440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 11, 2002 04:31 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Greg Oxton with CSI asks about Volitional Partners.


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0201 - Constorium for Service Innovation    650 261 9200
020101 - Mr. Greg Oxton; Executive Director =650 261 9200
020102 -
020103 - Executive Office

Initial Inquiry about SDS
Volitional Partners
CSI Consortium for Service Innovation Greg Oxton Inquires About SDS C
SDS Inquiry About Volitional Partners Found SDS Records Interesting
Constorium for Service Innovation CSI Greg Oxton Call Centers Technic
Define KM Leadership, TQM, AI, Project Management Social People Skill
Initial Inquiry

2209 -    ..
2210 - Summary/Objective
2211 -
221101 - Follow up ref SDS 87 0000, ref SDS 85 0000.
221102 -
221103 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Greg Oxton giving notice of seemingly
221104 - confidential information he found on the Internet that relates to
221105 - Volitional Partners in the record for 020629. ref SDS 83 0001
221106 -
221107 -  ..
221108 - Greg says that the record reads like an internal document or call log
221109 - and he is asking if we are aware that the record is available to the
221110 - world??
221111 -
221112 -      [On 021030 called Greg about SDS and POIMS. ref SDS 96 0001
221113 -
221114 -  ..
221115 - The fact that Greg provided a link to the original source is a helpful
221116 - advance toward a culture of knowledge, as discussed in the record on
221117 - 020726. ref SDS 87 TV9K
221118 -
221119 -
221120 -  ..
221121 - Research on Greg's organization shows...
221122 -
221123 -
221124 -
221125 -    1.  Greg is the executive director of CSI.
221126 -
221127 -        He worked at IBM for 16 years, and has a lot of background in
221128 -        service related work.
221129 -
221130 -         ..
221131 -    2.  Constorium for Service Innovation (CSI) seems to be a
221132 -        professional organization to promote technical support provided
221133 -        by call centers, which is described as "knowledge" work.  Greg
221134 -        managed the spin off of CSI from Primus in 1997.
221135 -
221136 -      ..
221137 -     [On 030103 Greg explained experience using Primus for KM.
221138 -     ref SDS 97 O969
221139 -
221140 -  ..
221141 - Membership includes...
221142 -
221143 -      Microsoft                Kanisa
221144 -      Oracle                   AT&T
221145 -      Hewlett Packark          Xerox
221146 -      Cisco                    Novell
221147 -      Primus
221148 -
221149 -  ..
221150 - These are all organizations that sell or provide technical support on
221151 - the telephone and use a "knowledge base" which evolves from and is
221152 - used for "call center" work.  An example is Kanisa, reviewed on
221153 - 020331. ref SDS 73 526F
221154 -
221155 -  ..
221156 - We tried on 020321 getting Mark Clare to investigate cost benefits of
221157 - adding intelligence to management, ref SDS 73 IX6I, based on review of
221158 - Mark's book on calculating ROI for improving efficiency of call
221159 - centers, reported the next day on 020322. ref SDS 74 TI6M  It appeared
221160 - that Mark's ideas might have application to the broader field of
221161 - knowledge management, also, noted on 020322. ref SDS 74 T590
221162 -
221163 -  ..
221164 - On 020329 Mark expressed some interest in tackling this matter,
221165 - ref SDS 75 0001, but later retreated, ref SDS 79 0001, and ultimately
221166 - was unwilling to contribute.
221167 -
221168 -  ..
221169 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 thanking Greg for his letter expressing
221170 - favorable interest in SDS records, and for taking the time to provide
221171 - assistance to alert that a confidential record may have been placed on
221172 - the Internet. ref DRT 1 0001
221173 -
221174 -      [On 021030 called Greg to follow up. ref SDS 96 0001
221175 -
221176 -  ..
221177 - Explain that confidential and sensitive information is redacted.
221178 - ref DIT 1 LE6N
221179 -
221180 -       What you saw provides common understanding among affected
221181 -       parties that strengthens listening, so that errors do not creep
221182 -       into organizational memory from retelling that occurs in
221183 -       stream-of-conscious communication like calls, meetings and
221184 -       email. ref DIT 1 QF7I  Mistakes due to "meaning drift" are
221185 -       reduced, and this saves time and money, as related in POIMS.
221186 -       ref OF 1 049O
221187 -
221188 -        ..
221189 -       The concept of using technology to improve communication,
221190 -       ref DIT 1 OS8K, was discussed at Intel on 950927. ref SDS 13
221191 -       2867
221192 -
221193 -        ..
221194 -       Putting records of work history on the Internet helps solve
221195 -       common problems, like going to the doctor, fixing the car,
221196 -       mowing lawn, doing a lawsuit, conducting a meeting, designing a
221197 -       bridge, etc., all have common elements which can aid continual
221198 -       learning. ref DIT 1 8V9I  Examples solving big problems, and
221199 -       solving small problems so they don't get big, are reported on
221200 -       020708. ref SDS 84 MZ6O
221201 -
221202 -        ..
221203 -       The US Army Corps of Engineers reported Communication Metrics
221204 -       supported by SDS adds value to "lessons learned," ref DRP 3
221205 -       3156, so, again, I am glad you found the record was useful,
221206 -       adding weight to findings by the government. ref DIT 1 HK4I
221207 -
221208 -
221209 -
221210 -
221211 -
221212 -
221213 -
221214 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"