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1...What is an "opinion" in this context?
Nexist OHS Project, Jack Park
OHS Inspires Nexist, Jack Clarifies Nexist Not OHS Project
Nexist OHS Suported by Submission JTMS on Jack's Website
Nexist Web Site for OHS Shows Initial Screens Architecture Hosted by
OHS Jack Park is Not Doing OHS Project at SourceForge, He is Doing Ne
Nexist Jack Not Doing OHS Project He is Doing Nexist
1708 - ..
1709 - Summary/Objective
1710 -
171001 - Follow up ref SDS 39 0000, ref SDS 32 0000.
171002 -
171003 - Jack explains that Nexist is an OHS-like project. OHS will improve
171004 - through facilitated evolution. Consideration is needed for creating a
171005 - strong underlying technology that enables evolutionary growth for OHS
171006 - and other technologies. Jack explains AI methods that may generate
171007 - opinions that improve human performance. ref SDS 0 MK4J
171008 -
171009 - [On 010824 Jack submits concerns about maintaining capability for
171010 - scientific research. ref SDS 40 0001
171011 -
171012 - [On 010828 Jack submits analysis that fear of accountability
171013 - impedes effective communication. ref SDS 41 0001
171014 -
171015 -
171016 -
171017 -
1711 -
1712 -
1713 - Progress
1714 -
171401 - ..
171402 - Nexist Testing Designs for OHS-like Project, Not an OHS Project
171403 -
171404 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jack commenting on the letter to Jiri
171405 - ref DIP 1 0001, linked to the record on 010821 answering Jiri's letter
171406 - asking for information on SDS and OHS. ref SDS 39 F45F
171407 -
171408 - A copy of ref DIP 1 0001 was sent to Jack, and so Jack is responding
171409 - to that copy. Jack says in part....
171410 -
171411 - I'm NOT doing an OHS project at sourceforge. It's called Nexist
171412 - -- used to be called jpOHS, but any use of the acronym OHS is to
171413 - be avoided until OHS itself is constructed, and that will be
171414 - under the guidance of Douglas Engelbart one way or another.
171415 - Nexist is an engineering prototype platform intended to test
171416 - various approaches to the design and implementation of
171417 - OHS/DKR-like projects. Perhaps some of the code in Nexist will
171418 - find its way into an OHS, but that's for the future. ref DRT 1
171419 - 0001
171420 -
171421 -
171422 - As a result of Jack's clarification, entered this information in the
171423 - record o 010820. ref SDS 39 W64O
171424 -
171425 -
171426 -
171427 -
171428 -
1715 -
Stable Tech Enables Productivity Occurs Over Weeks Years So People Ca
OHS Evolve Co-evolve Strategy to Continually Improve, Jack Park
Strategy OHS Design Evolve Co-evolve to Continually Improve, Jack Par
Culture of Knowledge Transition from Information Learn New Terms
Work Role New Needed for Knowledge Management
Com Manager New Work Role Culture of Knowledge Education Co-evolves
Education Change Paradigm to Continual Learning Discovery Making Conn
Culture of Knowledge Paradigm Shift Knowledge Different from Informat
Culture Knowledge Transition from Information Culture
3912 -
391201 - ..
391202 - Technology Evolves Based on Stable Ingredients
391203 - SDS New Base for Growing Knowledge Rather than Information
391204 -
391205 -
391206 - Jack continues....
391207 -
391208 - OHS will be the product of an evolutionary design process, and
391209 - capable of evolving continuously as its users, environment, and
391210 - so forth, themselves, evolve. This is called co-evolution. Doug
391211 - likes to refer to it as "facilitated evolution" because, unlike
391212 - pure Darwinian evolution, there are, indeed, guiding hands at
391213 - work. Biologists have been using the term "directed evolution"
391214 - for some time now when they construct molecules for medicinal
391215 - purposes and play a role in selection of those molecules that do
391216 - best during testing. ref DRT 1 P67L
391217 -
391218 - Does this mean DKR has been dropped?
391219 -
391220 - There has not been any discussion about DKR in recent months.
391221 -
391222 - All products result from evolutionary design. Co-evolution is endemic
391223 - to life. People evolve with other plants and animals. Families evolve
391224 - with other people. Buildings evolve with the people who use them for
391225 - different purposes over time. Machines evolve with different parts
391226 - being added and improved. Humans can intercede in some aspects of
391227 - evolution, and much is random chance.
391228 -
391229 - Co-evolution of technology along with education for a culture of
391230 - knowledge that creates new work role to implement KM was proposed in a
391231 - letter on 000920 to the OHS/DKR team. ref SDS 12 DH5K On 000922 Jack
391232 - seemed to concur. ref SDS 13 W93D Doug's OHS Launch Plan issued on
391233 - 001025 supports co-evolution of a new work role. ref SDS 15 C9WP
391234 -
391235 - Background on efforts to co-evolve education is in the record on
391236 - 010811. ref SDS 38 R36K
391237 -
391238 - Moreover, evolution occurs in stops and starts based on finding
391239 - stable, successful combinations of ingredients. "Ingredients" have
391240 - varying degrees of stability over time. Atoms and molecules are the
391241 - ingredients of life that evolve in different combinations to yield
391242 - different life forms with stable designs, e.g., human life.
391243 -
391244 - Thus, evolution is endemic to life. It cannot be avoided, only
391245 - facilitated. The aim should be to formulate a combination of
391246 - ingredients that is useful to human biology for a long time span.
391247 -
391248 -
391249 - Issues are "pace" and "ends" based on stable building blocks.....
391250 -
391251 - The "end" Doug proposes is a whole new way of thinking and working
391252 - to meet the challenge of expanding complexity from a faster paced
391253 - world, reviewed on 991222. ref SDS 6 3696
391254 -
391255 - SDS enables a new way of working explained in POIMS....
391256 -
391257 - Invest intellectual capital..................... ref OF 1 8951
391258 - Integrate plan, perform, report................. ref OF 1 1104
391259 - Add "intelligence" to information............... ref OF 1 14GE
391260 - Improve communication with better listening..... ref OF 1 3742
391261 - Continual learning from continuous case studies. ref OF 1 7T9I
391262 -
391263 - The record on 001219 lists steps for a new way of working that is
391264 - different from tasks people perform using IT for knowledge work.
391265 - These new steps strengthen "intelligence," ref SDS 20 QT6F, cited
391266 - in a recent report from DNRC on 010725, ref SDS 37 WJ7L, and
391267 - previously explained in a report by USACE. ref DRP 5 6172
391268 -
391269 -
391270 - ..
391271 - Culture of Knowledge Needs Stability for New Way of Working
391272 -
391273 - If evolution occurs too quickly, then no benefit is derived
391274 - because there isn't enough time to implement anything to discover
391275 - usefulness, with the result that productivity is not improved, per
391276 - telecon with Doug Engelbart on 000327. ref SDS 7 8484
391277 -
391278 - Alphabet technology is the underlying foundation for information
391279 - to leverage mental biology in growing civilization. A stable
391280 - foundation enabled evolution to accelerate civilization for 2,000
391281 - years, reported 991108. ref SDS 5 0844 Information technology
391282 - culminates this evolution with information overload that impairs
391283 - human mental biology, causing enterprise to implode, see NWO.
391284 - ref OF 2 4925, because the pace of daily work is no longer well
391285 - suited for traditional literacy. ref OF 2 2082 IT has created a
391286 - world where too many people are having too many problems, causing
391287 - productivity, earnings and stock prices to fall, reported on
391288 - 001207. ref SDS 18 V54M See analysis on 950927 showing Internet
391289 - "bought another round at the bar" of IT. ref SDS 2 464N
391290 -
391291 - Moving forward with a new wave of evolution that Doug and others
391292 - want requires moving beyond the limits of IT with a new paradigm:
391293 - a culture of knowledge, see POIMS. ref OF 1 JE6L and ref OF 1 K84L
391294 - This takes a stronger foundation than alphabet technology. SDS
391295 - improves alphabet technology by integrating time with information,
391296 - so that people can think and work from a higher plane of
391297 - "knowledge" rather than from the present plane of "information
391298 - technology," as explained in NWO. ref OF 2 23UN
391299 -
391300 - Like the transition from orality to literacy, reviewed on 991108,
391301 - SDS doesn't mean that IT goes away. ref SDS 5 4788 SDS provides a
391302 - lever that makes IT and other technologies more powerful, see NWO.
391303 - ref OF 2 5654 How can we establish a stabile public utility for
391304 - knowledge, as the alphabet has done for information? see also on
391305 - 991108, ref SDS 5 OU9O
391306 -
391307 - People are willing to work hard, but are not willing to change
391308 - their way of working regularly. So, if we are going to provide a
391309 - new way of thinking and working, then it needs to be well thought
391310 - out and tested to ensure that once adopted it can be relied upon
391311 - for thousands of years, like alphabet technology.
391312 -
391313 -
391314 -
391315 -
391316 -
391317 -
391318 -
3914 -
AI Architecture Human Thought Missing Unable to Develop KM, 010411
Design KM Industry Doesn't Know How
AI Black Box Engine Mechanized Knowledge False Dangerous Idea 2 Group
AI Web Software Engineers Moved to KM with TQM Project Management Ora
Opinions Cause Effect Knowledge Intelligence AI Engine Improves Human
AI Fails Intelligence Knowledge Too Complex
AI Engineers Design Personal Biases into Tools that Hamper Users
Opinion Links Cause Effect Understanding History Causation
5811 -
581101 - ..
581102 - Opinion May be Knowledge, Belief Cause and Effect
581103 - Knowledge Requires Needs Values Objectives - Ontology
581104 - Chronology Cause Effect Useful Knowledge Improves Human Performance
581105 -
581106 - Jack continues....
581107 -
581108 - ...opinions (formulated by technology, e.g., AI processing
581109 - proposed by Jack in the record on 001025, ref SDS 15 LR6N)
581110 - coupled with enhanced memory capability as evidenced in the SDS
581111 - records, are the means by which the human performance is
581112 - enhanced. ref DRT 1 TB8K
581113 -
581114 - This aligns with Doug Engelbart's objective to augment human
581115 - performance for handling complex problems, reported on 001114.
581116 - ref SDS 16 SU3L
581117 -
581118 - On 001220 research submitted by Paul Fernhout indicates that bias
581119 - impacts AI software that strives to enhance human performance.
581120 - ref SDS 21 J56G This is a common ingredient of "opinions," which
581121 - are common knowledge among opinion consumers, and so permits
581122 - rational consideration for adjustment to align with personal biases.
581123 - Would biases in opinions formed by AI capability be equally evident,
581124 - so that appropriate adustment could be considered?
581125 -
581126 - What is an "opinion" in this context?
581127 -
581128 - "Opinions" could encompass knowledge of cause and effect, which
581129 - reflects human experience. Opinions project understanding of cause
581130 - and effect to propose future action based on past experience. People
581131 - form "opinions" from impressions in the subconscous mind about
581132 - patterns of chronologies for events bounded by common subject context.
581133 - Jack's letter on 000623 proposed an "engine" to process the record.
581134 - ref SDS 11 2915
581135 -
581136 - Historians aid opinion makers by capturing accurate records of events
581137 - showing cause and effect.
581138 -
581139 - "Opinion" determins links between references in SDS records, in a
581140 - bibliography, a legal brief, or merely citing a report or an article
581141 - in correspondence.
581142 -
581143 - The letter yesterday asked how "references" are determined in SDS?
581144 - ref SDS 39 S18K Opinions are belief in rules or paradigms from
581145 - understanding chronology of cause and effect based on subject context.
581146 - We would not create a link, if there was not an opinion that another
581147 - matter was related. The most notable relationship is causal, either
581148 - weak or strong. Thus, links are "opinions" about causation.
581149 -
581150 - On 001130 Jack proposed improving SDS by creating links and
581151 - constructing subjects automatically. ref SDS 17 0001 At that time, a
581152 - number of variables for automatic linking were identified. ref SDS 17
581153 - VZ4G
581154 -
581155 -
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