440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 19, 1998 03:23 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Submitted notes to Ivan at Moscone III project.

2...Team Meeting on 981016, Notes Submitted to KH

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0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi    415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Ivan Romero, AIA; Project Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation

Meeting Note Procedures
HTML Format Meeting Notes
Civil Meeting, 981015
Structural Meeting, 981015
Mechanical Meeting, 981014
Electrical Meeting, 981014
Document Management

1209 -    ..
1210 - Summary/Objective
1211 -
121101 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
121102 - ..
121103 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 to Ivan transmitting following...
121104 -
121105 -    1.  Notes for electrical meeting on 981014. ref DIP 3 7788
121106 -
121107 -    2.  Notes for mechanical meeting on 981014. ref DIP 4 7788
121108 -
121109 -    3.  Notes for structural meeting on 9081015, ref DIP 5 7788,
121110 -
121111 -    4.  Notes for civil meeting on 981015. ref DIP 6 7788
121112 -
121113 -        [On 981020 Ivan indicated that Clonia issued notes on the
121114 -        structural and civil meetings, so these notes will not be
121115 -        issued. ref SDS 16 3920]
121116 -
121117 -        [On 981023 received edits on Structural notes. ref SDS 17 4260]
121118 -
121119 - General review and issues for consideration by Ivan are in the record
121120 - on 981018. ref SDS 14 6046
121121 -
121122 - Additionally, the notes need to be edited prior to distribution, per
121123 - explanation on 981018. ref SDS 14 0532
121124 -
121125 - Sent copies to Denis, Bill and Robert Rudeen.
121126 -
121127 -     [At 1242 called Denis. ref SDS 15 0000]
121128 -
121129 -
121130 -
121131 -
121132 -
1212 -
1213 -
1214 - 0908 called Ivan
1215 -
121501 - Advised he has email that submits meeting notes.  Ivan said he is
121502 - familiar with printing files displayed in a web browser.  I offered to
121503 - print the files if that would help him.  He said that was not
121504 - necessary, since printting from the web browser is a fairly simple
121505 - task.
121506 - ..
121507 - We discussed briefly the Team meeting last week. ref SDS 12 0000
121508 -
121509 - I thanked him for giving me time to explain Communication Metrics.
121510 -
121511 - We considered that there was not a lot of movement registered by the
121512 - team toward the idea we discussed of each member contributing to the
121513 - record of meeting notes.  Ivan recalled Jannett's suggestion about
121514 - waiting until the end of October when the hectic pace of the work will
121515 - recede, and Philip's view that the pace will not recede until the job
121516 - is let for bids.
121517 -
121518 -      [Discussed with Denis at 1242. ref SDS 15 6826]
121519 -
121520 -
121521 -
121522 -
1216 -
1217 -
121701 -
1218 -

Team Mtgs, Comm Metrics, Ivan

1304 - 0212 submittted notes to Ivan
1305 -
130501 -  ..
130502 - Team Meeting on 981016, Notes Submitted to KH
130503 -
130504 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0000 to Ivan with link to the record of the team
130505 - meeting on 981016. ref SDS 12 0000
130506 -
130507 - Sent copy and asked Bolivar to distribute to KH staff.
130508 -
130509 - Did not link this record.
130510 -
130511 -     [On 981020 discussed with Ivan. ref SDS 16 4602]
130512 -
130513 -
130514 -
130515 -
1306 -
1307 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"