440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: August 14, 2014 03:30 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
VA lab for meeting with Doctor Sandhu.
2...CBC WBC 9.5 Increased 50% After Several Years Stable
3...Blood Tests Evaluate Health 5 Years After CABG x4 Surgery
.............................CBC PANEL
4...Urinalysis Ketones Trace Abnormal Sp Gravity Above Range
.............................URINALYSIS PANEL
5...T Bili 2.2 Hyperbilirubinemia Worse Atorvastatin Ezetimibe
6...Potasium K 5.6 Elevated Increased Electrical Problems Heart
7...Bun/Creatinine Ratio Elevated Slightly
.............................ELECTROLYTES - CHEM PROFILE
8...Notes on Electrolytes Lab Hyperbilirubinemia Potassium Heart Problems
9...Hyperbilirubinemia Potassium Heart Problems Notes on Electrolytes Lab
10...Potassium Heart Problems Hyperbilirubinemia Notes on Electrolytes Lab
11...LDL-C 83 LDL-P 851 HDL 67 Hike 1000 Miles Weight Maintain 170
.............................LIPID PANEL
12...Lipid History Trend Analysis
13...Coronary CTA or IVUS Test Athereosclerosis Plaque 4 Years After CABG
14...Athereosclerosis Plaque 4 Years After CABG Coronary CTA or IVUS Test
15...Myopathy Muscle Pain Side Effects Simvistatin Decline
.............................CARDIAC ENZYMES
16...HGBA1c Diabetes Blood Test A1c
17...A1c Diabetes Blood Test HGBA1c
18...Diabetes HGBA1c A1c Blood Test
.............................Endocrine IV - HGBA1c - A1c
Click here to comment!
CBC Lab WBC VA No Results
2403 -
2403 - ..
2404 - Summary/Objective
2405 -
240501 - Follow up ref SDS 57 0000. ref SDS 55 0000.
240502 -
240503 -
240504 -
240505 -
240506 -
240507 -
240509 - ..
2406 -
2407 -
2408 - Background
2409 -
240901 - On 131016 1632 submit letter for agenda meeting to review lab results
240902 - scheduled 131017 1000. ref SDS 37 X45G
240904 - ..
240905 - On 140131 0815 ordered another lab - cbc, electrolytes, lipid with NMR
240906 - - from Labcor to get LDL-P. ref SDS 46 X45G
240908 - ..
240909 - On 140201 1159 had full lab with NMR lipid panel drawn at John Muir
240910 - Hospital on Treat, and by Labcorp. ref SDS 47 RP4N
240912 - ..
240913 - On 140203 1147 had partial lab drawn at VA in Martinez. ref SDS 48
240914 - KK9M
240916 - ..
240917 - On 140507 0857 ordered another full lab from Labcorp with NMR lipid
240918 - panel. ref SDS 54 OO5G
240920 - ..
240921 - On 140508 1133 lab blood daw at Labcorp with John Muir Medical Center
240922 - on Treat Blvd in Concord. ref SDS 55 445G
240924 - ..
240925 - On 140514 0950 VA partial lab at Medical Center in San Francisco.
240926 - ref SDS 57 X45G
240928 - ..
240929 - On 140814 1530 VA partial lab at Clinic in Martinez.
240930 -
240931 -
240932 -
240933 -
240935 - ..
2410 -
2411 -
2412 - Progress
2413 -
241301 - Blood draw today at VA health care facility for meeting at VA with
241302 - Doctor Sandahu on 140815. Connie in Primary Care called and left
241303 - messages on Tuesday while I was out of town, for getting a blood draw
241304 - today.
241306 - ..
241307 - ROI VA Clinic Martinze unable to provide timely lab report, so Martha
241308 - printed the lab.
241310 - ..
241311 - See directory structure for medical records on 140320 1125.
241312 - ref SDS 52 4M5I
241313 -
241314 -
241316 - ..
241317 - CBC WBC 9.5 Increased 50% After Several Years Stable
241318 - Blood Tests Evaluate Health 5 Years After CABG x4 Surgery
241319 -
241320 - Follow up ref SDS 57 RP4N, ref SDS 55 RP4N.
241321 -
241322 - Prior VA CBC on 120509 1108. ref SDS 22 RP4N
241323 - Prior VA CBC on 120831 1524. ref SDS 23 RP4N
241324 - Prior VA CBC on 121130 1001. ref SDS 27 RP4N
241325 - Prior VA CBC on 130529 0818. ref SDS 34 RP4N
241326 - Prior Labcorp CBC on 140201 1159. ref SDS 47 RP4N
241327 - VA did not order CBC for lab on 140203 1147. ref SDS 48 YX8K
241328 - Prior Labcorp CBC on 140508 1149. ref SDS 55 RP4N
241330 - ..
241331 - CBC PANEL
241332 - ..
241333 - Dates......... 2014 08 14 1528 140514 140508 140203 140201 130529
241334 - VA VA Labcorp VA Labcorp VA VA Labcorp
241335 - Blood Results Results Results Results Results Results Units Range Range
241336 - WBC 12.8 H 9.5 6.2 7.4 K/cmm 4.8 - 10.8 3.4 - 10.8
241337 - RBC 5.44 5.21 5.13 5.09 M/cmm 4.7 - 6.1 4.14 - 5.80
241338 - HGB 16.2 15.1 15.2 15.0 g/dL 14 - 18 12.6 - 17.7
241339 - HCT 48.3 47.0 44.2 46.2 % 42 - 52 37.5 - 51.0
241340 - MCV 88.7 90.0 86.0 90.7 fL 80 - 99 79.0 - 97.0
241341 - MCH 29.8 29.0 29.6 29.5 uug 27 - 34 26.6 - 33.0
241342 - MCHC 33.6 32.1 34.4 32.5 gm/dL 32 - 35.2 31.5 - 35.7
241343 - RDW 13.9 13.8 13.7 14.4 % 11.5 - 14.5 12.3 - 15.4
241344 - PLT 295.0 329 303 279 K/cmm 130 - 400 155.0 - 379.0
241345 - MPV 8.3 8.8 fL 7 - 10.4
241346 - NEUT % 78.1 70 69 69.9 % 40 - 80 40.0 - 74.0
241347 - LYMPH % 13.6 L 20 21 L 19.7 % 20 - 51 14.0 - 46.0
241348 - MONO % 7.6 8 8 7.8 % 2 - 13 4.0 - 12.0
241349 - EOS % 0.4 L 1 1 1.9 % .5 - 7 0.0 - 5.0
241350 - BASO % 0.3 1 1 0.7 % 0 - 2 0.0 - 3.0
241351 - NEUT # 10.0 H 6.7 4.3 5.2 K/cmm 1.5 - 7.9 1.4 - 7.0
241352 - LYMPH # 1.7 1.9 1.3 1.5 K/cmm 1.2 - 3.4 0.7 - 3.1
241353 - MONO # 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.6 K/cmm .2 - 1.2 0.1 - 0.9
241354 - EOS # 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 K/cmm .1 - .5 0.0 - 0.4
241355 - BASO # 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 K/cmm 0 - .2 0.0 - 0.2
241356 - ESRmVES mm/hr 0 - 10
241357 - ESRxCYT mm/hr 2 - 10
241358 - RETIC % % .66 - 2.85
241359 - RETIC # k/uL 27.9 - 121.6
241360 - Immature Granulocytes 0.0 0.0 % 0.0 - 2.0
241361 - Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 0.0 % 0.0 - 0.1
241363 - ..
241364 - Comments:
241365 -
241366 - a. Reporting Lab
241367 - Martinez CBOC
241368 - 150 Muir Road
241369 - Martinez, CA 94553 4668
241370 -
241372 - ..
241373 - Recent infection on left big toe may have elevated WBC, noted in
241374 - letter to Primary Care later today on 140814 2227, ref SDS 63 K055,
241375 - side effect from treatment for regression of atherosclerosis.
241377 - ..
241378 - Increased exercise explained below, ref SDS 0 I17G, may have
241379 - stimulated bone marrow to produce more new blood that increased WBC
241380 - 30% in VA blood test on 140814, per above, ref SDS 0 FK6I,
241381 - explained by Doctor Johnson during a meeting at Kaiser on 030606.
241382 - ref SDS 1 JP7G
241383 -
241384 -
241385 -
241386 -
241387 -
2414 -
Urinalysis Lab VA No Results
3903 -
390401 - ..
390402 - Urinalysis Ketones Trace Abnormal Sp Gravity Above Range
390403 -
390404 - Follow up ref SDS 57 0X72, ref SDS 55 0X72.
390405 -
390406 - Prior Urinalysis test on 101207 0906. ref SDS 11 0X72
390407 - Prior Urinalysis test on 120509 1108. ref SDS 22 0X72
390408 - Prior Urinalysis test on 140201 1159. ref SDS 47 0X72
390409 - VA did not order urinalysis for lab on 140203 1147. ref SDS 48 0X72
390410 - Prior Labcorp CBC on 140508 1149. ref SDS 55 0X72
390411 - Prior Urinalysis test on 140814 1530. ref SDS 0 0X72
390413 - ..
390415 - ..
390416 - Dates.......... 2014 08 14 1528 140514 140203 140201 120509
390417 - VA VA Labcorp VA Labcorp VA VA Labcorp
390418 - Results Results Results Results Results Results Units Range Range
390419 - PH 6.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 5 - 9 5.0 - 7.5
390422 - KETONES 15 Trace Abnormal NEG NEG mg/dL Ref: NEG NEG
390424 - BILIcnf Ref: NEG
390427 - UROBILI 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 EU/dL .2 - 1 0.0 - 1.9
390428 - LEU EST NEG NEG Ref: NEG
390429 - SP.GRAV >=1.030 H 1.036 1.026 1.025 1.003- 1.035 1.005 - 1.030
390434 - HAYALINE CASTS NORM(0-1) per lpf 0 - 1
390435 - GRANULAR CASTS None per lpf Ref: None
390436 - CELLULAR CASTS None per lpf Ref: None
390437 - RBC/HPF NORM(0-3) per lpf 0 - 3
390438 - BACTERIA NORM(0-1) per lpf 0 - 1
390439 - EPITHELIAL CELLS NORM(0-1) per lpf 0 - 1
390440 - RENAL EPITHELIAL CELLS None per lpf Ref: None
390441 - CALCIUM OXILATE CRYST NORM(0-1) per lpf 0 - 1
390442 - URIC ACID CRYSTALS NORM(0-1) per lpf 0 - 1
390443 - TRIPLE PHOSPHATE CRYST NORM(0-1) per lpf 0 - 1
390444 - AMORPHOUS SEDIMENT None per lpf Ref: None
390445 - MUCOUS None per lpf Ref: None
390446 - TRICHOMONAS None per lpf Ref: None
390447 - YEAST None per lpf Ref: None
390449 - TR EPTH None per lpf Ref: None
390451 - ..
390452 - Comments:
390453 -
390454 - a. Reporting Lab
390455 - Martinez CBOC
390456 - 150 Muir Road
390457 - Martinez, CA 94553 4668
390458 -
390460 - ..
390461 - Ketnones 15 review by VA, follow up prior lab showning Ketones trace
390462 - abnormal, reported on 140514 0950. ref SDS 57 MT4L
390463 -
390464 -
390465 -
390466 -
390467 -
390468 -
390469 -
390470 -
3905 -
Lab Electrolytes Chem Profile Glucose 97 Sodium NA 144 Potasium K 5.
5603 -
560401 - ..
560402 - T Bili 2.2 Hyperbilirubinemia Worse Atorvastatin Ezetimibe
560403 - Potasium K 5.6 Elevated Increased Electrical Problems Heart
560404 - Bun/Creatinine Ratio Elevated Slightly
560405 -
560406 - Follow up ref SDS 57 KK9M, ref SDS 55 KK9M.
560407 -
560408 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 120509 1108. ref SDS 22 KK9M
560409 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 120831 1524. ref SDS 23 KK9M
560410 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 130228 1140. ref SDS 32 KK9M
560411 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 130529 0818. ref SDS 34 KK9M
560412 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 131015 0724. ref SDS 36 KK9M
560413 - Prior CHEM PROFILE Labcorp on 140201 1159. ref SDS 47 KK9M
560414 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 140203 1147. ref SDS 48 KK9M
560415 - Prior CHEM PROFILE Labcorp on 140508 1149. ref SDS 55 KK9M
560416 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 140520 0732. ref SDS 59 KK9M
560417 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 140814 1530. ref SDS 0 KK9M
560418 -
560420 - ..
560423 - ..
560424 - Dates..........2014 08 14 1528 140520 140514 140508 140203 140201 131015 130529
560425 - VA VA VA Labcorp VA Labcorp VA VA VA Labcorp
560426 - PLASMA Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Units Range Range
560427 - GLUCOSE 98 98 97 103 98 108 H 120 mg/dL 74 - 118 65.0 - 99.0
560428 - GLUfast mg/dL Ref: <=99
560429 - NA (salt) 144 139 144 140 140 139 139 mmol/L 136 - 144 134.0 - 144.0
560430 - K (potasium) 4.3 H 5.2 H 5.6 H 5.4 4.8 4.3 H 4.9 mmol/L 3.4 - 4.8 3.5 - 5.2
560431 - CL H 108 102 105 103 102 105 105 mmol/L 98 - 106 97.0 - 108.0
560432 - CO2 29 29.0 30.0 37.0 30.0 mmol/L 23 - 33
560433 - AGAP 8.0 mmol/L 5 - 20
560434 - BUN/Creati Ratio 19 H 23 17 20 24 18 mg/dL 8 - 26 10.0 - 22.0
560435 - CREAT 1.03 0.80 0.97 0.82 0.81 0.83 0.83 mg/dL .5 - 1.1 0.76 - 1.27
560436 - eGFR INA >60 102 79 >60 91 >60 >60 mL/min Ref: >=60 >59
560437 - eGFR IA 92 106 mL/min >59
560438 - CALCIUM 9.1 8.9 9.5 9.3 9.4 9.2 9.2 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 8.6 - 10.2
560439 - CA CORR mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2
560440 - PO4 mg/dL 2.4 - 4.5
560441 - MG 85 mg/dL 1.8 - 2.5
560442 - ALK PHO 85 86 100 105 84 87 U/L 40 - 125 39.0 - 117.0
560443 - SGOT 27 U/L 5 - 35
560444 - SGPT 28 U/L 7 - 56
560446 - ..
560447 - T. BIL H 2.5 1.2 H 2.2 H 1.3 H 2.1 H 1.6 H 1.7 H 1.3 mg/dL .1 - 1.2 0.0 - 1.2
560448 - D. BILI 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.32 0.3 0.34 < 0.1 mg/dL .1 - .5 0.00 - 0.40
560449 - Bilirubin, Indir 0.98 1.26 H mg/dL 0.10 - 0.80
560450 - AST (SGOT) 25 23 26 23 21 20 22 IntUnits/L 8 - 42 0.0 - 40.0
560451 - ALT (SGPT) 21 21 17 21 19 17 19 IntUnits/L 5 - 55 0.0 - 44.0
560452 - ALBUMIN 4.3 3.9 4.6 4.6 4.1 4.4 3.9 4.0 g/dL 3.3 - 5.2 3.6 - 4.8
560453 - PROTEIN 7.2 6.5 7.5 6.6 6.7 6.5 7.1 7.2 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 6.0 - 8.5
560454 - Globulin, Total 2.0 2.1 g/dL 1.4 - 4.5
560455 - A/G Ratio 2.3 2.1 1.1 - 2.5
560456 - LDH 200.0 180.0 IntUnits/L 90 - 208 0.0 - 225.0
560457 - GGT 11.0 9.0 IU/L 0.0 - 65.0
560458 - Iron, Serum 100.0 114.0 ug/dL 40.0 - 155.0
560459 - AMYLASE Units/L 28 - 100
560460 - LIPASE Units/L 7 - 58
560461 - NH3 mcmol/L 15 - 56
560462 - URIC AC 5.6 mg/dL 4.8 - 8.7 3.7 - 8.6
560463 - Cholesterol, Total 164.0 162.0 mg/dL 100.0 - 199.0
560464 - Triglycerides 55.0 64.0 mg/dL 0.0 - 149.0
560465 -
560467 - ..
560468 - Comments:
560469 -
560470 - a. Reporting Lab
560471 - Martinez CBOC
560472 - 150 Muir Road
560473 - Martinez, CA 94553 4668
560475 - ..
560476 - b. Creatinine
560477 -
560478 - Eval: Effective 7/2/08, new standardized method for
560479 - creatinine in place.
560481 - ..
560482 - Eval: Note reference range change. Previous range
560483 - 0.5 - 1.2 mg/dL.
560484 -
560485 - c. eGFR
560486 -
560487 - Eval: eGFR Units = mL/min/1.73 square meters
560489 - ..
560490 - d. Alkaline Phosphatase
560491 -
560492 - Eval: The normal range is for an adult population
560493 - less than 50 years old. Alk Phos increases with age
560494 - over 50 to about 60% higher values by ages greater
560495 - than 75 years old.
560496 -
560497 -
560499 - ..
560500 - Notes on Electrolytes Lab Hyperbilirubinemia Potassium Heart Problems
560501 - Hyperbilirubinemia Potassium Heart Problems Notes on Electrolytes Lab
560502 - Potassium Heart Problems Hyperbilirubinemia Notes on Electrolytes Lab
560503 -
560504 - Follow up ref SDS 57 G34G, ref SDS 55 G34G.
560505 -
560506 - 1. T Bilirubin 2.5................. ref SDS 0 015M
560508 - ..
560509 - Collection DT T Bili Range Source
560510 - 05/08/2014 15:28 2.5 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 0 WJ5H
560511 - 20/05/2014 10:20 1.2 ....0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 59 015M
560512 - 08/05/2014 11:49 1.3 H...0.0 - 1.2.. ref SDS 55 015M
560513 - 03/02/2014 09:52 2.1 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 48 015M
560514 - 01/02/2014 12:28 1.6 H...0.0 - 1.2.. ref SDS 47 015M
560515 - 15/10/2013 08:25 1.7 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 36 015M
560516 - 29/05/2013 08:18 1.3 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 34 1Y9G
560517 - 28/02/2013 08:36 1.3 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 32 6S4F
560518 - 31/08/2012 15:24 2.3 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 23 NV9M
560519 - 09/05/2012 11:24 2.5 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 22 O46K
560520 - 09/02/2012 11:18 1.8 H...0.3 - 1.2.. ref SDS 18 KK9M
560521 - 17/11/2011 14:27 1.3 H.............. ref SDS 16 KK9M
560522 - 13/10/2011 14:35 1.3 H.............. ref SDS 15 GM65
560523 - 27/07/2011 12:58 2.0 H.............. ref SDS 12 GM65
560524 - 07/12/2010 09:17 1.0 ............... ref SDS 11 GM65
560525 - 21/07/2010 08:54 1.3 H.............. ref SDS 7 GM65
560526 - 13/08/2009 15:09 1.7 H.............. ref SDS 2 VG8R
560527 - 11/02/2009 0.9 ............... ref DRP 1 LG4L
560528 - 12/14/2009 1.3 H ............. ref DRP 1 DE4O
560530 - ..
560531 - On 131017 1000 VA medical chart Progress Notes assessment
560532 - reports Doctor Egan diagnosed chronic hyperbilirubinemia.
560533 - ref SDS 38 PSXT
560535 - ..
560536 - Bilirubin 2.5 in lab today, elevated 110% above range shows
560537 - dramatic increase from 1.2 in lab at VA San Francisco Medical
560538 - Center on 140520. ref SDS 59 015M This is highest result for T
560539 - Bili in patient history, may demonstrate chronic side effects
560540 - statin medications causing poor liver function, as reviewed
560541 - previously on prior lab on 140514 0950. ref SDS 57 G34G Side
560542 - effects of peripheral neuropathy in right foot have ebbed and
560543 - flowed, reported on 140510, shown in case study on 120101 0900.
560544 - ref SDS 17 TV6I
560545 -
560546 - [On 140819 0800 during meeting with Doctor Sandhu in
560547 - Primary Care VA Clinic in Martinez, there was no review of
560548 - chronic hyperbilirubinemia, with T Bilirubin 2.5 rising
560549 - 110% above range, ref SDS 64 9K7I, shown in lab ordered by
560550 - the doctor on 140814. ref SDS 0 015M
560552 - ..
560553 - Background on Rosuvastatin causing elevated T Bilirubin with
560554 - associated severe side effects is reported on 121206 0900,
560555 - ref SDS 28 NI9L, and further explained in the record on 121130
560556 - 0846. ref SDS 27 ER4K
560558 - ..
560559 - On 131017 1000 Doctor Egan explained patient history of
560560 - intermittant and mild peripheral neuropathy that correlates
560561 - with persistent elevated T Bilirubin in lab on 131015,
560562 - ref SDS 36 015M, and further reported with vitals, diet and
560563 - exercise since prior meeting at VA on 130603, see case study on
560564 - 120101 0900, ref SDS 17 X14N, suggests intervention is not
560565 - required at this time to improve recovery from side effects
560566 - taking Rosuvastatin. ref SDS 38 LV5J
560568 - ..
560569 - 2. Potasium K 4.3 within range................. ref SDS 0 ZG5O
560570 -
560571 - Until the lab today, potassium (k) has been persistently
560572 - elevated above range for 6 months through several labs,
560573 - reported on 140514 0950. ref SDS 57 TN3M
560575 - ..
560576 - Doctor Egan, referring cardiology physician at Martinez VA,
560577 - noted in a recent letter that meeting at VA Medical Center in
560578 - San Francisco on 140213 0830, ref SDS 51 GT7G, did not address
560579 - elevated potassium in labs performed by Labcorp and VA, shown
560580 - on 140203 1147. ref SDS 48 ZG5O Doctor Egan again notifies
560581 - that this condition of elevated potassium represents exposure
560582 - to "electrical problems" with the heart, reported on 140430.
560583 - ref SDS 53 UV5I
560585 - ..
560586 - Doctor Egan was concerned last year about potasium (K) rising
560587 - above range for good health. He explained potasium effects
560588 - electrical signals to the heart, and so has significance for
560589 - CVD, reported during meeting at VA on 121206 0900. ref SDS 28
560590 - 6K56
560592 - ..
560593 - At that time on 121206, the doctor cited medication conflicts
560594 - as possibly causing elevated potasium. ref SDS 28 FI7L Doctor
560595 - Egan further considered dehydration (urination) caused by
560596 - Rosuvastatin may have skewed lab results for electrolytes on
560597 - 121130, and so ordered re-test. ref SDS 28 6K4J
560599 - ..
560600 - On 121212 0941 re-test lab reported Glucose 111, sodium 139,
560601 - and potasium (K) 4.6, all within range, ref SDS 29 KK9M,
560602 - correcting errors noted by Doctor Egan during meeting at VA on
560603 - 121206 0900. ref SDS 28 6K4J
560605 - ..
560606 - Dramatic decline in hiking the past 6 weeks, shown in case
560607 - study on 120101 0900, ref SDS 17 7718, and reported on the
560608 - agenda for meeting with Doctor Sandhu in Primary Care, which
560609 - was submitted later today in another record on 140814 2227.
560610 - ref SDS 63 K098, may correlate with potassium falling back
560611 - within range.
560612 -
560614 - ..
560615 - 3. Glucose 98...................... ref SDS 0 ZG5O
560616 -
560617 - On 140514 0950 VA lab for HGBA1c 5.6 within range 4 - 6, seems
560618 - to indicate no evident exposure for diabetes. ref SDS 57 H66G
560620 - ..
560621 - 4. Cloride 108..................... ref SDS 0 WJ5H
560622 -
560623 - There is no record on cause and implications of elevated CL.
560624 -
560625 -
560626 -
560627 -
560628 -
560629 -
560630 -
560631 -
5607 -
VA Lab Lipid Cholesterol 164 with Medication Hiking 1000 Miles Weigh
7603 -
760401 - ..
760402 - LDL-C 83 LDL-P 851 HDL 67 Hike 1000 Miles Weight Maintain 170
760403 -
760404 - Follow up ref SDS 57 IM9N, ref SDS 55 IM9N.
760405 -
760406 - Poor VA lab results today align with decline Labcorp blood test using
760407 - NMR technology reported last week on 140508 1133. ref SDS 55 5C7M
760408 - This reflects increased hiking and weight control past 3.5 months,
760409 - reported in case study on 120101 0900, ref SDS 17 PYXR, and supported
760410 - with low carb diet (including orange juice) and low dose medication,
760411 - reported on 140513, in the same study. ref SDS 17 ZU5G
760413 - ..
760414 - Prior LIPID PANEL 120509 1108. ref SDS 22 IM9N
760415 - Prior LIPID PANEL 120831 1525. ref SDS 23 IM9N
760416 - Prior LIPID PANEL 130228 1140. ref SDS 32 IM9N
760417 - Prior LIPID PANEL 130529 0818. ref SDS 34 IM9N
760418 - Prior LIPID PANEL 131015 0724, ref SDS 36 IM9N
760419 - Prior LIPID PANEL Labcorp, 140201 1159, ref SDS 47 IM9N
760420 - Prior LIPID PANEL, 140203 1147, ref SDS 48 IM9N
760421 - Prior CHEM PROFILE Labcorp on 140508 1149. ref SDS 55 IM9N
760422 - Prior LIPID PANEL, 140814 1530, ref SDS 0 IM9N
760424 - ..
760425 - LIPID PANEL
760427 - ..
760428 - Dates..........2014 08 14 1528 140514 140508 140203 140201 131015 130529
760429 - VA VA Labcorp VA Labcorp VA VA VA Labcorp
760430 - NMR LipoProfile Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Units Range Range
760431 - LDL Particle Number
760432 - LDL-P 851.0 861.0 nmol/L < 1000
760433 - Low < 1000
760434 - Moderate 1000 - 1299
760435 - Borderline High 1300 - 1599
760436 - High 1600 - 2000
760437 - Very High > 2000
760439 - ..
760440 - Lipids
760441 - CHOL (a) 161 164 162 160 156 321 H 307 mg/dL 100 - 240 < 200
760442 - (b) 169
760443 - TRIGLYC (a) 72 58 59 47 68 109 85 mg/dL 10 - 190 < 150
760444 - (b) 59
760445 - HDL-C (a) 55 66 67 58 61 50 50 mg/dL Ref: >=35 >= 40
760446 - (b) 67
760447 - LDL-C (a) 92 87 83 93 81 249 H 240 mg/dL Ref: <=131 < 160
760448 - (b) 90
760449 - ** LDL Dir 93 mg/dL 0 - 130
760450 - TRIG NF mg/dL Ref: <=150
760452 - ..
760453 - TG/HDL ratio (a).... 1.31 0.88 0.88 0.81 1.11 < 2.0
760454 - (b).... 0.88
760456 - ..
760457 - Comments
760458 -
760459 - a. Reporting Lab
760460 - Martinez CBOC
760461 - 150 Muir Road
760462 - Martinez, CA 94553 4668
760464 - ..
760465 - b. VA Intretation Risk Factors
760466 -
760467 - Risk Catagory LDL Goal
760468 - CHD and CHD risk equivalents <100 mg/dL
760469 - Multiple (2+) risk factors <130 mg/dL
760470 - 0-1 risk factor <160 mg/dL
760472 - ..
760473 - c. HDL Chol.
760474 -
760475 - Greater than/equal to 60 mg/dL counts as a "negative"
760476 - risk factor; its presence removes 1 risk factor from
760477 - the total count.
760479 - ..
760480 - d. Cholesterol and LDL standards source....
760481 -
760482 - Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) JAMA 5/16/ Vol.
760483 - 285 $19.
760485 - ..
760486 - Analysis....
760487 -
760488 - 1. LDL-P 851, ref SDS 55 U45J, represents lower CVD risk and
760489 - improving lipid management. LDL-C 83 increased 2 points from
760490 - prior lab on 140201. It remains low concordant with LDL-P, but
760491 - moving toward discordance. Research indicates healthiest
760492 - cardiovascular condition occurs with lowest risk for CVD, when
760493 - lipids are discordant, with LDL-P low and LDL-C high, shown in
760494 - the record on 131125 0005. ref SDS 42 FI3G
760496 - ..
760497 - VA published goal LDL-C <= 131; Labcorp published goal LCL-C <
760498 - 100. ref SDS 57 5C7M New AHA guidelines show LDL-C < 190,
760499 - reported on 131112 1422. ref SDS 40 HT87
760501 - ..
760502 - VA lowering goal to HDL > 35 from > 40 seems conflicting with
760503 - patient history of CABG +4 on 091022 0700. ref SDS 4 PQWU
760504 - Since HDL 30 was found at that time (see Lipid history below,
760505 - ref SDS 57 W25L, setting the bar at HDL 35 has little tolerance
760506 - for genetic variation to avoid and repair endothelium lesions
760507 - causing atheriosclerotic plaque.
760509 - ..
760510 - NMR test lists LDL-P < 1600 for "borderline" CVD high risk, and
760511 - that below 1000, is "low," risk for CVD. ref SDS 48 U45J Thus,
760512 - LDL-P 851 presents low risk for CVD. Research on 131125, lists
760513 - LDL-P < 700 may be a better target to manage CVD risk.
760514 - ref SDS 42 WY9H The same research also cites LDL-P < 1000 for
760515 - evaluating CVD risk, similar to NMR test today. ref SDS 42 OQ9N
760517 - ..
760518 - When can patients be confident LDL-P < 700, 600, 200 - is low
760519 - enough to work on other aspects of daily life?
760521 - ..
760522 - 2. LDL-P 851 in Labcorp test today on 140508, correlates with
760523 - TG/HDL ratio 59/67 = 0.88. ref SDS 55 5C7M Research indicates
760524 - TG/HDL ratio correlates to LDL-P vaulations produced by NMR
760525 - testing, reported on 131125 0005. ref SDS 42 666G
760527 - ..
760528 - 3. Resting heart rate getting up in the morings has fallen below
760529 - 50. Blood pressure varies - averages about 115 65. After
760530 - hikes about 105 55. Systalic on occassion falls below 100.
760531 - Dystalic has fallen below 50 - e.g., see Monday 140428 reported
760532 - in case study on 120101 0900. ref SDS 17 CB6N
760534 - ..
760535 - 4. LDL-P 851 and HDL 67 and Triglycerides 59 on 140508, indicate
760536 - low risk for CVD, per above analysis, ref SDS 55 RV5M, and may
760537 - align with hiking 22 miles yesterday on 140507, and 11 miles
760538 - this morning at 0400 (see again case study - ref SDS 17 4G5I),
760539 - before doing the blood draw later this morning at 1149.
760540 - ref SDS 55 U45J
760542 - ..
760543 - 5. Lipid favorable results in NMR test on 140508, and follow up
760544 - test at VA on 140514, particularly increase HDL
760545 - occurred concurrent with...
760546 -
760547 - [On 140520 0732 letter notifies Doctor Alba at VA
760548 - getting good labs through prescribed care integrating
760549 - diet, exercise, and medications. ref SDS 59 4U46
760551 - ..
760552 - a. Hiking 955 miles since prior lab on 140203, reported in
760553 - case study 120101 0900, ref SDS 17 P36G, and recommended in
760554 - research on 131125 0005. ref SDS 42 QP9F including regular
760555 - aerobic exercise to lower triglycerides, ref SDS 42 U44L,
760556 - and raise HDL, ref SDS 42 SH50, and raise EPC production
760557 - toward regression of atherosclerosis plaque. ref SDS 42
760558 - 6O9M
760559 -
760560 - [On 140529 0942 letter asks VA to present record of care
760561 - that includes extended training exercise that yielded
760562 - significantly improved lipid labs. ref SDS 62 QF67
760564 - ..
760565 - b. Weight - hit 163 yesterday on 140513, shown in case study
760566 - on 120101 0900. ref SDS 17 ZU5G This is lowest is about 30
760567 - years. On 140420 was able to hold 165 for 3 days.
760568 - ref SDS 17 TO6O This is continuing challenge bouncing
760569 - around from over 200 in 2011, but varied significantly.
760570 - Daily weight remains generally between 170 - 175.
760572 - ..
760573 - c. Low-carbohydrate diet lowers triglycerides (TG 59 in
760574 - Labcorp and VA tests, per above, ref SDS 57 5C7M), which
760575 - together with higher HDL 67 (TG/HDL ratio .88 < 2,
760576 - ref SDS 57 5X5G, combine to lower LDL-P, cited in research
760577 - on 131125 0005. ref SDS 42 QP9F
760579 - ..
760580 - d. Chia seeds added to diet on 131125, reported in case study
760581 - on 120101 0900, ref SDS 17 746M, and recommended by Karen
760582 - at VA on 131121 0930. ref SDS 41 NQ37
760584 - ..
760585 - e. Orange juice 1 gallon (3786 ML) per week (541 ML/day) added
760586 - to diet on 131125, based on study indicating HDL increased
760587 - 21% over 4 weeks with 750 ml per day (i.e., 1.4 gal per
760588 - week), ref SDS 42 R48K, as reported to VA in letter on
760589 - 140114 0845. ref SDS 44 218O Some research also indicates
760590 - grape juice increases HDL; however, no studies have
760591 - quantified this effect. Patient consumes combination of
760592 - lemon juice, orange juice, and grape juice in large
760593 - quantities to hydrate after hiking 11 miles per day.
760595 - ..
760596 - HDL 50 increased to HDL 67 = 34% over 6 months from Dec
760597 - 2013 - May 2014, shown in patient history below.
760598 - ref SDS 57 W25L This is approximately 7% for each 4 week
760599 - period, which may reflect taking 541 ML of orange juice
760600 - rather than 750 ML per day. Raising HDL consistently 7%
760601 - over 4 weeks for 6 months taking only 541 ML in this case,
760602 - presents improved results compared to study results finding
760603 - 500 ML of orange juice for 4 weeks had no effect on HDL
760604 - levels. Improved results in this case may indicate that
760605 - orange juice at 540 ML/day combined with hiking 11 miles
760606 - per day, explained above (see para a), ref SDS 57 I17G,
760607 - provides a direct path to improve lipid profiles toward
760608 - avoiding and regressing atherosclerosis plaque.
760610 - ..
760611 - f. Atorvastatin 10 mg with Ezetimibe 10 begun on 131230,
760612 - reported in case study on 120101. ref SDS 17 6A6H
760614 - ..
760615 - Research studies report Atorvastatin 10 mg + Ezetimibe 10
760616 - mg achieves LDL < 70, and favorably changes triglycerides
760617 - and HDL by 5%, reported on 131125 0005. ref SDS 42 CO45
760618 - While low LDL < 70 conflicts with goal of "discordance"
760619 - that lowers health risk for arterialsclorosis and CVD when
760620 - LDL-P low and LDL-C high, shown in research on 131125 0005,
760621 - ref SDS 42 FI3G, even "concordant" results today are good
760622 - news.
760624 - ..
760625 - Since prior lab on 140201, until lab at VA today on 140508,
760626 - case study shows on 120101, ref SDS 17 E47L, patient has
760627 - taken...
760628 -
760629 - 1. Atorvastatin............... 900 mg
760630 - 2. Ezetimibe.................. 900 mg
760631 -
760633 - ..
760634 - Lipid History Trend Analysis
760635 -
760636 - Follow up ref SDS 57 W25L, ref SDS 55 W25L.
760637 -
760638 - Small LDL LP-IR
760640 - 08/14/2014 15:28 161 72 55 92 ......................................... ref SDS 0 BE6O
760641 - 05/14/2014 10:16 164 58 66 87 .................................... 93.. ref SDS 57 BE6O
760642 - 05/08/2014 11:49 162 59 67 83 851 38.1 < 90 21.2 < 25 ..... ref SDS 55 BE6O
760643 - 02/03/2014 12:28 160 H 47 58 93 ......................................... ref SDS 48 BE6O
760644 - 02/01/2014 12:31 156 68 61 81 861 31.4 < 90 21.3 < 25 ..... ref SDS 47 BE6O
760645 - 10/15/2013 08:25 321 H 109 50 249 H ......................................... ref SDS 36 BE6O
760646 - 05/29/2013 08:18 307 H 85 50 240 H ......................................... ref SDS 32 BE6O
760647 - 02/28/2013 08:39 310 H 73 47 248 H ......................................... ref SDS 32 BE6O
760648 - 11/30/2012 10:01 173 53 57 105 ......................................... ref SDS 27 BE6O
760649 - 08/31/2012 15:25 176 94 47 110 ......................................... ref SDS 23 U89N
760650 - 05/09/2012 11:24 158 76 49 94 ......................................... ref SDS 22 U89N
760651 - 02/09/2012 11:18 285 82 41 228 H ......................................... ref SDS 18 2A4G
760652 - 11/17/2011 14:27 260 84 43 200 H ......................................... ref SDS 16 2A4G
760653 - 07/27/2011 12:58 163 81 45 102 ......................................... ref SDS 12 E19L
760654 - 12/07/2010 09:17 151 41 47 96 ......................................... ref SDS 11 E19L
760655 - 07/21/2010 08:54 261 H 87 35 L 209 H ......................................... ref SDS 7 E19L
760656 - 06/10/2010 10:33 217 H 83 36 L 164 H ......................................... ref SDS 6 QV4F
760657 - * 12/14/2009 11:10 241 H 136 44 170 H ......................................... 100928 0706, ref SDS 8 VW6J
760658 - 08/13/2009 15:09 233 H 118 30 L 179 H ......................................... 100610 1046, ref SDS 6 U45G
760659 - 06/16/2006 10:59 238 H 68 32 L 192 H ......................................... 091002 0900, ref SDS 3 LJ5H
760660 -
760661 - * Lab at VA San Francisco Medical Center reported on 100928 0706.
760662 - ref SDS 8 VW6J
760664 - ..
760665 - Research on cholesterol reported on 091002 0900. ref SDS 3 2F8K
760667 - ..
760668 - On 131125 0005 research found ezetimibe (zetia) mg added to
760669 - Atorvastatin 20 mg yielded after 6 weeks significantly greater changes
760670 - to lipids than taking Atorvastatin in higher doses, e.g., 20 or 40 mg.
760671 - ref SDS 42 CO56
760673 - ..
760674 - On 131125 0005 research found discordance LDL-P low and LDL-C high
760675 - lipid panel HDL 65 TG 77 healthy patient profile with LDL 246.
760676 - ref SDS 42 MN98 Discordance with LDL-P low and LDL-C high is lowest
760677 - risk for CVD, arterialsclorosis. ref SDS 42 FI3G
760678 -
760679 -
760681 - ..
760682 - Coronary CTA or IVUS Test Athereosclerosis Plaque 4 Years After CABG
760683 - Athereosclerosis Plaque 4 Years After CABG Coronary CTA or IVUS Test
760684 -
760685 - Follow up ref SDS 57 QA4M.
760686 -
760687 - On 131125 0005 research further found radiology imaging tests can
760688 - evaluate level of plaque build up resulting from elevated cholesterol.
760689 - ref SDS 42 N73K Radiology imaging technologies are Coronary CT
760690 - angiography - CTA - and Intravascular ultrasound - IVUS. ref SDS 42
760691 - KZ8O
760693 - ..
760694 - Lipid history and particularly the past 6 months with HDL > 60 and
760695 - Triglycerides < 100, ref SDS 55 W25L, indicates patient may have change
760696 - body chemestry sufficient to cause rapid regression of atherosclerosis
760697 - plaque, cited in research on 131125 0005. ref SDS 42 RA7K Research
760698 - indicates that favorable lipid profile, weight loss, and production of
760699 - EPC in the bone marrow, all stimulated by exercise, drives regression
760700 - of plaque. ref SDS 42 XY7L
760702 - ..
760703 - The next step monitoring results of medical, diet, and exercise
760704 - interventions the past 4 years, since CABG +4 on 091022 0700,
760705 - ref SDS 4 PQWU, is to perform radiology imaging study with coronary CT
760706 - angiography or IVUS to assess regression of atherosclerosis plaque,
760707 - which previously required major surgery to fix.
760709 - ..
760710 - This step is supported by patient history using CT radiology imaging
760711 - to assess regression of esophageal bubble after 4 years of medical
760712 - interventions, reported favorable by Doctor Stewart, Chief General
760713 - Surgery at VA on 130122 1330. ref SDS 30 03H6
760714 -
760715 -
760716 -
760717 -
760718 -
760719 -
7608 -
VA Lab Cardiac Enzymnes Creatine Kinase CK also CPK Creatine Phospho
8403 -
840401 - ..
840402 - Myopathy Muscle Pain Side Effects Simvistatin Decline
840403 -
840404 - Follow up ref SDS 57 D26G, ref SDS 55 D26G.
840405 -
840406 - Prior Cardiac Enzymes Profile on 120209 1118. ref SDS 18 D26G
840407 - Prior Cardiac Enzymes Profile on 120509 1108. ref SDS 22 D26G
840408 - Prior Cardiac Enzymes, 131015 0724, ref SDS 36 D26G
840409 - Prior Cardiac Enzymes Profile VA on 140203 1147. ref SDS 48 NX6G
840411 - ..
840412 - This test not performed by Labcorp with blood draw on 140508...
840413 -
840415 -
840416 - Dates 2014 05 14 1016 140508 140203 131015 120509
840417 - VA Labcorp VA VA VA
840418 - PLASMA Results Results Results Results Results Units Range
840419 - CPK (CK) 192 149 110 152 U/L 30 - 235
840420 - TRPONIN ng/ml 0 - 0.07
840421 - CK-MB ng/ml 0.6 - 3.5
840422 - MYOGLOB ng/ml 20 - 82
840424 - ..
840425 - a. CPK/CK test not performed by Labcorp
840427 - ..
840430 - ..
840431 - c. Ordering Provider: Diana Alba
840432 - Report Released..: May 14, 2014@11:29
840433 - Reporting Lab....: SAN FRANCISCO VAMC [CLIA# 05D0988226]
840434 - 4150 CLEMENT STREET
840435 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121-1545
840436 - Performing Lab...: SAN FRANCISCO VAMC [CLIA# 05D0988226]
840438 - ..
840439 - CKP and CK are the same thing - creatine phosphokinase (CPK) also
840440 - called creatine kinase (CK).
840441 -
840442 -
840444 - ..
840445 - Research on 111013 explains Creatine Kinase CK, relates to muscle
840446 - disorders caused by cholesterol medications with statins. 111013 1404,
840447 - ref SDS 15 J54K
840449 - ..
840450 - CK lab may align with reduced side effects of muscle pain in left
840451 - shoulder.
840452 -
840453 -
840454 -
840455 -
840456 -
840457 -
8405 -
HGBA1C 5.4 Range 4.0-6.0 Diabetes Negative Laboratory Blood Test Cro
A103 -
A10401 - ..
A10402 - HGBA1c Diabetes Blood Test A1c
A10403 - A1c Diabetes Blood Test HGBA1c
A10404 - Diabetes HGBA1c A1c Blood Test
A10405 -
A10406 - Follow up ref SDS 57 9F4O, ref SDS 55 9F4O.
A10407 -
A10408 - Prior HGBA1c Profile on 100721 0800. ref SDS 7 IL4N
A10409 - Prior HGBA1c Profile on 101207 0906. ref SDS 11 IL4N
A10410 - Prior HGBA1c Profile on 131015 0724. ref SDS 36 9F4O
A10411 - Prior HGBA1c Profile on 140203 1147. ref SDS 48 9F4O
A10413 - ..
A10414 - This test not performed by Labcorp with blood draw on 140508...
A10416 - ..
A10417 - Endocrine IV - HGBA1c - A1c
A10418 -
A10419 - Dates..........2014 05 14 1016 140508 140203 131015 101207
A10420 - Dates..........2014 08 14 1528 140514 140508 140203 131015 101207
A10421 - VA VA Labcorp VA VA VA
A10422 - BLOOD Results Results Results Results Results Results Units Range
A10423 - HGBA1c 5.6 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.7 % 4.0 - 6.0
A10424 - eAG 114 111 111 mg/dL 74.0 - 118
A10426 - ..
A10427 - Comments:
A10428 -
A10429 - a. Labcorp did not perform HGBA1c lab
A10430 -
A10431 - b. Ordering Provider: Diana Alba
A10432 - Report Released..: May 14, 2014@11:29
A10433 - Reporting Lab....: SAN FRANCISCO VAMC [CLIA# 05D0988226]
A10434 - 4150 CLEMENT STREET
A10435 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121-1545
A10436 - Performing Lab...: SAN FRANCISCO VAMC [CLIA# 05D0988226]
A10438 - ..
A10439 - This test for diabetes was ordered by Doctor Abrams during a meeting
A10440 - at the San Francisco VA Medical Center on 130227 0930. ref SDS 31 8T5L
A10441 - However, it is not reported for the lab performed the next day on
A10442 - 130228 1140, ref SDS 32 RP4N, nor in the follow up lab 3 months later
A10443 - on 130529 0818. ref SDS 34 RP4N
A10445 - ..
A10446 - HGBA1c was performed previously on 101207 0906, ref SDS 11 IL4N, and 5
A10447 - months earlier on 100721 0800. ref SDS 7 IL4N
A10449 - ..
A10450 - Labcorp test showing LP-IR Score < 25.0, indicating very low risk of
A10451 - diabetes, reported on 140508. ref SDS 55 TU6L
A10453 - ..
A10454 - Glucose 97 near upper range 79 99, Labcorp electrolyte panel last week
A10455 - on 140508, per above, ref SDS 57 ZG5O, indicates potential diabetes
A10456 - risk, but may be elevated by dehydration from statin medication and
A10457 - hiking 22 miles the day before the lab and 11 miles the morning before
A10458 - getting the blood draw, reported on 140508 1133. ref SDS 55 QW6K
A10459 -
A10460 -
A10461 -
A10462 -
A10463 -
A10464 -
A10465 -
A105 -