440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 7, 1997 08:16 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Meeting with Bill Benkavitch on Richmond Scope of Services.


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Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
Communication Metrics
Construction Services Branch, Sausalito
Benkevich, Bill

0806 -    ..
0807 - Subject/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 12 line 57, ref SDS 8 line 72, r
080802 - line 73, ref SDS 5 line 80, ref SDS 4 line 79, /08/00101/02/97/03/11/100054.H
ref 080803 - SDS 1 line 83.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           >
080804 -
080805 - Gave Bill more backgound on COE contract status, including some work
080806 - product prepared for marketing efforts.
080807 -
080808 -
080809 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Discussion
0812 -
081201 - We discussed his letter ref DRP 6 line 21.  He said there is another
081202 - round of downsizing occurring in the Navy and so many of his former
081203 - colleagues who got assignments in San Diego are being let go.
081204 -
081205 - I gave Bill a copy of the COE report on Communication Metrics, ref DRP
081206 - 4 line 26.  Bill noted that Communication Metrics is a powerful new
081207 - business process.  He likes the simplicity of explaining it as a means
081208 - to provide "intelligence" that adds value to information, people and
081209 - organizations, per my letter to Bill yesterday, ref DIP 7 line 42.
081210 -
081211 - I explained further backgound on status of Welch obtaining a contract
081212 - with COE for Communication Metrics, to supplement my letter yesterday,
081213 - ref DIP 7 line 24.  We reviewed my discussion with Tom Keesling at ref
081214 - SDS 11 line 102.
081215 -
081216 - I gave Bill a copy of the draft memo to DE from Tom Keesling on a CBD
081217 - procurement for Communication Metrics, ref OF 1 line 21, prepared at
081218 - ref SDS 9 line 83, and discussed at ref SDS 10 line 149, and again
081219 - yesterday at ref SDS 11 line 111.
081220 -
081221 - I provided a copy of the organizaton charts for the Construction
081222 - Services Branch, showing Bill as a Communication Agent, ref OF 9 line
081223 - 10.  Also gave him the organization chart for the Luster contract on
081224 - the Richmond project showing contract lines with the Welch company. We
081225 - discussed briefly how Max Blodgett and Tom Keesling can use the
081226 - organization chart to explain the added management strength for
081227 - Richmond to solve problems on Oakland and to implement RMS.
081228 -
081229 - I gave Bill a set of the Construction Launch Schedule for Richmond
081230 - with the WBS.  Actually, I really did not need to give Bill the
081231 - schedule on Richmond, because it is Appendix E of the Communication
081232 - Metrics report.
081233 -
081234 - I explained the correlation of Task Order 1, ref OF 5 line 20, and
081235 - Task Order 2, ref OF 7 line 19.  We discussed Tom Keesling's plan to
081236 - facilitate a checkpoint meeting between Welch and Luster after the
081237 - audit is finalized on Luster, ref SDS 11 line 143.
081238 -
081239 - Bill said he has taken a part time assignment as a chauffer.  He gets
081240 - assignments in the afternoon to drive people.  I explained having
081241 - considered taking such an assignment.  Bill said he feels my work on
081242 - Communication Metrics is too important and nobody else can do it.  If
081243 - I don't do it the work will not move forward.
081244 -
081245 - I will keep him informed on COE status.
081246 -
081247 -
081248 -
081249 -
0813 -