TASK ORDER 1 RICHMOND HARBOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Architect-Engineer, hereinafter referred to as A-E, shall provide Contract Administration support on the Richmond Harbor Deepening Project, hereinafter the "project" or "contract," referring to the requirements for performing construction dredging by a General Contractor. A-E shall (1) provide continuous inspection services for Quality Assurance support; and, (2) provide continuous support of the "Resident Management System" (RMS) for Construction Management. The Government will provide a "Lead Quality Assurance Inspector" or "Project Engineer" who will interface directly with the A-E in performing the work under this Task.

Inspection work shall provide strict enforcement of the dredging construction contract plans and specifications including related disposal work and survey inspections, as prescribed in Requirements paragraph 3b.

Construction Management work shall provide assistance to the Project Engineer in implementing RMS through planning and daily use of RMS at the Project Office, as prescribed in Requirements paragraph 3c, including use of parallel conventional methods necessary to adequately support progress of construction work, and as prescribed in paragraph 3c(6).

The A-E shall furnish all necessary personnel, facilities, furnishings, and equipment, including safety equipment (PFD, shoes, hard hats, etc), radios, drafting, computers, scanning, copying and reproduction, plus materials, supplies, stenographic services and transportation (except the Contractor will provide crew boat transportation between the dock and the dredge, as prescribed in paragraph 2d) to perform all Quality Assurance and Construction Management work prescribed herein.

The A-E shall prepare and make timely distribution of information according to the schedules stated herein, including Requirements under paragraph 3a(13) and Reports paragraph 5f, and shall maintain such information in an appropriate manner, as directed by the Contracting Officer.

The Corps of Engineers shall assign technically qualified management personnel to work directly with the A-E to accomplish the work required under this scope of services. Government personnel assigned to the project shall meet with the A-E at regular intervals during the work to review progress and provide guidance in accomplishing this work to include report format, photographs, videographics computer monitoring applications, etc. Any comments, guidance, or basic instructions by authorized government personnel directing the A-E in performing the work shall clarify the basic services required by this work order and not release the A-E from performing all work required under this Task Order. Any formal changes to this Task Order will be issued by a change order.

2. LOCATION OF WORK: The project is located in the Richmond Harbor, Contra Costa County, California. Disposal sites contemplated are the EPA designated ocean disposal site and an upland disposal site. The Government will provide a Project Office in the City of Richmond staffed by a Project Engineer.

a. A-E shall locate a dedicated project office in facilities adjoining the Government Project Office to permit daily direction, reporting and interaction between A-E Project Manager and the Project Engineer.

b. Inspection services shall be carried out at the physical location of dredging construction, principally on the floating equipment and boats furnished by the Contractor to perform the work.

c. Remote Areas: Inspection services may be required to be performed in remote areas such as the previously mentioned disposal sites.

d. Travel: The Contractor shall transport A-E personnel at regularly designated shift changes via crew boat to and from the dredging and disposal operations, including all locations requiring boat access to perform appropriate A-E services. Adequate parking and security of parked vehicles, and boarding facilities at the shoreline will be provided by the Contractor. Except as may otherwise be provided in this contract, all other travel will be at the A-E's expense to be compensated as part of A-E's contract payment rates.


a. The A-E shall provide one individual Project Manager (exclusive to this project) who has overall responsibility for A-E inspection operations and RMS support for Construction Management, and shall be assigned as prescribed under checkpoint 1 Schedule of Services paragraph 5a, and qualified according to Personnel paragraph 8b(2).

b. The A-E shall furnish comprehensive inspection services to support Quality Assurance under the Project Engineer, as follows:

(1) General (a) 24-hour-a-day inspection of dredge operations (QA Inspector II) for weekend work.

(b) Night differential (either graveshift or swing shift) during the week (QA Inspector II).

(c) The Government shall notify the A-E of all changes in inspection procedures under this scope of services.

(d) A-E's reports specified herein, including Schedule of Services paragraph 5f, shall be provided in a manner compatible to RMS, as prescribed in the joint Automation plan submitted under checkpoint 4 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5d(3).

(2) Workspace aboard dredging equipment will be provided for A-E inspector(s). Sleeping quarters will not be provided.

(3) The A-E inspector shall be responsible to assure continuous construction and safety compliance by the dredging contractor, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." The A-E inspector shall be responsible to monitor the Government's dredge monitoring system (Dredge Data Logging System (DDLS)) and to verify dredge parameters by manual means, if the monitoring system fails with no gaps in coverage of greater than 24 hours of operation. Two days of training pertaining to the DDLS shall be provided by the Government for all personnel working under this contract. All dredge inspectors for all shifts, project manager and disposal inspectors shall attend the training.

(4) The A-E inspector(s) shall verify that the Contractor's Multiple Load Data Sheet (Eng Form 27C, attachment no. 1) is complete and accurate and shall prepare the Daily Construction Inspection Report (SPD Form 9, attachment no. 2) and Daily Report of Operations-Hopper Dredges (Eng Form 27A, attachment no. 3). The A-E inspector(s) shall also maintain a written Log of Events, on an approved format, providing discussions with the Contractor, Contractor's personnel, Government representatives and others that pertain to contractual matters. The log of events shall be completed by end of each shift and submitted (two copies) to the Government representatives with the Contractor's reports within 24 hours of shift completion.

(5) A Summary Report of the Contractor's dredging work for each 30 day period of the contract shall be provided as prescribed under checkpoint 11 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5f(6).

(6) The A-E Project Manager(s) shall have checkpoint Progress Review meetings with the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) as required (minimum of one per week), and as prescribed in Schedule of Services paragraph 5c.

(7) The A-E inspector(s) shall act and perform duties in a professional and ethical manner. The A-E inspector(s) shall avoid any activities which may interfere, or give the appearance of being incompatible with the discharge of official duties and responsibilities. Normal work shifts should include lunch breaks and morning and afternoon breaks. Contract infractions shall be reported immediately to the Contracting Officer or representative (COR) to allow timely enforcement by the Government, and shall be entered in the daily inspection reports prescribed in checkpoint 6 under Schedule of Services paragraph 5f(1), stating the date, time and location of observance, the contract provision and Contractor personnel involved, and time and name of the COR notified.

(8) Supplemental inspections may be required. The "Dredging Inspector's Inspection Guide" (attachment no. 4) is to be used in conjunction with the scope of services. In case of conflict, the scope of services shall govern.

(9) The A-E inspector(s) shall be familiar with Corps' Safety Manual EM 385-1-1 and adhere to the general provisions pertaining to safety and accident prevention established for Corps' dredging projects and for their own operations. Any safety violation observed shall be reported to the Contractor and the COR. Serious violations affecting life and limb shall be immediately reported to the Contractor's Superintendent and Contracting Officer or COR. All safety violations shall be written into the safety report prescribed in checkpoint 9 under Schedule of Services paragraph 5f(4), stating the date, time and location of observance, applicable safety authority and Contractor personnel involved, and time and name of the COR notified. The A-E inspector shall attend all contractor safety meetings and weekly contractor tool box meetings, and shall report the results thereof, as prescribed under checkpoint 9.

(10) The A-E shall submit a comprehensive dredging Quality Assurance plan to accomplish this scope of services, as called for under checkpoint 2 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5b(1).

(11) The A-E shall submit it's Safety Plan for employees working under this contract showing conformance with Technical Specifications in paragraph 9, and as prescribed under checkpoint 2 Schedule of Services paragraph 5b(3), and shall provide safety training for inspectors on all aspects of the work, as prescribed under Personnel paragraph 8c(2)(b).

(12) Attendance by A-E management and inspectors at the contract pre-construction conference is mandatory, as prescribed by checkpoint 5 in Schedule of Services, paragraph 5e.

(13) Duties of the A-E Project Manager/QA/QC Manager shall include office engineering functions and plotting of survey information. The QA/QC Manager shall check the final plotted cross sections and quantity computations for accuracy and completeness in accordance with Corps of Engineers Survey Manual EM 1110-2-1003, 31 Oct 94. A-E inspection services under this provision shall provide and maintain information in the manner required for use in RMS and as prescribed under checkpoint 4 in the Schedule of Services paragraph 5d(3), and Reports paragraph 5f.

(14) The A-E will be responsible for maintaining, on a daily basis, all as-built drawings throughout the contract period. If parts of the project are accepted in segments, these as-builts will be included in the Daily Construction Inspection reports required by paragraph 5f(1)(b).

c. The A-E shall assist the Government in implementing on the Richmond project an automated system called the Resident Management System (RMS) which will be transitioned into use for the San Francisco District during 1997. The District program covers the following systems:

CEFMS PROMIS RMS Open Plan Open Plan is a software program for CPM scheduling, and shall be used by the A-E for planning specified herein. The A-E shall assist the Project Engineer in using Open Plan to evaluate the dredging contractor's schedule, including updates during the course of construction.

CEFMS and PROMIS are financial and project management systems. These systems will interface with the Richmond project through RMS which will be used for Construction Management at the project site. RMS generally entails daily business forms, check lists of reports and tasks, and electronic storage and transmission to support Corps of Engineers Contract Administration, including Construction Management. These systems will be phased into Contract Administration of the Richmond project under a District- wide plan being managed by San Francisco District Headquarters.

The A-E's Project Manager shall assist the Project Engineer in providing input for the District implementation plan based on needs, practices and requirements at the Project Office, that will support District planning of the sequence, pace and level of effort needed for converting to these automated systems and ensure the quality of Construction Management is maintained on the Richmond project. The A-E shall further:

(1) Review Corps of Engineers Construction Contract Administration (CCA) Guide for FY 97, review District and Construction Services Branch practices, and the requirements of the contract for construction dredging. Develop a needs and information/report flow assessment for performing Construction Management on the project.

(2) Review in conjunction with the Project Engineer the RMS capability based on literature and input from the Corps of Engineers management team responsible for implementing RMS in the San Francisco District. A-E shall travel and support field trips to locations where RMS is presently being used, to research implementation planning, as directed by the Contracting Officer.

(3) Assist the Project Engineer in preparing plans to use RMS based on the work under (1) and (2), above, as prescribed under checkpoint 4 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5d. Planning shall include hardware and software configurations, interfaces with Corps of Engineers systems, staffing and work flow for daily Construction Management (e.g., CCA Guide Chapter 4 Section 3), including correspondence, submittal, RFP and Claims management, and shall evaluate the need for phasing use of RMS modules and capabilities in order to maintain normal progress of construction work. Plans shall include risk assessment of impact to project performance, and proposals to minimize high impact risks (e.g., redundant procedures using conventional means in parallel with RMS processes that have not been fully tested.)

(4) Integrate CDCS specified in Task Order 2 under Requirements paragraph 3a, into the RMS implementation plan prescribed by paragraph (3) above, including inspection reporting under paragraph 3a above, so that a comprehensive project record is maintained in the electronic diary produced by the A-E under Task Order 2.

(5) Assist the Project Engineer in presenting and revising the RMS implementation plan for the Richmond project based on input by the District and Construction Services Branch.

(6) Assist the Project Engineer in implementing the approved plan for using RMS, and CDCS specified in Task Order 2, to perform daily Construction Management. The Project Engineer will direct the work. It is intended and expected that RMS can support this effort in managing daily reports submitted by the contractor and for inspections. The A-E shall support use of RMS according to its design objective, and to avoid delays and impacts by failures, "glitches" or other problems that can be expected during transition to a new system, and A-E shall report same for correction and improvement, in the Monthly Summary Report under checkpoint 11 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5f(6). The A-E shall assist the Project Engineer in maintaining such parallel conventional records as are necessary and prudent to keep pace with the daily flow of work while also using RMS.

(7) The Government will provide all equipment and software required its use in the Project Office. The A-E will provide support in configuring an effective, reliable business system to perform RMS, based on the approved implementation plan under paragraph (3), above.

d. Summary of Deliverables: The following is a summary listing of the primary deliverables specified herein:

Deliverable Paragraph Due/Frequency ----------- --------- ------------- Management Plan 5b(1) 10 Days From Award (DFA) Personnel Resumes 5b(2) 10 DFA Assignment of Project Manager 7e(1) 10 DFA Quality Assurance Plan 3b(10) 10 DFA Safety Plan 3b(11) 10 DFA CM Requirements Report 5d(1) 15 DFA RMS Assessment Report 5d(2) 15 DFA Joint Automation Plan 5d(3) 15 DFA Inspection Reports 5f(1) Daily As-Built Drawings 3b(14) As Required Safety Reports 5f(4) Weekly, As Required Labor Exposure Report 5f(5) Monthly Monthly Summary Report 5f(6) Monthly RMS Data Base 3c(6) Daily COE Conventional Records 3c(6) Daily RMS Status Report 5f(6) Monthly Completion Report 5f(7) 10 WD after completion (or for completed segments as requested by CO) 4. PERIOD OF SERVICES: The A-E shall perform the requirements specified herein commencing upon notice to proceed through the end of September 30, 1997.

a. Inspection work shall be performed on a 24-hour, 7- day-per-week basis. RMS support for Contract Administration of Construction Management shall be performed on a standard 8 hour day, 40 hour week basis.

b. Inspection Start Date: The estimated date for starting inspection of dredging operations is June 1, 1997. The actual start date will depend on the mobilization schedule followed by the construction dredging contractor. The Government will notify the A-E 10 days in advance of the actual date for beginning inspection services. A-E shall have performed all procurements, training and other activities required to mobilize in time to commence inspection work as specified herein. A-E's mobilization activities shall be shown in the schedule submission prescribed under checkpoint 2 paragraph 5b(1).

c. RMS Start Date: RMS support shall commence upon award of this contract to perform the reviews and develop the plans needed to prepare for start of construction on or about June 1, 1997, as described under paragraph 4b, above, and as directed by the Contracting Officer.


a. Checkpoint 1 - Planning: Within 5 work days after award of this contract the A-E shall meet with the Contracting Officer and Corps of Engineers project team to ensure understanding of operating conditions, type of data to be collected, reports, procedures, safety and other requirements of this Task Order. The A-E shall introduce the proposed Project Manager who shall discuss personal qualifications for meeting the Requirements in paragraph 3a. The A-E shall propose preliminary organizational structure, and shall propose the form and timing of performing checkpoints 2 and 4 to ensure project launch is completed in time for start of construction operations on or about June 1, 1997. This meeting, including Action Items, shall be reported by the Communication Manager as prescribed by checkpoint 7. b. Checkpoint 2 - Planning: Within 5 work days after the meeting under checkpoint 1, the A-E shall:

(1) Submit a comprehensive Management Plan showing proposed staff and A-E organization to perform the Requirements

under paragraph 3, including a Quality Assurance plan prescribed under paragraph 3b(10). Provide a proposed schedule in CPM format, using Open Plan, and showing dates of mobilization, planning deliverables, procurements, configuration of computers for RMS, hiring of personnel, approval by the Contracting Officer of personnel, and training personnel, if required, as prescribed under Personnel paragraph 8c(2). Identify each individual who will prepare each of the reports specified herein.

(2) Submit the qualifications and resumes of personnel who will perform the Requirements under paragraph 3 (attachment no. 5), including the Project Manager, and as prescribed under Personnel paragraph 8. The Government will notify the A-E of all approved personnel.

(3) Submit a Safety Plan (two copies) prescribed under Requirements paragraph 3b(11). The Government will review and comment on the plan within 5 days of receipt of the submittal. No inspection work under this contract shall commence until the Safety Plan has been approved by the Government.

c. Checkpoint 3 - Progress Reviews: A-E Project Manager shall meet once a week with the COR to report progress in meeting schedule targets developed under checkpoint 2, and to coordinate on obtaining information and tasks needed to maintain scheduled progress. This meeting shall be reported as specified under checkpoint 1.

d. Checkpoint 4 - Planning: Within 15 work days after the meeting under checkpoint 1, A-E shall submit to the Contracting Officer:

(1) The assessment report of Contract Administration tasks and work flow specified under Requirements paragraph 3c(1) and (2).

(2) An RMS implementation plan as prescribed under Requirements paragraph 3c(3) for staffing, work flow and risk management to meet the needs shown in the assessment report.

(3) A joint "Automation" plan, developed in conjunction Corps of Engineers personnel designated by the Contracting Officer, to configure hardware and software called for under Requirements paragraph 3c(3). This plan shall support the Resident Management System (RMS) prescribed under Requirements paragraph 3c and CDCS specified under Task Order 2, by identifying how the Project Office will be configured to interface with A-E operations, the Corps of Engineers District computer network, and District business standards and practices, including the conveyance of A-E inspection reports, as prescribed under Requirements paragraph 3a(13).

e. Checkpoint 5 - Attend Preconstruction Conference: A-E Project Manager and Inspectors shall attend a preconstruction conference at a date and location to be established by the Contracting Officer. The A-E Project Manager shall assist in planning the conference agenda, and shall be prepared to present a summary explanation of RMS and Quality Assurance Inspection support, as directed by the Contracting Officer. The results of this meeting shall be reported as specified under checkpoint 1.

f. Reports: A-E Project Manager shall prepare the following reports:

(1) Checkpoint 6 - Daily Reports: For each 24 hour work cycle, submit (two copies) for all shifts of daily reports described hereunder. The report package shall be submitted using a Government transmittal (Eng Form 4025) listing each item in the report, by noon of next work day. Each 24 hour report "package" shall consist of the following: (a) Eng Form 27C; (b) SPD Form 9; (c) Contractor's Q/C Reports; (d) DDLS output; (e) safety inspections/enforcement report; (f) accident report (if any); (g) hydrographic or land surveys inspection report; and (h) log of events for that day.

(a) Daily Report of Operations - Hopper Dredging (Eng Form 27C).

(b) Daily Construction Inspection Report (SPD Form -9) - this report shall be submitted to the Project Engineer at the end of every 24 hours of dredging. The inspectors shall be required to perform safety inspections, dredge inspection and monitoring of instrumentation, disposal operations inspections, survey inspections, and conduct labor interviews during their regular shifts. The inspectors shall also maintain a log of events and/or discussions with the Contractor, the Contractor's personnel, and the Government's representative. Any errors, omissions and discrepancies between the Contractor's reports and the A-E inspector's reports shall be separately highlighted and discussed. Other inspection forms may be required depending upon the equipment utilized by the construction contractor and will be provided at that time.

(2) Checkpoint 7 - Progress Meetings: Notes shall be prepared of Weekly Progress Meetings with the Contractor, by the Communication Manager for inclusion in the electronic diary specified under Task Order 2 paragraph 5f(1), and submitted for review and comment by Government personnel, as designated by the Contracting Officer. An initial draft shall be submitted via Internet, or such other means as the Communication Manager determines. The A-E Project Manager shall assist the Project Engineer in correcting understandings and aligning the draft with the project record. A final version for distribution by the Project Engineer shall be submitted within 2 days after receipt of edits requested by the Government, with the aim that the Contractor receives the final version within 2 days of the next Progress Meeting.

(3) Checkpoint 8 - Other Communications: Notes for other project meetings, calls and analysis of documentation, including chronologies of issues from the electronic diary, shall be prepared by the Communication Manager under Task Order 2, and submitted as requested by the Contracting Officer. The A-E shall submit timely notice to the COR of issues which reflect potential claims arising from performance of the construction contract.

(4) Checkpoint 9 - Safety Reports: A-E Project Manager shall report safety violations, as prescribed under Requirements, paragraph 3b(9), and shall a report on safety meetings, including Contractor's weekly tool box meetings. Reports shall be in a manner approved by the Contracting Officer.

(5) Checkpoint 10 - Labor Exposure Report: Submit a monthly man-hour labor exposure report on SPD Form 94-R (attachment no. 7) giving total number of hours charged against the contract for each named employee assigned to this contract including overhead office manpower charges. This report shall be submitted within 5 working days after the end of the month.

(6) Checkpoint 11 - Monthly Summary Report: Submit a report on the status of construction dredging operations, in seven copies. This report shall be submitted within 15 work days after the end of each month. It shall contain an Executive Summary of key production factors, an Inspection Summary and an RMS Summary, with the following sections:

Construction Project Overview Dredge Site - Overview of Construction Area of Work Description of Cuts Contractor's Dredging Plant Dredge Buckets Scows Tugs Boats (e.g., Survey Boat, Crew Boat) Production Subcontractors Crew Description/Number Maps showing monthly progress Disposal Operations (for each site) Methodology Contractor's Disposal Plant Crew Description/Number Safety Overview General Safety Issues Violations to Corps' EM 385-1-1 Accidents and near accidents Schedule Photographs RMS Implementation Status Hardware/Software Performance Evaluation Correlation with Project Needs Coordination and Support from District Appendix Production/Operating Summary Tables for Each Dredging and Disposal operation Logs - Ocean Disposal A sample of the Monthly Summary Report is on file at the Construction Services Branch office in Sausalito and at the San Francisco District Headquarters. It shows the format and spreadsheet analyses to be included in the Monthly Summary Report for each of the sections prescribed above, as directed by the Contracting Officer, except for the RMS report which is new and shall include recommended actions and solutions.

(7) Checkpoint 12 - Project Completion Report: Within 10 work days after completion of the entire project, or of any portion of the project, if accepted in segments and requested by the Contracting Officer, the A-E shall submit a Summary Report (seven copies) of the dredging work completed including the disposal work. The report shall include a synopsis of project management, problems encountered, lessons learned, suggestions for improvements and any drawings, if necessary, to make the report clear. A summary outline of this report shall be submitted for approval prior or during initial development.

6. UNSATISFACTORY WORK - If the A-E's work is found to be unsatisfactory, and if it is determined that fault or negligence on the part of the A-E has caused the unsatisfactory condition, the A-E will be liable for all costs in connection with correcting the unsatisfactory work. Within 5 days of discovery thereof, the Contracting Officer shall give written notice of work that needs correction, and shall specify the Requirement within this Section C that is unsatisfactory, identify the corrections needed and the date when corrections should be performed. If A-E does not satisfactorily correct the work, the Government may make the corrections and charge the A-E for reasonable expenses incurred.

7. PAYMENTS: Submit payment estimates to:

U. S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco Bay Model Building, Construction Services Branch ATTN: Leonard SooHoo 2100 Bridgeway Sausalito, CA 94965 Should the A-E perform unsatisfactory work, fail to make timely inspections or submittals, the Government shall negotiate nonpayment of inspection time as required and as specified in paragraph 6.


a. General Qualifications - A-E personnel must be duly qualified and experienced to perform the type of required services in accordance with applicable government regulations, policies and standard operating procedures including, but not limited to that set forth in publications listed in the Technical Specifications section. The determination of whether personnel are duly qualified and experienced or whether the contractor's work is unsatisfactory will be made by the Contracting Officer or representative (COR). Personnel who are determined to be not qualified and/or experienced, or who do not perform the required services in accordance with the provisions herein, or who compromise or jeopardize the Government's position in any way, shall be replaced immediately at the A-E's own expense. Correction of work or reimbursement to the Government by the A-E shall be as set forth in Unsatisfactory Work, paragraph 6. A-E inspectors shall be thoroughly familiar with the construction phases of the respective work to which they are assigned. A-E inspectors may be assigned to any portion of this project wherein he/she meets the minimum qualifications for the level of inspection required, which will be determined by the Contracting Officer's Representative.

b. Specific Qualifications (1) Inspectors - The A-E Construction Quality Assurance inspectors must, at a minimum, have had experience and training described below: (Applicable education may be substituted for experience.)

Equiva- Construction lent Gov't Gen. Special- Quality Payment Exp. ized Total Mngt Safety Descr. Grade Yrs. Exp. Yrs. Years Training Trnq

Const QAR II GS-7 2 2 4 Yes Yes Const QAR III GS-9 2 3 5 Yes Yes

The general experience and specialized experience shall meet that described in the Qualifications Standards for Construction Control Series issued by the Office of Personnel Management except that specialized experience shall be limited to experience in earthwork placement, dredging, dredge disposal operations, hydrographic surveying, and general construction inspection as deemed applicable by the Contracting Officer or his/her authorized representative. Typical duties of Government personnel who perform quality assurance are set forth in job descriptions and are available for review at the U. S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco. All A-E Inspectors must be high school graduates and must meet the training requirements outlined above prior to being qualified by the Contracting Officer or his/her authorized representative.

(2) Project Manager - The A-E will designate in its Management Plan submitted under checkpoint 2 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5b(1) a Project Manager to act as authorized representative responsible for overall administration of this contract, and to perform inspection supervision and provide RMS support for Construction Management specified herein. The Project Manager shall meet the qualifications for inspectors under paragraph (1), above, and shall be fully qualified to ensure compliance by A-E inspectors with the standards prescribed under Technical Specifications paragraph 9 in performing inspection assignments issued by the Contracting Officer, or authorized representative (COR). The Project Manager further requires a minimum of 10 years experience managing projects, including supervision of inspection and preparation of reports, as prescribed under Requirements paragraph 3b, and shall have participated in and/or managed implementation of automated business systems as prescribed in paragraph 3c.

(3) The A-E may be requested to provide staff under this Task Order 1 for Contract Administration support in addition to the inspection personnel prescribed above.

c. Approval of Personnel - The A-E shall be responsible for furnishing personnel who meet the minimum qualifications of the contract and for the requirements level (A-E Inspectors - Quality Assurance II, III) as determined by the Contracting Officer's Representative for each assignment. The A-E shall furnish an outline of experience and qualifications for the Project Manager and for each A-E Inspector proposed to be used under this contract prior to any work being performed by each respective person. Each A-E Inspector proposed will be evaluated by the Construction Service Branch of Construction-Operations Division to determine his/her respective highest qualification level. Resumes should follow the Resume Format guide as set forth in attachment no. 4, and must address as a minimum all items listed in the Resume Format Guide. Resumes should be mailed to the address given in Packaging and Marking except that attention should be indicated for Chief, Construction Service Branch or Construction-Operations Division. Substitutions of personnel will only be allowed with written approval of Contracting Officer or authorized representative (COR).

(1) Approval Exceptions - When a COR determines that services are required which, due to exigency, do not allow sufficient time for approval to be granted, the A-E will be allowed to commence work pending said approval. The allowance by the Government for the A-E to perform services pending approval of personnel shall not constitute waiver of the qualification's provisions of this contract. Further, payment by the Government to the A-E for services satisfactorily performed while in an approval pending status shall not constitute approval of personnel who performed said services.

(2) Training - Training of A-E personnel is the responsibility of the A-E and each individual employee. [Except training on DDLS and on the automated management systems under paragraph (c) below, which will be provided by the Government.] As such, the A-E will bear all cost for the training. The training requirements of this paragraph shall not be performed during contract work hours, whether straight time, overtime or holiday time, and shall be scheduled by A-E as prescribed under checkpoint 2 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5b(1), as follows:

(a) Construction Quality Management - The A-E will be provided copies of Corps of Engineers Construction Quality Management Contract Workbooks and the accompanying video for his personnel's use in satisfying the Construction Quality Management training requirement. Only personnel who have attended all modules, completed all assignments, and who score higher than seventy (70) percent on the post test will be considered fully qualified to work on Government projects. It is the A-E's responsibility to ensure that personnel are adequately trained prior to beginning work. The A-E shall submit, as soon as completed, the copies of the exercises and the post test completed by each person assigned to perform quality assurance and related work on behalf of the Government. The A-E hereby agrees to return all Corps furnished training videos at the end of the contract.

(b) Safety - The A-E will be provided copies of Corps of Engineers Safety Manual (EM 385-1-1) and the applicable test forms. Only personnel who have completed the safety test and scored higher than seventy (70) percent will be considered fully qualified to work on Government projects. It is the A-E's responsibility to ensure that all personnel are adequately trained. The A-E shall submit, as soon as completed, the copies of the safety tests completed by each person the Contractor proposes to perform quality assurance and related work on behalf of the Government.

(c) Resident Management System (RMS) - The Corps of Engineers will be implementing the following automated management systems during the course of the Richmond Harbor project:

CEFMS PROMIS RMS Open Plan The Government will provide training on these systems necessary for A-E to support Construction Management at the Project Office, as provided in the A-E's Management Plan specified under checkpoint 2 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5b(1).

d. Personnel Management - Management of employees and the tasks they perform is the A-E's responsibility. The A-E is expected to furnish all supervision necessary in planning, organizing, performing and checking the work to produce the end products required by the Contracting Officer or his/her authorized representative. Contract Clause 56 of Section I, "Inspection of Services - Fixed Price" shall not be construed to permit Government supervision of the A-E's employees. All costs in connection with the A-E's management personnel are considered to be included in the contract price.

e. A-E's Authorized Representative (1) The Project Manager prescribed under Requirements paragraph 3a shall be the A-E's authorized representative responsible for overall administration of this contract, and A-E shall submit written authorization for the Project Manager to act on behalf of the A-E to perform this contract, which acts shall include sending and receiving all written communications between the A-E (including suppliers and subcontractors) and the Corps of Engineers on all matters pertaining to the administration of this contract. Administration under this paragraph pertains to interpretation of, changes in, payments for, and adequacy of the work prescribed in this Task Order. This A-E Project Manager shall be located at the Richmond Project Office to meet and work with the Project Engineer, daily, including provide Construction Management support using RMS.

(2) All costs in connection with the A-E's authorized representative for inspection and RMS support for Construction Management are considered to be included in the contract price.

(f) Substitutions - The A-E shall not make substitutions for individuals approved to perform in their respective capacities on contract work without prior approval of the Contracting Officer or his/her authorized representative (COR) and then only in accordance with the Personnel paragraphs above.


a. Technical Publications - All work performed under this contract shall be in accordance with the following publications, and the A-E's personnel shall be familiar with, comply with, and enforce the provisions:

(1) Corps of Engineers Manual EM 385-1-1 - Safety and Health Requirements Manual.

(2) Corps of Engineers Manual EM 1110-2-1003 (31 Oct 94), Hydrographic Surveying.

(3) Construction Inspector's Guide EP 425-1-262, EP 425-1-263, EP 415-1-264.

(4) Department of the Army, Engineering Regulation ER 1180-1-6, 30 Jun 94 - Construction Quality Management.

(5) Department of the Army, Inspection and Work Records, ER 415-1-302, 31 August 1989.

(6) OSHA regulations pertaining to construction dredging work.

(7) Construction Contract Administration (CCA) Guide, FY 97, Control #366.

b. Technical Discrepancies - When construction contract plans and specifications (applicable for construction work to which inspection personnel are assigned) are in conflict with the publications listed above, then the construction contract plans and specifications shall govern. When there appears to be a discrepancy between construction contract specifications, or the construction contract plans, or between any other regulations applicable to the construction contracts, or when there appears to be an ambiguity in any of these documents, then the A-E Inspector shall inform the Contracting Officer's Representative of the discrepancies or ambiguities.


a. General - Except as otherwise noted herein, the Contractor shall furnish all transportation, equipment, and supplies including, but not limited to, that listed in the following: transportation - gasoline, oil, tires, engine parts, body parts, accessory parts, repair parts and repair labor; equipment - calculators, typewriters, computers, scanners, measuring devices such as tapes and rulers, meters such as ohm and voltage meters; supplies - general office supplies including pencils, scissors, calendars, straight edge, dictionary reference manuals and fasteners such as staplers, and clips, etc.

b. Cost of Delivery - All cost incurred in the delivery to the worksite of vehicles, equipment, and supplies called forth herein shall be borne by the A-E.

c. Unsatisfactory Equipment - Any equipment which the Contracting Officer or authorized representative (COR) considers unsatisfactory for accurately performing the services shall be replaced immediately upon notification by the COR.

d. Communications - The A-E inspectors shall maintain continuous communication capability (cellular telephone, radio, etc.) to communicate with A-E project manager and the government representatives. The A-E shall use the Government network and the Internet as primary media for transmitting information, as developed under the joint "Automation" plan prescribed by checkpoint 4 in Schedule of Services paragraph 5d(3), and as approved by the Contracting Officer.