440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: August 23, 1995 08:48 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Continued edits to NWO article for PMI publication.

2...Need for Scribe, Communication Engineer
3...Purpose of Paper - Aristotle
4...Communication Metrics on Page 1

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SDS Marketing, Advertising, Writing for Publication
PMI, Publishing Articles, New World Order needs old time religion
Scribe, Communication Manager until Tools
Communication Manager Ensures Time is
Meaning, Maintain Shared/Common
Proactive Management Discovers Problems
So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done,
How Soon Can I Get This in an SDS Record
Communication Manager Psychology Challenging
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager

1612 -    ..
1613 - Summary/Objective
1614 -
161401 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000.
161402 -
161403 -
161404 - Need for Scribe, Communication Engineer
161405 -
161406 - John Kahl said this issue in the paper at ref OF 2 line 1196, is weak
161407 - at ref SDS 16 line 79.  I did quite a bit of work on this section,
161408 - ref OF 2 line 1223, created initially at ref SDS 9 line 189,
161409 - explaining the role of communication engineer to build and maintain
161410 - shared meaning and to discover errors in advance of action being
161411 - taken.
161412 -
161413 -     This reflects discussion with Morris at ref SDS 8 line 339.
161414 -
161415 -
161416 - Would like to keep in mind the idea of writing things down as a
161417 - commitment to get things done.  It is supported by Lee Iaccoca in his
161418 - book reviewed at ref SDS 6 line 90.
161419 -     ..
161420 -     I like the phrase from the movie Moses showing the purpose
161421 -     of a Scribe.
161422 -
161423 -         So let it be written, so let it be done.
161424 -
161425 -     Decided not use this material this time around.
161426 -
161427 -
161428 -
161429 -
1615 -

Fixing Small Problems is Psychologically
Little Deviations Lead to Big Problems

1905 -
190501 -  ..
190502 - Purpose of Paper - Aristotle
190503 -
190504 - Decided to go ahead and use at ref OF 2 line 36, Aristotle's quote on
190505 - how small mistakes lead to major disasters, ref SDS 5 line 46, also
190506 - discussed in reviewing Kerzner lecture, ref SDS 7 line 275.  This is a
190507 - core concept of the paper which Communication Metrics and Religion
190508 - address by offering enlightnement using the practice of linking back
190509 - to original sources.  This addition may make it easier for people to
190510 - grasp what the paper is about, per Morris question at ref SDS 10 line
190511 - 39 and my E-mail to him at ref SDS 13 line 93.
190512 -
190513 -
190514 - Millie found some duplicated text that needs correcting.
190515 -
190516 -
190517 -  ..
190518 - Communication Metrics on Page 1
190519 -
190520 - Was able to work this into page 1 col 2 ref OF 2 line 65, per
190521 - discussion with John Kahl at ref SDS 15 line 137.
190522 -
190523 -      [Followed up at ref SDS 17 line 52.]
190524 -
190525 -
190526 -