440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 6, 1995 11:30 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with EPT on developing PMI program plan, and Nov event.
.....Planning Tasks
..........How does the Nov Event schedule integrate with the Event
2...Approvals - Event Planning Needs Review Prior to Submission to Board
3...We considered what to submit to the Board to achieve stakeholder
.....Event CPM Master Plan
.....Description of Goals, Strategies, Methods
.....Submitted Docs - ref DIT 1 line 30
4...Ahmet will review reports on work to date for adequacy of current
5...Number of Events & Attendance
.....Event Program Concept/Goals
.........Attendance Inducement Strategy
6...Current Planning Comports with Professional Advice
7...Professional Development Jurisdiction
8...Ahmet said he will set up this meeting.
9...Consolidate Nov & Feb Events
10...Nov Event Success Requires Timely Approval by Board
.....Sheraton Palace Available for Nov Event
.....Speakers Available for Nov Event
11...General Support - PMP Candidates
12...We considered the advantage of meeting with Don Dibble and others who
13...Facilitator for Planning Meetings
14...Need to develop talent to focus on advertising copy, since this is a
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0202 - Taspinar Management Consulting 510 569 7471 fax 4636 O-00000276 0101
0203 - The Welch Company 415 781 5700 O-00000040 0101
PMI Event Program Communications
Meeting, Planning, General
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Followed up meeting with Bill DeHart at ref SDS 6 line 62, and
040602 - telecon with Ahmet at ref SDS 9 line 30.
040603 -
040604 - Worked on deciding the number and scope of events. Will coordinate
040605 - with Professional Development managers on joint efforts/jurisdiction,
040606 - or revise the scope of the Event Program Plan.
040607 -
040608 - Event Program Team is aiming for Board approval of the Event Program
040609 - Plan at the August Board meeting. Preliminary work on speakers, theme
040610 - and content is underway for all events.
040611 -
040612 -
0407 -
Event Program Plan, WBS/Schedule, Proposal
Reports: Program Event Plan, To PMI Board
Number of Events, Coordinate Professional Development Program
Attendance, Approval Meeting,
Goals, Strategies
1608 - Summary/Objective
1609 -
160901 - Preliminary CPM, per ref DIP 2 line 28, and ref SDS 5 line 66.
160902 -
160903 - Bill said he will have a preliminary CPM in a few days.
160904 -
160905 - Planning Tasks
160906 -
160907 - Ahmet said it is not necessary to prepare a CPM. He submitted a
160908 - budget form showing 2 events and columns to estimate revenues and
160909 - expenses, ref DRT 1 line 14.
160910 -
160911 - On the bottom of the form there are some initial planning
160912 - activities for the Nov Event, ref DRT 1 line 35.
160913 -
160914 - Question
160915 -
160916 - How does the Nov Event schedule integrate with the Event
160917 - Program plan?
160918 -
160919 - What are the activities for the Event Program Plan?
160920 -
160921 -
160922 - ..
160923 - Approvals - Event Planning Needs Review Prior to Submission to Board
160924 -
160925 - We considered what to submit to the Board to achieve stakeholder
160926 - buy-in that authorizes EPT to proceed.
160927 -
160928 - Event CPM Master Plan
160929 -
160930 - The advantage of submitting a preliminary "master" plan was
160931 - considered. Bill expects to have this in CPM format in time for
160932 - consideration by the PMI Board meeting on 950712.
160933 -
160934 - Description of Goals, Strategies, Methods
160935 -
160936 - Discussed the advantages of submitting a narrative explanation of
160937 - the Event Program in order to aid Board members in evaluating and
160938 - approving the proposed plan, per justification at ref SDS 3 line
160939 - 90, submitted by letter ref DIP 1 line 27.
160940 -
160941 - Ahmet said he did not receive the reports of prior meetings that
160942 - set out this explanation.
160943 -
160944 - The report ref DIP 3 line 33 on the meeting of 950601 at and
160945 - the report ref SDS 2 line 98, and the report ref DIP 1 line 27
160946 - on the meeting of 950608 at ref SDS 3 line 69.
160947 -
160948 - ..
160949 - Submitted Docs - ref DIT 1 line 30
160950 -
160951 - After the meeting, I prepared the reports again plus the meeting
160952 - with Bill on 950629, ref SDS 6 line 107, and supplemental
160953 - analysis of the Nov event at ref SDS 7 line 48, were given to
160954 - Ahmet under transmittal letter ref DIT 1 line 30.
160955 -
160956 - [See follow up showing Ahmet's support of proposed concepts,
160957 - goals and strategies, ref SDS 15 9562.]
160958 -
160959 -
160960 - No decision was made on what to submit to the Board on 950712.
160961 -
160962 - Ahmet will review reports on work to date for adequacy of current
160963 - planning for concept, goals, strategies, to decide what should be
160964 - submitted to the Board.
160965 -
160966 - [See follow up at ref SDS 15 9562.]
160967 -
160968 - Ahmet seemed to indicate the Event Program Team should be prepared to
160969 - seek approval of the Event Program Plan at the August Board meeting.
160970 -
160971 -
160972 - Number of Events & Attendance
160973 -
160974 - Ahmet said he has spoken to Don Dibble and others. They have
160975 - indicated that 4 Events proposed in telecon on 950601 at ref SDS 2
160976 - line 144, and submitted to the Board on 950612 at ref SDS 4 line 287,
160977 - may be too many. They suggest 2 events.
160978 -
160979 - Ahmet's submittal today reflects this suggestion.
160980 -
160981 - We reviewed the state of planning so far on 4 events. Ahmet indicated
160982 - he did not present the plan for drawing attendance at ref SDS 2 line
160983 - 221, and ref SDS 3 line 125 and ref SDS 3 line 260 in his discussions
160984 - with Don and others, because he had not received this information.
160985 -
160986 - [See follow up at ref SDS 15 line 75.]
160987 -
160988 -
160989 - Ahmet said Don and others indicate it is difficult to draw sufficient
160990 - attendance for 4 events, because members loose interest relative to
160991 - the cost.
160992 -
160993 -
160994 - Ahmet suggested market research be conducted to determine the
160995 - level of support in the membership for 4 events.
160996 -
160997 -
160998 - Event Program Concept/Goals
160999 -
161000 - We reviewed the Event Program concept to provide professional
161001 - development improving skills in management communications that
161002 - support career advancement and income, and organizational
161003 - productivity. These goals were identified in the 950608 meeting
161004 - in Oakland, see ref SDS 3 line 82 and ref SDS 3 line 271.
161005 -
161006 -
161007 - Attendance Inducement Strategy
161008 -
161009 - Events that impart professional skills to increase career and
161010 - income opportunities for attendees are seen as worthwhile
161011 - investments, e.g., getting PMP, MBA. Since communication is a
161012 - broad field, sufficient knowledge can only be imparted by a
161013 - series of related events. The PMI Communication Program
161014 - offers a series of events to improve professional skill that
161015 - is vital in the age of the Information Highway.
161016 -
161017 - The theme that "communication" is essential to community life
161018 - and so is the bedrock of business success, could result in
161019 - each event having increased attendance, rather than reduced
161020 - attendance, for two (2) reasons:
161021 -
161022 - 1. Each Event will be presented as a whole with powerful
161023 - insights about communications, yet close by explaining
161024 - challenging problems created by past solutions that will
161025 - be addressed in the next event. Attendees will be drawn
161026 - to grow their knowledge by completing the entire sequence
161027 - of events.
161028 -
161029 - 2. Attendees will be afforded the opportunity to gain follow
161030 - up support from trying ideas offered at prior events, ref
161031 - SDS 2 line 319. This comports with the PMBOK management
161032 - process (sec 3.2 p. 12):
161033 -
161034 -
161035 - Plan
161036 -
161037 -
161038 - Control Execute
161039 -
161040 - Thus, the opportunity for knowledge growth, testing and feed
161041 - back at subsequent events, may cause attendance for each event
161042 - to increase, as attendees spread the word about the unique
161043 - value imparted at PMI's Communication Program.
161044 -
161045 - The adequacy of these inducements should be considered by
161046 - professional event planners based on the quality of the programs,
161047 - attendance fees, membership base, competing events, etc.
161048 -
161049 - No conclusion or action items were established on this point,
161050 - however it may have been obviated by the subsequent discussion on
161051 - the number of events being planned.
161052 -
161053 -
161054 - Current Planning Comports with Professional Advice
161055 -
161056 - Discussion revealed current Event Program Planning is for 2 one day
161057 - events, ref SDS 2 line 278, and 2 multi-day events, Asilomar, ref SDS
161058 - 2 line 313, and ref SDS 6 line 447. Evidently there had been an
161059 - impression that planning was underway for 4 multi-day events.
161060 -
161061 -
161062 - Professional Development Jurisdiction
161063 -
161064 - Ahmet explained that one day events fall under the jurisdiction of
161065 - another PMI operation called Professional Development.
161066 -
161067 - Bill suggested we meet with the managers of these activities to ask
161068 - about their interest in supporting the Event Program plan for 2 one
161069 - day events on communications.
161070 -
161071 - Ahmet said he will set up this meeting.
161072 -
161073 - The fact that the first event is in Nov 95 indicates this work needs
161074 - to be expedited.
161075 -
161076 - Ahmet will suggest a meeting for an hour prior to the Board meeting on
161077 - 950712. He suggests the Event Program Plan include an optional course
161078 - of presenting only 2 events in case the Professional Development VPs
161079 - wish not to participate in the current Event Program Plan.
161080 -
1611 -
1612 -
Subject Index, Event Program Project
Planning, Jun Event, Content, Subject Index to Organize Projects
MPM & Communication Metrics
1806 -
180601 - A copy of the current Subject Index for the Event Program Plan was
180602 - submitted to Ahmet today via ref DIT 1 line 30.
180603 -
180604 -
180605 -
180606 -
1807 -
Dates of Events
Facilities & Location
Date of Event
2206 - Summary/Objective
2207 -
220701 - Ahmet said Asilomar has been scheduled for July 1996. Planning so far
220702 - was for June 1996, based on prior years, ref SDS 1 line 65.
220703 -
220704 - This means the following event should be moved from Aug to Sep so
220705 - there are at least 2 months between them.
220706 -
220707 - Location of Events based on geographic region, per ref SDS 3 line
220708 - 408, was not considered today.
220709 -
220710 -
220711 -
220712 -
2208 -
2209 -
Nov Event Planning, Risk Assessment
Combine Nov & Feb Events
Procurement, Facilities, Sheraton Palace, Speakers
3306 - Summary/Objective
3307 -
330701 - Ahmet had not had an opportunity to review the planning on this
330702 - because reports were not delivered, so we did not discuss the theme or
330703 - content, except with respect to the intent to draw an audience and to
330704 - promote attendance at the Feb event for supplemental Professional
330705 - Development material on Management Communications, ref SDS 2 line
330706 - 301.
330707 -
330708 - Consolidate Nov & Feb Events
330709 -
330710 - Bill proposed consolidating the proposed Nov event with the Feb
330711 - event, and making Feb 2 or 3 days. This will be necessary if work is
330712 - not begun on securing facilities, speakers and advertising soon for
330713 - a Nov event.
330714 -
330715 - Advantages
330716 -
330717 - More time is available to plan and implement following approval by
330718 - the Board.
330719 -
330720 - A multi-day event permits attendees to stay focused on the
330721 - continuity of ideas.
330722 -
330723 - Disadvantages
330724 -
330725 - A multi-day event in Feb at the Sheraton Palace hotel, could
330726 - detract from the traditional prominence of Asilomar in Jul.
330727 - Discussion seemed to indicate that since Asilomar is in Jul rather
330728 - than Jun, as previously expected, then this additional time
330729 - diminishes any overshadowing that might otherwise occur.
330730 -
330731 - Ahmet said eliminating a later 1996 event (e.g. Nov) would
330732 - frustrate the interest within PMI to recover from the Asilomar
330733 - situation this year.
330734 -
330735 -
330736 - Nov Event Success Requires Timely Approval by Board
330737 -
330738 - Discussion indicated a Nov Event can be achieved provided there is
330739 - early approval by the PMI Board, so work can commence.
330740 -
330741 - Sheraton Palace Available for Nov Event
330742 -
330743 - Ahmet said he has received a number of sales inquiries from the
330744 - Sheraton Palace, so he feels it can be arranged as late as Aug for
330745 - a Nov event.
330746 -
330747 - Speakers Available for Nov Event
330748 -
330749 - Similarly preliminary efforts have been made to secure speakers
330750 - for Nov, per ref SDS 11 line 28.
330751 -
330752 - Ed Scannell who was the introductory speaker for PMA is available
330753 - on 951111, ref SDS 16 line 132.
330754 -
330755 -
3308 -
Feb Event Speakers
3604 - Summary/Objective
3605 -
360501 - Availability as possible speaker was discussed of Tom Landauer who has
360502 - written a 1995 released book, "The Trouble with Computers," per ref
360503 - SDS 10 line 76. This fits the theme of exploring the impact of
360504 - technology on management communications and productivity.
360505 -
360506 -
3606 -
Sep Event, Location/Facilities
Theme: Project Manager: Dinasauer or Beacon
4005 - Summary/Objective
4006 -
400601 - Sep - Regional Event at Rancho Bernardo
400602 -
400603 - Considered panel discussion on role of Project Manager in relation to
400604 - internal and external projects, authority of contracts, lack of
400605 - authority of internal project managers, role of project leaders and
400606 - coordinators, all as discussed at ref SDS 13 line 139.
400607 -
400608 - Initial idea is to call the panel forum:
400609 -
400610 - Project Manager: Dinosaur or Beacon to the Future
400611 -
400612 -
400613 - Concept of this event is a joint Event with Southern Calif and PMI
400614 - NCC, per explanation at ref SDS 6 line 434.
400615 -
400616 -
400617 -
400618 -
4007 -
Project Managers & Staffing
Contributing Organizations
4305 - Summary/Objective
4306 -
430601 - The meeting began with need to assign project managers, particularly
430602 - for Nov and Feb events. The focus on the number of events to hold and
430603 - coordinating with the Professional Development managers, resulted in
430604 - no substantive discussion on this part of the plan.
430605 -
430606 - Three activities are needed by Event Program Team:
430607 -
430608 - 1. Identify and interview prospective PMs for skills, experience,
430609 - availability and interest in implementing the Event Program
430610 - Plan.
430611 -
430612 - 2. Identify and interview prospective Event Project Team staff for
430613 - skills, experience, availability and interest in implementing
430614 - the Event Program Plan.
430615 -
430616 - 3. In the meantime, planning and preliminary implementation needs
430617 - to be carried out, so that delays in getting steps 1 and 2
430618 - done, do not jeopardize completion of the mission.
430619 -
430620 -
430621 - General Support - PMP Candidates
430622 -
430623 - Ahmet brought a list of PMP candidates who need points and so may be
430624 - willing to contribute to the EPT.
430625 -
430626 -
430627 -
430628 -
4307 -
Event Planner, Facilitator to Support EPT
4704 - Summary/Objective
4705 -
470501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 568.
470502 -
470503 - We considered the advantage of meeting with Don Dibble and others who
470504 - have expertise in planning events so their ideas can be formulated in
470505 - relation to the current Event Program plan, as considered previously
470506 - at ref SDS 6 line 576.
470507 -
470508 - This is particularly helpful on planning the level of effort needed
470509 - to accomplish the Nov and/or Feb combined event.
470510 -
470511 -
470512 - Facilitator for Planning Meetings
470513 -
470514 - Bill reported discussions with Joan Knutson with PMM who has indicated
470515 - a willingness to provide facilitator support for a project launch
470516 - meeting, per ref SDS 8 line 52 and at ref SDS 12 line 45.
470517 -
470518 -
4706 -
Risk Assessment, Advertising
5004 - Summary/Objective
5005 -
500501 - Did not review any of the previous analysis at ref SDS 6 line 799.
500502 -
500503 - There is general awareness that Board approval is critical to the
500504 - success of a Nov event, and is near critical to success of a Feb
500505 - event. Board approval requires a plan. The meeting today showed the
500506 - plan requires coordination with the Professional Development managers
500507 - on goals, strategies, roles and projects, including themes, content
500508 - and speakers.
500509 -
500510 - [See follow up at ref SDS 17 line 190.]
500511 -
500512 - It appears the risk of delays in planning can be reduced by support of
500513 - a professional event planner and a facilitator at an Event Program
500514 - Team planning meeting.
500515 -
500516 - Need to develop talent to focus on advertising copy, since this is a
500517 - long lead item. An example is the notice of a Technology panel
500518 - discussion in Redwood City on 950718, received 950709 in the July
500519 - Newsletter, ref SDS 14 line 40. We can develop independent advertis-
500520 - ing and likely independent distribution, provided people are put in
500521 - place and begin work now. With all of the help available in PMI, with
500522 - a few people doing a little work early, we reduce the risk that 1 or 2
500523 - people will be called up on late in the game to do a lot with
500524 - attendant impact on quality.
500525 -
500526 -
500527 -
5006 -