Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: August 31, 2010 08:13 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Ross discussing family matters.

2...Daily Work Communicating Persuasively Tiring Ovewhelming

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Richert Park Golf Playing 1st Time after 20 Years Danbury Connecticu

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050506 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Played golf earlier today, reported on, ref SDS 9 FW5G
050902 -
050903 - Claudia fixed a wonderful dinner.
050905 -  ..
050906 - Ross made drinks, and after dinner got caught up on the family.
050908 -  ..
050909 - Wonderful news.
050911 -  ..
050912 - Richard is now a father.  He and Okatu have two boys.  Last time we
050913 - heard from Richard was his letter on 020122 0707. ref SDS 5 QF5N
050915 -  ..
050916 - Apparently, Richard and Okatu separated for a time.  He was working in
050917 - California, and Okatu moved to someplace like Wisconson or Minnesota.
050918 - They eventually reconciled, and started a family.
050920 -  ..
050921 - Sounds like Richard is working as a consultant for the San Francisco
050922 - airport authority to evaluate their preparedness to prevent terrorst
050923 - bombings and respond to threats.
050924 -
050925 -
0510 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0603 -
060401 -  ..
060402 - Nina has taken up nitting.  She got a degree in engineering and was
060403 - successful in this field.  Nina met Tom on a cross-country flight.
060404 - Recall Nina mentioning at the memorial for Lucille, that she was
060405 - working at HP, reported on 930825 1000, ref SDS 3 OD6S
060407 -  ..
060408 - Nina suffered severe allergeric reaction to soy, during a visit with
060409 - Ross and Claudia, within the past 10 years.  Not sure, could have
060410 - been more recent.
060412 -  ..
060413 - Claudia took Nina to a pharmacy to get medication because Nina was not
060414 - feeling well.  While at the pharmacy, Nina's symptoms worsened
060415 - quickly, and so Claudia took her to the emergency room.
060417 -  ..
060418 - Back in California, Nina saw a doctor and was diagnosed with an
060419 - allergy to soy.
060421 -  ..
060422 - This is very difficult because soy is an additive in a great many
060423 - commercial foods, including at restaraunts.
060424 -
060432 -
060433 -
060434 -
0605 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0703 -
070401 -  ..
070402 - Daily Work Communicating Persuasively Tiring Ovewhelming
070403 -
070404 - Ross seemed to say today, that his work communicating with customers
070405 - and with colleagues on the job is emotionally and intellectually
070406 - stressful, and exhausting.  He therefore does not like to expend
070407 - effort on analysis and complex communication outside of work, at least
070408 - in the same degree, because he is "burned out" after work, and just
070409 - wants to relax.  As a result, Ross expressed great reluctance to
070410 - discuss SDS and associated ideas, objectives, planning.
070411 -
070412 -            [On 101013 2239 Kath's daughter, Patty, makes this point
070413 -            exhaustively. ref SDS 14 QQ7R
070415 -  ..
070416 - Ross then asked about SDS development and marketing prospects, which
070417 - seems conflicting with his initial reluctnce, and so presents a
070418 - certain schizophrenia on the issue, dating to the telecon on 890809
070419 - 2103. ref SDS 1 LQ5O
070421 -  ..
070422 - Why?
070424 -  ..
070425 - SDS support for augmenting intelligence has proven difficult for folks
070426 - to grasp becaujse intelligence works on "automatic pilot." People
070427 - don't have to think about how intelligence works, because it occurs
070428 - innately, explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 UN3L  Therefore, without
070429 - experience considering the issues, they seem overwhelming, foreign,
070430 - and odd.  At the same time, however, people are drawn and intrigued by
070431 - the prospect that intelligence can be aided, and in some cases are
070432 - impressed by SDS work product.  Coping with competing mental states
070433 - becomes emotionally exhausting, illustrated by the call with Morris on
070434 - 920215 1009. ref SDS 2 5820  Andy Grove makes a similar point in his
070435 - book "Only the Paranoid Survive," recounting experience as CEO guiding
070436 - Intel through transformation from manufacturing memory chips to
070437 - microprocessors, reported on 980307 1614. ref SDS 4 2648
070439 -  ..
070440 - Ross suggested selling SDS as diary programs for different situations,
070441 - e.g., personal diary, a doctor's diary, the engineer's diary, the
070442 - executive diary.
070443 -
070444 -
070445 -
070446 -
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070449 -
070450 -
070451 -
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070454 -
0705 -