicated Microsoft has support resources that can contribute to
soving our problem.
Can you therefore please call me today at 925 580 8947 to discuss how to
make progress on our immediate problem posed on May 19. A copy of this letter
to Brenda and Mark provide reference and support to aid resolution.
Rod Welch
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