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DIARY: August 24, 1995 08:09 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Final edits to NWO article for PMI publication.

4...Original Source - Defined
5...Nexus between Aristotle and Gilder

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SDS Marketing, Advertising
Writing for Publication
PMI, Publishing Articles, New World Order needs old time religion
Traceability to Original Sources Metric

0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 13 line 45.  Completed edits by tying a
070802 - number of main themes together in the concuding paragraphs.
070803 -
070804 -
070805 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Progress
0712 -
071201 - Found a lot of small edits by doing a careful reading.  Did some
071202 - general cutting which overall gave me an additional 10 lines on the
071203 - last page to develop the conclusion a little better.
071204 -
071205 -
071206 - Title
071207 -
071208 - I changed this to remove quotes from New World Order, and added quotes
071209 - to "Old Time Religion."  Changed ...needs old time "religion" to
071210 - ...Needs "Old Time Religion."  So the capitilization may make more
071211 - sense.
071212 -
071213 -
071214 - E-Mail
071215 -
071216 - Changed to uniform case using "E-mail" from "e-mail" and "E-Mail,"
071217 - per Millie's recommendation.
071218 -
071219 -
071220 - Original Source - Defined
071221 -
071222 - Was able to develop a simple definition of "original source" at page 2
071223 - middle column 2nd para, ref OF 1 line 220, an example is at ref OF 1
071224 - line 261, per Morris' recommendation, ref SDS 11 line 125.
071225 -
071226 -
071227 -
071228 - Nexus between Aristotle and Gilder
071229 -
071230 - Spent most of the day on the 2nd to last paragraph to close by
071231 - integrating Gilder's Law of the Microcosm, with Aristotle's quote ref
071232 - OF 1 line 1297, (added yesterday, ref SDS 13 line 57), and other main
071233 - themes, Old time religion, Information Highway and quantum leap, per
071234 - John Kahl's suggestion, ref SDS 12 line 98.
071235 -
071236 - Got the need for faith to take the quantum leap in the last para, ref
071237 - OF 1 line 1314.
071238 -
071239 -    [Followed up by submitting paper at ref SDS 14 line 51.]
071240 -
071241 -