440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 5, 1999 07:26 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom at USACE on meeting with DE yesterday; Judicious Review.
2...Judicious Review Help Apply Knowledge Space
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020101 - San Francisco District
020102 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020103 - Construction Operations Division
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020201 - San Francisco District
020202 - LTC Peter T. Grass; District Engineer =415 977 8500
020203 - Office of the Commander
0203 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020301 - Mr. James Lovo; Chief, CEMP-EC =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020302 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
District Support
Comm Metrics DDE, Major Blenchinger
Procurement Memo, Tom Keesling, Max Blodgette
Meet on Com Metrics Procurement
Organization Changes COE SFD
Planning, COE SFD, Leadership
CESPN on Com Metrics, DE, Tom Keesling
1409 - ..
1410 - Summary/Objective
1411 -
141101 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 17 0000.
141102 -
141103 - Tom got my letter, ref DIP 10, on the meeting with DE yesterday in the
141104 - record at ref SDS 18. He feels it is effective. His letter received
141105 - later confirms this point. ref DRT 1
141106 -
141107 - I mentioned that the letter sent to Peter bounced back this morning
141108 - because the email address on his business card did not work. I resent
141109 - it using the address in the letter Tom sent on 990430 to schedule the
141110 - meeting. ref DRP 7 This seems to have worked.
141111 -
141112 - Tom will mention to DE in the staff meeting this morning that he might
141113 - check the email address on his business cards.
141114 -
141115 -
141116 -
141117 - ..
1412 -
1413 -
1414 - 1037 called Jim Lovo, CEMP-EC
1415 -
141501 - Left message for Jim asking about DE's point yesterday on needing HQ
141502 - approval for computer applications. ref SDS 18 7956
141503 -
141504 - Asked if he knows about this and how it relates to his recommendation
141505 - for wider use of Communication Metrics in his letter on 990304, and
141506 - follow up last week on 990426. ref SDS 9 7080
141507 -
141508 - [On 990506 Jim investigating, will report back. ref SDS 20 7392]
141509 -
141510 -
141511 -
141512 -
1416 -
1417 -
1418 - 1203
1419 - ..
141901 - Tom talked to DE briefly. He had received the letter on our
141902 - meeting yesterday, ref DIP 10, along with a lot of other mail. He had
141903 - not yet reviewed it.
141904 -
141905 - Tom mentioned the problem with the email address on his business
141906 - cards.
141907 -
141908 -
141909 -
141910 -
1420 -
Judicious Review Guide to Avoid being
Overwhelmed Observe Complexity of
Knowledge Space Doc Log
Judicious Review Avoid Shock Complexity Clear Concise Complete Commun
Clear Concise Complete Communication Links Shocking Complexity Overwh
Judicious Review Only Open 10% Links Impact Current Context and Save
People Get Used to More Complex Overcome Resistance to Organizational
Keesling, Tom, USACE Judicious Review is Effective People Get Used to
Judicious Review Effective People Get Used to Connected Record, Tom K
2612 -
261201 - ..
261202 - Judicious Review Help Apply Knowledge Space
261203 -
261204 - Follow up ref SDS 18 2320, ref SDS 16 9643.
261205 -
261206 - Tom indicates in his letter that Judicious Review seems effective...
261207 - ref DRT 1 6545
261208 -
261209 - I requested comments on 990429. ref SDS 16 9643 Judicious Review is
261210 - cited again in my letter to DE yesterday, ref DIP 10, based on our
261211 - discussion in the meeting. ref SDS 18 2320
261212 -
261213 - [On 990909 Bill DeHart at PG&E also reported that SDS on the
261214 - Internet that enables a connected record using webmail is more
261215 - effective that conventional email. ref SDS 22 0001
261216 - ..
261217 - Tom says in part...
261218 -
261219 - I would not limit the individuals who want to look at the detail to
261220 - do so however, and if the link to the original document sooner than
261221 - having to go all through the links. I am not sure that this can be
261222 - done but it might help. ref DRT 1 6545
261223 -
261224 - ..
2613 -
2614 -
2615 - 1020 called for clarificatation
2616 -
261601 - Tom did not answer, probably still in staff meeting.
261602 -
261603 - Wrote a note asking for clarification of his letter. ref DRT 1 6545
261604 -
261605 - Tom wrote back with following point.
261606 -
261607 - ... what I am thinking about is trying to have the source document
261608 - readily available such as the applicable part of the specification,
261609 - the waste discharge requirements, letter or other source that could
261610 - be clicked on to see what the conversation is about. It may already
261611 - be there and I do not know how to get it.
261612 - ..
261613 - Is this any clearer?
261614 -
261615 - We are doing all of this, and will continue.
261616 -
261617 - Judicious Review does not propose reducing the links, but rather is
261618 - guidance for people who are new to the system on avoiding experience
261619 - Roger Golden suffered, who was overwhelmed on 990211, because he had
261620 - "...been twice around the world." ref SDS 4 3780
261621 -
261622 - Others have had the same reaction. ref SDS 4 7329 See for example
261623 - request for help using SDS links on 990426. ref SDS 10 0558
261624 -
261625 - Actually, it appears that Tom may be asking for more comprehensive
261626 - identification of links so the source document can be recognized?
261627 -
261628 - [On 990514 new Doc Log system seems to help. ref SDS 21 8599]
261629 -
261630 -
261631 -
2617 -
2618 -
2619 - 1121 called and left message for Tom
2620 -
262001 -
262002 - ..
2621 -
2622 -
2623 - 1203 Tom called back
2624 -
262401 - Here is his big point.
262402 -
262403 - He wants "References" put back in the online record.
262404 -
262405 - Tom wants a way to look up sources without having to find where a
262406 - reference is cited in a big record.
262407 -
262408 - He gave an example of his report on 970328. ref DRP 1 6172
262409 -
262410 - The DE wants to read that report and the record of our meeting does
262411 - not have a direct way to get it. He may asked Tom how to get it, and
262412 - we came up "shooting blanks" because the web site does not support all
262413 - of the features of SDS. So we need an improvement.
262414 - ..
262415 - This may be part of Morris' objective on 990427. ref SDS 12 8159
262416 -
262417 - [On 990505 began improvements. ref SDS 19 7708]
262418 -
262419 - [On 990514 Tom says new Doc Log seems to help. ref SDS 21 8599]
262420 -
262421 - I put direct access in the record today. ref SDS 18 2042 That was an
262422 - oversight, which feedback has now corrected.
262423 -
262424 - The current system is fine for a first reading. But often, after
262425 - reading the record, work will occur later in the day or the next day
262426 - that requires information from a reference in the record. He may say
262427 - to someone "Oh, my report covers this, that or the other," which he
262428 - had forgotten about until he read the record a few days earlier, but
262429 - not it is fresh in his mind.
262430 - ..
262431 - At this point, he wants a simple direct way to get his report,
262432 - without having to find the particular place in the record that cites
262433 - the reference.
262434 -
262435 - He knows it is in the record of the meeting with Colonel so and so on
262436 - 990504, but where?
262437 -
262438 - [On 990514 new Doc Log system seems to help. ref SDS 21 8599]
262439 -
262440 - SDS has a simple way to do this. All citations in the record are
262441 - listed chronologically in a Reference field under 4 or 5 major
262442 - headings. If you click Del to delete a reference entry, there is an
262443 - error message if it is linked in the record. Returning to Mark 2,
262444 - goes to the citation.
262445 - ..
262446 - That feature was originally in the system, but was removed
262447 - because it added to information people have to wade through and it
262448 - looks confusing. Of course once people get used to reading it the
262449 - lists of references provide the value Tom cites.
262450 -
262451 - Another avenue into particular documents is the online Doc Log created
262452 - for Moscone Convention Center on 981103. ref SDS 2 0576
262453 -
262454 - Explanation of the system is on 981102. ref SDS 1 7585
262455 -
262456 - I notified Tom about this on 991104. ref SDS 3 2886
262457 -
262458 - After our call, I checked and found there is not a clear, direct link
262459 - to the District's report in the record of the meeting yesterday. DE
262460 - said he planned to review the report, we need a simple, direct access.
262461 - ..
262462 - I added something this to complete the record. ref SDS 18 2042
262463 -
262464 - [On 990505 began upgrading Doc Log system for web application....
262465 - ref SDS 19 7708]
262466 -
262467 - [On 990514 new Doc Log system seems to help. ref SDS 21 8599]
262468 -
262469 -
262470 -
262471 -
262472 -
2625 -
2626 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"