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1...Need to contact Russ about supporting this effort.
2...1. Setting guidelines and objectives for shaping selection of
0202 - Taspinar Management Consulting 510 569 7471 fax 4636 O-00000276 0101
020201 - Mr. Ahmet Taspinar, PMP
PMI Events Program, Conceptual Scope Meeting
Explain Coordinated Event Concept
Purpose/Justification, Goals
0805 - ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
080702 -
080703 - Bob Thompson, Bill, Ahmet and I met at Olaveteos restaurant across the
080704 - street from the Rockridge BART station in Oakland.
080705 -
080706 - Developed goals and strategy for an event program to submit to the PMI
080707 - board on Monday, Jun 12, 1995. There will be 4 coordinated events on
080708 - communication management, and a likely presence at PMI's Project World
080709 - in Santa Clara in Dec.
080710 -
080711 -
080712 -
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - Background
0811 - ..
081101 - Initially (before Bill arrived) Ahmet asked about the ideas from
081102 - meetings on May 24, ref SDS 14 line 55, and Jun 1, ref SDS 15 line 82.
081103 - [He did not receive the memo submitted to him on this, ref DIP 5 line
081104 - 33.]
081105 -
081106 -
081107 - ..
081108 - Coordinated Events on Communications
081109 -
081110 - We considered the idea of coordinated events that build toward a
081111 - report on the viability and implementation of the PMBOK treatment of
081112 - communications, discussed with Ahmet at the May 17, PMI meeting, ref
081113 - SDS 12 line 278, and developed further on Jun 1, ref SDS 15 line 120
081114 - and ref SDS 15 line 411.
081115 -
081116 - Each event would offer ideas, techniques and solutions to enhance
081117 - professional development with the aim of improving management skills,
081118 - ref SDS 15 line 237, earnings potential and productivity of their
081119 - organizations.
081120 -
081121 -
081122 - ..
081123 - Justification
081124 -
081125 - Communications is the last frontier of improving management.
081126 - Cost, schedule and design have been automated, but little has
081127 - been done recently to help managers deal with the increased flow
081128 - of information arising from the "Information Highway" (see
081129 - Kerzner lecture sponsored by PMI on Feb 2, 1995, reviewed at ref
081130 - SDS 6 line 158). The problem of managers being swamped by too
081131 - many meetings, calls, faxes, documents, beepers, e-mail, with too
081132 - little time to think, was raised in Asilomar last year (1994) in
081133 - discussing Murphy's Law, ref SDS 5 line 236.
081134 -
081135 - "Communication" taught in MBA and other academic settings mainly
081136 - covers "leadership" objective of persuasion, ref SDS 13 line 139,
081137 - and omits serious treatment of ensuring understanding and timely
081138 - follow-up, essential to successful project management, per ref
081139 - DIP 2 line 40, ref SDS 8 line 85.
081140 - ..
081141 - Accordingly, there is strong demand for professional
081142 - development in management communications, ref SDS 8 line 74.
081143 -
081144 -
081145 - ..
081146 - Apply & Test PMBOK
081147 -
081148 - Ahmet was pleased about the progress made today and observed how easy
081149 - and simple Project Management can be when the PMBOK is followed to
081150 - develop a vision, strategies and tactics. It was decided a strong
081151 - effort will be made to use PMBOK standards in planning and executing
081152 - the Event Program. The final report on the Event program will assess
081153 - how well it can be applied by experts from an organization of "expert"
081154 - project managers using Modern Project Management.
081155 -
081156 - [See follow up at ref SDS 19 line 79, and ref SDS 28 line 45.]
081157 -
081158 - [See article for PMI NCC on 970612, ref SDS 34 line 77.]
081159 -
081160 - ..
081161 - Conceptual Framework - Begin with Traditional Methods
081162 -
081163 - The first event will cover traditional communications methodology,
081164 - ref SDS 15 line 272, the second will present the impact of technology
081165 - on communications, i.e., what's new, what's working, new problems from
081166 - unintended consequences, ref SDS 15 line 303. Both events will
081167 - develop information from attendees on their concerns, problems,
081168 - challenges and successes. This can be done by using Planning Theater
081169 - and Focus Group techniques, ref SDS 15 line 268, which would be part
081170 - of the training offered by the event.
081171 -
081172 - The results of these events will guide the program for Asilomar, ref
081173 - SDS 15 line 269, which can offer deeper, more comprehensive solu-
081174 - tions, ref SDS 15 line 309, along with group exercises to illustrate
081175 - key incites, ref SDS 17 line 46. This will treat the issue of a
081176 - "changing world" per ref SDS 7 line 134.
081177 - ..
081178 - Bob commented it is important to ensure attendees that they
081179 - will learn new ideas, as well as contribute material for Asilomar.
081180 -
081181 -
081182 -
081183 - ..
081184 - Report on PMBOK - PMI NCC Visibility
081185 -
081186 - The final event will review the draft of the report on the first three
081187 - events, leading to a final report from PMI NCC on the viability and
081188 - implementation of the Guide to PMBOK on communications, ref SDS 15
081189 - line 340.
081190 -
081191 - This report will give visibility to PMI as a leader in the industry
081192 - on critical issues to professional development.
081193 -
081194 - [Later considered event at Rancho Bernardo, ref SDS 23 line 34.]
081195 -
081196 -
081197 -
081198 -
0812 -
Project World - Coordinate PMI National
1104 -
110401 - Ahmet advised that PMI NCC has been offered space to contribute in
110402 - this PMI National event in December.
110403 -
110404 - We considered that since we would be one among many, and since much of
110405 - the planning on logistics will be controlled nationally, that this
110406 - event be considered at this time as supplemental to our main program
110407 - of four (4) events.
110408 -
110409 - We might use the Project World event to publicize the Chapter
110410 - generally, and include the fact we are sponsoring four dedicated
110411 - events this year and next to evaluate and implement communications
110412 - management relative to the PMBOK.
110413 -
110414 -
110415 - ..
110416 -
110417 - We need to contact PMI National rep to coordinate what facilities we
110418 - will have so we can plan what to do.
110419 -
110420 - What we might do is publicise our event program on communications
110421 - and invite attendance.
110422 -
110423 -
110424 -
1105 -
Event Program Team, Assign
1304 -
130401 - Ahmet will be the program manager. Bill, Bob and I will assist as
130402 - requested.
130403 -
130404 - The EPT will develop an event program plan setting out objectives and
130405 - scope of each event.
130406 -
130407 -
130408 - Ahmet expects to assign Project Managers for each event. The Project
130409 - Managers will assemble their team with assistance from the EPT.
130410 -
130411 - Project teams will implement the event program plan with assistance
130412 - from the EPT.
130413 -
130414 -
130415 -
1305 -
Preliminary Event Program Plan
Goals, Objectives, Strategies
Apply Results from Prior PMI Events
2007 -
200701 - ..
200702 - Vision & Goals
200703 -
200704 - We began the Event Program Plan by setting a goal to improve
200705 - professional development for the membership and visibility of PMI as a
200706 - leader in project management, by offering better methodologies for
200707 - communications, per ref SDS 11 line 91, and at ref SDS 15 line 118.
200708 -
200709 - We agreed "communications" is too broad to be meaningfully covered in
200710 - a single event, even a 3 day affair like Asilimar, so a series of
200711 - coordinated events on a single theme is appropriate, ref SDS 12 line
200712 - 187.
200713 -
200714 - [See results at Asilomar a year later, ref SDS 33 line 613.]
200715 - ..
200716 - Bob suggests the theme reflect the PMBOK, section 10:
200717 -
200718 -
200719 - "Communications Management"
200720 -
200721 - Bill feels the justification (shown above) advances this theme, ref
200722 - SDS 15 line 215. It was noted that Section 2.4.2 compliments Section
200723 - 10 which deals with determining lines of authority/reporting, when
200724 - reports are due, what forms to use, distribution and filing. This
200725 - offers flexibility in setting an agenda.
200726 -
200727 -
200728 - ..
200729 - Strategy
200730 -
200731 - The basic strategy is to have four (4) coordinated events the first
200732 - two of which offer ideas and collect input from membership. The
200733 - Asilomar event will build on the first two events, leading to a report
200734 - on findings and conclusions to improve communications, which PMI NCC
200735 - will publish. The 4th event can be a review of a preliminary report
200736 - on the findings and conclusions.
200737 -
200738 -
200739 - ..
200740 - Recycle Intellectual Capital from Prior Events
200741 -
200742 - These events will build on prior PMI events, i.e., we will recycle our
200743 - intellectual capital from, for example, Asilomar 1990 on:
200744 -
200745 - Management Communications
200746 - Trends, Tools & Techniques for the 90s and Beyond
200747 -
200748 - ...ref SDS 1 line 256, and ref SDS 5 line 244 on the "Murphy's
200749 - Law," to underscore the special needs of managers for communica-
200750 - tion support shown under the Justification (above).
200751 -
200752 - [We need Bill's report on 1994 Asilomar.]
200753 -
200754 -
200755 - ..
200756 - Speakers
200757 -
200758 - High profile speakers will offer drawing power for the program,
200759 - professionalism and traditional views in conjunction with speakers
200760 - on new ideas.
200761 -
200762 - Ahmet feels we can get Russ Archibald for the Planning Theater
200763 - event in November. Bob Gillis is also strong in this area.
200764 -
200765 - Might also get Mike Termini ref SDS 9 line 89, and/or Ed
200766 - Mahler, ref SDS 20 line 153. Another would be Ed Scannel, ref
200767 - SDS 10 line 54, for Nov event.
200768 -
200769 - [See follow up at ref SDS 22 line 144.]
200770 - ..
200771 - Need to contact Russ about supporting this effort.
200772 -
200773 -
2008 -
MPM, Construction, Communications, Concepts, Objectives
Notice Provisions Accomplished by SDS
MPM & Communication Metrics
Cost Schedule Communications - Enterprise
2707 -
270701 - ..
270702 - Modern Project Management
270703 -
270704 - Bob noted a general concern within PMI for more input from the
270705 - construction industry. There was discussion of the seeming distance
270706 - between PMI's mission of improving project management which has its
270707 - cultural roots in construction, and the zeal by many to rely on
270708 - gadgets (fax, e-mail, CPM programs) rather than using the "gadgets" to
270709 - implement sound management practice. For some the reliance on gadgets
270710 - has somehow become the meaning of...
270711 -
270712 - Modern Project Management
270713 -
270714 - ...which appears to conflict with PMI's stated explanation in
270715 - Pmnetwork by Fran Webster (Sep 20, 1993 p. 20) reviewed at ref
270716 - SDS 2 line 134. PMI's position is that automation should result
270717 - in greater application of sound management practice to explore
270718 - opportunities, implement initiatives and solve problems, rather
270719 - than to diminish the quality of management.
270720 -
270721 -
270722 - ..
270723 -
270724 - We examined the draft Guide to the PMBOK's explanation under section
270725 - of "communication skills," calling for the receiver of a
270726 - document to be responsible for making sure it is complete and
270727 - "understood correctly," as evidencing a disconnect between the
270728 - membership and sound management skills developed over thousands of
270729 - years in the construction industry (discussed at ref SDS 15 line 277.
270730 -
270731 - Another popular buz word notion of a "virtual" project team, cited in
270732 - PMnetwork articles like "Teams without Walls," reviewed at ref SDS 4
270733 - line 312, shows the danger of PMI moving away from its roots in
270734 - construction, where almost every project daily confronts the challenge
270735 - of managing a geographically diverse set of people and organizations
270736 - who are vital to project success. These are called "vendors" and
270737 - "subcontractors."
270738 - ..
270739 - Long established principles of communication known generally
270740 - as...
270741 -
270742 - ..
270743 -
270744 - "notice" provisions
270745 -
270746 - ...have evolved to meet this challenge which is new and foreign to
270747 - industries where most projects use mainly internal resources, like
270748 - Pharmaceuticals, Law, Information Technology, etc. What is lost on
270749 - many is that cultural heritage is not acquired by joining an
270750 - organization. Rather you have to work in the cultural and be
270751 - associated with those who have lived it for a long time. This was the
270752 - aim of PMI opening its doors for others to join. The result, however,
270753 - of inexperience rushing ahead is seen from the PMBOK's treatment of
270754 - communication skills discussed in the previous paragraph.
270755 -
270756 - [See example at ref SDS 24 line 248.]
270757 -
270758 -
270759 - ..
270760 - Construction Sig
270761 -
270762 - Ahmet indicated PMI NCC is forming a SIG for construction to
270763 - support this objective. Sherrill McDonald is heading it up. Will,
270764 - however, a construction SIG diminish the focus on the essential
270765 - cultural imperatives PMI was intended to embody and advance. Might
270766 - it not be better to simply admit that PMI is a construction
270767 - organization which other industries are joining to contribute and
270768 - acquire needed expertise, through exchange of ideas.
270769 -
270770 - [This position is not supported by the report on the history
270771 - of PMI at ref SDS 3 9752, except one of the first PMI members
270772 - seems to have been from construction. ref SDS 3 9445]
270773 - ..
270774 - Another idea might be to develop a group that looks at and
270775 - reports on the differences between internal and external project
270776 - manage- ment. This is a huge issue that has not been treated in
270777 - any depth.
270778 -
270779 - ..
270780 - The event program on communication will draw from traditions in
270781 - construction to present methods that improve project management in the
270782 - modern era, and thus form a stronger nexus between technological
270783 - advances which will continue to come, and the sound management
270784 - practice they are intended to serve (NOT replace), leading to a
270785 - practical notion of:
270786 -
270787 - ..
270788 - Modern Project Management
270789 -
270790 - ...following up understandings from Kerzner lecture, ref SDS 6
270791 - line 260 and discussions with Bill DeHart at ref SDS 15 line 295.
270792 -
270793 -
270794 - [See follow up at ref SDS 29 line 95 and ref SDS 30 line 48.]
270795 -
270796 -
2708 -
Dates & Advertising
3104 - ..
310401 - Considered publicizing the events in the Chapter Newsletter per
310402 - discussions last week, at ref SDS 15 line 159. The national PMI
310403 - publication, "Pmnetwork" will carry advertisements at no charge. They
310404 - will need several months notice, so we need to set a schedule of
310405 - events for Nov, 1995, Feb, July and Aug or Sep, 1996, per ref SDS 12
310406 - line 167 and ref SDS 15 line 174.
310407 -
310408 - ..
310409 - Action Needed in July
310410 -
310411 - Submit initial ad to Pmnet for the Nov event in July, i.e., next
310412 - month, so we can get several months notice.
310413 -
310414 - [Followed up but no action at ref SDS 26 line 62, Nov event
310415 - eventually dropped for lack of action.
310416 -
310417 - Ahmet plans to submit a preliminary schedule of events and actions to
310418 - support them, to the PMI Board meeting on Jun 12, next Monday.
310419 -
310420 - [This was done at ref SDS 21 line 197, later abandoned at ref SDS
310421 - 25 line 36.
310422 -
310423 -
310424 -
3105 -
Facilities & Location
3305 -
330501 - Followed up discussion at ref SDS 15 line 144 about having events for
330502 - the major geographic regions of the chapter. Ahmet presented the idea
330503 - of the first event in November be held at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in
330504 - San Francisco. It is centrally located, would be a good draw for
330505 - attendees, and has ample room for meetings, as seen from the event
330506 - today for David Packard, ref SDS 18 line 45.
330507 -
330508 - The Hyatt Regency would be another convenient location for the San
330509 - Francisco event.
330510 -
330511 - Bob suggested Oakland, possibly Jack London Square, for the East Bay
330512 - event.
330513 -
330514 - We need to contact these places now to get prices and
330515 - availability.
330516 -
330517 -
330518 -
330519 -
3306 -
Materials Provided for Attendees, e.g.,
3604 -
360401 - Handouts to attendees at the events should be coordinated to support
360402 - the theme of "Management Communications." Perhaps we should set an
360403 - overall budget and manage this as one issue for the four events. Each
360404 - event Project Manager would contribute along with speakers who will
360405 - want attendees to get certain materials.
360406 -
360407 - The Event Program Team might coordinate these efforts to ensure that
360408 - attendees walk away with something they can take to the office on
360409 - Monday morning and try to implement.
360410 -
360411 - [See follow up at ref SDS 27 line 515.]
360412 -
360413 -
360414 -
3605 -
Final Report, Speakers
3904 -
390401 - ..
390402 - Report Committee/Manager
390403 -
390404 - Someone, possibly Ahmet as Program Manager, needs to be working on
390405 - one or both of the following:
390406 -
390407 - 1. Setting guidelines and objectives for shaping selection of
390408 - speakers and shaping their presentations at each event, if we
390409 - decide to advance a correlated theory of communication.
390410 -
390411 - 2. Assembling results of each event to write a report.
390412 -
390413 - We need to be thinking about the goal or disposition of the report.
390414 - This will partly be answered by the findings and conclusions in the
390415 - report.
390416 -
390417 - [See follow up at ref SDS 31 line 82, and at ref SDS 32 line
390418 - 153.]
390419 -
390420 -
390421 -
390422 -
3905 -
Proposal to Board
4104 -
410401 - ..
410402 - Approval - Board Meeting Jun 12, 1995
410403 -
410404 - Ahmet plans to submit a preliminary proposal on Monday. Ahmet asked
410405 - me to attend. It will be at:
410406 -
410407 - Peterson Consulting
410408 - Spear Tower
410409 - One Market Plaza
410410 -
410411 - 415 956 3654
410412 -
410413 - [Followed up at ref SDS 21 line 286.]
410414 -
410415 - ..
410416 - After this step, we need to submit a formal proposal that Board
410417 - signs off on formally, so we get the proverbial buy-in.
410418 -
410419 -
410420 -
410421 -
4105 -
Communications & Communication Metrics
Modern Project Management (MPM)
Re-Engineer Project Management
4406 -
440601 - Need PMBOK from Bill
440602 -
440603 - Got this.
440604 -
440605 -
440606 - Need his comments on SDS Worker scenario
440607 -
440608 - Got this on a disk in Word format. His comments are in red.
440609 -
440610 - Looked at his comments this evening. There are very few,
440611 - however, it appears he did not get the entire document. His
440612 - comment document has only about half of the entire thing.
440613 -
440614 -
440615 -
440616 -
4407 -