Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: October 13, 2010 10:39 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Patty letter overwhelmed information overload no time to think.

2...Read Write 90 Email Daily Problem Solving Audit Trail Overwhelming
3...Time Not Enough SDS Audit Trail Well Ordered Record Unnecessary Overkill
4...Well Ordered Record SDS Not Enough Time Unnecessary Email Organizes
5...Information Overload Paralyzes Productivity Not Enough Time to Think
6...Work Mentally Emotionally Draining Intellectual Capital
7...Bible Religion Not Enough Time Cannot Bear Thinking About God
8...Technology Complicated Takes More Time Learn Than Saved
9...SDS Opportunities Multiple Marketing Tracks

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Need example of software churches use along the lines of SDS to


Church Needs Volunteers Expand Membership Body of Christ Serve God S
Email 90 Daily Read Write Computer Email Program Organizes Complex R

1404 -
1404 -    ..
1405 - Summary/Objective
1406 -
140601 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000. ref SDS 13 0000..
140602 -
140603 -
140604 -
140605 -
140607 -  ..
1407 -
1408 -
1409 - Background
1410 -
141001 - On 100903 Patty sent a letter asking about progress with SDS,
141002 - ref SDS 12 MO4V, and also discussed controversy about building an
141003 - Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero in New York. ref SDS 12 NL8I
141005 -  ..
141006 - On 100904 sent a letter to Patty explaining progress with SDS.
141007 - ref SDS 13 X88X  The letter also discussed issue of building a Mosque
141008 - at Ground Zero. ref SDS 13 X84V
141010 -  ..
141011 - On 101010 received letter from Patty passing along request from Pastor
141012 - Rick for people to volunteer helping the church, ref SDS 16 I74H, and
141013 - noting that helping others serves God. ref SDS 16 I57W  Patty also
141014 - asks about current plans and projects. ref SDS 16 I45T
141016 -  ..
141017 - On 101013 2239 received another letter from Patty explaining her daily
141018 - work practice suffers from chronic information overload. ref SDS 0
141019 - S47M
141020 -
141021 -
141022 -
141024 -  ..
1411 -
1412 -
1413 - Progress
1414 -
141401 - Today, Patty sent a letter saying...
141402 -
141403 -    1.  Subject: FW: This and That
141404 -        Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 11:55:52 -0700
141414 -         ..
141415 -    4.  I was able to take a little time to read some of your email
141416 -        below.  I have recently become aware of something for myself
141417 -        that may have some significance (to me) or maybe I have just
141418 -        caught up with others but it is this;
141420 -  ..
141421 - Read Write 90 Email Daily Problem Solving Audit Trail Overwhelming
141422 - Time Not Enough SDS Audit Trail Well Ordered Record Unnecessary Overkill
141423 - Well Ordered Record SDS Not Enough Time Unnecessary Email Organizes
141424 - Information Overload Paralyzes Productivity Not Enough Time to Think
141425 -
141426 -
141427 -        1.  In my daily work, I am reading and problem solving all day
141428 -            long.  I deal with anywhere from 30 to 90 emails a day
141429 -            throughout my work week.  Not only am I reading sentences
141430 -            or a couple paragraphs of information but I then have to
141431 -            take action.  Sometimes this is quick but sometimes other
141432 -            emails are generated or phone calls are made in order to
141433 -            resolve an issue or complete a task.  For me, all of this
141434 -            leaves a paper trail that I can have for my backup if ever
141435 -            needed.
141437 -             ..
141438 -            I depend on my computer to keep my info intact should I
141439 -            ever need to retrieve it at a later date.  The thought of
141440 -            recording my daily activity is overwhelming at minimum.  If
141441 -            I had someone over my shoulder taking notes all day of what
141442 -            was received and how it was resolved I can see how it might
141443 -            be beneficial but for now and for the past 5 yrs in my
141444 -            work, anytime I need to double check if I sent something or
141445 -            said something I look in my email folders.
141447 -  ..
141448 - US Army Corps of Engineers issued a specification for hiring an
141449 - Intelligence Analyst to capture the record of daily work for
141450 - Communication Metrics using SDS to save time and money. ref DRP 4 JK4N
141452 -  ..
141453 - Patty's letter continues...
141454 -
141455 -            I have everything filed by company and in each company file
141456 -            I have subfolders for what I deal with which is; Accounts
141457 -            Payable, Deposits, Payroll, and Reports.  I rarely delete
141458 -            anything work related that comes through my inbox and I
141459 -            archive my emails quarterly and save by year which makes
141460 -            finding things fairly simple.  I wonder if some of my
141461 -            troubles could be what other potential SDS clients may be
141462 -            faced with?  It seems like SDS is a necessary redundancy
141463 -            that nobody has time or patience for? (how's that for a
141464 -            sentence J)
141466 -  ..
141467 - Patty provides excellent analysis of "information overload" paralyzing
141468 - productivity, noted by others in every sector of the economy...
141469 -
141470 -               a.  Economy stalling because people are overwhelmed
141471 -                   performing financial management on foreclosures to
141472 -                   recover from poor management the past 5 years that
141473 -                   turned real estate into a worldwide ponzi scheme
141474 -                   between banks, regulators, real estate agents, and
141475 -                   buyers; nobody has time to maintain a well ordered
141476 -                   record with an audit trail showing links that align
141477 -                   work with objectives, requirements, and commitments,
141478 -                   reported on 101011 1656. ref SDS 17 TV5I
141480 -                    ..
141481 -               b.  Patty's work practice similar to Morris at Chips and
141482 -                   Technologies explained on 890809. ref SDS 1 8812
141484 -                    ..
141485 -               c.  Millie reported nobody can find anything on the
141486 -                   computer at Nixon Peabody, law firm. ref SDS 4 4249
141488 -                    ..
141489 -               d.  Frustrations working with email reported by Eric
141490 -                   Armstrong on 010003, ref SDS 5 EC5N,
141492 -                    ..
141493 -               e.  Millie's doctor at Kaiser reportedly "...still
141494 -                   running around like a chicken with its head cut
141495 -                   off" - reported on 100927 1152. ref SDS 14 H68J
141497 -                    ..
141498 -               f.  Millie's doctor at UCSF too busy to understand
141499 -                   complex case management, because getting 500 email a
141500 -                   day, reported on 081017 0021. ref SDS 7 215I
141502 -                    ..
141503 -               g.  Millie suffered wrongful death because doctors at
141504 -                   Kaiser and UCSF did not have time to communicate by
141505 -                   telephone nor email, reported on 100601 0830.
141506 -                   ref SDS 10 WB6J
141508 -  ..
141509 - Patty's letter continues...
141510 -
141511 -        2.  The last thing I want to do on a weekend is turn on my
141512 -            computer and deal with personal emails or read those "once
141513 -            upon a time" emails/chain letters (those are usually
141514 -            instantly deleted)  I'm kind of bummed that I don't have
141515 -            the patience or sometimes the mental capacity to respond
141516 -            timely to emails from my friends and family.
141517 -
141519 -  ..
141520 - Work Mentally Emotionally Draining Intellectual Capital
141521 -
141522 -
141523 -        3.  One area that this is affecting me is that I can hardly
141524 -            bear to read anything outside of work anymore.  My brain
141525 -            shoots off in a million different directions and it becomes
141526 -            frustrating for me.  Like reading recipe directions, or
141527 -            directions on how to put something together or driving
141528 -            directions - I can't deal with it.  I have to be shown how
141529 -            or have someone talk me through something like tech support
141530 -            for example.  I try to go on to the Microsoft site to learn
141531 -            how to do something but all of the reading just boggles my
141532 -            mind and I find some other work around until I gather the
141533 -            strength to attack the finer points again at a later date.
141534 -            I feel like I have lost my ability to focus on and retain
141535 -            information.  With work, if I don't deal with it instantly
141536 -            then I'm afraid I will forget and something important will
141537 -            not get done.  This has happened before so I try to make
141538 -            adjustments here and there.  One day towards the end of my
141539 -            work day I noticed that I had 8 emails open.  As I clicked
141540 -            on each one and resolved it I got down to the last one and
141541 -            it was the first one I had opened that day.  They needed a
141542 -            response in the morning and it was 6pm before I had gotten
141543 -            back to it.  It wasn't crucial but they had been waiting
141544 -            for me to do my part so they could do their part.  Other
141545 -            things came in and piled on top of one another - I got
141546 -            distracted with other pressing issues etc...  I just feel
141547 -            that this is a daily struggle with work and I can only do
141548 -            my best.  I have to make instant priority decisions all day
141549 -            long.  A good and bad thing.  It takes time to make wise
141550 -            decisions and choices and this is sometimes a luxury that I
141551 -            don't always have.
141553 -  ..
141554 - Patty eloquently explains why "communication is the biggest risk in
141555 - enterprise," echoing POIMS. ref OF 4 IE6L
141557 -  ..
141558 - People suffer "mental burn" out from daily work communicating on the
141559 - job, reported in September on 100831 2013. ref SDS 11 3V4H
141561 -  ..
141562 - Eric Armstrong voiced similar concerns in 2001, saying information
141563 - overload from meetings, calls, and email paralyzes productivity,
141564 - causing emotional truama and frustration on the job, reported, 011003
141565 - 1606, ref SDS 5 EC5N
141567 -  ..
141568 - Peter Drucker, notes in his book "Management, Tasks, Practices,
141569 - Responsibilities" that people have given up trying to improve
141570 - communication because there is not enough time to use good management
141571 - practices, on 931130 0026. ref SDS 2 3851
141573 -  ..
141574 - Eric's worries in 2001, reflect goals set by Vannivar Bush in his
141575 - famous article published in May, 1945 saying future technology
141576 - development can relieve some of the pressures people feel from
141577 - exhaustion dealing with complex communciations on the job, reported on
141578 - 960304 1904. ref SDS 3 L47F
141579 -
141580 -
141581 -
141582 -
141583 -
141584 -
141585 -
1416 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1503 -
150401 -  ..
150402 - Bible Religion Not Enough Time Cannot Bear Thinking About God
150403 -
150404 -
150405 -        4.  My Bible studying.  I used to really enjoy reading my
150406 -            bible.  It is necessary to learn what God has to say to me
150407 -            and for me to learn what he wants me to do with my life and
150408 -            walk through difficult situations either personally or with
150409 -            others.  I can hardly bear that anymore.  We (as Christ
150410 -            followers) are supposed to set a little time aside each day
150411 -            for "quiet time" with God, in prayer and bible reading.
150412 -            Even 5 minutes would be beneficial for me.   Well, a 5
150413 -            minute quiet time for me turns into a frustrated cacophony
150414 -            which really bothers me because I like being at peace
150415 -            (which is what I am when I can have my quiet time) but end
150416 -            up frustrated and dismayed over trying to sit down for some
150417 -            quiet time with God!  It's sad.  I pray that God doesn't
150418 -            shift my workload and remove some of my responsibilities so
150419 -            that I CAN have the quiet time because that could result in
150420 -            lost income but maybe that is what it will take - needless
150421 -            to say, I hope not.  Maybe this is just a time in my life
150422 -            where this is how it is.  I do get plenty of bible study on
150423 -            Monday at my women's group and Tuesday at our small group
150424 -            and Sunday at church and throughout the week with work –
150425 -            being that my work is encompassed by my customers which are
150426 -            all churches I deal with "all things God" during my day so
150427 -            again, maybe things just shifted for me and I should roll
150428 -            with the flow...
150429 -
150430 -
1505 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1603 -
160401 -  ..
160402 - Technology Complicated Takes More Time Learn Than Saved
160403 -
160404 -
160405 -        5.  Just an observation for myself regarding cell and smart
160406 -            phones:  there are so many Apps available on the phones
160407 -            now-a-days and each one promises to do something to free up
160408 -            time and create convenience for your life.  You still have
160409 -            to spend time learning how to use the app and then you have
160410 -            to spend time using the app specific to its purpose i.e.: a
160411 -            daily expense tracker, a mileage tracker, a step tracker, a
160412 -            journal, an expense report that exports your entries to
160413 -            your accounting software, a barcode scanner, diet/food
160414 -            tracker, emotion tracker, Find my car, Google Goggles,
160415 -            coupon shopper, social networking, on and on and on.  All
160416 -            of these take time to learn and then take time to do - most
160417 -            are a waste of time and are fleeting as soon as the next
160418 -            new app comes along.
160420 -         ..
160421 -    5.  I don't know why I numbered my issues J
160422 -
160423 -
160424 -
1605 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1703 -
170401 -  ..
170402 - SDS Opportunities Multiple Marketing Tracks
170403 -
170404 -
170405 -    6.  Anyway, just thinking out loud here - what if there were two
170406 -        types of SDS where one could be for a "Minute Taker" where a
170407 -        secretary or even a company could create a new position
170408 -        specific to managing all SDS activities.
170410 -  ..
170411 - Patty thinking "out loud" brings insight to solve problem of
170412 - information overload by adding a work role to analyze communcations.
170413 - This aligns with experience at US Army Corps of Engineers, who
170414 - proposed this work role. ref DRP 4 7412
170416 -  ..
170417 - Patty's letter continues...
170418 -
170419 -        A physical person responsible for all note taking and diary
170420 -        tracking of daily company activities via a Notebook computer
170421 -        and then an eVersion (electronic version) where SDS could run
170422 -        in the background and automatically record all email
170423 -        correspondence and Word or typewritten activities and put it
170424 -        into SDS format with the various links etc…maybe at the end of
170425 -        the day you could hit a button and it would review key points
170426 -        and then you could do a final voice dictation of some final
170427 -        thoughts or edit some of the specifics with more detail?  In a
170428 -        way though, this reminds me of Google….
170430 -         ..
170431 -    7.  I think SDS would be great for the church but there is already
170432 -        software on the market that provides sufficient monitoring and
170433 -        tracking of individuals in the church - I briefly showed you
170434 -        one before but now although there are many programs available
170435 -        there are 3 top competitors that most of the churches use.
170437 -  ..
170438 - Need example of software churches use along the lines of SDS to
170439 - integrate time and information, explained in POIMS, ref OF 4 5418, so
170440 - that action is aligned with experience, explained in POIMS.
170441 - ref OF 3 2050  Patty mentions in her letter today that she does a lot
170442 - of reading and writing, and is responsible to take action, per above.
170443 - ref SDS 0 QQ6R
170445 -  ..
170446 - Patty's letter continues...
170447 -
170448 -        Also, you mentioned below in the paragraph beginning "SDS is
170449 -        coming along", you mention "the power of knowledge".  It would
170450 -        be good to NOT to use that wording when meeting with church
170451 -        admin unless they are maybe Scientologists.  Christians believe
170452 -        the only power of knowledge necessary is in the bible which is
170453 -        called the word of God - all other knowledge is only
170454 -        information which "evolves" or changes i.e.: theories, current
170455 -        knowledge in medicine, nutrition, finances, politics, space and
170456 -        the universe etc...  Nothing stays the same but God's word.  It
170457 -        is as true today as it was in the beginning and applies to each
170458 -        generation from the beginning to today and through all future
170459 -        generations.  It's based on God's love for us and deals with
170460 -        principles and justice and covers everything from our deepest
170461 -        darkest secrets and motives to the ultimate payment for those
170462 -        selfish desires which was the crucifixion of God's perfect son
170463 -        so that we can spend eternity with God in paradise rather than
170464 -        the alternative of eternity in the worst possible scenario you
170465 -        could begin to imagine.  Thinking of being in a prisoner of war
170466 -        in Cambodia for example is minutiae compared to what is in
170467 -        store for those going to hell.  There's a 50/50 chance that it
170468 -        exists.  I would rather believe there is such a place and be
170469 -        wrong than believe there isn't such a place and be wrong so I
170470 -        believe there is such a place and either way, my life while I
170471 -        live is better as a believer in Jesus Christ than before I
170472 -        believed.  We never know when our time will end.  It could be
170473 -        today.  We only have so much time to make the choice for our
170474 -        eternity and that's all it is - a choice.
170476 -         ..
170477 -    8.  Here are a couple verses for you - you can click the link and
170478 -        read more if you like...
170480 -         ..
170481 -    9.  2 Corinthians 5:17
170482 -
170483 -            Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
170484 -            the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:16-18
170485 -            (in Context)
170487 -         ..
170488 -   10.  Colossians 1:22 (New International Version)
170490 -             ..
170491 -        a.  22/ "But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical
170492 -            body through death to present you holy in his sight,
170493 -            without blemish and free from accusation- Deuteronomy
170494 -            30:15-19 (New Living Translation)
170496 -             ..
170497 -        b.  15/ "Now listen!  Today I am giving you a choice between
170498 -            life and death, between prosperity and disaster. 16/ For I
170499 -            command you this day to love the Lord your God and to keep
170500 -            his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his
170501 -            ways. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the
170502 -            Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to
170503 -            enter and occupy.
170505 -  ..
170506 - Choosing between life and death is an awsome power that flows from
170507 - keeping "commandments" for good management, explained in POIMS.
170508 - ref OF 3 1X6G  Since people cannot keep commandments for good
170509 - management they pray to God for devine intervention to succeed using
170510 - bad managment, also, explianed in POIMS. ref OF 3 YZ4I
170512 -  ..
170513 - Millie's doctor reported "yeomen's work" maintaining a "well ordered
170514 - record" avoided confusion and error that causes information overload
170515 - to overwhelm doctors.  As a result, Millie survived 400% longer than
170516 - others with the same disease, reported on 090725, ref SDS 9 T53W, and
170517 - citing the record on 090325. ref SDS 8 P39M
170519 -  ..
170520 - Patty's letter continues...
170521 -
170522 -        c.  17/ "But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen,
170523 -            and if you are drawn away to serve and worship other gods,
170524 -            18 then I warn you now that you will certainly be
170525 -            destroyed. You will not live a long, good life in the land
170526 -            you are crossing the Jordan to occupy.
170528 -             ..
170529 -        d.  19/ "Today I have given you the choice between life and
170530 -            death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven
170531 -            and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you
170532 -            would choose life, so that you and your descendants might
170533 -            live!
170535 -         ..
170536 -   11.  Proverbs 16:3 (New International Version)
170537 -
170538 -            3/ Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will
170539 -            succeed.
170541 -         ..
170542 -   12.  All for now J
170543 -
170551 -
170552 -
170553 -
170554 -
170555 -
170556 -
170557 -
170558 -
170559 -
170560 -
170561 -
1706 -